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    Love, Doc "old moot" Brown

    File : 1320261623.png-(165 KB, 331x218, shitthatpissesyouoff.png)
    165 KB Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:20:23 No.241481  
    Shit that pisses you off in College.

    >English 101
    >Teacher requires you to add him on Facebook

    >No Parking
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:25:07 No.241526
    >Teacher requires you to add him on Facebook


    wat wat wat

    all of my
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:25:52 No.241530

    What the fuck. I don't even have Facebook.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:26:16 No.241535

    >Math 121
    >Teacher requires you to do a school sponsored activity
    >> Afroman !Z6TGyeghmM 11/02/11(Wed)15:26:48 No.241542
    Dude...... what? He was kidding right? Oh god I hope he was kidding...
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:27:09 No.241547

    OP here, no he wasn't
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:28:57 No.241562
    >Penis Inspection 101
    >Nurse requires you to have atleast a score of 70 on the Standardised Penis Inspection Test (SPIT)
    >mfw I scored 68
    >Get expelled

    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:30:25 No.241574
    well then make a second account just for him
    I mean he's not allowed to spy on you on your real account
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:31:29 No.241588
    ugh, teachers that require you to do that shit are just control freaks, or creeps in general. They try to add "it's so i can update everyone quickly, etc, etc."

    Never hear shit from them. Assume they're just browsing the fuck of everyone's personal lives.

    Telling them you don't have one usually works but lately the trend is literally "then you're going to have to set one up".
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:32:38 No.241601
    Hah, our teachers maintain course pages on the school site. So great to have all info on every class/lecture/assignment readily available.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:33:05 No.241605
    make a decoy one
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:33:10 No.241607
    >internetcode for Heil Hitler
    >then you're going to have to set one up".
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:34:35 No.241616
    >pretentious peers
    >no parking
    >people strategizing group projects like it's a damn reality show
    >chatty people assuming you hate them for not being as chatty

    spoilers: i do hate you.
    >> HSV !5E9JCwFdVs 11/02/11(Wed)15:34:42 No.241617

    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:35:06 No.241621
    should've told him you didn't have one idiot
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:35:43 No.241624
    Shitty professors. My first semester I had a Russian computer teacher that spent every class talking about philosophy and a fat black woman who threatened to kick me out second day of class (apparently she said that to a lot of us).

    This semester I have a corpse teaching my philosophy class and he does nothing but ramble about mundane shit in a tone devoid of all life.

    Worst was my first theatre class during freshman year. It was taught by two old hippies and part of the class was giving each other spine massages and finger painting. I want to be an actor and I received scholarships for my achievements, but everything they taught went against everything I've learned so I was pretty insulted when I found out I was failing for not conforming to their crazy hippie teachings.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:36:11 No.241627
    make fun of him
    say how he can't get friends otherwise
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:36:19 No.241628
    >No Parking
    What does this mean?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:36:31 No.241633
    >ice-breaker session
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:37:19 No.241637

    Good catch.

    Set'd up a fake one. Friends: 1(the teacher). No fucks given.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:37:20 No.241638
    it means finding parking spaces is dickshitingly hard to do most of the time
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:39:36 No.241659
    >professors that can barely speak english
    >professors that don't give a shit, or enjoy failing their students
    >know it all kids that try to be smarter than the professor
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:40:39 No.241666
    Classmates not being able to come to class without slurping coffee and verbilly stating "i'm soooo glad i have coffee, i can't do a thing without coffee, lolz."

    I get it. We all need caffine.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:41:58 No.241681
         File1320262918.jpg-(31 KB, 470x330, 1414142235.jpg)
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    Create a fake facebook OP or tell your teacher to suck your nuts.
    >I'm so fresh you can suck my nuts
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:44:32 No.241710
    >easy class with boring 3 hour lecture in the early morning
    >could pass it without any problem because everything that's in class is posted online or is in the book
    >has a strict attendance policy

    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:45:34 No.241717
    Feminist Teachers

    Nothing is worse than an ugly cunt who goes on for an hour about the patriarchy and pornography.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:46:21 No.241733
    Taking a class and teacher going on about a completely different subject everyday. Physics professor wanting to talk politics or philosophy. Not just chat, but waste entire days on the subject. Fuck my life.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:46:38 No.241735
    >Have an early lecture
    >Has got little relevance to what the work were doing
    >Still have to go to it because they check that shit
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:47:17 No.241740

    This wins.

