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    File: 1336894383.png-(222 KB, 583x295, koreankaraoke.png)
    222 KB Sex trafficking OP !!jotCPry2Cja 05/13/12(Sun)03:33:03 No.2433453  
    Hi /r9k/, my friend and I believe we may have stumbled onto a sex trafficking organization and we're trying to figure out the next step.

    A friend of mine and I were driving through the Asian part of town tonight and we saw this random Korean karaoke place. We figured that white people busting up a Korean joint and singing some K-Pop was a Thing To Do so we walked in.

    First of all, the layout of the place was bizarre. It had a few rooms on the left and right as we walked in, completely empty. Music was playing but no one was in there. We walked down the hall and as soon as the lady at the desk saw us, she became visibly spooked, yelled "Unni!" and ran off into another room. It wasn't clear whether she spoke English or not.

    We waited for a second and another woman came out of the back room and asked "Have you been here before?" We said no, and she said "Members only" and hurried us out.

    I thought this was just a case of "Get out of here whitey" but my friend had just watched a documentary on sex trafficking, and the more we thought about it the more it seemed suspicious.

    >> OP !!jotCPry2Cja 05/13/12(Sun)03:33:24 No.2433457

    We decided to do some detective work, so we drove up to the nearest (legit) Korean karaoke place up the road. We asked the guy at the counter about that place, and he changed the subject and pointed us to a few other karaoke places. When I pressed on and insisted he tell us about that place, he said "Oh, you really don't want to go there. That's a place you go if you want to rent a car."

    I'm guessing that was an awkward euphemism for "that's the place you go if you want a ride." So I guess what we're trying to figure out is A) does this smack of sex trafficking or just a run-of-the-mill brothel, and B) who should we contact if we want to bust this place up?

    I care less about shutting down a random brothel, but if there's twelve year old girls or people working in slavery conditions I can't keep this on my conscience.

    Pic related: It's the place on Google Maps. After some hangul research it looks like it says "Do Rae Bi". We think it might be a stupid pun on Do Re Mi, maybe relating to the Korean singer Bi/Rain. There's no information about this place to be found on Yelp or any other source we've found.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)03:35:32 No.2433480
    Good work, problem sleuth.

    But you can't do anything about it. Just report it to the police.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)03:35:43 No.2433482
    If you think there's crime, call the cops.
    >> OP !!jotCPry2Cja 05/13/12(Sun)03:36:52 No.2433489
    Yeah, but who? The local cops? The FBI? I've never really ran into something like this before
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)03:37:40 No.2433497

    The thing says no re bang, which is korean for karaoke.

    And yes, some places like karaoke, salons and massage parlors are brothels.

    It's just a run of the mill brothel, and they probably refused you because you are white.

    Usually the old fashion korean madams that run brothels don't like doing business with foreigners.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)03:38:13 No.2433503
    Pretty sure the local cops will tell the FBI if they think it's serious and/or international.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)03:38:53 No.2433511
    > 2012
    > not using this information to blackmail them and get free middle-aged Korean poon until they get frightened and decide to murder you and stuff your body in a dufflebag
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)03:42:12 No.2433535
    sounds like a good plan to me
    >> OP !!jotCPry2Cja 05/13/12(Sun)03:43:38 No.2433545
    That makes sense, thanks. Our translation was pretty derpy now that I think about it

    But like, I'm concerned about why the first woman was so scared when we came in. I mean, she screamed, knocked shit over, and bolted out of the room. Both her and the presumed madame appeared to be less than 30 years old.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)03:43:44 No.2433546
    It says noraebang which means karaoke....not doraebi.

    Methinks you're just being suspicious for no reason.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)03:45:40 No.2433565
    Good work OP, now contact the police. Don't call, go to the station because they'll want you to come down anyway.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)03:47:25 No.2433576

    Trust me, they really don't like foreigners.

    I'm korean, I've lived in korean towns, I've lived in korea.

    They really don't like foreigners, they always suspect the worst when it comes from foreigners.

    Even though asians can be just as bad.

    Did you catch what they were wearing by any chance?
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)03:48:36 No.2433584
    >a Thing To Do

    the way you talk I'd rather hang with sex traffickers than you

    this is not a Real Problem though because your story is Cool, Bro and A Load Of Shit

    Eat A Dick, Faggot
    >> OP !!jotCPry2Cja 05/13/12(Sun)03:49:58 No.2433598
    I believe you. They were both very thin and they wore loose-fitting dresses. The first woman's dress was blue, the second's was more of light pink color. By loose-fitting I don't mean baggy, I mean that they hung off their frame a little bit and you couldn't see the exact definition of their bodies.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)03:51:04 No.2433606
    >I'm concerned about why the first woman was so scared when we came in

    probably because you're a white guy who's trying to get the business shut down

    i mean that's my guess
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)03:52:09 No.2433613

    I was working in san fransisco during chinese new year

    Went into the noodle shop on the corner and the owner and one of his girl workers were very unfriendly
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)03:58:39 No.2433658

    Watch more shitty police procedurals. The FBI get involved when a crime spans multiple states. They have no jurisdiction overseas.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)03:58:46 No.2433659

    Most likely just your average brothel, don't bother with it.

