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  • hang in there, fella

    File :1229122856.jpg-(211 KB, 599x899, 600full-twilight-(twilight,-book-1)-(...).jpg)
    211 KB Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:00:56 No.2418708  
    Why do people think books are above all forms of entertainment? Like some kind of godly thing that nothing can compare too. Only a retard would find more than 1% of books to be anything other than mediocre.

    The Twilight isn't a bad example of books.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:03:23 No.2418725
    great trolI or greatest troIl
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:04:21 No.2418735
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    >The Twilight

    Oh, I see what this is.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:05:12 No.2418748

    Well maybe you've been lucky picking the creme of the crop but when I randomly pick up a book it turns out to be pretty crappy.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:05:17 No.2418749
    1.nerds like books, books associated with nerds
    2.people like to be perceived as smart
    3.people read books
    >> Seawesome !IK.LjgZNYQ 12/12/08(Fri)18:06:22 No.2418758
    Movies > Books
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:06:55 No.2418763
    you're good son, well played....
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:08:19 No.2418777
    it's most likely due to the "looking at a bunch of words expands your vocabulary" belief

    but honestly, I do think books are the better medium for giving you some intellectual stimulation. Films, at their finest, show you pretty pictures and provoke emotion, but books have depth beyond that.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:11:22 No.2418805
    simply that books are the least limited form of entertainement, ever seen a 8hour long film?Books can tell us much more than a film and are much more graphic and descriptive. Ever paused a movie to think about what it was trying to say?
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:12:25 No.2418817
    It's perspective.

    Bookfags think they have the best medium of entertainment and look down on other mediums
    Moviefags think they have the best medium of entertainment and look down on other mediums
    Video Gamefags are looked down upon by everyone because 90% of them are less than the age of 12
    Poetry is only practiced by emos and liberal arts majors
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:13:34 No.2418831

    It's actually a much greater form of stimulation and can have just as much depth as a book, more even.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:14:48 No.2418844
    Twilight was a horribly long book to read! 80% of the book was just a description of how handsome/beautiful so and so looks. It was akin to Robert Jordan and his needless description of dresses.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:16:53 No.2418859

    At the same time, I think it's much easier to be passive and get a lot less out of the experience when watching a movie than reading a book. Not to mention that almost anyone can write a book and publish; television, film, video games, all of these are relatively new technology that very few people can use to effectively convey the fullest extent of their story. And it's not even restriction due to talent; mostly money.
    >> Munich !qSqQzIB10w 12/12/08(Fri)18:19:50 No.2418889
    I think oral tradition is the highest form of entertainment, PLUS practical usage for retaining cultural history.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:20:23 No.2418897
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    10/10 Excellent Troll, would Troll Again
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:27:38 No.2418963

    I don't see how a story could be worse in a movie than a book, maybe you want to imagine it for yourself but that's basically making the book yourself. It's true that a movie doesn't have as much potential as a book but that books story would be better made into a movie.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:27:45 No.2418965
    Honestly, you vampires are not very cool at all. And books about vampires are pretty much as uncool as it gets. It made me feel very sick reading your post OP and this has been saged as a result, as a feeble defense against this attack on my intelligence.

    There are many real books for people who think out there, but you wouldn't know, you've dismissed the grand majority of them and then you talk about that tripe. Oh please, find your wooden stake, and keep it very close to your heart.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:29:04 No.2418980
    Personally, I find books the best kind of entertainment, due to me having to imagine how stuff looks and works. OP is completely right about there being billions of absolutely shitty books out there, though.

    And it's not like I hate movies, quite the contrary.. It's more that movies to me is a quick 2 hours or so of entertainment.. Generally, I don't find they give good character descriptions and since you rarely get an internal character perspective in movies (such as the thoughts of a character when shit happens), I have a hard time accepting the incredibly retarded stuff they sometimes do.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:33:24 No.2419032

    Wordplay that's not a part of the dialogue often gets lost in when a books being made into a movie. For example, most movies of Dante's Inferno/Divine Comdy can't capture the way he worked with language. And, in a sense, that was a theme in his journey. It's not so common anymore, but the way something is written can be just as important as the actual plot.

    That's not to say that film doesn't have qualities that books don't have. The 5th Harry Potter movie > 5th Harry Potter book; J. K. Rowling isn't the queen of words, she just has a (really) interesting story.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:33:39 No.2419037

    I've read good books but they aren't Jesus fucking Christ in paper form, and every single one of them isn't great poetry and art although there are some that is, most are shit, you've obviously just been skimming through the shit and reading the good ones.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:36:01 No.2419070
    90% of all books are boring.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:38:11 No.2419091

    90% of all films are boring.
    90% of all games are boring.
    90% of all television shows are boring
    90% of all comics are boring

    And there are hundreds of thousands of each, so even if most of them suck, it's not like you'll run out of good ones.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:38:49 No.2419099
    Books are great.

    Twilight however, is not. I'm reading it because there's going to be a class discussion on it and I want to tear apart some girls who can't grow up and think this is the greatest book ever.