    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:48:36 No.241748

    Troll her. Troll her hard. Nothing makes an easier target than someone fighting for their cause.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:50:07 No.241760

    Yeah that shit is fun for the moment, then when sexism kicks in and you notice all your grades are mysteriously dropping it loses it's fun.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:58:07 No.241850

    Also true. But damn if it isn't tempting.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:58:19 No.241857
    >subjects in your major (i.e. shit you are actually interested in) having teachers that don't give a shit about the material and hand out As like candy
    >general education subjects having nazi teachers

    I wish general ed would die in a fire.
    >> Sleepingeasy !!hixPAyXzLya 11/02/11(Wed)15:59:55 No.241887
    >Learning things that I will never use
    >Questions with opinionated answers
    >Students that take the class VERY seriously
    >Researchers or teachers assistants teaching classes, and not professors
    >Students afraid of talking to each other, hard to make good friends
    >Students that take the class way too seriously
    >Fresh-off-the-boat teaching assistants
    >Practice tests and lectures not reflective of the actual tests in the least bit
    >Tuition has no ceiling
    >Skaters that practice their tricks at 3 am
    >Mandatory discussion sections

    I go to UC Davis and we're known as the biking college because everybody bikes to and from class due to our campus size. 3/5 of these people do not know how to ride a bike; I at least three crashes a week. If you don't know how to ride a bike, for the love of God please don't bike.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:02:06 No.241910
    >chem labs
    >work in pairs for this experiment

    >tutorial assignment
    >work in groups of 3 with the people sitting next to you and discuss these topics
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:06:17 No.241959
    if i fail a class i have to pay for it again.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:08:38 No.241983
    >having to interact with people in class
    >political teachers that don't shut up about their views
    >emos, especially people that are still emo at my age
    >strict attendance for unproductive classes
    >buying the book and never having to use it
    >8am class being cancelled after you show up
    >having to use a website for assignments or school email address
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:08:57 No.241989
    >Teacher requires you to add him on Facebook

    That's inappropriate.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:09:49 No.242005
    >internet code
    Because 88 meaning Heil hitler hasn't been around know...Hitler.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:12:54 No.242029
    How are people in college/university so stupid?

    >>Quite a few people who I talk to say that 9/11 was caused by the Jews
    >>Other say that the ancient Egyptians couldn't have built the pyramids, because it would be impossible with their level of technology
    >>About 1/3rd of the people don't believe in evolution
    >>EVERYONE thinks that marijuana is an amazing cure-all that stops cancer in its tracks and makes you more intelligent and artistic

    What the hell?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:12:59 No.242031
    Shit that pisses me off in college:

    >Fellow students who facebook or play video games during lectures. Fuck you and die faggots.

    >People who talk amongst themselves during lectures. Dumb fucks.

    >People who show up late. Fuck you, wait in the hall until the next break.

    >People who go to the toilet during classes. You can hold it for the full 45 minutes you mongoloids.

    >People who are afraid to raise their hands and bring up stuff. Pussies. Don't you fags realize you're reducing the quality of the studies with your wimpiness? Let's fucking discuss shit.

    >Lecturers who don't upload their lectures to the student network afterwards. Hey fuckers, there are some of us who have legitimate reasons for missing lectures, and are massively gimped when we miss out. Cudos to the lecturers who follow through.

    All in all I'm happy with my college though, it's aiit.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:13:47 No.242043
    >Political Science
    >Talk about "Important stuff that will be on the finals"
    >Not on the finals

    Fuck you professor coolface.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:16:06 No.242070

    >Tuition has no ceiling

    I'm Norwegian. What does this mean? Tuition is a fee charged to get into the school right? So what's wrong with no ceiling? Leads to like elitism or something?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:16:47 No.242081
         File1320265007.jpg-(17 KB, 296x230, 5srn.jpg)
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    That fat girl who sits near the front and always has an opinion on everything even though she never brings anything new or interesting to say.


    Also pic related. Don't give a fuck if you have the courage to go back to college, old people are annoying.
    >> Sleepingeasy !!hixPAyXzLya 11/02/11(Wed)16:18:27 No.242105
    It keeps getting raised every year here, and there's not much we can do about it. 3 years ago it was $5000 less. The state keeps cutting funds from education to pay for other things, and the universities are trying to pick up the slack by making the students pay more and laying off teachers.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:19:11 No.242112
    Agree with the first one, not the second one. There's this eigthy-something year old in my singing class who's worked in theatre and has a great voice. The fat girls though? Yeah, fuck them.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:19:21 No.242116
    >That one Jewish kid that has to tie anything to Hitler and the Nazis.

    >That Goth kid

    >The potheads.

