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  • hang in there, fella

    File :1229116615.gif-(12 KB, 379x385, religion.gif)
    12 KB Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)16:16:55 No.2417757  
    For those of you who were brought up in a really religious household, what was it like (ex: like restrictions placed upon you)?

    What is your life like now and how religious are you now?

    Note: This isn't a thread for arguing about religion. I just want to know because my parents didn't give a shit about religion at all and I'm just curious what it was like for people who had really religious parents.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)16:19:25 No.2417768
    Christian Househould. Couldn't play pokemon. Had to go to church. Still played pokemon. Not Christian.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)16:21:17 No.2417784
    buddhism is the only tolerable 'religion'.


    look at that shit
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)16:22:54 No.2417801
    Parents always trying to talk to you and tell you how worried they are, Christian Household, they say they cry at night and whatnot, don't really know what I'm supposed to do about that lol
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)16:23:07 No.2417802
    Buddhism fucking sucks. Nah Zen is ok. Actually Zen is for fags. Trendy fags. But they don't know the true Zen. Tao4lyfe.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)16:24:36 No.2417810
    Christian also. Fucked up life experiences has made me believe that either A) God hates me B) Not Real or C) Doesn't care about anyone on the planet.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)16:25:49 No.2417824
    Modern Orthodox Jew.

    Kept kosher, kept shabbos, etc.

    We still had a TV, got a computer long before others did, and I was pretty unrestricted by my parents. Probably because I was a nerd with no social life.

    Yeshiva was the worst, ate up all my time, only had boys, and soured me on religion far more then my home and synagogue life ever could.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)16:26:03 No.2417826
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    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)16:26:07 No.2417828
    If your parents tell you about how they cry at night they're manipulative tards.
    >> Topper !0W2b.GSA4I 12/12/08(Fri)16:26:52 No.2417831
    had to go to church/do all the churchy shit

    couldn't watch bad tv directly in front of people

    had to say "diablo 2 is about religious paladins fighting the devil"

    really it wasn't very restrictive at all.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)16:27:20 No.2417834
    Catholic household, family, and pretty much the entire country...seriously even now if I told my family that I was agnostic they would bother me to no end and would pretty much annoy me at every family gathering,so I play the act while im with them and anyway when I went to mass it was just an hour of meditation and clear thinking for me...

    didnt have many restrictions as a kid aside from cigarettes and alcohol,drugs, and "immoral premarital sex" I could pretty much do what I wanted...
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)16:27:35 No.2417840
    Translate into English pls.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)16:28:50 No.2417849
    Catholic family. Strict rules, no swearing, no having boys in my room, strict dating guidelines, stuff like that.

    I still go to church sometimes because it reminds me about the important concerns in life and helps me focus.

    My spirituality kinda sucks though.

    I feel bad for people who come from secular homes because of how hard it is to explore religion if you have that urge when you don't have a foot in the door already.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)16:29:27 No.2417855
    Tao != Tau you buttpumper. I don't play wh anyways. Well I do the pc game. It's ok. It sucks though. But it's p cool.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)16:29:41 No.2417858
    Raised by religious Christians who believed that faith had to be authentic yet questioned. I was never forced to go to church, never really restricted; now I'm agnostic. They're cool with that.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)16:33:43 No.2417887
    I was raised by Baptists with super religious beliefs. There were restrictions but mostly we just argued all damn day. Now that I'm an atheist I get all sorts of fights in over it.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)16:35:00 No.2417895

    You went atheist merely so you could fight harder.

    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)16:36:35 No.2417909
    This thread is now about Battletech

    FASA FTW!!!
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)16:37:18 No.2417910
    This. My parents were all about the reason to faith process. They were never deeply religious, but they were impressed that I went through to confirmation in my church. I might have stayed had it not been for my filthy Baptist minister using powerpoints and the fucking hand clapping and faith tents for the sermon and hymns. I don't want to fucking hug everyone in the congregation, you goddamned carpetbagging hobo. Just what the hell was he doing in a Congregational Church, anyway?
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)16:37:27 No.2417912
    sabbath, no work and shit on Saturdays
    yeshiva is like a school Jews go to to learn how to be Jewish, kind of like bible study or some shit some Christians have, but usually more intense
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)16:38:07 No.2417914
    Catholic. 'Strict' rules. Good morals etc. Brought up strict made me largely unprepared for the "shock" society brung me when i hit puberty age.

    I still go to Church every sunday but still im pretty open to everything new ideas. Wouldnt talk about my faith in a conversation only if someone asked me.

    Atheists saying God doesnt exist etc doesnt make me rage because i largely dont care; but im still interested in what they say.

    No swearing allowed even though when my parents are talking to each other they say Fuck often.

    Drinked since 16 no one in household cared. same with other siblings.... umm thats about it.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)16:39:20 No.2417926
    Do you guys study economics or something?
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)16:42:49 No.2417955

    Shabbos = Sabbath (on Saturday, of course)

    Yeshiva = Jewish parochial school
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)16:44:23 No.2417972

    Yeshiva isn't just Sunday school, it's like going to a Catholic school.
    Only without the cute girls in hot Catholic schoolgirl uniforms.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)16:45:43 No.2417988
    It was weird with me. My entire extended family and mum aren't baptised or anything. My mum had me baptised when I was 4 and I remember it very clearly. Father Kennedy. I was sat in the third row by the aisle, on the left, and he came over and asked about my name (it's Hebrew but I'm white British lol?) and then I remember getting the water on my head, and not knowing what the fuck was happening.

