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  • Blotter updated: 11/04/08

  • hang in there, fella

    File :1229093338.jpg-(1.35 MB, 2048x1536, Car_crash_1.jpg)
    1.35 MB Auto Bailout FAILED. Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)09:48:58 No.2415084  
    It is done.


    >General Motors Corp. and Chrysler LLC, which have said they could run out of cash within weeks, have few options left after the dramatic defeat in the Senate of a $14 billion bailout for the domestic auto industry.

    >Its demise late Thursday prompted immediate calls from lawmakers in both parties for the Bush administration to tap into the $700 billion Wall Street bailout to rescue the beleaguered auto industry. The bill failed after talks broke down over the refusal of the United Auto Workers union to meet Republican demands for aggressive wage reductions.

    >The Senate rejected the bailout 52-35 on a procedural vote - well short of the 60 required - after the talks fell apart.

    I'm not sure what to say about this. Perhaps they'll vote again like they did with the other bailout?

    Part of me wants these companies to fail. Sometimes it's best to hit rock bottom before bouncing back up.

    Also, I was thinking about this while eating breakfast... what about the other automakers? Obviously if the big three declare bankruptcy, a shitfuck of people will lose their jobs. But couldn't another automaker gradually fill in the gaps when the economy resurges?
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)09:50:41 No.2415097
    Enjoy your double digit unemployment rate, Amerifucks.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)09:52:17 No.2415103
    >Obviously if the big three declare bankruptcy, a shitfuck of people will lose their jobs




    Seriously, if you were one of the guys in charge of these companies and every time you fuck up badly enough, the government hands you a couple billion dollars, are you REALLY going to try to fix your business practices?
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)09:52:20 No.2415104
    Who wants to bail-out companies that can't compete in a free market because of the expense of the legacy cost for pensions of workers who have long since stopped working?
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)09:53:27 No.2415107
    No. Did you even read the part where I said I want them to fail? Goddamn, you people read one line and suddenly pop a vein over it. Reading comprehension involves reading and understanding the entire post.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)09:54:09 No.2415114


    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)09:56:06 No.2415128
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    Loopy niggaz killed the electric car.

    Karma's a bitch, ain't it.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)10:01:49 No.2415159
    Good, now we can start working on electric hovercars that can travel through time and also look like deloreans.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)10:03:10 No.2415165
    You know, I'm sure those oil barons who made money offa those gas guzzlers have more than $14billion lying around.
    If they want people to buy stupidly fuel inefficient cars, they're going to have to ensure that they exist. And they won't exist if American motor companies fail.
    So they'll end up losing money.

    Get the damn oil barons to pay up.
    If they don't, shows you how much the car companies are actually needed by America.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)10:04:39 No.2415173
    Paccar is an American automaker. Sure, they make heavy duty trucks but economically they're doing well and maybe they can branch out into sedans and shit.

    Also, FUCK YEAR TESLA MOTORS. I can't wait until they unveil their next model.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)10:08:09 No.2415198
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    >Seriously, if you were one of the guys in charge of these companies and every time you fuck up badly enough, the government hands you a couple billion dollars, are you REALLY going to try to fix your business practices?


    when you fuck shit up you should face the fucking consequences.
    should have done the same shit with the banks.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)10:10:57 No.2415222
    Put simply, the Big Three automakers need to die. They have been left in the dust, and are outmoded and obsolete. Propping them up with government bailout money will only delay the inevitable, and lengthen the recession in the end. For a while after they fail, things will get a LOT worse, but I personally consider getting the worst of it over with all at once preferable to dragging things out. With time, other automakers will fill the void, and with a strong reminder to keep their business practices up to date.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)10:12:26 No.2415229

    you can go suck a dick for a living too faggot
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)10:13:54 No.2415246
    So, let me get this straight. The UAW refused to accept wage cuts in order help the bailout bill pass through the government. But if there isn't a bailout passed, the largest three American car makers will go out of business, and suffice to say that will result in, ahem, more more significant wage cuts for most of their workers.

