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    11 KB Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)21:59:16 No.2429914  
    I'm tired of being poor. I have $100 in my bank account and can't find a job. Probably going to be homeless soon.
    >can't get a job
    >need experience to get a job
    >can't get experience without the job
    >one of the requirements for like 90% of the jobs I see listed is own car
    >can't afford car without a job
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)22:03:09 No.2429945
    Same OP. How get out of poor mode and into rich mode?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)22:04:07 No.2429951
    If you can, why not volunteer in the area you're trying to break into? It's a good way to gain experience and meet future employers, or the people who can help you find one/recommend you. Sure, you won't get paid, but it'll eventually lead to a job (unless you fuck it up somehow).
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)22:06:07 No.2429962
    This. My friend who has autism started off as a volunteer at a local place that deals with autistics and now he's the head manager of the entire place and rolling in dough.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)22:07:03 No.2429971
    I am so fucking sick of poor people who "can't find jobs".

    I worked at eight different jobs last year. Eight. I left every one of them on my own terms and for my own reasons. My state was supposedly in the "top five" worst affected by the economy.

    So fuck you. How about you quit being a useless shit and apply for a fucking job.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)22:07:42 No.2429980
    just lie like everyone else, you idiot
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)22:08:12 No.2429988
    employment agency dude
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)22:08:36 No.2429992
    I went into over 30 stores this week alone and personally spoke to managers and handed in resumes and cover letters, had little chats with them about employment, dressed nicely (shirt, black pants, black shoes) well groomed etc.

    So yeah, I am applying for jobs.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)22:08:42 No.2429994
    Same here. I've had 4 jobs in the last four months. (two I quit for moving) Suck up your pride and flip some burgers, asshole.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)22:10:13 No.2430006
    Are you calling the employers a week or so after submitting your shit?

    Also, go for fast food joints.

    I got hired at Wendy's, I lied about having a GED and I have no previous employment history. They'll take anyone, especially before summer.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)22:10:55 No.2430011
    >Implying I haven't been turned down for fast food joints even though I have 3 years experience at McDonalds
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)22:12:54 No.2430031
    Funny that you brought up flipping burgers:

    McDonald's had a hiring event last year for 50 000 positions, and they got over a million applications. Apparently, there's even people who are competing for those jobs.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)22:14:21 No.2430051
    >Sign up for school
    >get Financial Aid
    >Get education
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)22:15:07 No.2430058
    Here ya go
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)22:15:15 No.2430060
    Of course, you have people fighting over the bottom of the barrel type stuff and it makes it really fucking hard.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)22:16:15 No.2430075
    I'm at uni. I get $500 a fortnight. All of it goes to rent/bills. Sometimes I even have enough to eat too! But only some times.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)22:18:29 No.2430103
    "little chats" take what, ten minutes TOPS?
    When you really think about it those conversations last two minutes if you include the time it took you to find the manager.

    I could hit thirty stores before lunch on the first day. In fact, you're fucking around here instead of doing online applications as we speak.

    Like my dad used to say, "If you wanted a job, you would have a job"
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)22:18:53 No.2430110
    >$500 a fortnight

    How the fuck did you pull this off?

    That's almost max you can get for financial aid, and the school takes out what you owe for tuition first
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)22:19:06 No.2430114
    You're making more than I am, then.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)22:20:18 No.2430129

    You sound silver-spoon as fuck man.

    And your dad came from an economy that was good if you've forgotten.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)22:20:57 No.2430139
    It's called not living in America.

    It's Mothers Day. Shits closed, son.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)22:22:12 No.2430150
    >It's called not living in America.

    Then use the correct currency symbols for your country you stupid fuck.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)22:25:54 No.2430176
    But my country does use $?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)22:27:31 No.2430187
    Dude, spot-on with the Wendy's thing.

    There was an ad on Craiglist for part-time jobs at Wendy's, so I went in after school (underage fag here), and filled out an application. I turn it in and the lady at the counter had be immediately do an interview with the manager that was there. 5 minute interview later, she offered me a job, starting when I get done with school.

    It was crazy, I honestly did get lucky. I didn't have any prior experience and just had neighbors as my references. Got offered a job then and there. GO TO FUCKING WENDY'S.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)22:27:40 No.2430188
    Gub'mint pays me 190 a week for social anxiety

    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)22:28:09 No.2430192
    You don't know very much about the seventies, do you?

    No, I'm not "silver spoon". Nobody ever gave me anything. I'm just smart enough to know bitching about not having a job on the internet will not get you a job. Do you think that's what upper management people do if they ever find themselves out of work? No. Because they're adults and they go look for a job like adults.

    I know what you're thinking. "But, anon they have experience and I don't it's not possible for someone like meeeeee"
    If you handicap yourself like this you deserve to be unemployed. Again, I barely passed high school and I have no college degrees. I have a job, you don't. Maybe you should quit taking sympathy from other unemployed losers who hang out here all day and look for a job.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)22:30:20 No.2430222
    >he thinks America is the only place that uses the $ symbol!

    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)22:30:24 No.2430224
    >No, I'm not "silver spoon"
    Yea, you are.

    Anyone that claims you can just "get" a job is silver spooned or from a community that's silver spooned compared to the rest of the world.

    Look past the gated community Jimmy, and see the world someday.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)23:39:13 No.2430952
    >Apply to a local CC
    >Apply for FAFSA
    >If you go to a CC that offers a BOG Fee Waiver then that's great
    >Rent out a room near campus
    >Go for a 2 year degree in computers or something

    Sure the pay isn't going to be as well as a Masters or PHD but you'll be able to live comfortably if it's just you and you're not a big spender.
    Fafsa gives you in cash about $5,500 a year. You need to attend two semesters a year in CC or Uni. A fee waiver will cover your classes and I'm sure you can find a nice room to rent near campus that won't break the bank.Apply for Food Stamps or for a job at the school in your Financial Aid. Study for the placement test and have a good time. Any questions anon? Oh I've also been thinking of starting a new website based on an old popular one but I know nothing of creating a website. Those drag and drop sites seem basic to the site I want to create.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)00:04:26 No.2431295
    >Become outlaw or some sort of pirate
    >Steal from normalfags, betas and crooks
    >Become Alpha
    >Have adventures

    Have adventures for the remainder of your life even if its short lives, travel to third world countries and use your knowledge that you earned yourself for the better
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)00:05:31 No.2431305
    Be a permanent nomad.

    Wandering earl.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)00:31:19 No.2431618
    this is why minimum wage is bad.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)00:37:54 No.2431696
    >be neet
    >have parents that both work jobs and provide for me

    Feels okay I guess

    I have to get a job or die when they stop providing for me though.

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