    America, are frat boys real?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:19:41 No.242124
    >Too many websites

    The university I attend has several different online systems for students communicating with instructors, which all do the same thing and all are set up to be used with multiple courses. Every single course I'm in uses a different one. Two are even based on the same software. And on top of that, half the professors/instructors have course websites and you have to guess where they're going to put the information.

    >Professors assuming you don't know how to do high school (and even middle and elementary school) stuff

    My stats professor seems especially bad for this. He kept going on and on about how to find the mean and median of a set of data, and the other day spend over 10 minutes explaining how to calculate the area of rectangular shapes.

    >Terrible WIFI coverage in the science complex

    The entire arts and engineering complexes are covered. However if you go into the science complex, the only building that has WIFI at all is the Library/Math/Stats building. Even the small faculties have better coverage for some reason.

    >Professors who can barely speak English

    This one explains itself

    >Construction Everywhere

    I seem to have to change my routes between classes every week because a different part of a building/sidewalk is being renovated.


    And professors who are obsessed with using them. We could be learning new stuff with all the time one of my professors devotes to this. We're already behind in that class as it is.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:20:18 No.242131
    MSU here, frat boys are everyone. My guess is because we're in Jersey. Never see any goths though.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:21:44 No.242150
    >fucktards in piano that don't practice
    >teacher ranting about people that don't practice because they waste time and then proceeds to waste even more time
    >/r9k/ blocking images and being too lazy to edit in a pixel
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:24:27 No.242179

    had one in my photography class.
    Took a picture of an empty keg and thought it was 'deep'. I'm so serious.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:24:36 No.242182

    Oh yeah, I can see how that would suck.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:26:16 No.242195
    Oh man fuck those things. $50 for something you're not going to use again.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:26:23 No.242199
    >Class starts halfway through semester at 2:30
    >Now need to come in around two instead of around six
    >NO PARKING anywhere
    >Cars maneuvering through the lots, searching for any sign of an opening
    >Drive twenty minutes before finding a shitty spot in a terrible lot
    >Decide, fuck it, I'll just come in around nine or ten, when there are plenty of open spaces
    >Now have to go eight AM to eleven PM, including travel time. I only have three classes.

    >Same school
    >Came in morning, parked
    >Go back to my car to grab my packed lunch
    >Parkingpocalypse hour
    >White car begins following me
    >I look at her, continue walking to my car. It's the furthest in the back. She continues stalking me, watching, waiting.
    >I get into my car and type out a text. She's idling still, eyes fixated on me.
    >I pull out my lunch and start eating
    >She waits three minutes before driving off in a huff
    >While I eat I watch and see her circle all the lots in that section again

    Seriously. Tuition is twelve thousand. They can't spring to develop another fucking parking lot? And fuck you residents who drive. Your dorm is RIGHT FUCKING THERE. Quit taking our spots, lazy niggers.

    Not that I pay twelve thousand, lawl. Mad scholarships.
    >> Captain Hook !!IuTXoKZpCDk 11/02/11(Wed)16:30:09 No.242248
    >Cute girl in my class
    >Teacher requires/says you get extra credit for adding him on Facebook
    >Cute girl adds him
    >Get to add cute girl and say I saw her on the teachers Facebook
    Works for me.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:31:36 No.242275
         File1320265896.jpg-(81 KB, 390x310, 1308406729217.jpg)
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    oh you so crazy /r9k/
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:34:00 No.242302
    >Sitting outside, reading a book. Damned good book, crisp air.
    >Gaudy-looking trash bitch comes up
    >Gets out a cig and her cell phone
    >Pack up and leave without saying a word
    >We make eye contact as I pass
    >Give her blank, unfaltering death stare, just long enough for it to register that she's a dick.

    >Take seat inside to read
    >Two bitches come over, sit right next to me
    >Start blasting dubstep and laughing and chittering over how cool it makes them
    >Pack up, leave
    >Take seat in next seating section, chairs are comfy, surrounded by dudes talking quietly
    >Read book until next class
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:34:07 No.242303
         File1320266047.gif-(1.55 MB, 380x213, Worst day ever.gif)
    1.55 MB

    ALEKS is the biggest motherfucking troll on the face of the earth. Whoops, forgot a sigfig? Now you get to redo this problem five more times!

    >mfw I had to pay $30 for a quarter's worth of this shit garbage service

    i>clicker is pretty dumb, too, but my two professors who use it don't go overboard.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:36:56 No.242335
    people that bring food to eat during final exams
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:38:06 No.242350

    Hey I remember you you're that guy with long hair and looks like a pirate or a viking or whatever. Neat.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:39:13 No.242362

    jesus christ, you're that weird ass kid that sits in the front middle of every class, gets there like 20 mins early, and doesn't talk to anyone the whole semester, and probably reminds the professor about some homework or assignment that was due if they forget.

