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  • Blotter updated: 11/04/08

  • hang in there, fella

    File :1229200435.jpg-(13 KB, 275x348, depressed.jpg)
    13 KB Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)15:33:55 No.2427790  
    Hey /r9k/ I just had the shittiest fucking day. Both literally and figuratively.

    So I went to Walmart looking to buy some basic goods like shampoo, hair gel, tooth paste and the like as I was beginning to run low. I don't know if anyone else does this but when I buy hair gel I usually take a dap of it out of the bottle in the store and run it through my hair just to see if it feels good and is right for my hair, I have very thick hair.

    So I made my way to the aisle for hair gel and found a bottle standing out right in front. I should have known that something was up because all of the other bottles were pushed back and it was this lone bottle in front just sitting there but anyways I looked around briefly to make sure no one was watching me and slipped a dab out of the bottle while looking behind me and ran it through my hair quickly.

    I noticed the texture and feel of this hair gel was extremely strange, almost clumpy so I turned around to see what the hell was up with it when I noticed the smell. Everyone has smelled shit in a toilet but the smell of raw human shit right next to your face is about fifty times worse than the worst shit you've ever smelled in a public bathroom. Alarmed, I immediately looked down at my fingers to see a brown mess.

    It was fucking shit. I had fucking shit all over my hands and in my hair and everywhere. The smell led me to vomit a bit in my mouth and it drizzled down my sweatshirt. I immediately looked around to see if anyone saw this embarrassing moment and I see someone snickering. It was only until he said "ENJOY, SHIT HEAD" that I realized he had played a prank on me and he began to run out of the store. I was so raged I chased after him running out of the store after him but he was too far ahead of me and drove off before I could make it to his car.

    Let's just say this is the worst day I've had in years.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)15:36:12 No.2427811
    And you just put your hand in the gel bottle without looking at it or smelling it first?

    No sage because it does nothing, but goddamn I'm having a hard time believing you.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)15:37:49 No.2427824
    Why would you expect SHIT to be in a bottle of hair gel? What the hell? I feel really bad for OP but seriously you shouldn't just try hair gel IN THE STORE like that.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)15:40:14 No.2427843
    Thats what you get man.

    You're as bad as the jews in the supermarket who eat the produce in the store before they buy it
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)15:40:50 No.2427849

    and did the dude somehow shit in a bottle.. and then bring it to the store.. and put the wrapping back on.. and you just poured it into your hand?

    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)15:40:53 No.2427850
    This should be a lesson to all of you faggots depressed about your girlfriend or whatever. At least you didn't get SHIT in your hair today.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)15:41:41 No.2427859
    There isn't wrapping on hair gel. Have you never purchased your own? A lot of it is just in a tube.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)15:42:15 No.2427865
    Cool story, but seriously you would of seen shit come out on your hands or you would of seen the color of the shit inside the bottle, 7/10 for effort.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)15:42:17 No.2427866

    I mean how big of an opening on the bottle are we talking here? Big enough for your fingers to get in obviously, but you still don't notice that you've put your fingers in poop before you've pulled it out and run it through your hair?

    Anyway you don't put stuff in your hair without looking at it first-- that's a big step from basic inspection like LOOKING and SMELLING.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)15:44:03 No.2427891
    Well he said he was looking around while doing it to make sure no one saw. I don't see why this isn't a perfectly believable story. Why would someone lie about this anyways? It's not really a troll or anything.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)15:46:44 No.2427914
    As someone guilty of hair gel testing I can confirm that I am usually casually trying to put it on without bothering to look or smell it. Now I'm fucking afraid for my life.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)15:49:26 No.2427933

    >It's not really a troll or anything.

    OH U!
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)15:50:55 No.2427943
    i don't see how saying you had a bad day would be a form of trolling?
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)15:57:13 No.2427999
    okay what the fuck is wrong with you? who the fuck TESTS hair gel in the STORE? what is the purpose even?
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)15:58:54 No.2428009
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)15:59:20 No.2428010
         File :1229201960.jpg-(18 KB, 640x480, product.jpg)
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    Most hair styling products don't come with a protective seal.

    But also, post hair styling products have the look and texture of cum, so there is no reason you shouldn't have known something was wrong unless you're blind and have a stuffy nose.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)15:59:47 No.2428014
    I'm just going to assume 80% of the above posts and 100% of any posts after this are only OP.

    Goodbye, poor troll.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)16:01:20 No.2428031
    fuck I lolled since I read the other thread...
    >> Commexo Kid !!hVGwNHTV8dY 12/13/08(Sat)16:03:16 No.2428048

    Do you go to this walmart often, if so, it was a trap for people like you.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)16:04:54 No.2428061
    Yeah I go pretty often. What makes you say that? Is this something people commonly do or something? I couldn't ever imagine someone actually going through the effort to fill a bottle with shit just to get at me.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)16:10:23 No.2428104
    Oh wow it just got so much more ridiculous and funny. This is great:
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)16:16:10 No.2428158
    This thread wouldn't have been as depressing to me if I didn't think it could actually happen. People suck.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)16:23:00 No.2428203
    Holy shit I am loling so hard right now I just saw all the other threads.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)16:26:17 No.2428238
    I hate this kind of threads because I like to believe that all the stories in /r9k/ are real. This breaks the illusion.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)16:31:59 No.2428288
    Here's a tip for 4chan: always pretend that the threads are real. It makes it a lot funnier; that's how you should read all copypasta.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)16:38:47 No.2428334
    For those who aren't following:
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)16:40:46 No.2428351
    what about the girlfriend one?
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)16:45:26 No.2428371
    What is that one? I haven't seen it. Link it here please. This is really making me laugh a lot.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)16:50:55 No.2428403
    It can be found here >>2428202
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)16:53:33 No.2428421
    The thread that started it all. You should really think about what you did to the bottle and the shit too you jerk. The world doesn't revolve around you.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)16:55:58 No.2428439
    These threads teach us the lesson that everybody has feelings. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)16:58:54 No.2428457
    That was me, or someone like me.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)17:06:07 No.2428502
    OP is the stupidest being in this story. Obviously you shouldn't put hair gel in your hair when you're actually AT a store.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)17:13:21 No.2428545
    These threads have officially made r9k my favorite board. Here I witness true history of the chans
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)17:19:48 No.2428599
    It's a hell of a lot better than what's normally on this board and parodies the dumb threads usually on here.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)17:23:42 No.2428634
    For those of you who don't get this thread there a series of other threads that are related see here:
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)17:32:04 No.2428692
    owow, awsome. i see what you did there:P
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)17:32:12 No.2428694
    These become progressively funnier as they move on and get dumber.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)17:36:46 No.2428736
    I think there needs to be a finale. Don't let this get ruined
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)17:42:10 No.2428764
    As opposed to buying it, then realizing that you just spent your money on a tube of shit?
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)17:46:29 No.2428784
    thats what you get for stealing

    if you had purchased the product first complete with a receipt, you would be able to sue walmart and get a hefty lump sum of payment by now

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