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  • Blotter updated: 11/04/08

  • hang in there, fella

    File :1229181464.jpg-(54 KB, 468x421, bhatMOS1111_468x421.jpg)
    54 KB Holy shit, this guy has a name. Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)10:17:44 No.2425964  
    Most of you know this guy as the Muslim Rage Boy, but his real name is Shakeel Bhat.

    He's around 30 years old and is apparently as much a failure as most of us.

    >He was born into Sufi family in Kashmir, India. At the age of ten he became a school dropout because he had problems learning to read and write. Around 1990, Bhat claims, during a raid on Shakeel's home, Indian police threw his sister Shareefa out of an upstairs window; she broke her spine and died from her injuries four years later.

    >At the age of 13 he joined pro-Pakistan jihadist group and was a militant from 1991 to 1994. He claims he was not a good militant and has never killed anybody.

    >He lives in Kashmir, India, where he is often participating in Muslim protests. Due to his angry look, he is often photographed by journalists. He took part in protests against the Indian Army, Israel, Pope Benedict, Salman Rushdie, and the Muhammed cartoons. After dropping out of school, he became a militant fighting against Indian forces in Kashmir. He was captured and spent three years in prison. He claims that he has been detained almost 300 times since 1997.

    >When he was shown a photoshopped image that appeared in the internet, of his face superimposed on a pig, he reacted: "I surely get hurt when I see these pictures. This is terrorism for me. The people who do this are showing their own culture, so why do they tell us that we are uncivilized?"

    Fuck year, I feel like I know this guy on a personal level now.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)10:20:13 No.2425980
    >He claims he was not a good militant and has never killed anybody.

    This combined with the pic made me lol hard.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)10:20:42 No.2425983
    i love at this sandniggers who think that they matter
    when they're all completely worthless
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)10:21:27 No.2425986
    /r/ing shooped pics
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)10:22:21 No.2425988
    Yeah, those Indian pigs that oppressed him need to get blown up! Oh wait...
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)10:23:18 No.2425991
    It is picture macro time guys, here is my submission.

    "How do I terrorist??"
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)10:23:28 No.2425994
    He's worth more than you. I LOL AT YOU!
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)10:25:18 No.2426005
    I think we should hang out with this guy.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)10:27:25 No.2426015
    Can you actually post it?
    cuz liek wut u poasted wuz just txet kthxbai lol ^_^
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)10:28:15 No.2426023
    Next up, The shocking story than middle class whites never saw coming:
    People have families and are alive outside the border!
    Holy SHIT!!!
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)10:28:56 No.2426025

    I has no photoshop, so no.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)10:33:35 No.2426046
    You are surely a man of true wit and humour !

    Oh dear, your razor sharp wit made me laugh so hard I near urinated in my pantaloons !
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)10:34:15 No.2426051
    >middle class whites

    Racist fuck.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)10:36:38 No.2426063
    how do i killed jew?
    >> Subway guy 12/13/08(Sat)10:41:19 No.2426097
    I said that out of disgust and contempt
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)10:43:26 No.2426107
    I'd be pretty contemptous if I worked at Subway too.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)10:45:23 No.2426121
         File :1229183123.jpg-(85 KB, 468x421, killed_jew.jpg)
    85 KB
    Sometimes I like to stroke my penis in a rhythmic fashion
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)10:45:35 No.2426124
    Stupid fuck seeing racism in everything he sets his eyes upon.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)10:47:30 No.2426134
    Just think, if we lived in some third world shithole and never had 4chan we might have turned out to be militants!
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)10:49:33 No.2426145
    his beard amazes me, i want to meet him in real life
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)10:50:48 No.2426154
    You sir, are an idiot.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)10:54:47 No.2426177
    Holy shit you need to get the fuck back to /b/
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)11:00:20 No.2426203
    You mean 4chan would've collectively grown a pair and done something harsher than meme signs and wearing Guy Fawkes masks?
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)11:30:23 No.2426346
    We need an Islamic 4chan for half these losers to waste their time on.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)11:31:27 No.2426354

    I know Muslims who browse 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)11:43:28 No.2426419
    Yeah, and Muslim girls who read truckloads of Yaoi manga.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)11:58:25 No.2426498
    Just reg'd allahchan.org.

    Muslim brethren, let us migrate just as Muhammad migrated from Mecca to Medina.

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