    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)10:14:47 No.2415252
    >should have done the same shit with the banks.

    um... no. the bailout NUMBER was too high, but the bailout for the financial system was needed. otherwise it would be like refusing reenforcements for a commander fighting a war. yes the commander should be held accountable for any incompetence he demonstrated, but losing the war just to teach him a lesson isnt the way to go. just make sure he's replaced.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)10:18:29 No.2415278

    No replacement was made. The banks just squandered the money on vacations. It wasn't needed.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)10:20:31 No.2415288
    the commannder should have been replaced (to go on with your shitty parable)
    not giving him some more people to waste because he is an idiot
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)10:20:58 No.2415293

    Do you really think the people in charge of these companies are going to suffer in any way? They'll just stop working, living on huge savings.

    Factory workers on shitty wages - those are the people who'll suffer.

    This isn't an argument to bail out those companies. They should go broke.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)10:21:17 No.2415297
    yea, still doesnt mean they shouldnt have been bailed out. the process just shoulda had a lot more oversight
    >> Big Three Spending Millions On Lobbying Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)10:22:00 No.2415303
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    Big Three Spending Millions On Lobbying
    Auto Makers Drowning In Red, But Still Spent Neary $50 Million Lobbying Congress

    (CBS) As Congress mulls over a bailout for U.S. automakers, some may be thinking about more than jobs and the economy.

    The auto industry spent nearly $50 million lobbying Congress in the first nine months of this year.

    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)10:22:02 No.2415304
    learn to read

    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)10:23:40 No.2415311

    >Factory workers on shitty wages - those are the people who'll suffer.

    The average GM worker's total wage is around 65 USD an hour.

    The average Toyota wokrer's total wage is around 40 USD an hour.

    **And the UAW is refusing benefit cuts**

    Makes you wonder why the Big-3 is failing.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)10:23:51 No.2415313
    its what happens when "skilled" laborers get it in their heads that they should be getting higher salaries than college grads
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)10:24:49 No.2415318
    According to CNN, the auto industries are going to try to appeal to the white house directly. What do you think will happen know guys? America is dying and I am afraid to see it. I hope this initiates a need for a mass transit high speed rail system. That would be much easier than focusing on gas guzzling nonsense.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)10:26:19 No.2415326
    I hope those companies crumble and all their board members die of a heart attack.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)10:26:20 No.2415327
    For those that support the bailout bill, if you feel so sorry that the unionized workers are getting paid so much ($20 more than their competitors), why don't you donate some of your money to the Big-3 and the UAW and leave the rest of us alone?

    I'm sure they would appreciate your contribution.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)10:26:20 No.2415328
    Well the US has already committed roughly 8.5 trillion dollars in bailouts.

    Who cares what else happens? Anyone with half a brain knows by this time next year America will be a completley different country.

    Just sit back and prepare.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)10:27:05 No.2415332
    >mewtThe average GM worker's total wage is around 65 USD an hour.

    >blokThe average Toyota wokrer's total wage is around 40 USD an hour.

    WAT. I know a guy who worked for Toyota, average assembly line guy, did NOT make $40 USD/hr
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)10:28:13 No.2415340
    Bush will most likely sign the checks directly and overthrow the entire government.

    Fucking hell.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)10:28:41 No.2415345
    Those retards are counting board members as "workers".

    Line workers typically make about $30 MAX, closer to $22.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)10:29:16 No.2415352

    It's called "total wage."

    The salary wage for both companies are roughly the same.

    But when you tack on benefits, the total wage goes up much higher for the unionized workers.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)10:30:03 No.2415364
    Protip: salaries and wages are based on demand and skill, not some degree

    I got a BSc in Biology and I'm not worth shit in my field (compared to your "skilled" labourers), whereas when I started working for myself within three years I was commanding a higher income than most of my professors.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)10:31:32 No.2415371
    hey guise, we're going bankrupts

    lets spend more monies on lobbyan!
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)10:32:07 No.2415377

    Ahh, I was just thinking about hourly rate.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)10:32:57 No.2415383
    If I were in the White House, I'd say, "Let them eat cake."
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)10:33:56 No.2415388
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)10:35:25 No.2415400
    Haha, fuck the UAW. Standing up nice and tall saying they won't take a paycut.

    Good, maybe we can see some CAPITALIST change in the industry.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)10:35:59 No.2415404
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)10:37:52 No.2415410
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    Gosh darn it, and my term is almost up! Why does this have to happen now, I can't deal with this shit!
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)10:39:17 No.2415419
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    Maybe if I go to sleep now, I'll wake up in January.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)10:39:27 No.2415420
    It will still suck big time for all the people hired by these companies.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)10:42:14 No.2415433
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    Make way for GREAT DEPRESSION 2.0!
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)10:42:50 No.2415435
    do you stupid fucks have ANY GODDAMN IDEA how many JOBS ARE GOING TO CUT NOW!?