    I was baptised Catholic so I could go to the best school in town, which was Catholic. Subsequently I ended up going to a Catholic secondary school too - REALLY strict - and learning loads of Christfaggotry. I remember being shocked that my cousin didn't do the Eucharist. It was fucking awesome though. Bible camp changed my life. I went 3 times and every time I felt born again. Jesus. And this is Britain - where we don't really think too much of religion (like 1% of us goes to Church every week, while 50% of Americans do, or some shit, Google it) yet have it integrated with schools. But we certainly would mock "bible camp" when we hear about it in America. And I went 3 times, by choice. I would go again, too. I might actually become a helper there for my gap year. Hmm.

    And oh man, now I'm in a non-religious 6th form college (for year or "grade" 12 and 13, which are non-compulsory) and it's so fucking weird, I feel totally lost - no prayer 3 times a day - no prayer before exams. I'm not studying for God anymore. It's fucking weird as shit.

    Also, inb4 underage b&, I'm in year 13 now.
    Also, ask me anything about strict Catholictfag school, bible camp, etc.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)16:45:55 No.2417989
    Since we're here I wanna ask you a question that I can't ask a jew irl because then I'm a nazi or some shit I don't know. Anyways; why don't Jews consider themselves white?
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)16:46:05 No.2417992
    Catholic family, not a strict household though. My parents aren't exactly that religious, went to church most Sunday's but that was it, didn't do anything religious apart from church weekly. No strict rules or anything really.

    I'm currently still religious but haven't gone to church since I was confirmed apart from Christmas/Easter. I sort of have my own religious views that aren't really any religion though, I believe in a God but no religion is right, god himself wouldn't care about all this "worship me constantly and never do a bad thing ever" or anything and he'd be a pretty cool laid back guy I think. I still call myself Catholic for convenience really.

    Also no rules like no condoms and that are pretty useless, I'm a very open minded, happy person.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)16:48:40 No.2418011
    Oh and Catholic primary school, that's probably the most religious thing I did.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)16:49:00 No.2418016
    Lol I want to Bible Camp to except Protestant. I remember feeling born-again once and the consequent two times disillusioned. The 4th time I just went to socialise n shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)16:50:24 No.2418031
    My father punched me in the face when I told him that God didn't exist and that he wasted time praying.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)16:51:03 No.2418036

    Because we're not. We're Semitic. We're as white as an Arab.

    We've been slaughtered by Europeans for a thousand plus years for not being white.
    The Nazis didn't consider us white.
    Most white people (at least the ones who care about skin color) don't consider us white.

    Why should we think of ourselves as white when white people don't think of us that way?
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)16:52:05 No.2418042

    Being an atheist is no excuse for not being tactful. Saying stupid shit like that is what the religious fanatics do.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)16:52:36 No.2418049
    yeah disillusioned.

    One time (second) I came back crying, which was expected - everyone cried. But I didn't stop. I was thinking about the whole crucifixion thing, which we'd learned about. I couldn't get my head around why God would HAVE to kill Jesus (Him) to "forgive our sins". Why was that necessary? Tried Googling it up and it came up with some weird answers, which seemed stupid to me. I think that was when the seeds of doubt were first planted, for me. It made me realise "huh, looks like the Church just makes up shit about shit so shit seems legit".

    btw if someone can explain why the death was necessary and save my soul I'd appreciate it.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)16:52:43 No.2418051
    Good job trolling your dad.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)16:52:59 No.2418058
    Your probably ugly anyway
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)16:53:56 No.2418064
    my parents were atheists of goy descent but I'm pretending to have jew parents by occasionally slipping in a hebrew curse word in conversation now and then
    >> White Knight 12/12/08(Fri)16:57:13 No.2418091
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    I dated a Catholic girl. She was pretty kinky. I tried to convince her that her religion forbid us from using birthcontrol.
    She didn't by it though, had to use a Condom AND birth control. That bitch.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)16:57:15 No.2418092

    I've been asked a few times in person, never thought the people asking were anti-semetic or anything.

    However, the people asking were almost always Asians, not white folks.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)16:57:18 No.2418093
    Well your skin as about as white as anyone else's. It just makes sense to me. Every Jew I've met was at least as white as me. Infact I probably fit the Jewish stereotype for looks better than most Jews I've met (tan skin, dark hair prone to oilyness + brown eyes) and I'm a Brit/German/Dutch mutt. It's like saying Aborigines aren't black. Just seems dumb to me.
    >> Taxicab !!JT5sy3zriLB 12/12/08(Fri)16:57:24 No.2418094
    Was brought up in a Taoist household. (Western converts, not a traditional Chinese family).

    I was encouraged to make my own decisions on religious matters. I was, I guess, agnostic for much of my life as I never really gave much thought to religion, until recently when I became Asatruar.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)16:58:16 No.2418101
    But it DOES forbid Catholics from using birth control. And fornication. Dumb bitch.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)16:58:29 No.2418104
    Raised a Mormon, agnostic now. Nothing against the religion, or those who practice it if they are good people. I just don't think that God would care if we belonged to some special club or not to let us get into heaven.

    My house wasn't as strict as some of the other kid's I knew growing up. No going on dates/having gf before sixteen, no bad tv or music with the word "fuck" or drug references, and of course no drinking or smoking. I broke pretty much all of those rules and never got caught. I guess a good thing about being in a religion was that through necessity I learned how to lie extremely well.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)16:58:40 No.2418108

    Genetically, abbos are very different then African blacks.

