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  • File :1230436387.jpg-(62 KB, 506x755, episode 1.jpg)
    62 KB The Phantom Menace Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)22:53 No.2434065  
    Alright now I am just curious. How many people started watching Star Wars because of this movie? This was the movie that got me hooked onto the franchise and made me want to watch the originals in full. Once I did, it got me excited for Episode II. How many people had this movie as their first Star Wars film?

    Also I realize that a lot of people were disappointed by the outcome, but should I consider myself lucky that I never even seen the original trilogy all the way though before I watched this film?
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)22:55 No.2434078
    Kill yourself.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)22:55 No.2434081
         File :1230436548.jpg-(46 KB, 353x450, Jar Jar Binks..jpg)
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    Now why the fuck do I suddenly have the urge to tie this motherfucker down and fuck his asshole? I want him to scream, "Hesa is raping mesa!" Does this officially count as bestiality?
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)22:56 No.2434085
    I got introduced into Star Wars when the original trilogy was remastered and re-released on VHS circa 1995 - 1997.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)22:56 No.2434089
    You're stupid.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)22:58 No.2434093
    I remember seeing parts of that version, but I don't think I ever saw the entire thing throw until I got back from seeing Episode I and wanted to watch the others.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)22:59 No.2434098
    I lol'd
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)23:02 No.2434117
    O molely molely. You pipi in mesa's asshole is makin' mesa hornsa.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)23:09 No.2434145
    I saw A New Hope when I was about 10 or so at a summer camp. It was in a room full of other kids and we watched it on a small TV with a VHS copy from the late 80s or so.

    Had a great time. After that we had the option of watching Empire or Return afterwards. We opted to watch Return and skip Empire. I didn't see Empire until a few years later.

    So, I saw the original trilogy first, but out of order. And I saw the versions of them before Lucas decided to fuck them up.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)23:14 No.2434182
    For me.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)23:51 No.2434337
    I'm just curious because I never done this before. Does everything work well together if you were to watch all six movies in one sitting on one day?
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)23:53 No.2434341
    Haven't ever marathoned Star Wars before. I'm curious to see how everything holds up when you watch them all at once.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)23:58 No.2434360
    I did this before, in fact I make it a Christmas tradition that me and my brother watch. However we need three days since there are six movies.

    Episode III and Episode IV holds up together. Probably because we do not get to the meat of the main plot until RotJ.

    Someday I want to watch them all in one sitting. TPM then a brief intermission, AOTC then intermission, ROTS then intermission, ANH then intermission... well you get the idea.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)00:01 No.2434372
    It probably would, but there are a few gaps of years in between each story.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)00:11 No.2434432
    How many years are the gaps?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)00:14 No.2434443
    um, perhaps i'm an old fuck, but I started with the first one as they came out.

    I saw it in the theater in 1977

    i actually gave up after seeing the return of the jedi in the theater - the ewoks ruined the whole franchise from that point on.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)00:18 No.2434470
    fuckin youngfag
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)00:21 No.2434482

    lol, sure I'll go with that, never been called that before
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)00:23 No.2434495

    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)00:24 No.2434503
    Kind of makes you feel old doesn't it? When there are more eighteen year olds and underage b&s then your age group.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)00:31 No.2434545

    explain yourself faggot
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)00:32 No.2434548
    When I watch the original trilogy, the magic of the original Star Wars universe is alive within me again. As soon as they end, all that prequel bullshit surfaces and it becomes bland. But at least I have those hours while watching. Kids these days can never have that. Pity is too weak a word to describe what I feel for them.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)00:35 No.2434562
    IV V VI digitally remastered versions of IV V VI and then I II III
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)00:40 No.2434587
    Do I need to explain this!

    Darth Vader was cool in the original run, but then the prequel shit made him look like a complete whinny faggot

    Nuff said!
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)00:42 No.2434601

    I feel sorry for the people who watched this one first. As a child my dad introduced me to the fourth movie, and we picked up the remasetered special edition three pack VHS tapes from a pawn shop. And I loved them. And they're still sitting here next to me right now.

    I really do not like the first three at all. It just... the title of the movies is "Star Wars". The first three should be entitled "Star Lightsabre Battles". There really is no other way to put it. The fourth, fifth and sixth movies show huge battles and war rooms and battle plans. The first three contains CGI effect after effect and lightsabre battle after battle. And the fourth fifth and sixth movies outshine them anyway! I don't remember any of the second movie, but I can nearly recite the fourth by heart. The finales are all so much more.. epic, I believe is the word. The fourth has Luke blowing up the death star without using his targeting device. The fifth has Han Solo being frozen in carbon. The sixth has Luke fighting his god damned father.