    2 mill with the big three and another 3 mill with industries tied into the big three

    just watch what happens and then keep chanting "hurr durr free markets"
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)10:44:59 No.2415449
    If you think that these companies failing will be the major cause of the shitstorm america is about to face, wow.

    You guys really need to enlighten yourself.

    Start listening to people like peter schiff. (sp)
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)10:46:29 No.2415460
    These people will get their jobs back eventually.

    These companies have had it coming for a while. Other companies will take their place, or the industry will change itself.

    Change is painful.

    These are the birth pangs of change.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)10:49:33 No.2415478
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)10:50:21 No.2415485
    lol peter schiff

    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)10:51:40 No.2415489
    Schiff points to the low savings rate of the United States as its worst malady, citing the transformation from being the world's largest creditor nation in the 1970s to the largest debtor nation by the year 2000. His extremely bearish views on the U.S. Dollar, the United States stock market, bond market, and the United States economy have earned him the nickname "Dr. Doom." [3]

    Schiff is widely known for predicting the economic crisis of 2008.[7] He was also an economic adviser for the Ron Paul campaign in the 2008 Republican Party primaries. Schiff also hosts a live Internet/shortwave radio show called "Wall Street Unspun."[4]

    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)10:51:47 No.2415490
    I love the comments.

    >they owe him a BJ

    I lol'd.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)10:53:45 No.2415503
    The GOP does something right for once in their miserable existence. Fuck yeah Republicunts!
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)10:56:46 No.2415516
    i know, no one seems to realize this. the problem with libertarianism being the "hip" thing right now is you get guys like >>2415460 who imagine that 5 million jobs gone just means they need to work harder to get new ones, because obviously other ones are available. who cares if homeless rates skyrockets or a couple million people die of starvation? NOT ME SAYS MR. LIBERTARIAN, I'M SAFE WITH DAD'S MONEY. no one seems to care if it isn't their own job at stake here.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)10:57:53 No.2415527
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    Get ready for the CASCADE
    America's a consumer based economy.
    What happens when people start losing their jobs? They stop spending as much money.
    What happens when people stop spending? More people lose jobs.
    Get ready to learn how to live sustainably.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)11:03:24 No.2415556
    Nobody dies of starvation in America. Even if we are not socialized, we have a solid safety net. I don't think that people are dismissing the impact of millions of lost jobs either. It's just that sticking to sound principles is more important to the long-term well-being of the nation than being a reactionary, emotion-filled ninny who is more concerned with who will have a job tomorrow than he is about the future of our economy and the role that our government plays in it. It's not hip. It's not selfish. It's called girding your loins and accepting a painful but practical solution.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)11:07:58 No.2415580
    i have a funny question for all you guys who like to talk about politics...

    what fucking understanding of high level mathematics and what systematic theory of economics have you learned and applied in order to interpret correctly the going ons in the country?

    even if you had those two things, i could think of a number of fucking ways to show the fallability of what you were saying, and you don't even have it.

    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)11:10:48 No.2415594

    Right, and handing out money to encourage bad business practices and let people keep their jobs for another few years before the company burns through this money too is totally and excellent long term solution.

    And you're right, I really don't give a fuck if some factory workers lose their jobs. I'd rather they all be shot in the head than hand out billions of dollars to idiots.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)11:13:23 No.2415603
    You're a fucking faggot weaboo that has no more "education in economics or higher level mathematics" than anyone else here. Fuck you, you little cock sucker.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)11:13:26 No.2415604
    >Nobody dies of starvation in America.

    Right, and nobody dies from preventable diseases or treatable conditions, and everybody has a job that pays well enough for them to support a small family, and everybody owns a car that isn't falling apart.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)11:15:24 No.2415616
    you gonna pull out your dick and wave it around to prove that you know how to run a country?
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)11:16:00 No.2415619
    You fucking idiot. These companies failed hardcore. These companies have been "downsizing" for years to be more "efficient" when in reality they're anything but.

    You want to basically fund failing companies? Is that what you want? You want to reward failure? You're trying to fix a machete slice with a bandaid, you ignorant human being.