    The only thing they have in common is the color of their skin.

    Jews might have dark white skin, but that doesn't make them white. Just ask any Aryan.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)17:00:46 No.2418123
    I was Chinese/Asian and that is sort of like a religion.... -_-"

    School was GOD above all else. I'm know in Harvard....

    Still chinese though....
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)17:01:47 No.2418133
    It's the whole concept of sacrifice. Humanity was basically in a blood-debt to god. Everytime we sin; we owe him blood. The whole crucifiction thing was used as a way to settle the blood-debt forever.

    For me I began to doubt when I was probably about 13 years old when I thought about whether or not god is really needed for the universe to function. Then I was fuzzy about it for another 3 years at which point I decided to just be fagnostic.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)17:02:35 No.2418139
    American Jews are highly mixed.

    I consider them white.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)17:02:55 No.2418142

    Orientals have white skin. Are they white?
    >> Zombs 12/12/08(Fri)17:03:17 No.2418143
    My family is Catholic. Nobody really gave too much of a shit about religion until my mom and dad got divorced. My mom started going to one of those super enthusiastic churches. Not like a black one, but one of the ones where people are crying and shit. Around 15, I started thinking too much and made myself agnostic. I didn't tell fucking anyone because everyone around me was christian. Not just my family, my friends too. Goddamn I could not understand why other people didn't think about the same things I did. Overall, my mom let me play and watch whatever I wanted, despite some occasional bitching. She understands the importance of social involvement, and having fun and friends and shit, so after I turned a certain age it became not a big deal that I smoked cigarettes and occasionally drank. My mom is cool. My dad considers himself Christian I guess but I don't think he gives a shit. My 3 siblings are basically the same. No one talks about it except my mom says shit to me like "Thank the lord blahblahblah" every once in awhile. Not a big deal.

    Last week I was hanging out with my cousin and a couple of his friends, and he said this:

    Cousin: "Yeah so Brewer is an atheist now."
    Friend: "What?"
    C: "Yeah we were chilling on Thanksgiving and he said 'yeah I'm scared to tell my mom I'm an atheist.'
    F: Whhaaat!?
    C: Yeah I know. I asked him why and he just said "why not?"
    F: Why not? Because you fucking shouldn't be, that's why.

    I raged at the fact that the concept of him being atheist is fucking crazy to them. I kept my mouth shut though.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)17:04:14 No.2418151
    They both hate black people just as much....
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)17:05:11 No.2418159

    also asian here. the whole FOCUS ON NOTHING BUT SCHOOL thing really ruined my social development. got them pretty pissed off when I told them no, i'm not becoming a doctor. my parents even tried to guilt trip me when i tried leaving the house and move away to live on my own.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)17:07:25 No.2418181
    Protip: Aryans are middle-eastern/Indian. I don't think we should confuse race by skin colour. Infact, there is only one real subspecies of human left. So the ONLY difference is skin colour and the .0 * infinity + 1 genetic differences.
    Unless you're close friends with the person you're asking, as a white you have to tip-toe around the issues when discussing them because of how we inherrit the sins of our fathers. Except tip-toeing around the issue just makes it seem like you're veiling your racism. I just try and avoid the subject completely (esp. with Jews because they butthurt easily).
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)17:08:27 No.2418191

    Asians seem to be like Jews, only crazier, and less religious.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)17:08:39 No.2418194
    Yes I think they are. Not as white as Europeans but white nonetheless.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)17:10:36 No.2418211
    Sage for excess amounts of "baww my christian parents made me pray and now i'm a rebel! r0flz!" & kike-talk.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)17:10:57 No.2418218
    My parents are pretty religious. However I didn't have too many restrictions. For a while I couldn't play violent games but that was more out of fear of how it would affect my development. They let that one go when they realized that the only way to keep that up was to prevent me from going to friend's places. First M rated game they bought for me was likely Diablo 2. Great game.
    I had to go to church. Did not like it. Did get grounded for refusing to go a few times.
    As for my faith, I am very confused. I am not sure what to believe. I was an non-believer, and openly so, but I'm having my doubts as to that now.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)17:11:40 No.2418228

    When most people say Aryan, they're thinking of the Nazi usage of the term. By context that should have been obvious.

    What is the subspecies of human that's left?

    And yes, too many Jews do get too butthurt to easily. Like a dog that's been whipped all it's life, it gets really hard to trust people after so many others have turned on you with no reason.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)17:15:50 No.2418273
    >What is the subspecies of human that's left?
    Homo Sapiens Sapiens.

    For the list of extinct sub-species see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homo_(genus) [ignore the fact that Home Sapiens Sapiens is present there.]
    >> Zombs 12/12/08(Fri)17:16:30 No.2418278
    Haha they've earned the right to bitch, though.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)17:17:51 No.2418292
    Not really. Every race has gone through some shit. Most people alive today never really experienced true racial discrimination first-hand, save for an unlucky few in Africa the Middle-East (and in the west where skins attack people). Nobody has the 'right' to bitch it's just childish and stupid.
    >> Zombs 12/12/08(Fri)17:23:30 No.2418340
    Yeah I suppose you're right. That's why I can't stand ultra sensitive blacks. DID U JUS CALL ME BLACK. I THINK IT'S AFRICAN AMERICAN, BUB. Fuck you you're not from Africa, asshole.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)17:24:11 No.2418346
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    After a while you get used to the headless babies and mutilated virgin redheads, but up until then it's not exactly easy embracing the dark lord.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)17:29:14 No.2418387

    On the contrary, I think we all have a right to bitch, as long as we don't act like it happened to us personally. (Unless, of course, it actually did.)
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)17:30:36 No.2418405

    I was all with it until my parents sacrificed my first love to feed the dark lord.

