Attention all britfags is planning on going to this? There's going to be a big fuck off party in Trafalgar Square the Saturday after Maggie 'Milk-Snatcher' Thatcher dies. There's a sound system ready to go at 24 hours notice and there'll be lots of drinking, drugs and live music.Billy Bragg and Frank Turner have both been confirmed to play at it. I'll definitely be there, it'll be good fun. Who else?
I imagine these days 4chan is filled with people too young to even know about Thatcher.I'll be there.
Proof that Brits hate anyone that's even slightly to the right.
I might turn up, but to be honest, I'm afraid of london. Too many people. Gets my Anthrophobia right off.
>>2417062you clearly have no concept of how much she fucked our society.>>2417065Don't worry about that, this'll be a friendly event full of hatred for one person.
>>2417097Thousands of angry people?Sounds like fun!
Hadn't actually heard about this, but fuck yeah, I'll be going. A free party's a free party, plus it sounds like it'd be fuckawesome. I hope she holds on until summer though, shit's cold at night at the moment.
You stopped to consider how fucked up that is? You seem to think crowing over the death of such a politician is justified. Spoilt middle class fucks, you have nothing to be so outraged about.
>>2417142You have no idea about Thatcher do you?
>>2417142I'm fairly sure you have no right to call people spoilt and middle class. You bastard hypocrite.
>>2417097Read up on her briefly. Free market? Flat-rate tax? Opposition of a centralized European Union?Sounds like a winner to me.
>>2417114"Docter, don't you think we should announce her death now? Her family keeps asking about her condition, and I'm running out of excuses to give them.""Nah, Saturday looks like it's gonna be a fucking blizzard. Next week should be alright."
Wait, so to protest her being a coldhearted bastard, you Britfags are going to be coldhearted bastards and celebrate her death? Cool story, bros.
I'm well up for this. When's the bitch expected to pop her clogs? PROTIP: Americans won't quite understand the amount of hatred english + irish hold for that woman.
>>24171428/10, almost there, but I faultered when I got to the top of the page.I will definitely be there, the train tickets might be a bit much, but, it's for a good cause.
>>2417179Hey, it's a free party. I'm there.
>>2417179Nah, this is hot-hearted as the most firey jubilations. I wish they'd've hung the bitch at an earlier point so we didn't have to live with the consequences.
enjoy your prisonjesus, most people on /r9k/ weren't even born when she took milk out of primary schools. WARM MILK? PIG DISGUSTING.
>>PROTIP: Americans won't quite understand...Is she basically your version of Reagan? If so I can understand.
It's because British Politics is muchly different. Politicians in Britain have so much anus ripped out of them, that celebrating this woman's death isn't really that much of a big deal, considering what she did, and how much she's hated.
She seems fairly alive at the moment, chances are she sold her soul to satan for eternal life.She's so fucking old, she has to die soon. I hope her spoilt cunt of a daughter does aswel. That girl has no idea of the pain and suffering her mother has caused.
>>2417230Yeah, Reagan with tits.
>>2417241She thinks she's still PM. She's pretty fargone already.
Amerifag here.Dare I wish to take privy in the unholy knowledge of who this 'Thatcher' is, and why his/her death is to be celebrated?
>>2417256Say no more then we understand perfectly. Is it true her son is a merc or some shit like that?
Ooh good news, she's had several small strokes and is now suffering from dementia. So even she doesn't know the pain and suffering she's caused the country.Can't be long now.
>>2417282Her son tried to annex a small African nation. Needless to say, we lol'd.
>>2417256Did he support General Pinochet?
>>2417275A ruthless unprincipled anti-humanist warmongering money-grabbing succubus.
>>2417311So basically Hilary Clinton with a British accent?
That is a pretty fucked up idea, but HELL YES!
>>2417335No, Hilary Clinton is a fucking dumbass. Thatcher was smart as all hell, she was just a horrible horrible bitch.
>>2417340Is even possible? I mean, if it is, we're dealing with Lovecraftian horror stuff.
>>2416965Wonder if there will be a Bush party after his death, almost like a global holiday.
Frankie Boyle expresses his feelings for Margaret Thatcher.
>>2417361I think by rights there should be. He's a nasty piece of work.
I'd celebrate it
>>2417369Frankie Boyle is a funny cunt. Russell Howard's good aswel, I saw him live a few weeks ago.Good times.
>>2417434they're 2 of my favourites at the moment they make mock the week watchable ... and both excellent stand-ups in their own right of course.
As much as I hate Thatcher, I think celebrating someone's death, no matter who it is, is an awful thing to do.Also London is a shit city, cba going down there.
protip:thatcher is a politician,Britain is a democracy (sort of)she is YOUR responibility.