    Think about what is causing this bullshit. These companies aren't just going through tough times, they are not good businesses and you want to support it. You want to reward their utter failure. You want to extend this economic crisis further than necessary and make people suffer even more, you heartless motherfucker.

    By the way, I'm not far to the right at all. For instance, I believe in universal health care for all and a social safety net for those who can't work (disabled, retarded, recently unemployed, etc.). But businesses should not be given the same social safety net as individuals. When you go into business, you take a risk. I don't care how many years, decades, centuries you've been in business. I don't care how many people you employ. Jobs will come back. Other companies will fill the void. At the height of the Great Depression, the unemployment rate was 25%. Guess fucking what, eventually employment bounced back up again.

    The auto industry in America is fucked up. You have companies that are not adapting. Once upon a time you could get a job at a factory or assembly plant, and were guaranteed a decent job for life. Now, that is impossible. Now, you have companies moving their plants overseas because the work is cheaper. Face it, the entire manufacturing sector in America is shrinking because of this. This has happened in many other countries before and they turned out fine. Deal with it.

    Let us hit rock bottom because then there's nowhere else to go but up. Do you even have a fucking job, you fucking idiot?

    I'm out of this fucking stupid thread.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)11:16:32 No.2415622
    That's a rumor perpetuated by the media, fucktard. Do some research, it's completely incorrect.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)11:16:42 No.2415623
    Democrats, hoping to stave off disaster, went along, and agreed to Republican demands to reduce the United Auto Workers' wages and benefits as soon as the UAW's current contract expired in 2011. The GOP, led in this case by Sens. Corker, Shelby, and DeMint, said that wasn't good enough -- autoworker wages had to be cut in 2009, or else. The deal fell apart, the Asian markets tumbled, U.S. futures tumbled, and at least one of the Big Three is poised to collapse.

    This, for lack of a better word, is madness. But what I really don't understand is why the rest of the Republican caucus in the Senate went along with this. Corker, Shelby, and DeMint are three far-right lawmakers from the Deep South, but they were only able to pull this off last night because there weren't enough reasonable Republicans left.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)11:17:23 No.2415625
    Stop trying to be a smart cunt. I'm not implying any of that, but starvation by and large does not happen. You overreacted to this situation and picked a bad apocalyptic example. Deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)11:17:48 No.2415626
    Umm, what? Yes, people do die from starvation in America. I know that you people think it's best to work from non-profits to counter these things, but non-profits have a low rate of donations already and if more people thought like you i doubt they would have any donated at all.

    Secondly, there will not be jobs for them tomorrow. I know people who have been laid off due to the recession in a number of areas. One was a manager of a Circuit City, one was a supervisor in a factory and a couple even higher ups in businesses. They cannot get jobs, despiteany prior training or proof of their workmanship. So stfu about "getting a new job tomorrow" because if those sorts of jobs were available, people wouldn't be getting laid off in the first place. It's much like>>2415527 said. One day your comfort and ease will be questioned and I wonder what you will say then. Not that I have any ties to the big three, i'm a student in louisiana. But i've never met a libertarian who wasn't a complete douchebag, so you got piled in.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)11:18:07 No.2415628
    Does America need a manufacturing sector? Or can it get by on its financial sector, its movies, its farming? Some people need to think long term here. There isn't always going to be BIll Gates to turn up at he right time and generate new national income.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)11:18:11 No.2415629
    "Part of me wants these companies to fail. Sometimes it's best to hit rock bottom before bouncing back up."

    it's liberal morons like you that think everything will be "OKAY" when one of the largest industries in the united states collapses.

    Say goodbye to the USA as you know it, and say hello to an unemployment rate in the 20's.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)11:19:38 No.2415636
    You're an idiot.

    1. You are comparing apples to oranges.
    2. Even homeless people can find food. If you honestly think Americans are dying of starvation (against their free will), you are out of your mind. The absolute fucking worst case scenario, you can eat leftovers and food from the garbage.

    Honestly, you Americans are spoiled little brats.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)11:21:05 No.2415648
    Good money after bad money will solve nothing. Regional unemployment will be much better than a crippling taxation burden on the entire country.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)11:23:07 No.2415658
    All three companies were going to fire large part of their workforce regardless, stupid people like you who listened to their doom and gloom statements religiously without actually considering long term viability are why nothing can get done in this country anymore.

