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  • Blotter updated: 11/04/08

  • hang in there, fella

    File :1229276434.jpg-(20 KB, 288x287, polygraph.jpg)
    20 KB Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)12:40:34 No.2435230  
    i'm thinking about applying for a government job, but it seems like so many require security clearance... it seems like you have to have been raised in a monastery to pass the damn thing. i don't know who to talk to about this, so it's going to be you guys...

    1. have you ever applied for a government job?
    2. do you feel like you would qualify for security clearance?
    3. what would be your dream job in the government?
    4. what would be the most difficult thing about your life to explain to an interviewer that knows all your secrets?

    by the way, posting here negates question 2.
    >> www.kuro5hin.org 12/14/08(Sun)12:43:01 No.2435246
    1. Not yet. Plan to.
    2. Yep.
    3. National Security Adviser
    4. My porn collection and my admin account at Wikipedia.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)12:44:12 No.2435254
    1. No.
    2. Why, of course.
    3. Any position which whilst holding mild to scarce responsabilities, will allow me to live a fullfilling life.
    4. My fetishes :3
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)12:45:53 No.2435267
    1. no
    2. maybe after i stop drinking
    3. weapons design
    4. the fact that i have done drugs in my past
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)12:47:36 No.2435286
    First off be honest about everything. There's something called the whole person concept, which says if you used to be a fuckup but now you're not, then it's OK. Here's a list of appealed security clearances for DOD contractors. It may not directly relate to what you're doing, but it gives you an idea of the process. Also some of these are funny:

    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)12:49:04 No.2435299

    why would wikipedia be an issue?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)12:51:01 No.2435315
    1. Yes
    2. I did, although it takes forever
    3. A research position in one of the national labs
    4. I just had to prove that my father was a citizen, even though he was born overseas (in a US military hospital)
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)12:52:49 No.2435324
    It shows his loyalty to Israel over the US. It's well known that Wikipedia admins are all members of the Fighting Keyboardists of Zion
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)12:54:30 No.2435337

    awesome... what pay grade are you? did you have to do the polygraph test?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)12:56:44 No.2435357
    >shows his loyalty to Israel over the US.

    Seems like he'd fit right in to me.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)12:57:37 No.2435365
    'accessing inappropriate pornographic websites'

    i think none of you guys can apply
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)12:59:27 No.2435387
    I was just a lowly summer intern. I think I was a GG-9. No polygraph was necessary.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)13:01:05 No.2435412

    how was the program? did you like it?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)13:01:07 No.2435413
    how the hell would they know if you used drugs?

    do these people fail drug tests or fail polygraph tests when asked about usage????
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)13:03:28 No.2435439
    The only experience I have applying for a government job was a scam, I'm sure. I called a number in the paper for a postal service job. The way the woman explained to me, they were basically going to tell me everything I need to know to pass their little post office application test (probably a lot of common sense) and I think there was job placement involved. But it was NOT the USPS itself. And I had to pay them $190. I didn't have my checkbook at that moment, but I wouldn't have agreed to that anyway. Rip. OFF.
    Anyway, the postal service was laying people off, last time I checked.
    I'm having a really hard time finding any sort of job, though. Been looking for a month or more. I have no money in bank and live with family. Shit sux.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)13:05:26 No.2435457
    Yeah, I liked where I was working. It wasn't what I wanted to spend the rest of my career doing, but it was interesting work. Could have stayed on full time, but I went to grad school instead.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)13:05:46 No.2435459

    well, you have to polygraph for higher than confidential clearance. also, the questions they ask are very broad about drug use and do not ask for explanations. just yes or no.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)13:06:36 No.2435470

    You admit it yourself. If you don't and the .gov people find out, they revoke your clearance and/or take you to court for lying to them on the clearance forms.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)13:07:08 No.2435475