    Now whenever I tell them I don't believe in Cthulhu, they threaten to disown me and kill everyone I love.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)17:33:31 No.2418428
    I grew up in a more or less secular household. Both my parents are Christians, but don't practice it. Personally, I've never been to a Sunday service at a church in my entire life. The most we do is celebrate Christmas/Easter, which is made into more about love and family than Jesus. I didn't really have any restrictions either besides the basic no bad words and no bad TV shows.

    Nowadays I call myself Chritian, but I see it more as a moral philosophy than a religion.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)17:38:24 No.2418486
    "Atheists, faggots, and terrorists go to hell when they die. Son, if you're any of those then you can't be a part of this family."

    This coming from a man who let his own mother rot and die because he though modern medicine was the devil's work.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)17:43:17 No.2418537
    Forced to go to church every sunday. hated every second of it... until I was taught at sunday school all about ancient history. I thought it was really interesting because it didn't seem like fairy tales... all about Mesopotamia and stuff.

    9 years later I hate christianity. I think it's the biggest waste of time ever.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)17:46:41 No.2418568
    Cthulhi household. Couldn't leave my library until I ascended
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)17:50:58 No.2418609
    My parents were very devout Catholics but they never forced me to go to mass. Sometimes I would go, sometimes not, they never criticized me for it or anything. When I was a teenager I remember some of my friends bitching about going to Church and I asked my Dad why he never forced me to go to church.
    He said,
    "Because faith is a very personal thing, and I have no idea how God will reveal himself to you. In fact, that is Gods job, not mine. If I want to show you how great my faith is, I need to lead by example, he will do the rest. If you see the good things in my life and the good things about having faith then maybe you will seek out your own. Son, I don't care if you are Catholic, Baptist, Jewish or Atheist, as long as you have something that makes you happy inside."

    That man was as close to a true Christian as I have ever met.
    Still Catholic BTW.
    No real restriction in my house, either. Mom got upset when she found some Hustlers one time, my dad just said, "I don't like this stuff, but If you use it, you can't let your mother find it."

    I miss my Dad.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)17:58:34 No.2418693
    Your Dad sounds like a tolerable sort. If more Christians were like this then there would be fewer Atheists.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:03:51 No.2418730
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    on a more serious note though, I was also raised in a catholic family and your dad sounds awesome, if only all christians were like that...
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:11:20 No.2418804
    Raised catholic, after my parents divorced (yes, being catholic is not a legal impediment) i got to live with my mom's family which had a more ''traditional'' approach to catholic faith. Went to church every sunday, celebrated all the festivities, was never molested (just wanted to make that clear), when it was confirmation time (i was 15) i started to lose my faith so i decided to postpone it indefinitely (unlike baptism it's supposed for you to take that decision consciously, so you need to be sure). Then it was a natural progression from just being ''christian'', to a short period of deism, then approximately 1 year of agnosticism and finally atheism.

    I never liked church but i always enjoyed reading mythology so i had an easy time with bible (plagiarized sumerian myths, i know), since i was an only child (male btw) i could broke some rules and got away with it.

    And for all of you HURR DURR all atheists are rebellious 15 year olds, i still take part on the festivities and family reunions (easter, advent, christmas, etc).

    and just to piss believers, God does not exist
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:16:23 No.2418856
    Roman catholic, apparently somewhat tolerant.

    encouraged me to learn (which i did, gladly), put some restrictions on video games, but only in the case of superviolent games when i was like 10, and WoW when it started stepping on my school schedule. Had to go to church every week.

    Still quite catholic, haven't really had time for church, but i appreciate every iota of care my parents gave me.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:17:59 No.2418868
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    >I'm know in Harvard

    Good to see Harvard's standards are as high as ever!
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:18:42 No.2418875
    catholicism is about rituals, if you don't attend them then you're not a practicant catholic, faggot
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:18:57 No.2418878
    He was. When I would ask him questions about God or Jesus that he didn't know the answers to, he would say that he didn't know and that I had to find the answers myself and find a place in my heart where the answers made sense. He was cool because he didn't shove his faith in your face, he always acted the same whether he was in church or wherever. He said that he didn't need to advertise because anyone who watched him long enough knew if he was a Christian or not from the way he treated everyone, to the advice he would give. If someone asked him my he believed in God, or Jesus or why he was Catholic, he would answer them by saying, "This is why I am, but I cant answer for anyone else."
    He seemed always happy, too. Thats why I started to get closer to the Church because I wanted to be as happy as him. He was rarely angry, and when he was he immediately apologized.
    He didn't go around quoting the bible unless you asked him, and his advice was always practical, never, "Ask God in prayer".
    His most important lessons he taught me was to trust my gut and to give people the benefit of the doubt.
    He died of prostate cancer and a few days before he died he told me that Jesus had come into his room the night before and held his hand and he knew everything was going to be alright.
    I knew then that I wanted to be that peaceful when I was lying in bed waiting to die. I wanted to feel that everything was going to be okay, no matter what, that there was a place with no more pain waiting for me.
    After he died I became a Catholic.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:19:58 No.2418890
    My mom calls them cafeteria catholics.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:20:47 No.2418900
    holy shit manly tears ;_;
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:21:41 No.2418907
    >My mom

    i lol'd
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:21:54 No.2418910
    Are you as dumb in real life as you seem over the internet? Because if you are, you must need a helmet and diaper.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:23:09 No.2418920
    My parents lol'd at the idea of going to church to apologize for being human when I asked why we don't go to church.