    GM and Chrysler will get their stupid TARP loan, then in 2009 they will get more and more money as it will cost HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS to restructure properly without using bankruptcy.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)11:25:00 No.2415666
    That's the fucking POINT, you fucking moron. Hit rock bottom and then we can rebuild.

    Christ, you act like the United States was destroyed forever in the 20s and 30s.

    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)11:25:06 No.2415667
    *The bailout falls under the democratic ideology*
    >> ANSWER ME THIS 12/12/08(Fri)11:25:14 No.2415668
    Ok i havent read all of this thread but i have one question to ask. What the hell is going to happen in the next couple of years? The more detailed the better.

    inb4 l2economics
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)11:26:24 No.2415674
    Since the Cold War, the USA has been a barren wasteland where corporate titans do battle like...Transformers in disguise. There is no freedom there. Only capitalism and religion.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)11:26:38 No.2415676
    That's fine. The USA as you know it isn't sustainable. Unemployment in the 20s will enforce a sustainable model until a few generations down the line, people are stupid enough to ignore history again.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)11:27:55 No.2415680
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)11:28:47 No.2415692
    If we let these companies fail, we will have an economic shitstorm and depression for a few years, but we'll be better off in the long term.

    If we continue trying to fix the economy with these bailouts, the recession and incoming depression will last a lot longer and will be a lot worse because not only will we have not fixed anything, we would've spent trillions of dollars we don't own in the process.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)11:28:59 No.2415695
    You can rip off a band-aid, or you can let it rot off your skin. Rip it off, I say!
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)11:31:30 No.2415704
    Hey guise, the Wall Street bailout actually helped the stock market amirite?
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)11:33:59 No.2415723
    Think about it. Company A fails. Company A asks for large sums of money from Government B. Government B collects money from all the Taxpayers C.

    Company A pays Taxpayers D with money from Taxpayers C (and Taxpayers D).

    Taxpayers D spend money on Company E, which ends up paying Taxpayers F.

    Taxpayers C, D, and F pay Government B. Government B pays Company A.

    See where the logic is? I don't. IF YOU'D BE SO KIND AS TO SHOW ME WHERE IT IS I WOULD BE GREATFUL.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)11:34:02 No.2415724
    How much interest will we eventually pay on the money we borrowed for the bailout?
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)11:34:48 No.2415726

    these are the solution
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)11:35:38 No.2415732
    Grateful*, whoops.

    In other news, >>2415680
    I lol'd.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)11:36:07 No.2415734
    60 years later, the Japanese finally win WW2.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)11:48:25 No.2415790
    You need the French Government to help out here. The French have been rich for five hundred years because governement knows its business over there. Saving a car industry is nothing to those guys. They've done it all before. Check out Renault, Citroen etc.
    ps want some decent food as well?
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)12:00:02 No.2415848
    Haha frenchfag. I'd rather enter a decade long depression than get help from a frog.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)12:00:25 No.2415851
    It's cheaper for the government to bail them out than it is to pay for unemployment, social security, not letting them starve to death.

    Also the costs explode once you take into account that 1) the government is paying so unemployed people don't die 2) the unemployed are not buying enough things from the employed
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)12:02:30 No.2415861
    Not in the long term. Those companies are going to keep asking for handouts since they will continue doing business as usual.

    Oh, and they'll keep sending jobs overseas anyway.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)12:09:25 No.2415909
    It's America's fault. You made your bed, now sleep in it.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)12:10:55 No.2415925
    they died a while back. handing them cash will not make them viable manufacturers. it's a lose.

    reagan started the 'deregulation' fad in 1980, and it led to all sorts of insane paper-juggling that 'created' 'wealth' on the books; read about the savings and loan scams of the late 80's. It wasn't just savings and loans that did this; many big industries worked this stuff to wildly inflate value -- on paper.

    a fairly small number of savings and loan officers however were working this, and extracted profits from the scheme early, leaving the rest to fall like a house of cards. this, plus dimwitted top heavy management in places like GM started spending pension money, and to spend money better invested in their own future. quarter to quarter took over.

    the final straw was entirely their own, and its roots are in the early 1970's. they made the wrong product. american car quality in the70's was as bad as it ever got; total crap. i know first hand. the played off anti-japanese racism, got protectionist tariffs in place, and got that truck tax exemption thing to keep "jap" trucks out of the US.