    This 57-year-employee had major illness and unemployment that caused financial difficulties. He filed Chapter 7 bankruptcy in 2005. The petition was discharged the same year. He has worked more than 30 years and is highly recommended by his employer. When he was 17 years old he had a charge for statutory rape but he was not convicted. He also had a conviction from the 1960's for destroying property and robbery. He has not had any other criminal conviction in 40 years. In 2005, Applicant was hunting with his bow and arrow. However, his sons and friends who were using guns had them in Applicant's truck. Applicant was charged with possession of a firearm but the charge was dismissed. Applicant fell behind in child support but he is paying on that obligation now through payroll deduction. He has mitigated the criminal conduct and the financial considerations concern. Clearance is granted.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)13:07:31 No.2435477

    what do you do now? what are your plans?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)13:10:47 No.2435494
    The Applicant is a 29 year old Linguist seeking employment with a defense contracting company. While working at GITMO as a linguist from 2004 to 2006, he received three separate complaints for misconduct. This misconduct included attempting to sponsor an authorized person into GITMO, accessing inappropriate pornographic websites and losing his security badges. Sufficient rehabilitation has not been shown. Clearance is denied.

    dear god.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)13:11:53 No.2435502
    I'm in the second year of a PhD program. I haven't decided on industry/govt or academia yet. I've still got 3+ years before I graduate.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)13:23:01 No.2435603

    Applicant has a history of choosing inappropriate locations to masturbate. His decision to masturbate in a church pool in 1986/1987, on three occasions in his office after work hours in 1998, and outside his home in January 2002 raise questions about his judgment and reliability. Such conduct is likely to make him vulnerable to coercion. He has not mitigated the security concerns related to this conduct. Clearance is denied.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)13:59:40 No.2435821

    i can read these things all day... it is kinda motivating me, actually.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)14:04:32 No.2435857
    1. No, but I did interview with a couple of FBI employees that were on campus.
    2. Maybe. I would definitely pass the credit checks, and I don't have any outstanding violations on my record. I was told that, the main thing I should never do is lie during the polygraph tests. According to the recruiters, "We don't care if you've done drugs in the past, as long as you aren't doing them now. Hell, even if you are, just be honest about it. Lack of integrity is an automatic disqualification."
    3. I'm an EET, so doing any sort of field work would be rad. I can get a job like that in any industry, but the FBI seems cooler.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)14:07:20 No.2435884
    I Do work for the government. I worked for the Department of Defense and (until recently) on the NSC staff. I am a foreign policy analyst. so here are the answers.
    1. Yes
    2. Yes. Your background doesn't have to be perfect, but you cant have anything serious in there recently. They understand that a 18 yo might make a few dumb mistakes, but you have better knocked it off by 20.
    3. National Security Advisor.
    4. A felony conviction for joy riding when I was 18.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)14:09:54 No.2435900
    1. Nope, might do in the future.
    2. Of course
    3. James Bond, but with more sex and less chance of dying.
    4. My trollan about supporting Al Qaeda on 4chan
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)14:10:12 No.2435902
    Applicant used marijuana on numerous occasions after receiving a clearance in 1983 and eligibility for access to Sensitive Compartmented Information in 2000. He did not disclose his marijuana use on his security clearance application in 2005. Clearance is denied.

    This made me rage a bit.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)14:11:45 No.2435913
    He poses a security risk.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)14:13:29 No.2435926
    so you think its OK to be hired by the govt then turn around and break its laws?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)14:14:07 No.2435932
    What school are you going to?
    What degree?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)14:17:55 No.2435966

    when you applied for your job, did you feel like your application would not be considered due to your felony conviction? did you have to disclose everything before the DOD was interested in hiring you?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)14:18:15 No.2435969

    It's more an issue that marijuana use alone would negate an otherwise worthy candidate.

    Let's get our priorities straight.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)14:19:21 No.2435976

    i know... i hate hippies.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)14:23:20 No.2436007
    The government don't want to employ people who break the law? Heaven forbid!
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)14:23:54 No.2436012
    1. I work for the government.
    2. Already qualified for all secure areas at the facility
    3. I design and build and program surveillance robots (fucking awesome)
    4. 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)14:27:03 No.2436043
    I did not know how it would affect me at the time. I was upfront about it and gave them a ream of paperwork from professors and employers, my parole officer, everybody I could think of.
    I told them from the get go about it and they kept telling me that I would not be automatically denied for it but it was a big deal. My co interns and boss told me not to expect too much. But they approved it on the first go round.
    Key factors was the fact that I had Very good credit, had not even a traffic ticket since and had no record of drug abuse, and had excellent grades all the way through grad school.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)14:27:31 No.2436047
    holy shit that guy on the right looks like abe lincoln without the beard
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)14:29:11 No.2436062
    If you pose a security risk it doesn't matter what your other qualifications are.
    do you go to 4chan from work? What division do you work at?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)14:31:35 No.2436086

    what was the interview process like?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)14:32:29 No.2436096