    You might actually piss some cops off that are getting free poon from the place.

    If you can get a korean guy to come with you, they might not act so scared, and might offer their services.

    But most likely you would get ripped off, so avoid going there again.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)04:01:51 No.2433682
    >someone tells a story on /r9k/ where they have friends and leave the house for something other than work
    >automatic lie
    Yeah I can understand that
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)04:07:10 No.2433716
    OP this guy is the owner of the illegal, sex-trafficking brothel and he's trying to trick you.

    I recommend blackmailing him for sweet sweet twelve year old korean vagoo
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)04:07:32 No.2433717
    Donut use traffick as a verb OP that's what governments do. They say that and 'rick assment' and 'sgow us the projected buggetary allowances' and makes u sound like a tool.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)05:06:25 No.2434037
    something like this at my work. i work at a grocery store. it's pretty much open 24/7. between 10:30 and 11 there will be these people koreans, japs, chinies, asian, don't know what they are, they are standing, sitting in the lobby waiting for the ride. sometimes it will be 1 person and other times it will be like 6 of them. they get dropped off by one van and then another van picks them up.

    when i first got the job and saw them i just assumed that they were people from japanes place down the parking lot. once i noticed they never walk to the store it wasn't them.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)05:08:52 No.2434051
    you sure have jurisdiction in making yourself look like an idiot
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)05:10:54 No.2434059

    I'm just basing this off my encounters.

    Never did I say "this is the holy book on korean brothels, follow my word or perish."

    He can call the police, FBI, etc and do whatever he wants to do.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)06:45:30 No.2434775
    Like everyone said OP you want to go down to your local sheriffs office and talk to them to see their options and generally tell them about your suspicions. Also you should give the national human trafficking hotline a call to get connected with your local anti trafficking group.


    "Run of the mill brothels" Still contain women forced into this business, dont let that term desensitize you. If you really suspect this is going on, then you need to tell someone about it, this stuff is terrible.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)06:49:01 No.2434801
    Fuck this pansy ass "call the police" bullshit. It's time to go vigilante on their ass.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)06:51:18 No.2434816
    that's a really blurry picture but my first instinct was that it says noraebang, as in yknow, karaoke.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)06:56:11 No.2434851
    >I care less about shutting down a random brothel, but if there's twelve year old girls or people working in slavery conditions I can't keep this on my conscience.

    I somehow doubt its the latter dude. What kind of shithole would you have to live in, for Korean slaves to be imported and used?
    >> sp∆cenip !AV/rN8uETM 05/13/12(Sun)06:57:40 No.2434858
    im sure this isnt the only place, why not try shut down all the others if youre so righteous
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)10:30:54 No.2436147
    Sounds like a run of the mill Korean brothel. White people get ushered out. Cops don't care if it's just a run of the mill brothel. Trafficking does exist, but it's usually more complicated and not black and white. The usual situation is that the young woman's relative ran up a big mafia debt BACK IN KOREA, and she has to work off the debt, or the relative BACK IN KOREA gets killed or whatever. It's not nice, but what can the FBI do? Shut down the operation and send them home (or give them T visas), so that she and her family are forever harrassed/beaten up back in Korea, I guess.

    Google "operation gilded cage," a huge FBI-run Korean sex trafficking bust years ago.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)10:34:34 No.2436165
    >They have no jurisdiction overseas.

    No shit, sherlock. But when crime spans multiple COUNTRIES, and the US is one of them, the FBI carries out or supervises the stateside investigation, and works with Interpol or foreign law enforcement agencies.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)10:35:25 No.2436175

    Pretty sure there's a place on the FBI's website to report suspected human trafficking. You could also check out Homeland Security or ICE's websites and see if you can find anything.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)10:41:47 No.2436210

    Little known fact: the FBI has many field offices outside the US. Federal Bureau of INVESTIGATION. They are not LEOs outside the US, but 1) they work with local police if the country sucks American cock 2) if the country really sucks American cock, they let the FBI just arrest people 3) they watch and investigate people outside the US, which often doesn't require any LEO powers, just doing legwork.