    Another part fo that truck tarrif thing is that trucks have different standards than cars. THIS got exploited into the "SUV" product, with clever marketing and UNBELIEVABLY STUPID FUCK AMERICAN CUSTOMERS make them fortunes -- profit on high end SUVs was over $10K/suv, profit on small cars was like $800.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)12:16:37 No.2415973

    This is basicially my view on the situation. I have a weird fascination with shit going wrong.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)12:17:53 No.2415983
    They need to learn that no one buys their cars because they MAKE SHITTY CARS
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)12:25:53 No.2416029
    it's the end of the world as we know it but i feel fine.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)12:28:52 No.2416049
    ...and somehow this is the best news i've gotten all day.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)12:35:17 No.2416091
    Hitler feels the squeeze from the economy as well.

    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)12:35:26 No.2416093
    The US has spent so much effort on encouraging a free market, the same free market that McCain wanted to enforce had he won the election... and now the rich are suffering anyway they want to bail them out?

    It sucks immensely for the workers but fucking hell this is what a free market is! If you've supported this sort of thing then you're just getting what you deserve. Maybe the US likes it's cars but the rest of the world sees them as stodgy inefficient pieces of shit.

    This is how capitalism works, if you don't like it, then get fucked! Maybe without these lumbering bastards we'll see some newer and better car companies that will fill the niche.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)12:36:28 No.2416101
    I work for one of the big 3.

    Currently they're running a "work 2 weeks, spend one off" policy, and threatening to shut down all the factories up here in Canada. The CEO makes enough to pay my salary, as a line worker, for roughly 6000 years.

    As much as I can't afford to lose my job...I'd like to see it fail. It's run by greedy fucks looking to make money for themselves, and neglecting to invest in the company.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)12:37:40 No.2416116
    The US loved capitalism when everyone wanted their products, and are learning that no-one wants their shit anymore, and so now capitalism is evil.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)12:40:05 No.2416131
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    So why aren't the markets dropping down?
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)12:41:14 No.2416138
    Flagrant American idiocy.

    Don't ask yourselves why you're the laughing stock of the world.
    >> RepublicuntLobbyist !H5nbtYBA4A 12/12/08(Fri)12:41:30 No.2416141
    Ah, thank god.
    The senate republicans finally pulled their heads out of the sand and stuck it to the fucking spendocrats.

    Bye bye pensions, job bank, and ridiculous healthcare programs.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)12:42:46 No.2416153
    >Flagrant American idiocy.
    >responding to troll


    Maybe this was an example of metatrolling. Either way: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF...
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)12:43:46 No.2416158
    They markets are rejoicing in the fact that the forces of Communism have just been beaten back, of course.
    >> RepublicuntLobbyist !H5nbtYBA4A 12/12/08(Fri)12:44:55 No.2416167
    Bush admin is considering tapping from TARP to give to the Auto industry.

    Ford's up 7% right now, GM is only up 1%, but Ford's in much better shape than GM anyway.

    GM is pretty fucked if Bush doesn't give them money, they'll be forced to file Ch. 11, and sever all pension plans and shred the UAW up.

    But of course people like Barney Frank are going to do their damnedest to get something to them.
    In the name of "not letting people starve."

    >> RepublicuntLobbyist !H5nbtYBA4A 12/12/08(Fri)12:51:54 No.2416221
    Also, the markets are only like 1-5 points up in the inidicies. Trading usually gets heavy in the last two hours-ish.

    That's when most of the sharp declines tend to happen.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)12:52:03 No.2416224

    LOL.. yeah.. the
    French have also had like next to nothing GOP growth for YEARS and along with Germany are contributing to the sluggishness of the EU.

    Also, enjoy your protectionist farm subsidies that waste money so that you can have foie gras.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)12:52:10 No.2416225
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    >> RepublicuntLobbyist !H5nbtYBA4A 12/12/08(Fri)12:57:38 No.2416267
    Nobody's telling your uncle what to do with his pension.
    When there's people out there that have earned 2x more than what they paid in, then there's a problem.

    If your uncle relies on that shit to live on now, he was obviously financially irresponsible, and deserves to have everything taken away from him.
    He is the problem.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)12:59:36 No.2416283
    I love how the UAW won't take a pay decrease, but by letting the automotive industry fail, they will all be taking a 100% pay decrease.