    You can probably guess what I am now.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:23:15 No.2418922
    As a christfag your statement is depressing. I'm alot like the father in the aforementioned post and plan on being like that to my kids later on. I am a believer that God gave us free will and if he didn't step in to stop us from sinning then what right do we have as humans to force our will on others.

    I can say I don't approve, tell them way, but unless something is amazingly major(abuse, murder, etc) I am not going to preach to them or condemn them. Sin is sin; I'm no better than they.

    We as Christians need to realize what that anons father did; to lead and witness by example. "Take the plank out of thine own eye".

    Prioritize, guise.

    Christfag out.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:23:20 No.2418924
    Mom always said she was Christian but never went to church, no one in the family did. Not counting before I realized it was a choice, I've always been atheist. Between my ages 17 to 19 I would talk with my dad about faith and science. Last week he came out and told me that he'd never cared about religion before, and only very recently decided that he was atheist.

    He made me so proud. :)
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:25:39 No.2418944

    Not really. You can't pick which parts of the religion you agree with that defeats the purpose of religion.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:25:43 No.2418946

    and the ad hominem sure proves your point, faggot
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:27:39 No.2418964

    idealization, beautiful thing isn't it
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:28:26 No.2418975
    Religion != Faith.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:30:10 No.2418995

    that's why internet christians are never taken seriously by irl christians
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:30:14 No.2418996
    I believe those people are called protestants.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:32:51 No.2419024
    and i was talking about religion in general or roman catholicism in particular? not to mention religion is not only about believing, ever heard of deism you ignorant faggot

    lrn2 read
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:33:04 No.2419028
    No, thats pretty much how he was. He was a very imperfect men but he never claimed otherwise. He would drink too much on occasion, but he was never mean when he did, just a little loud and obnoxious. He lived well into my adult life so I remember him very well. This is not a fancy portrait, this is just who I think of when I think of the ideal christian.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:33:43 No.2419040
    i lol'd, but it's true
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:35:33 No.2419062

    What does a tolerant father have to do with this?

    Catholicism says babies are born with sin. If you disagree with this you are not a catholic.

    If you are supposedly a vegetarian but say it's ok to eat meat once a month you aren't a vegetarian.

    Saying you're something doesn't make you so. You must practice and show you believe in your faith.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:40:24 No.2419115
    >ideal of christian

    if he was gnostic or neo-pagan and conducted himself the same way he did, we could propose him as a role model for any of those religions, yours was a good father (or at least what is commonly regarded as a good one) who happened to be christian, nothing less, nothing more
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:42:56 No.2419146
    So was your dad pro life? Did he disagree with gay rights?
    Was he a creationist?
    If you answer no to any of these question your father was a failure as a christfag and a failure as a cathoilic. Thats what Christians believe. So fuck your shitty cristfag father. I hope he suffered when he died.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:45:09 No.2419184
    Christians don't have to be creationists or against gay rights.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:47:53 No.2419224
    catholics ''believe'' in evolution (but just because pope agrees), they are not against gay rights but against homosexuality itself, which imo is even worse (and no, i'm not gay)
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:48:40 No.2419236
    I dont condone gays but I dont believe its worse than anything I do. Sin is sin; viewing gays as immoral or subhuman is counter productive to Christianity.

    Making a law against it when consenting adults are involved and no one is harmed is stupid.

    Seperation of church and state;

    You cant make laws against my belief,
    I cant insist on laws based solely on my belief.

    christfag out
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:50:26 No.2419256
    >christfag out

    just go away definitely or stop say out fag
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:52:46 No.2419282
    Raised Athiest, now Baptist.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:53:04 No.2419286
    Pope John Paul II said Catholics can be creationists or believe in evolution and it doesn't matter. That part is not important to take literally.