    Yeah, it's good to take your education seriously, but theres a fucking point where it goes over the line into straight autism and you are dangerously close buddy
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:41:58 No.242399
    msu here too
    fuck frats, and the majority of teachers who assume if you dont show up to class its because youre hungover.
    also, no racism implied, but asians cannot drive worth a damn on campus
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:42:33 No.242408
    > x amount of "electives" that are "required" for my degree
    > only "need" them because some other class that i actually do need has them as a prereq

    When in the FUCK am I going to need to know about the fucking geology of central america for a god damn computer sciences degree!?

    >then they have the fucking gall to charge you for this bullshit
    >> Captain Hook !!IuTXoKZpCDk 11/02/11(Wed)16:46:07 No.242446
    That'd be me.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:48:37 No.242480
    RA and orientation leader here.

    psssst, the icebreakers are there for the outgoing kids to meet other outgoing kids and the sulking dicks like you to get a common enemy you can all hate together

    Either way it breaks the ice. Unless you're so fucking antisocial you don't talk to anyone. If that's the case then we don't feel bad about taking a few minutes of your time because you wouldn't be spending it on anything better.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:49:11 No.242486
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    >not going to RMP and checking for attendance policies before you sign up for classes

    Spent my entire Sophomore year not attending class and passed. Thanks, RMP.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:49:37 No.242493
    >professor teaches class 95% from the damn slides that come with the instructor version of the textbook
    >doesn't post the slides online
    >have to sit through boringass 3 hour night class
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:51:11 No.242512
    That one person in the study group who doesn't do any work at all, and sits on Facebook while we work with assignments.

    The person who argues with the lecturer
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:51:15 No.242514
    >people that ask if its okay to leave the class
    ffs you or daddy paid for this, leave whenever you want
    >teachers that insist on asinine ways of teaching
    we get it, you have an ipad and think youre cool using it in a lecture, but im here to learn and this is dumb as fuck
    >class average on all exams thus far is 47%
    >"clearly the class needs to start trying harder"
    motherfucker, if we all score lower than a 1.0 on your scale i doubt it is all of us not trying
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:52:55 No.242533
    >Study chemistry
    >Random spanish/mexican guys whose name i don't know, so i call him pedro
    >Very simple topic comes up
    >he asked completely unrelated question about something that has nnothing to do with what we're talking about or he asks a questions because he doesn't understand something very simple
    >wastes my time

    every single lecture this happens, perhaps 5 or 6 times
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:53:05 No.242534
    >advocating the disruption of education at college

    No, you're the retard. Doing shit after class is perfectly fine. Shooting the shit during labs when you aren't learning new stuff is perfectly fine too. Talking during class is wrong.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:54:09 No.242547
    asian kids that try to make friends with the white kids...but only really want them to edit their papers and stuff
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:54:21 No.242550
    >Apply to professional college
    >Don't get in the first time
    >Well that's okay, I'll just take some classes we would normally take that aren't really related to the profession
    >We have to take English 321
    >I take it so I can skip it in the professional college
    >I get in the next year
    >"Oh by the way, if you took English 321 or have a bachelor's degree, you have to take English 421"
    >I am nearly unable to contain my rage

    At least it's an online class, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:54:55 No.242557
    >Mandatory gen eds.

    We PAY for college. How is it legal for them to force us to take nonrelevant BS?

    >Healthcare related class
    >Discussion on how minorities face discrimination and how we all have to be m-u-l-t-i-c-u-l-t-u-r-a-l, have to know the religions and cultures of other races and cater to them
    >(Irony is, they WANT us to be prejudicial, and think to ourselves that if a jewish-looking person walks in, they can't eat pork, or if an asian comes in that they won't accept western medical practices and will only want acupuncture and newt extract tea.)
    >How blacks especially are underprivileged because, oh, look at how high their rates of teen pregnancy and heart disease are.
    >White guilt. White guilt everywhere.
    >Whole fucking chapter on this.
    >Gen ed's are mostly minority culture appreciation classes, like African dance, or latino studies or whatever shit.

    Seriously, stop with the politically correct bullshit. This is an academic setting, not a nursery for pansies.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:55:17 No.242563
    certain major specific classes that are required for graduation that the school only offers during certain semesters and doesn't have enough spots for everyone in the major, forcing people into another entire year of school just because they can't get into the classes they need.