    Another observation I made is that the government is creating all of these watchdog organizations to control the various sectors the the economy that they're bailing out. Essentially, the government now has control over these sectors of the economy, conveniently just before Barack Obama takes power. You're fucked, America. Enjoy your totalitarian state - you voted for it.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)13:00:16 No.2416288

    Of course not, Bert. But it WILL bounce back eventually. Right now people are trying to prolong the pain.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)13:13:49 No.2416387
    >French have also had like next to nothing GOP growth for YEARS and along with Germany
    >next to nothing GOP growth
    >nothing GOP
    >Grand Old Party

    Wow, I didn't know that very little republican growth was a sign of economic stupidity.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)13:15:43 No.2416408
    That's a strong fucking tree. Goddamn.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)13:20:38 No.2416451
    Trees have always been stronger than cars.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)13:20:42 No.2416452
    Every time I hear the numbers in the bailout schemes, it blows my mind. Over the past several years, I've read about many pie-in-the-sky environmental restoration or improvement projects where the opinion of even the people who came up with them was "That will never happen because it would cost almost a billion dollars!" And now they talk about all these plans.
    >> RepublicuntLobbyist !H5nbtYBA4A 12/12/08(Fri)13:24:12 No.2416473
    They really have no problems with taking wage concessions, but that's not even really the problem here anyway.

    Pension plans, healthcare, and other retirement shit is what's dragging them down hard, and those are the things that the UAW doesn't want to give up.

    But you are right, if they don't give them up, they won't have shit anymore.
    Either way it's a lose-lose for most of the retirees.
    Fuck them, they took advantage of the system, and now they get to pay the price.
    >> Autonymoose !x4vv0ZYuAo 12/12/08(Fri)13:41:53 No.2416612
    Bailout? More like FAILOUT!

    I like this turn of events, though. The auto industry can go thank the financial industry for this; if the financial industry hadn't done such a fuck-up job with their winnin's, congressmen would have received less negative feedback and would have felt more at ease with this. After all, it's 25B to 700B, but nooo, the financial industry just had to give expensive get-a-ways to all its execs.

    I'm not saying the government shouldn't react AT ALL, but just giving the companies a check with some "car oversight" person would have resulted in them doing nothing to change their current situation. They would have gone on totally ignoring the consumer, fucking up their own profits, and hoping that they could call on Uncle Sam for a payday loan again. Meanwhile our debt grows, and we see something for it.

    Instead, the three companies should be forced to:
    A) Give up any and all bonuses, perks, and other incentives to their CEOs. They don't deserve them, anyway.
    B) Massively streamline all operations. Cut all fat, and close down lines for the least-popular vehicles.
    C) Make sure to pay at least three months unemployment to those cut by B.
    D) Give a specific plan, as though they were seeking regular investors, as to how they will dig themselves out after everything else is said and done.

    Only then do we give them a check, and the stipulation is that at least 80% of that check must be used for the unemployment in C.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)13:46:08 No.2416641
    How about we just do not give them a fucking check.

    These companies are built around the "durr free market" strategy that America loved to boast about. Well, with all it's advantages of having no regulation, here comes the downside: No one is going to save your ass from going bankrupt.

    The country will survive. It may suck for some people to lose their jobs, but it's for a greater good. We will rebuild a market where businesses are regulated, and then when things start looking bad, they may in turn get their handouts. Afterall, you rub my back, I'll rub yours. Right now, America owes these companies nothing.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)13:47:09 No.2416650
    I think we should reinforce these companies with trees instead of money.
    It has been proven, time and time again that trees are stronger than cars. So we should use trees to prop up the failing industry.
    (Hell, it'll work better than a bunch of paper money)
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)13:47:56 No.2416659
    Trees are the strongest wood known to man.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)13:49:54 No.2416669
    You know, this is completely true, which somewhat annoys me.
    there should at least be something wrong about it.
    "Wood is the hardest metal known to man"

    What happens if you drive a diamond car into a a wooden tree? OP demonstrates..
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)15:47:26 No.2417563
    good let amriki finaly die
    >> Commexo Kid !!hVGwNHTV8dY 12/12/08(Fri)15:50:30 No.2417586
    I'm so happy. this just made my day.

    I hate Cerberus Capital Management and I'm glad they aren't gonna get a pass on this one.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/08(Fri)15:51:54 No.2417595
    Canada will likely bailout the big three if America does.


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