    And they're against gay sex. Just like masturbation, fornication, and other forms of sex that "spill seed". They aren't going to give a crap if you're a gay Catholic as long as you aren't flaunting your "sin" (gay sex) around, just like how they don't like if you flaunt living with a partner you aren't married to.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:54:25 No.2419300
    nobody is raised atheist, go drown in a baptismal pool faggot
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:54:56 No.2419305
    As far as Pro life and Gay rights was concerned he felt as I do that the laws of a political entity must always err on the side of freedom. God is more than capable of enforcing his own rules. We as Christians should not be so concerned with judging and being Gods Department of Justice as much as trying to help our fellow humans find their own way to happiness. If you want there to be fewer abortions, then try to help those who are looking for guidance.
    Don't be concerned with gays getting married when straights cant stay married.
    As far as the Creationism thing, That was something where he said that he wasn't sure because he wasn't here but Genesis sounded to him like a God attempting to explain to a very primitive and backwards people the answer to the most basic of questions:
    "Where did I come from, Why am I here, and Where is out there?"
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:58:36 No.2419331
    Wojtyla is dead, catholic ideals tend to fluctuate with each pope, i see no reason why to be catholic unless you're a vatican citizen
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)18:58:55 No.2419338
    He sounds like one of those decent people we never hear about because they aren't dramatic and entertaining like the idiots they put on Wife Swap.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)19:01:56 No.2419369
    nice argument, only flaw is that it assumes God's existence
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)19:04:08 No.2419392
    No they don't, because it's not the pope who always comes up with them. Each new pope will condone or disown new or old conventions, but they don't do it by themselves. What do you think all those theologians do in Vatican city? They're picking apart of the religion. Recently they got rid of Limbo because the research concluded that it was invented to keep parents from killing their new babies and isn't relevant anymore. That wasn't done on some pope's wim.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)19:05:45 No.2419404
    Yes. I know. The anon asked what my father's position was on those subjects. As my Father was a Christian his (and my) points of view are based on the existence of God. Am I missing something in your point?
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)19:09:04 No.2419435
    No, hes just being a dick.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)19:12:44 No.2419471
    Pope always holds the last word about that matters, Vatican City is a theocracy you know. I'm glad to hear the news about the limbo, next step is to get rid of Saints, Mary's virginity, Jesus and finally God, seems catholics are more progressive than what i thought, also quotes:

    ''Theology is never any help; it is searching in a dark cellar at midnight for a black cat that isn't there. Theologians can persuade themselves of anything.''
    Robert A. Heinlein.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)19:16:28 No.2419511
    So...you're 17 right?

    The pope isn't a dictator, shitwit. Theologians are vastly more educated that you are, and the largest religion in the world doesn't care what you or your pop-scientism writers think.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)19:23:20 No.2419588
    i love when christians recurse to ad hominem

    1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vatican_City#Political_system
    2. Theology is a pseudo-philosophy, i prefer using my common sense
    3. Catholicism is just one of the many sects of Christianism, most self proclaimed catholics are not practicants
    4. ''pop-scientism'' lol
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)19:25:13 No.2419604
    I love when Robots use "ad hominem" over and over when they don't want to admit that they're extremely narrow-minded.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)19:28:36 No.2419630
    first time i use it on the debate, and i'm not a robot nor narrow-minded, i just present the facts, if you refuse them to accept them it's not my problem
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)19:29:54 No.2419645
    (ex) Islamofag here. Being a male, I was pretty free to do what ever the fuck I wanted; My sister, however, got beaten for reading the babysitter's club. Good times.

    Also, I somehow ended up in a catholic school between grades 7-9. I now have a catholic schoolgirl uniform fetish.

    This is how religion has shaped my life, OP. ALALALALALALALA
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)19:30:11 No.2419649
    HAHAHA "the facts"

    Kid, the world isn't as black and white as you'd like it to be. Trust me, I've been there when it was nice to think you have everything figured out.

    And I assume I'm being trolled, so enjoy your non-beliefs and your hand.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)19:32:57 No.2419673
    now you recur to onomatopoeia and truisms, guess it's pointless to debate when your opponent can't even sketch an argument, kinda feel sorry for you
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)19:34:52 No.2419687
    most interesting post ITT
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)19:35:37 No.2419691
    Dude, your "intelligent" argument is more transparent than the skin of my inner thighs in the winter.

    If you want people to take you seriously, step out of your bubble.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)19:40:29 No.2419728
    if you're not going to take the time to point and refute them, then why comment about it, oh wait, i guess that's what people do to not look like idiots
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)19:42:25 No.2419747
    > "If more Christians were like this then there would be fewer Atheists."

    maybe so, but only out of inaction.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)19:44:00 No.2419766
    I got a house in Baltimore
    Little Liza Jane
    Street cars runnin' by my door
    Little Liza Jane

    Oh Eliza, Little Liza Jane
    Oh Eliza, Little Liza Jane
    Oh Eliza, Little Liza Jane
    Oh Eliza, Little Liza Jane

    Brussels carpet on my floor
    Little Liza Jane
    Silver doorplate by my door
    Little Liza Jane

    Oh Eliza, Little Liza Jane
    Oh Eliza, Little Liza Jane
    Oh Eliza, Little Liza Jane
    Oh Eliza, Little Liza Jane

    Brussels carpet on my floor
    Little Liza Jane
    Silver doorplate by my door
    Little Liza Jane

    Come my love and be with me
    Little Liza Jane
    Let me take good care of thee
    Little Liza Jane
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)19:45:13 No.2419774
    Which is still slightly better than talking like you know exactly what you're talking about.

    I don't even know if you have a point beyond "Religion booo!" because you aren't a tripfag.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)19:47:54 No.2419801
    >restrictions placed upon you
    I'm 18 but still live with them, so these remain: I can't curse around them, which includes misuse of the word 'hell', use of the word 'screwed', and use of the word 'freaking'. In fact if they found out I cursed online or on XBL they would probably try to take away the internet as if I'm a child.

    I got into Pokemon at the age of 11 and at 13 they threw my Pokemon shit away believing it to be evil. This was traumatic. They didn't want me being into DBZ either. Mom went so far as to try to stop me from buying DBZ movies (I recall trying to buy Super Android 13, shitty movie, and mom said no at first because he looked evil).

    In addition, dad didn't want me listening to any form of popular music, including rap and rock. Any rock. This restriction has faded away with time, so much that we actually listen to Bob Dylan together... and both enjoy it. Mom was always a more rock type person, so she likes a lot of my music.