    Applicant was convicted of illegal possession of child pornography, a felony. He downloaded images four or five times a week for ten months, downloading about 1,000 images. He saved about 100 images, many of young but sexually developed girls, because he found them sexually stimulating. He was sentenced to five years in jail, suspended, and five years of supervised probation. He will be on probation until about October 2011. Clearance is denied.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)14:34:22 No.2436116

    probably more the fact that he lied about it
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)14:34:54 No.2436123
    I was going to apply for the CIA, but it says you cannot have used illegal drugs in the past year. Unfortunately, I have smoked weed probably about 9 months ago (just graduated college)...so I dunno if I should just wait, or what.
    It does say use of illegal drugs in the past year will be decided on a 'case-by-case' basis.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)14:37:27 No.2436158
    I never go here from work. Thats just nuts.
    But when I worked at the DoD I borrowed a co-workers i-phone touch and saw that he had been going here on it. Whether that was while he was at work or not I do not know.

    As far as where I work I used to work in the Congressional Liaison office at the DoD. Last year I was offered a new job on the NSC staff. Now I will be looking for a new position. Maybe back with DoD or even private sector.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)14:37:47 No.2436160
    they're not really concerned about him smoking a joint. if they were, they'd prosecute him for it.

    the issue is that he chose to do something illegal AFTER he was hired into a secure position. If he's willing to place self gratification over the laws of the land, then he's a security risk.

    Imagine if he's willing to sell minor secrets to Iran for $10,000. It's the same exact situation.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)14:39:22 No.2436171

    Not really. There's kind of a huge difference between smoking pot and treason.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)14:40:13 No.2436178

    i have a simular issue, although with another agency. i smoked over the 4th of july but really wish i hadn't. i can do without the stuff... now i am considering joining some substance abuse program to deal with this.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)14:40:58 No.2436184
    1. No
    2. US born and raised
    3. CIA Operative
    4. Juvenile arrest record for shoplifting. Charges dismissed, but guilty as sin. Was a klepto, still get the urge to swipe things now and then. Dunno if that would help be as a spy :P
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)14:42:57 No.2436206
    ok wasn't completely honest there. technically it was burglary and grand theft, since i went in with the intention of grabbing stuff and tried to run off with over $400 in goods.
    >> AM !!/CJ7Dj5CNz0 12/14/08(Sun)14:43:44 No.2436211
    It's not as bad as you think it is.
    I assume you're an American applying to a U.S. Government job.
    1. Yes
    2. Yes
    4. DUI

    Dude, they don't care that you've done drugs in the past, they want you to admit what you've done and not have any secrets or allegiances that could bite you (and them) in the ass later. If you have prior major felonies than you might not be right for a government job as well.

    Most government clearances are SECRET. Which is the equivalent of a background check that any major employer would do. They're concerned with prior police reports, outstanding warrants, etc only caring about MAJOR crimes, not the usual piddly teenage shit.

    Top Secret: okay they might come out and talk to your friends and family.

    Top Secret/SCSI: they're talking to some of your friends and family (some investigators are more determined than others) and you'll go through a polygraph (it's not that bad, most of the investigators are friendly, some are ex-cops and get a little too into the thing but those tend to get removed). If you're questionable sanity-wise, they'll do a psych eval.