    I wish I could remember what country I was in -- I went to a business meeting in an office building, and was surprised to see a US DEA office in the building, thousands of miles away from the US.
    >> potatoe !!QICGhr+GlMG 05/13/12(Sun)10:41:58 No.2436211
    This calls for trench coats and fedoras op. You should watch the place for a while and see what kind of shit goes down. Bring a camera with you.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)10:42:14 No.2436213
    >mfw sheltered americans find a brothel and think it's a shocking crime against humanity to investigate, expose, and report

    hurur Id fucking durrr mfhrrrrrrrrrrr
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)10:44:37 No.2436227
    >find a brothel and think it's a shocking crime against humanity

    The difference between a legal, openly existing brothel, and a hidden, illegal brothel is the difference between maids and slaves.

    Go listen to some Linkin Park or something, because you're 2 kool and edgy for this thread.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)10:45:49 No.2436233
    Fuck with them by getting a korean guy to write I CAN SEE WHAT YOU'RE DOING HERE in korean letters with pig blood on a piece of paper, wrap it around a rock and throw through their windows at night.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)10:48:11 No.2436244
    Brothels are illegal. There are no legal brothels. I'm not even the guy you're responding to, but its just a place where prostitutes get fucked. Quit acting like its some horrible travesty against nature. I feel bad for all the koreans OP is putting out of business.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)10:49:41 No.2436250

    You must be new to the Korean Mafia.

    Korean Mafia punishment for snitches: you're anally raped in a hotel room by 10 Nigerian guys, video is posted online.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)10:50:17 No.2436254
    maybe its something like this that they tried to replicate in (wherever the fuck you are)
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)10:50:36 No.2436256
    >There are no legal brothels.


    >I'm not even the guy you're responding to, but its just a place where prostitutes get fucked. Quit acting like its some horrible travesty against nature.

    I guess if you think slavery and near-slavery by criminal enterprises and organizations is cool, then you're right, my argument really doesn't have a leg to stand on.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)10:51:06 No.2436259
    OP if you aren't shitting us, I'd say go to the police but give it a few weeks. Because if this is a legitimate sex trafficking organization or whatever and a few days after a couple of clueless white guys stumble in and they get busted? You might get killed.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)10:53:34 No.2436273
    Wow big fucking woop.

    Do you even get monetary rewards for discovering brothels?

    I wouldn't bother getting involved in deep shit like that unless there are good rewards.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)10:53:45 No.2436274

    Do you guys really think the police don't know what goes on in these places? Of course they know. They either don't care, or don't have admissable evidence, or both. If it's just run of the mill suckie-suckie happening, they don't want to commit the resources to make the arrests. If there's slavery or drugs, they call in the feds to spend fed money on it.

    source: used to hang out with a bunch of fbi agents
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)10:59:15 No.2436333
    Just report it OP, besides unless the cops in your place of residence are really corrupt, they'd look into it.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)11:02:01 No.2436362
    Uh, he said Asian part of town. I take he isn't actually in Korea. Maybe i'm being hugely fucking biased because i'm American, but here, prostitution is always illegal.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)11:12:08 No.2436452

    How do you not know about legal brothels?
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)11:20:38 No.2436522
    I literally live above a massage parlor that's a front for a brothel and everyone knows it but the cops can't do shit about it because theres no way to prove it's being run as a prostitution business if the criminals are good enough at money laundering, which they are since they also own half the legit businesses in this shithole.

    You should still go ahead and call the cops and hope it isn't a similar "they know, can't do shit about it" situation since it really is just underage girls getting raped all day.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)11:22:03 No.2436536

    Different guy, but how do you also not know about foreign criminal organizations having a presence on US soil? Mafia, Russian mob, Yakuza, Korean mafia, Mexican cartels...You think these organizations remain solely in their countries of origin?
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)11:26:00 No.2436561
    Fucking Roman.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)11:26:36 No.2436567
    Well I'm speaking as someone who stumbled into a human trafficking ring once, so I was saying this thinking of some sort of slavery with potentially underage workers.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)11:32:07 No.2436610
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)11:42:19 No.2436685
    One of the only interesting threads going around right now.

    Seeing as you've already asked a reliable source and the place has come across as being suspicious as fuck, don't hesitate to contact the police about it. That's what they're there for. I don't get why some people are so reluctant to approach the cops nowadays.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)12:02:47 No.2436828
    >A recent women's studies graduate from Sacramento State, Dylan planned to use the money to finance graduate school and said "I feel empowered because I am being pro-choice with my body.

    Oh god, /r9k/ was right after all.

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