    Fuck you fuck, offer these classes more often, or increase the capacity. I know you what to try and keep people there as long as possible to get more tuition money, but seriously, fuck off. I could have graduated already instead of taking bs filler classes and wasting time and money until the school decides to let us graduate.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:56:29 No.242575
    Fucking this. Theres always at one, if not three
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:56:45 No.242579
    >People who show up late. Fuck you, wait in the hall until the next break.
    >People who go to the toilet during classes. You can hold it for the full 45 minutes you mongoloids.

    Damn, you're an asshole. How does this shit even affect you?
    >> Captain Hook !!IuTXoKZpCDk 11/02/11(Wed)16:56:53 No.242580
    >Be a Chem major
    >You have to take an English class lol
    >Well ok I can understand English is important and writing es-
    >Poetry everywhere
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:57:57 No.242601
    >Go out on date with a girl my friend set me up with
    >Pretty cute for a chubby chick, easily DD's
    >Movie was stupid, she's amused by my comments
    >totally got the hand between her legs
    >Movie's over
    >go into the back of my SUV
    >Make out, general session of rubbing various areas
    >Don't realize it's 3 AM, still in the movies parking lot
    >Things get hot and heavy, she asks for a condom
    >cop pulls up next to my vehicle, windows all steamy
    >pulls gun on us, for no reason, tells us to gtfo of the car
    > thinks my vehicle was just used for a robbery
    >sit night in jail, aquitted the next day.

    Ended up going on more dates with the girl though, pretty decent relationship came of it, weirdly enough. 3 month period came around, she turned out to be a total bitch and I left her.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:58:09 No.242606
    Classes that constantly get interrupted by retards are the worst. You are done with them (for the most part) by the end of the first year of ochem because all the retards switch majors or drop out. I wish they would realize they could actually learn on their own time and go to office hours if they can't grasp the simple stuff.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:59:03 No.242617
    >be sitting in class
    >some aspie sits RIGHT next to me when there are millions of free seats
    >he smells weird

    >hot "nerdy" girl
    >surrounded by a harem of betas 24/7
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:59:48 No.242626
    >essay due
    >teacher comes in a week later
    >looks at us all and says he's going to spend the class teaching us how to write more effective essays and how bad we are
    >ask for my essay back because I know I got an A because I gamed the teacher
    >spends an hours talking about bullshit like how to write a thesis
    >get paper back
    >why didn't he just let me go home
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:00:06 No.242628

    ...This is about college, how? Learn2post.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:01:07 No.242642
    >someone writes "no niggers" on a white board in the dorms
    >get 3 emails next day saying racism will not be tolerated
    >signs and flyers all over campus saying "racism is bad"
    >isnt it racist to assume someone non-black wrote it?
    >rape is bad
    >burglary is bad
    >muder is bad
    >where are those signs?

    FFS we're treated like children
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:02:20 No.242657
    Colleges are less about education and more about fostering dependency on authority and charging you blind to do it.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:04:38 No.242675
    >Teachers who post work that is due ONLY online. If we don't check our lolschoolemails, we're fucked.

    >Teachers who insist upon using technology, but fucking can't understand shit and end up calling tech help every class.

    >Teachers who only post grades online, instead of writing it on our papers, making us navigate shitty school website just to find out. I still haven't bothered.

    >Teachers who want you to memorize shit, and don't teach the concepts behind how it was derived and why it is so.

    >Introductory courses, to anything, ever. Biggest waste of fucking time. I don't
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:05:57 No.242687

    >**I don't even need to take the course to pass the finals, it's so easy.

    Keyboarding at bad angle = auto posting. Okay.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:07:36 No.242712
    I'm 20 years old. For the amount of money I pay and the amount of bullshit I put up with, I'll go to the bathroom when I damn well please. My being 5 minuets late isn't your fucking problem. I mad.

    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:07:51 No.242714
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    You guys! Just chill out. School is temporary, unlike those jobs you might soon have where you do the same shit for decades. Nigger!
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:08:07 No.242718
    >no parking
    I know tat fucking feel bro

    >doing all this work using computers and internet instead good old fashion paper work

    Sometimes technology is unreliable
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:08:16 No.242721
    off topic, but college related.
    how do i unclog my toilet? plunger doesnt work
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:08:22 No.242725
    >teacher is totally unprepared
    >gives us a book
    >"start reading this week"
    >"How far do you need us to have read until next class?"
    >"Err...I don't know. However far you get."
    >"But surely you need to tell us how far to read so we can have next class about the part that we read so far."
    >"Okay...just read how far you get."
    >"How far?"
    >"I don't care."