    hope that clarifies the process somewhat. finally: stop freaking out about the drugs. be honest with them and don't do them WHILE holding a TS or above clearance.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)14:44:34 No.2436220
    PROTIP - if you ever want a job with a security clearance, don't ever take anti depressants or pull some fake ass emo faggotry like pretending you're depressed. it's like the kiss of death
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)14:46:12 No.2436236
    What should I do? Weed isn't the only drug I've ever done; I've snorted a line of coke once, but that was probably about close to 5 years ago. Done shrooms a few times, 3-4 years ago...I dunno if they get into all that. I'm clean other than that, no record of doing anything bad. I have stolen things though.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)14:47:05 No.2436243
    maybe wait a few years, grow up etc.. then try again.
    >> AM !!/CJ7Dj5CNz0 12/14/08(Sun)14:47:10 No.2436245
    just shut up. people in the government are all kinds of crazy. quit passing on stupid rumors
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)14:48:44 No.2436253
    Being a Klepto will not help you being a spy. Spies are more like Robert Redford in Spy Game than James Bond.
    Don't tell them you think you are a klepto, unless they ask you during a polygraph, then you are fucked anyway. Just be honest about the rest of it.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)14:48:52 No.2436255
    yeah I'm sure the Military/FBI/CIA/NSA really want some whiny depressed fag to work for them. Can you imagine an air traffic controller who was a cutter? LOL
    >> AM !!/CJ7Dj5CNz0 12/14/08(Sun)14:50:20 No.2436266
    yes, I've met them. you're an idiot that has no idea what's going on.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)14:53:36 No.2436292

    This is a link to the Office of Personnel Management. Most secret clearance jobs require you to fill out a SF-86. You can look at a blank copy in PDF form here.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)14:54:37 No.2436305

    thank you. that is very helpful.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)14:56:41 No.2436318
    Seconded. I've met people with some serious shit going on in their heads in positions I thought would preclude serious mental deficiencies.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)14:58:20 No.2436335
    teh file is damaged and could not be repaired....wat?????
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)14:59:32 No.2436348

    i'm really curious as to what your 3.--- is.
    >> AM !!/CJ7Dj5CNz0 12/14/08(Sun)15:00:07 No.2436352
    mathematicians tend to be a little crazy. no correction, a metric fuck ton of crazy. we called some of them wall-lickers because they would walk next to walls, tracing the wall with their hand.

    if those guys can get in, other peeps have a good chance as well
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)15:01:33 No.2436361
    works for me. i dunno mac are superior lol. just google sf86
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)15:02:37 No.2436368

    oh jesus. you emo fags want validation AND opportunity? fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)15:03:30 No.2436373
    For a 16-month period Applicant engaged in frequent and sustained high risk behavior by engaging in sexual encounters with individuals she met on the internet or while frequenting night clubs. Her behavior continued until she was arrested for prostitution after placing an ad for sex in an open classified internet site. She placed the ad using her company computer while holding a security clearance and on temporary duty assigned to give software training to federal law enforcement support personnel. Applicant was unable to mitigate security concerns under sexual behavior, information technology, and personal conduct. Clearance is denied.

    wow... she sounds fun.
    >> AM !!/CJ7Dj5CNz0 12/14/08(Sun)15:04:07 No.2436377
    Asymmetric Warfare Information Analyst is one of the positions I've held. The names of jobs are designed to be obscure.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)15:06:48 No.2436405
    you can also find the file under gsa.gov's forms link, where you will find standard form 86.

    also, save the file to your hard drive by right clicking and selecting save as. it will open with adobe acrobat which you can find at adobe.com.

    next, enroll in vocational computer training, such as that found at itt-tech.com. they will teach you many great skills about file management.
    >> AM !!/CJ7Dj5CNz0 12/14/08(Sun)15:08:45 No.2436429
    Jobs that require security clearances are just jobs, not superhero shit. If you ever make it into the secure world you will be quite disappointed. Personally, I recommend staying in the corporate world and making more money. Government service means service.

    There's a reason that the second leading cause of selling secrets is due to money troubles. the gov pay is decent but not great and you'd make twice what you would in the corp sector for the exact same work as a contractor.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)15:08:55 No.2436433
    sorry, this >>2436335
    was for >>2436405
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)15:14:14 No.2436476
    I don't really have anything on my record, so the "interview" was basically just signing paperwork. I've never had any negative contact with law enforcement/government so I was in pretty good shape. Also never done drugs
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)15:18:10 No.2436516

    are you mormon? who the hell has never taken drugs before? i know that all the smart kids from my high school have smoked pot except for the mormons.
    >> AM !!/CJ7Dj5CNz0 12/14/08(Sun)15:21:00 No.2436551
    you'd make HALF (or even a third) what you would in the corp sector for the exact same work as a contractor.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)15:22:37 No.2436572
    look i'm not into comparing dicks alright. i'm just saying that for the intense positions, depression will become a factor in hiring. maybe not on the security end but i know the cia and fbi do psychological assessments and they don't do them for entertainment.

    you're living in dreamworld if you think a bipolar faggot can get a ssbi
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)15:26:51 No.2436616

    even with the greater pay, private contractors still must screen their employees and undergo the same clearances as within our government agencies.
    >> AM !!/CJ7Dj5CNz0 12/14/08(Sun)15:28:42 No.2436640
    intense work?