    They also didn't want me to play violent video games and insinuated repeatedly that the GTA series was pure evil. This ended with GTA III and VC being thrown away eventually.

    >What is your life like now and how religious are you now?
    They're Southern Baptist Christians (leaning towards Pentecostal) and I'm a Militant Atheist since about three years ago. It's not coincidental. Now I play whatever I want, GTA recently broke (my nephew did it), watch whatever I want, collect whatever I want (no Pokemon but I have considered it...) and etc. My life is actually better.

    I saw through their religious bullshit and started questioning them. Through this I realized I was fat and promptly lost weight. I also stopped eating so badly. I'd say I'm in a better position now.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)19:51:03 No.2419835
    ''Religion boo''? you seem to be confusing criticizing religion with booing about it, guess that's better than calling me an heretic. I don't see how a tripping will help me prove my point, hence, i don't need one
    >> Hadji !F42ggkL5EU 12/12/08(Fri)19:52:42 No.2419851
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    Hay gais. Since my post was apparently the most interesting ITT, how about derailing the chrisfag vs atheist faggotry (atheism wins, except at the highschool level, sry2say) and posting some hot pics instead?

    Bridge the gap between Islam and the west with schoolgirls.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)19:53:38 No.2419864

    >Which is still slightly better than talking like you know exactly what you're talking about.

    dude, you're not even trying anymore
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)19:54:30 No.2419868
    new to the thread here. just one question: have you ever posted on the Lost in Translation board on imdb? because I swear you and that one guy are the only people I've ever heard use ad hominem and truism.
    >> Pizza !rWNBkCs4.2 12/12/08(Fri)19:54:48 No.2419871
    why did christian parents get so upset at pokemon?

    still don't get it.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)19:55:57 No.2419880
    Ever looked at a Talk page in wikipedia?
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)19:56:52 No.2419885
    Welcome to the lazy side of the fence.

    I don't know which posts are your's. Besides, this criticism is hardly constructive, well-founded, or educated. I haven't seen anything useful in this thread beyond people realising that their parent's religions had next to nothing to do with how good of parents they were, which makes all the difference between people who boo religion and those who are receptive to it.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)19:57:34 No.2419889
    Very restrictive, rarely even allowed to visit friends. Catholic family. I'm now an atheist.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)19:57:54 No.2419894
    never feel the urge unless I'm confident there will be lulz
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)19:58:09 No.2419896
    This thread needs more ex-Islamofags!
    They are at the frontline of sanity, I want REPORTS! NOW, SOLDIER!
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)19:58:45 No.2419900
    Trust me, I would if there was a reason to.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)19:59:30 No.2419911
    you meant to say point the use of ad hominem and truism, and no i'm not, never even watched that movie
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)19:59:48 No.2419913
    Psychic powers = Satanic. Similar reasoning for the fundie hatred of D&D.
    >> Autonymoose !x4vv0ZYuAo 12/12/08(Fri)20:01:51 No.2419930
    My father is a fairly conservative Lutheran pastor. As a result, I was "sheltered". I didn't learn my first curse word until fourth grade, after changing to a public school. Anything to do with witches/wizards was auto-banned, though magic in general was okay for some reason.

    I had the common conservative religious ideas planted in my mind, and I didn't really rebel until late high school. About half way through college, I finally turned completely. I'm agnostic now; I believe in God, but I don't it's possible for men to know His rules or goals. A MAN may be able to, but this man would not be able to relate the ideas properly; or, if he could, they would be inevitably corrupted early on.

    Since I'm living at home for the moment, I go to church to appease my parents now and then, but otherwise I practice nothing. I'm currently reading through Thomas Paine's "The Age of Reason", though the wording in it can be a little hard to parse.

    Pastor's kids are, on average, more fucked up than non-pastor's kids.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)20:01:54 No.2419932
    I meant that you used it in a sentence, rather than actually doing something that could be described by the words. so, yes
    >> Hadji !F42ggkL5EU 12/12/08(Fri)20:03:19 No.2419948
    I will take questions, but they have to be accompanied by schoolgirls. Preferably non-azn, but I'll take what I can get, and preferably showing leg. Nothing underage, pls.

    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)20:06:45 No.2419981
    You probably haven't read the entire thread or lack reading comprehension, anyway, you said you don't know which posts are mine and yet you try debating me without presenting a single argument, stop wasting both of our time (like lurking 4chan wasn't waste enough)
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)20:08:29 No.2420001
    Stop going back and forth between using capital letters and not. It's really confusing.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)20:10:50 No.2420029
    i will capitalize whenever i feel like
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)20:13:11 No.2420045
    Exhibit A

    Mango, peach, lime, cherry, and maybe pinacolada.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)20:18:25 No.2420086
    Iol so random
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)20:19:01 No.2420092
    Wicca./Neopaganism. My mom was pretty much your stereotypical new age moonbat starchyld kind of person.

    I didn't have any major restrictions. She pretty much let me do whatever the hell I wanted as far as actual ethics were concerned, but there were a handful of times when she'd not let me do a perfectly normal thing that bothered her (like go over a friend's house or buy a CD) and come up with some bullshit pseudo-spiritual logic behind her actions and ground me for months for trying to argue the point.