    How unorganized and lazy can you possibly be?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:08:45 No.242729
    Sounds like you're mad because I can play games in class and get an A while you have to struggle and get a C.

    Maybe you shouldn't have been born so fucking retarded.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:09:57 No.242740
    See those things at the ends of your arms? The ones with the fingers sticking out? Push those inside, and use them to get out all of the shit that's clogging up your throne.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:10:06 No.242742
    >People who show up late. Fuck you, wait in the hall until the next break.
    Fuck you, unless you mean like 20 minutes late, then fuck them

    >People who go to the toilet during classes. You can hold it for the full 45 minutes you mongoloids
    Fuck you but to a lesser extent
    >> ­Brocicle 11/02/11(Wed)17:11:02 No.242751
    >Registration automated through website database.
    >Drop a class I don't want
    >It glitches and picks the wrong class
    >Try to reinstate class I need&want
    >Spot is already filled.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:12:07 No.242759
    last ditch method, any chemicals? ive tried dish soap and denture tabs thinkjng they would bubble my feces away
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:12:12 No.242761

    un-coathanger a coat hanger and shove that nigger in there
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:12:39 No.242769
    >>It glitches
    Is what what the call being a moron with computers today? Crazy these kids...
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:13:20 No.242775
    Call a plumber you fucker.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:14:13 No.242783

    its so glitchy the computer messed up is this an email how do i hit send
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:16:25 No.242805
    Fucking this. I'm a god damn adult you autist, just because you think nigger loving 101 is essential to your daily life doesn't mean it is.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:16:36 No.242807
    Hah, should have gone to a Britfag university.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:16:59 No.242812
    >college related
    >im poor as fuck
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:17:39 No.242826
    >is what what the call
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:18:41 No.242835
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:18:51 No.242838
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    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:19:07 No.242845
    Drop out of college and become a plumber then. Unclogging toilets surprisingly pays better than being an unemployed liberal arts major.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:20:22 No.242857
    THIS holy fuck. Fuck parking at my college. It's not even the fact that there's a shit load of other cars, the fucking signs and arrows pointing everywhere...
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:20:46 No.242862
    biochem major actually , but your post probably still applies
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:22:56 No.242890
    >park in secluded lot that's far as fuck from anything
    >i'm the only one parked there ever
    >mfw it takes longer to find a good parking spot than it does to walk to class from my spot
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:23:47 No.242903
    >go to college by car
    Take the bus you niggers. It's better for the environment and you don't have to park miles off campus.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:24:36 No.242910
    >8:00 am class
    >Get to 1 of 3 parking decks on my campus
    >Left early so I would be able to get a spot
    >"Spots left: 83"
    >See a spot, fucking flying around the isles of cars to it
    >Blonde haired north face ugg boot wearing chick
    >She fucking swerves into the space just to claim it
    >Sit there, white knuckle gripping the steering wheel
    >I'm debating ramming her car
    >Pussy out
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:26:21 No.242927
    >pay attendant to park in lot overnight
    >get to my car next day
    >ticket on my windshield?
    >"no parking between 2am and 6am"
    >i dont understand overnight parking
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:30:09 No.242966
    >take bus
    >full of homeless people and some students
    >always at least one nigger using a phone or psp
    >using said phone or psp as a speaker for their music
    >beats headphones lying around neck

    fuck. use your overpriced headphones asshat
    >walk to school instead
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:30:26 No.242969
    >get a perfect score on my multi-variable calculus test
    >get a C on my shit chinese film culture midterm
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:32:45 No.243004
    >be good in one class
    >be mediocre in another
    You can't be good at everything. If you are good at maths, you aren't necessarily smart in all other fields as well.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:33:05 No.243008
    >He thinks that buses go everywhere
    >He thinks buses run in low-traffic areas at eleven at night

    First thing I checked out after getting my classes registered was if there was a bus route. Nope.fuckyou.jpg
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:34:26 No.243023
    >Live 40 minutes away from campus
    >Never any parking
    >Find a parking spot, like a 10 walk to the building from spot
    >Get to class, door is locked
    >Prof. decided to cancel class, did not send out e-mail until after the time the class would've started
    >All of my rage
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:36:10 No.243053
    >hot "nerdy" girl
    >surrounded by a harem of betas 24/7
    they're fucking everywhere
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:36:37 No.243057
    >chinese movie class
    >at the 100 level, for english speakers
    >teacher is from germany
    >teaches more about the SHIT TIER history of china
    >class is 90% fresh off the boat
    >some movies have no subtitles
    >the essay portion of the test was worth a few term definitions
    she also alludes to being homophobic. fucking redneck nazi whore from the german countryside, i feel like reporting her to her division head for being a fuckwit of an associate professor

    >MATH231 class
    >taught by wimminz
    >9am, still energetic and is more than happy to help
    >probably the reason why i got a 50 out of 50
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:38:49 No.243084
    >The loud bitchy feminist whiny fuck who brings up the androcentrism every fucking class period in literature.