    95% of gov jobs are not intense. you want a security clearance, get an accounting degree.

    if you're looking to get a job as a CIA/FBI field op/agent the process will be different but most gov jobs are boring and take place in giant, secure, office buildings.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)15:29:41 No.2436652
    Applicant is 39 years old and not married. He had a seven-year relationship with a woman he met over the internet, but never met in person. He became engaged to her and sent her substantial sums of money during those seven years. Although he lost access to sensitive compartmented information (SCI) with another Defense agency as a consequence of it, he continued the relationship for another year while working for his current employer, another defense contractor. He failed to mitigate the security concerns raised under Guideline E, pertaining to Personal Conduct. Clearance is denied.

    >> AM !!/CJ7Dj5CNz0 12/14/08(Sun)15:32:23 No.2436688
    I was referring to:
    1 and 3 from original post

    but yes I agree, contractors have to get same or similar clearances to work in the same area. though when we called tech support we'd turn off some screens before they arrived. they couldn't have gotten some of the clearances but then they weren't locked into a gov job either.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)15:32:25 No.2436689
    4.2 GPA in high school
    never touched an illegal substance
    also, never drank while i was underageb&
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)15:40:37 No.2436772
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    Hey its me, the quiet Indian American student who sat in the back. While you filthy neckbeards were playing vidya, failing class, and engaged in low level thievery and drug use, I was busy working the books. Now it's job hunting time, and I've got a great GPA and solid references to carry me forward. What do you have? A resume with links to your greatest posts on 4chan? You guys are so funny, seriously. My parents came here with nothing, and I've never forgotten that. It drives me. Oh well, maybe you can stay with your rich mom while you look for a job. Just don't tell her about the hidden folder on your hard drive!
    >> AM !!/CJ7Dj5CNz0 12/14/08(Sun)15:41:05 No.2436775
    one guy in the 80's over in Europe got turned a double to the Russians in a similar situation, poor douchebag. if I remember correctly he turned himself in before doing anything stupid.

    brb, going to find the CIA report (open info) about this shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)15:44:09 No.2436813
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    if you dont have a portfolio, you don't have shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)15:45:51 No.2436835
    Ironically, with the economy as it is, if you DO have a portfolio you are quite likely to also have shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)15:46:48 No.2436846
    gpa doesn't help you get a job. just wanted to remind you of that.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)15:49:51 No.2436888
    Exactly right. 99% of business will look at a 3.8 and say, ok, can you show me any examples of your work?
    >> AM !!/CJ7Dj5CNz0 12/14/08(Sun)15:51:22 No.2436902
    fuck it, I'm tired and have to finish some school work. interesting sites:

    they have some really interesting classified info: http://fas.org/

    a good idea of how boring gov jobs truly are: https://www.cia.gov/library/index.html

    good read, especially in reference to how smart people can believe in really stupid theories (IRAQ HAS WMD's AAAAAHHHHHHH KILL IT KILL IT KILL IT):

    remember gov jobs are just like civilian jobs, just with a little more paper work and less pay
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)15:55:05 No.2436940

    rage. i have held great jobs without these things, including systems integration, home automation, industrial automation, network administration. i learned these things not from books, but from experience and guts. and further, i've had a really fun and fulfilling life so far, despite a period of being on the fringe of society. i've traveled, explored, loved, drank and partied. i've also organized successful charity events and rallied suport around a cause... report back to us once you've tasted the fruits of life, then i'll consider what you have to say. in the meantime, stfu.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)15:56:04 No.2436952

    hey, thanks for all your input! take care.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)15:59:42 No.2436989