    The whole thing's given me a pretty dim view of religion all together.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)20:20:45 No.2420105
    Catholic household. No swearing, doors must be open when I had *any* guests (strongly encouraged to hang out in the living room, but I never did), no smokes, no drinks (my dad has honestly NEVER had a drink in his life except for church wine), no drugs, go to church every Sunday and on holy days of obligation (random special days), go to confession once a month, no premarital sex, no birth control once you do get married, blah de fucking blah.
    Also, Catholic school and more Catholic school.

    Bitched enough to go to public high school for my last two years (from a males-only Jesuit school), and I wonder if they wondered why I stopped being so goddamned depressed and emo when they let me do that. Atheistfag now, probably because they made religion such a huge part of my life I was forced to think about it and realize I didn't buy shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)20:40:18 No.2420261
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    Raised Catholic. Parents were not particularly religious, but we attended Mass weekly for the larger portion of my childhood. That was about it. I've been in Catholic school since kindergarten, and I'm now in my senior year of Catholic high school. I actually love having uniforms, and the fact that we're allowed to be spiritually open about pretty much everything.

    Of course, it was always the cool thing to be a dick about Catholicism if you went to Catholic school. Rebel, shop at Hot Topic, suddenly declare yourself an atheist, that sort of thing. I think most kids go through that stage.

    At this point I definitely believe in God, but I'm just not really adherent to any particular religious path. Overall, I don't think Catholic school was a bad thing at all. Everyone who bitches and moans about it are emo faggots who don't know how to tolerate something. I mean, seriously. If it makes your parents happy, sit through fucking Church with them. It's not that big of a deal.
    >> Hadji !F42ggkL5EU 12/12/08(Fri)20:43:58 No.2420305
    y helo thar. I am greatly interested in your religion and would like to know more about it. Would you care to discuss this in a secluded wooded area tonight?
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)20:48:55 No.2420351
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    Seventh Day Adventists are scum
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 12/12/08(Fri)20:50:23 No.2420361
    >And they're against gay sex. Just like masturbation, fornication, and other forms of sex that "spill seed". They aren't going to give a crap if you're a gay Catholic as long as you aren't flaunting your "sin" (gay sex) around, just like how they don't like if you flaunt living with a partner you aren't married to.

    That does not mean they're not heterosexist. I heard of stores of Catholic parents disowning gay teenagers once they come out, regardless of having sex or not.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)21:02:26 No.2420450
    Catholic family. Rather strict at the beginning (baptism, church everyday, catholic school, communions, etc.) but now all my family is agnostic. Even my parents.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)21:26:56 No.2420635
    >Everyone who bitches and moans about it are emo faggots who don't know how to tolerate something. I mean, seriously. If it makes your parents happy, sit through fucking Church with them. It's not that big of a deal.

    I'm the post above you. Yeah, lots of friends I know go/went to Catholic school and I'm about the only one who left. While I could certainly tolerate it and fake being happy if I really wanted to, for me it's about living for myself and not just living to please my parents.

    I'm not accusing you of doing that, but that difference is why I got myself transferred out and stopped going to church (and feeling forced to/letting myself be forced to). Catholic school may have been tolerable, but public HS was the first time I thought of school and the people in it as actually enjoyable.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)21:34:39 No.2420682
    I grew up in a christian family and my parents weren't strict at all. Why do you stereotype OP? I bet you think all niggers like watermelons and fried chicken.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)21:39:01 No.2420720
    average trolley is average
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)21:39:10 No.2420724
    Failed attempt at proof by contradiction.

    All niggers do love watermelon and fried chicken.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)21:41:11 No.2420753
    its actualy weird i grew up in an atheist houshold and now im a pentecostal.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)21:51:05 No.2420826
    I was raised reformed jewish, i could do whatever the fuck i wanted to. my rabbi told me its okay if i don't believe in god as long as i take the messages of morality from the torah to heart. fuck yeah, best religion ever. also my rabbi was gay, what now bitches?
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)22:03:12 No.2420911
    I grew up in a Mormon family.
    It's not as bad as a lot of people would make it out to be, but that may be due to my inability to blindly accept what my parents and elders told me.

    In my home, they weren't restrictions as much as they were highly encouraged guidelines. Basically the same as many other Christian beliefs, but with additions such as no alcohol, caffeine, or any illicit drugs. All those other Chastity laws still remained. I wasn't allowed to date until I was six-teen (Not that it ended up mattering). Nothing else currently comes to mind.

    Older now, I still go to the occasional Sunday meetings, but my belief in the religion is little. Religion itself is something I struggled to deal with for a while, and because I was raised with it, a lot of the things I do now generate a tremendous amount of guilt. I don't smoke or drink, but that's more than a personal choice than anything else, though I'm willing to acknowledge the fact that my raising was influential in many of my decisions.

    Forgive me for the length, I've just never had such a question asked before.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)22:09:41 No.2420945
    Catholic as a kid, Catholic now (except for using birth control, I guess). My parents were non-religious, agnostic really; if I'd never brought up religion, I don't think they would have either. Then I started getting curious about religion, and they looked at each other and said, 'We're Catholic, so be Catholic.' I'm sure a lot of people would have liked my 7-year-old self to have undertaken an exhausting search of the world's religions, but I started going to Mass, liked it, and then went through the whole procedure (including baptism) to become Catholic.

    End of story.
    >> Anonymous of Massachusetts !NoraVXgoIM 12/12/08(Fri)22:12:17 No.2420958
    Grew up Jewish. Little-kid brain didn't want to believe in a religion without dinosaurs, so I rejected it from the start. Services were boring and repetitive as fuck.

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