    >The kid with the really high pitched whisper voice.

    >That goth kid.
    Oh wait. I'm that guy. :3
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:39:06 No.243087

    Fucking this. Gen eds professors who think that they're important and serious courses. The colleges have to MANDATE gen eds just to get people to take those kinds of shit-ass classes. Take your touchy-feely-multiculturalist wank-fest lectures and get the hell out of academia. Go blog out of a starbucks.


    Also, yfw I get A's in both hard sciences AND bullshit courses. Mad, bro? Mad that no one cares about your lib arts degree?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:39:52 No.243099
    andrew hill's macroecon class????
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:40:43 No.243110
    the emos in high school weren't so damn annoying.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:41:16 No.243123
    Half of the things in here describe my experience with college.

    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:42:00 No.243131
    Walk to college

    Yep no parking problems for me
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:42:34 No.243138

    I'm assuming you've gone and clogged it up under the bowl, where you can't really see it.

    It's either compacted faeces and tissue, or just clogged tissue (depending on what you've been up to - regardless, the following applies.)

    Get yourself 4 black bin bags.
    Cut one so that it doubles, lay that around your toilet on the floor (this is to catch anything that spills, saves you cleaning up or getting a stain.)

    Unfold the last bag, have it open and ready to receive,

    Put your arm in one of the bags, make sure there's no holes or rips in it. Put the bagged arm inside another bag (so you've now got two.) You can either tie it off around your upper arm or just roll with it, depending how comfortable you are - the double bagging is good if you're squeamish as it lessens the texture of what comes next.

    Plunge your arm down that fucker and scoop anything out - literally grasp out, grab a chunkful and pull it towards you. Repeat until you can't feel anymore/it's clear. Clear the detritus (scoop it out and put it in the bag you've prepared,) check you've cleared it (flush) and then unpeel your bagged arm and dump that your other bag, get the one off the floor and throw it too.

    Minimal fuss and effort, keeps you clean if you've got OCD.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:42:59 No.243147
    young teachers + hipsters= ultimate-maximum-rage
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:44:08 No.243161
    >pull out cigarette during break.
    >Suddenly, three people ask "hey, can I bum one?"

    Fuck you all. Don't talk to me.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:44:41 No.243171
    >This fat guy that sits in the back of class
    >Feels he has to chime in with his uninformed opinions on every topic
    >Uses experiences with one person to qualify his arguments about an entire group
    >White knighting for minorities, gays, etc. Political correctness everywhere
    >Wastes class time on this shit every. Single. Day.

    >Fat bitch in class
    >Says it's because genes
    >Eats chips and has a soda every class
    >Brings in milkshakes from starbucks, easily a thousand calories a pop
    >Dresses in trend fashion
    >Wears yoga pants sometimes
    >Fat bitch
    >Yoga pants
    >> Captain Hook !!IuTXoKZpCDk 11/02/11(Wed)17:45:10 No.243179
    >3 Hour class
    >Teacher asks us if we want a shorter break and be able to get out earlier at the end
    >Never get out early
    What the fuck you dumb cunt
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:45:39 No.243184
    >movies without subtitles
    That is why you find the movies and watch them out of class with subtitles again.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:46:12 No.243191

    Not who posted that, but dude, shit applies to half the classes I've ever taken. Some profs are just goddamned lazy bastards.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:46:43 No.243197
    >no fuckin toilet paper... also toilets are filthy as fuck
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:48:07 No.243213
    >"Get A's"
    >"Mad that no one cares about your lib arts degree?"
    >implying I got to shit-tier American college and not a glorious European university
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:48:40 No.243223

    This is why you come prepared.

    Drop down to poundland or whatever you have, get yourself a massive pack of the individually packed tissues (aka a box of 10 packages of 10 tissues.)