    Also, the new book "Shadow Factory" is a good guide for the intel community.
    >> Anonymouse 12/14/08(Sun)16:01:11 No.2437004
    >1. have you ever applied for a government job?
    Yes. Fish and Wildlife.
    >2. do you feel like you would qualify for security clearance?
    I *could*, but not if they had any way of really finding the truth about me.
    >3. what would be your dream job in the government?
    Forgotten bureaucrat, someone who is paid in high five figures to do almost nothing. With no supervisor.
    >4. what would be the most difficult thing about your life to explain to an interviewer that knows all your secrets?
    Irrelevant. No interviewer can know all your secrets. Even hooking you up to a "lie detector" is dependent on what questions they ask. Besides, she knew what she was doing. And she looked 18 to me.
    >> AM !!/CJ7Dj5CNz0 12/14/08(Sun)16:03:59 No.2437030
    one last thing


    we used to read his books on the floor and giggle

    secret moving walls HAHAHAHA

    the government appreciates all of the misinformation he spews, free counter-intel is free
    >> Metalfag !!WukOxuQwP1j 12/14/08(Sun)16:11:07 No.2437122
    Applicant used marijuana over 100 times between 1972 and 2007. He stated that he does not intend to use marijuana again but that he would if it was offered to him. The record supports the Judge's conclusion that Applicant is an unlawful used of marijuana. Adverse decision affirmed.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)16:11:40 No.2437128
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    1. No, I have not applied for a government job?
    2. Maybe. I'm sort of sketchy with no friends and no family. I live in a quiet little world of my own making. This either makes me perfect or perfectly undesirable. I don't know which.

    > 3. What would be your dream job in the government?
    Ah, now here's the good question! Ideally, some sort of research/blue-sky type job where I'd write reports on future trends. Lots of time doing statistics and studying databases. Ideally, this would be best if there were NO DEADLINES with my project either.

    4. I have a bad memory, so I'd feel very insecure during the interview. The interviewer probably knows more about my life than I can remember. He could tell me lies and I couldn't refute them, as I wouldn't be so sure myself.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)16:19:03 No.2437226

    a quiet world of your own making? you don't have anyone you come in contact with?
    >> Mirrored !EhE8ram93U 12/14/08(Sun)16:23:06 No.2437266
    1. Yes, Department of Justice.
    2. Maybe.
    3. US Attorney General or Supreme Court Justice.
    4. I have probably slept with too many girls to hold office.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)16:23:21 No.2437272
    Crap. I'd fail on question #16:
    >List three people who know you well [...] for 7 years
    I have two problems with this:
    1. No friendship has ever lasted that long for me
    2. No one knows me well.

    The more I type, the more I start feeling like that hitman in the movie with Nicole Kidman.
    >> Metalfag !!WukOxuQwP1j 12/14/08(Sun)16:24:47 No.2437295
    Applicant mitigated the security concerns raised by his January 2004 molestation of his minor step-child by the passage of time, the public knowledge of the offense, the favorable prognoses from his psychotherapist and the psychiatrist who performed his pre-sentencing evaluation. Clearnce granted.

    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)16:26:40 No.2437317
    Except for 4chan, everyone I deal with in the world is a purely transactional thing: If I need X, then I go to the guy or girl who has X and exchange money for it.

    At work, I show up in the morning, say hello to whoever I might meet on my way to the office, work all day, then say good to whoever is left in the evening. I doubt many people know my name although I haven't changed companies in over ten years.

    Outside of work, you can usually find me at the grocery store or at home. Alone.
    >> AM !!/CJ7Dj5CNz0 12/14/08(Sun)16:28:48 No.2437338
    you should probably apply to the gov then if you want to. you sound like a perfect worker bee

    what's your degree in?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)16:31:21 No.2437366
    its the federal government not a neckbeard contest. you are exactly the type of person i don't want my tax dollars to go to
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)16:31:57 No.2437378
    I have five years of undergrad education in chemistry, physics, computer science, German language and literature, philosophy, and electronics. I also have no degree (and really wish I did).
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)16:32:37 No.2437389
    shit, using marijuana 100 times between 1972 and 2007 is a bad thing???? i smoked weed in college and probably used it around 400 times...i don't anymore of course, and haven't for almost a year. should i not bother applying??
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)16:34:34 No.2437422
    Yeah, I am the perfect worker bee. Sitting at my office desk sometimes, I look up from the computer screen to ponder if there might be something more to this world. But the moment passes and I get back to work.