    So far I see signs of an abusive relationship and the whole book is rather misogynistic, I don't see why girls love it at all.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:41:15 No.2419127
    Twilight could have easily started off as a shitty movie or shitty TV series. And there are bad vampire movies and vampire shows.

    Don't blame it on the medium, blame it on the creator.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:42:19 No.2419137

    Then the entertainment comes from your own imagination and not the book, reminds me of /a/ telling me Evangelion is so great because you get to make up your own explanation for the ending.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:42:56 No.2419145

    I agree with all your other points though.
    >> stand on toilet girl !!EkiuUadC9sR 12/12/08(Fri)18:43:39 No.2419159
    I don't think that a medium of expression should be judged by the failure of its worst examples, but by the success and excellence of its best examples.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:44:24 No.2419176

    Not the person you're replying to, but you're agreeing with him or her, I think. A movie or TV series wouldn't let me imagine how someone or something looks.

    A book (or a radio drama?) would.

    Unless it's a picture book.

    In which case, fuck.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:44:26 No.2419178
    Reading is exercise for the brain.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:44:40 No.2419180

    That's not my point.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:47:23 No.2419216

    I'd much rather play a bad vidya than watch or read a bad movie or book.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:47:39 No.2419219
    every time I stumble upon threads like this one it reminds me of who frequents /r9k/. i always swear to myself I won't come back, but it's the only fucking board that has general discussion besides /b/.

    actually /b/ might be better.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:48:30 No.2419232

    I don't think you should have biased for a medium, I was just giving that example to say not all books are great.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:53:35 No.2419294

    If this thread is shit than it's no different than any other thread currently on /r9k/.

    Go back to /b/.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)19:01:06 No.2419358

    Video games are kind of a different monster, I'll admit that was a bad example. I can ignore plot if I like a battle system, a good plot can be ruined by a steep learning curve etc.

    But I will admit that less time is wasted on a bad movie than on a bad novel.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)19:02:20 No.2419375
    All you sagefags completely missed to point, I shouldn't have expected so much from the board closest to /b/.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)19:09:56 No.2419444
    Books are longer. There is only one person in production so it can be more personal, and ideas don't get lost along the way. Books are longer, and that is far more important than you imagine.

    Think, two hour lecture on WWI versus a year course on WWI.

    A writer can go much more in-depth about his ideas, than any other form of entertainment. A writer can develop his characters much further. A writer can use more beautiful and interesting language, without fear of being misunderstood.

    That being said, I do think, that a good movie can far surpass a bad book. But no other thing will ever be as good as some books (except, maybe, life).

    Books>films>comics>anime>other forms of TV>4chan
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)19:13:02 No.2419476

    Ya, there should be longer movies that would be really interesting.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)19:17:41 No.2419527
    Completely agreed. IMHO every movie should be 4 hours+. Too bad the people that watch EPIC MOVIE LOL would never watch that, so no money, so never happening.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)19:21:49 No.2419570

    Ever tried making a movie? Making a LONG movie, 4+hours, takes a really long time, is very expensive, and is just difficult overall. Film students are typically limited to 10-15 minutes even on final projects. And that's with dirt-cheap production equipment and crew. It becomes an order of magnitude more expensive if you're shooting on film as opposed to digital - for a 10 minute movie film stock alone costs ~3k. And that's if you don't screw up and have to reshoot...

    The lack of public interest in a 4+ hour movie is not the only thing killing the concept.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)19:22:51 No.2419581
    movies will fundamentally never be as expansive as any kind of the written word or even music because there are so many details. painters have more control. really, a director or a script writer could never pick out a set exactly how they want themselves, could never pick out the perfect actors ever, etc. movies have less control. in recording, there is more control, in electronic music more so, and there is a fair amount of freedom and power in painting, but in the written word there is no limit that can be transcended by conscious thought. not to say most books accomplish this.

    books really are overrated, but they're still the best.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)19:24:21 No.2419595
    This is compared to television where about 0.5% of books are anything other than mediocre. It's purely averages Watson.

    Poetry is an art form that is frequently slandered and for good reason. Real poets can be astounding, there are a lot of hacks though.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)19:25:36 No.2419611
    >Too bad the people that watch EPIC MOVIE LOL would never watch that, so no money, so never happening.
    It's not so much the consumer as it is the theatre. The shorter the movie, the more movies they can show, thus more traffic and higher profit. Theatres bitched for years to get average movie length cut, and they got what they wanted.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)22:27:28 No.2421075
    90% of people who don't read books are idiots. Seriously, just read a book.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)22:35:29 No.2421149

    You're an idiot. What does that even mean? Which book? What the fuck, what kind of phrase is that? A BOOK? Like all the books are good? Like all books are equal? Like even the worst book in the world is better than any other piece of art made with another media?
    >> TRIP !!6PGoFhFMLZz 12/12/08(Fri)22:39:43 No.2421192
    robert jordon had a variety of characters creating the need for a strong mental image of them
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)22:40:28 No.2421197
    Only a pretty dumb person would pick up a completely random book and expect to enjoy it.

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