    The first has.... a young anikan skywalker accidently blowing up a ship while screaming with joy? The second has.. well I can't remember. The third admittedly is pretty cool, but once again it's just an over glorified lightsabre battle.

    One last bit of food for thought, to reinforce the whole "war" vs "lightsabre" thing: When the last three were out, video games of flying ships against other ships were being released in the starwars vein. Now that the first three are out, we have a bunch of lightsabre battle shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)01:10 No.2434773
         File :1230444635.jpg-(33 KB, 420x511, Battle for Naboo.jpg)
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    I beg to differ.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)01:15 No.2434798
    One thing I have noticed from watching the originals (just) is that they both just connect, they are really more separated.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)01:44 No.2434938
    That was fun.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)01:46 No.2434946

    We're still swamped with underaged/b&'s from winter break.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)01:49 No.2434959
    I'm already on winter break.

    Birthyear: 1990

    In case you think I'm underage b&.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)02:12 No.2435124
    Oldfag up in this,

    I viewed them in order.
    OT, NT

    Episodes 1, 2 and 3 made me hate the franchise.
    They do have some cool parts but the story got rapored.

    I wish someone else takes the reigns and directs some Knights of the Old republic shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)02:15 No.2435143
    How can Episode 1 be the first Star Wars movie you ever saw? Are you 14?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)02:19 No.2435168
    I was born in 1990. I never really like Star Wars which lead me to just watch parts of the original, but never all the way through. When I went to the theater I got hooked on the franchise and it made me want to watch the originals all the way through.

    For some reason watching just IV through VI feels incredibly short for some reason since I'm used to watching all six in order.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)02:22 No.2435187
    >Birthyear: 1990

    >I was born in 1990.

    Sweet Christ on a crutch. I feel old. On the up side, you missed all the quality of the early to mid nineties and had to grow up with boy bands and emo. I feel better now.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)02:24 No.2435197
    Say what you might, but I do think that the prequels are nice to look at. The sets and individual shots all have a good bit of depth and have things that you pick up on in repeat viewings. I wish they would just be released as silent films, since that's more or less what that asshat Lucas wanted anyway.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)02:27 No.2435206
    I never even heard of emo until I discovered the Internet in the Millennium. Also weren't punks and goths popular, I had a sheltered life so I never knew what went down though the nineties. I just know what cartoons I watched.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)02:29 No.2435214
    I watched the original after this just to see what the fuss was about. It was shit. I don't know why people were so surprised the prequels followed suit.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)02:29 No.2435217
    I was also born in 1990 but had seen the other movies before this one. Then again I had to rewatch them because I had forgotten a lot.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)02:29 No.2435218
    Luckily, I saw all three of the OT in theaters when the special editions got rereleased. That was '97, right? Unfortunately, I also saw I and II in theaters, and enjoyed them profusely until I knew better. I've probably seen II like ten times, but the last time, a few months ago, I just couldn't get over how shitty it was. Battles were still sweet, but everything else...
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)02:30 No.2435222
    Goths yeah. Punks a bit. Early 90s was grunge and alternative, mid-90s alternative (for me, anyway) as well as the rise of rave. Electronic music and what not. Also, great TV, some classic movies. Watching The X-Files and MST3K during their original broadcasts. The dawn of the internet, logging on to AOL 4.0 on a 26.6 connection. It's the little things, really.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)03:58 No.2435610
    I was introduced when the remastered trilogy came out...however I like the newer ones more just for the fact they are more action packed the old ones have bad effects and horrible lightsaber fights...
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)04:20 No.2435702
    Fuck people who saw the prequels first. I'll never be able to relate to someone like that. The fact that the cheap flash and shit quality of the new movies will attract kids pisses me off. You know when movies have a scene where a kid insults the government or going to college or something and the Dad gives him a verbal and/or physical thrashing? That's what it'll be like at my house regarding the original Star Wars trilogy. And if they even try to talk about the prequels without sufficient reason, evidence, and thorough explanation they will be backhanded into a galaxy far, far away...
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)04:25 No.2435729
    Oh, you remember that whirring beep sound AOL used to make when you were logging on? Ah, memories.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)04:46 No.2435848
    I wasn't aware of Star Wars until I was about 5. But I've always been exposed to it because of it's huge impact on popular culture.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)04:49 No.2435867
    I'm still proud to be born in the nineties though, because as you said. The Web was born and gave this generation access to previous generation's fun.

    Not sure if serious.jpg

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