    I hate vacations, by the way. I have no clue what to do when I'm not at work. I have all my vacation days since 2005 even though they're not officially bankable where I work.
    >> AM !!/CJ7Dj5CNz0 12/14/08(Sun)16:35:51 No.2437437
    1) finish your degree. preferably maths, you sound like an NSA type, I'm not kidding and it's kind of an insult in some circles. you'd fit in there, from what you've said so far. people have a tendency to get "lost" in their structures and can bend their job to some extent. if you can justify your "blue sky" stuff as relating to national security than you've got a good chance of being able to work on it and get paid.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)16:38:21 No.2437468
         File :1229290701.png-(32 KB, 600x600, 1175730834058.png)
    32 KB
    That's very tempting. This Anon is 34 though. It's probably too late for me to go back to school. You know what they say about old dogs and new tricks.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)16:38:41 No.2437473

    actually, if you read what they are asking, they want you to provide consecutive references over a 7 year span. so, 3 years and the 4 years would be ok.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)16:40:17 No.2437488
    I know a 70 year old that just finished her undergrad in comp science. finish your degree. soon. some of your credits have probably already expired.

    stop whining and just do it.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)16:43:37 No.2437521
    Yeah, I really should do something with my life while I still have one. Having an unrewarding job is sort of eating away at my insides.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)16:47:14 No.2437558
    think of it as an exciting new hobby. like pokemon where you try to collect 'em all

    with approx 120 you get to go to the next level!
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)16:48:24 No.2437565
    does anyone know how to answer this?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)16:50:26 No.2437582
    yes, apply. the CIA's reqs are more stringent. most agencies just care that you've stopped taking drugs and aren't dealing or still hanging out with your old dealer(s)

    yes, apply.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)16:51:50 No.2437592
    ok, thanks man

    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)16:51:56 No.2437594
    I remember when I was 34. Ahhh, to be young again.

    I don't like my job very much, although it pays very well, so I started a new career last year. It's a bitch starting from the bottom in anything but I'm having a blast.

    Live is not supposed to suck.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)16:55:59 No.2437643

    well, look at all the applications that get shitcanned because of drug use. it may have been a year without use but without entering a treatment plan, there is no mitigation and you get denied. if it has been two years, that would be different.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)16:58:59 No.2437676
    those are people that already have clearances, which means they are held to a different standard than applicants
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)17:02:52 No.2437710
    No it isn't. Life is to be *something*. I only wonder what that something is.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)17:04:12 No.2437726

    it appears that some are review hearings, where revocation is approved or denied, but clearly there are a significant number of appeals for new applicants. look at the nomenclature.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)17:07:21 No.2437760

    life is a subjective rendering. to it's smallest detail, it is what you make it to be.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)17:16:01 No.2437860
    how the fuck are you going to revoke a clearance that an applicant wouldn't have

    Applicant used marijuana on numerous occasions after receiving a clearance in 1983 and eligibility for access to Sensitive Compartmented Information in 2000. He did not disclose his marijuana use on his security clearance application in 2005. Clearance is denied.

    The Applicant is a 34 year old Production Engineering Support Technician with a defense contracting company. His arrest and methamphetamine use in 2005, while holding a security clearance, and his failure to reveal this adverse information during his special security access investigation in 2006, has not been mitigated. Sufficient rehabilitation has not been shown. Clearance is denied.


    Applicant used marijuana over 100 times between 1972 and 2007. He stated that he does not intend to use marijuana again but that he would if it was offered to him. The record supports the Judge's conclusion that Applicant is an unlawful used of marijuana. Adverse decision affirmed.

    which the applicant shows no sign that he would not use marijuana

    if the applicant had said that he would not use drugs while holding a clearance, he probably would have been granted clearance
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:04:46 No.2438403
    I *did* used to have a job in the government (UK Civil Service), and as a result I managed to get security clearance. It was easy in my case, since literally everyone in my family has worked for the government, and we're apparently trustworthy. Ideally, I'd like to be something like Permanent Undersecretary or something in the Foreign Office.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:11:10 No.2438463

    Admit it, you just want to be Humphrey from Yes, Minister.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:51:04 No.2438848
    white people helping white people? in the UK? i'm shocked!
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:01:59 No.2438955
    Do u love the southside...?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:31:41 No.2441865
    Hell yes! He's the one secretly in charge, after all.

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