    Carry one of those around with you - can use it to wipe and also open the doors as needed.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:50:25 No.243245
    >militant atheists and their christian friends
    >overconfident asspies
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:51:41 No.243263
    >environmental class
    >lab is taught by a TA who is like 24 or 25
    >all up her own ass about saving the environment


    >big cement company wants to install factory in neighboring county
    >whole county consists of fucking nothing (in NC)
    >liberals all butthurt about pollution
    >TA goes on rant about cement company hurtin da trees, etc.
    >Say that the jobs it would open up would help the whole region, since there are nojobs in that area.
    >she mad

    >midterm has no "true" answers outside a few definitions and short answer questions, all others subject to her opinion on your answers
    >fail terribly, dumb bitches who have 50% attendance rate with Bs and As
    >I pay money for this
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:52:42 No.243276

    Toilets, oh god. I'm not even a germophobe, I eat food that's fallen on the ground, I'd lick a doorknob if you dared me to, Idgaf. But women's toilets are NASTY. Bitches piss on the seat, there's always hairs all over it, stinks to high hell of reeking period blood filled tampons sitting in the trash bins, water all over the counters of the sinks, and the last stall I went in had shit flung on the door, and then the drip line where it slid down. Someone wrote in a girly script, "Wash me =)". As if the shit flinging was just so cute lol. I will not sit on those seats without thoroughly wiping it first. I'll actually go through, peek in all the doors, and determine the cleanest toilet to use.

    Why so fucking nasty, women? And how in the hell do you piss on the seat?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:53:16 No.243281
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    >be at uni
    >first thermodynamics lecture
    >lecturer makes powerpoint presentation
    >at one point he starts talking about how heat is a fluid
    >projector behind him declares "HE'S TALKING GARBAGE"
    >he announces that there will be in-class quizzes and students can vote on them online, with the results appearing on the projector
    >I realise that our thermodynamics lecturer is absolutely god-tier
    >mfw I actually considered going to the US to study where people have to do "a rounded education"
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:54:28 No.243300
    you sir are amazing. I got it almost 100% unclogged this way. Its not all the way undone, but if i flush, it drains slowly. I poured some toilet bowl cleaner in there, sanitized everything, and ill get back to working on it after some homework.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:54:57 No.243302
    >shorter nap time
    >mad when class doesn't end earlier then it is scheduled
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:55:16 No.243314
    The Egyptians could not have built the pyramids, obviously you have never did any research on the dammed things. Also, marijuana is pretty fucking awesome. It changes your perception, faggot.
    >> Captain Hook !!IuTXoKZpCDk 11/02/11(Wed)17:56:47 No.243338
    >3minute break instead of 10minute break
    >Says we'll get out earlier if we do this
    >It never happens
    Yeah, I'm mad. We got out 20minutes late last night.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:58:31 No.243357

    Did she offer you a cig? That'd be the nice thing to do.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:58:43 No.243360
    Lefties. Fucking i'm-further-left-than-you-i'm-so-fucking-left-i'll-fall-off-the-edge-of-the-world lefties.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:58:50 No.243364
    Yeah, it's also impossible for bumble-bees to fly. They are actually being lifted by the Enterprise's tractor beams.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)18:00:26 No.243383

    If you can't get any more out manually it's now just a case of waiting for it to be dislodged by flushing.

    Glad I could help.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)18:01:24 No.243401


    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)18:01:50 No.243411
    Is this your first year? Either way, I don't recommend choosing 3 hour classes because it gets harder to concentrate the longer it drags on and you'll find yourself looking at the clock constantly if it's a very uninteresting lecture.

    I took one my first year and absolutely hated it.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)18:02:06 No.243412

    Fuck you, you fucking stupid cunt. Call people that aren't that social sulking dicks? While you and all of the other "outgoing, cool" kids to suck each other's dicks? Yeah fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)18:03:09 No.243425
    God dammed I hate the hot nerdy chicks who do that. Fuck, FUCK. It's kind of funny how all of the betafags are to much of pussies to make a move though.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)18:03:10 No.243426


    Like, 90 libs / 10 conservatives. But they're both whackjob extremists. I want to break skulls.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)18:06:29 No.243473

    :) <=======3



    Ha, you're gay as well?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)18:10:32 No.243544
    Because they are filled with young adults that have all the fervor and desire to change the world, but don't ever quiet down to reason or think.
    If you are young, not going all the way doesn't feel like moving at all. You are like that, too, in some respects. You might not even notice it because your ideas seem to right to you.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)18:11:22 No.243559
    >teachers who don't let you sign the attendance if you're 15 minutes late but would chat for assistants and not start the lecture for 30 minutes

    >teachers who decide to not come to a class and don't bother telling the students before the class

    >teachers who frequently cancel a class you really want to learn about. students feeling happy because of this despite the class will be 100% useful in their career.

    >students who talk loudly in a class you want to listen to. telling them to stfu would make you seem like a nerd loser.

    >working hard to finish a homework before the due date and the teachers pulls the due date to the future because some lazy fucks didn't do the homework.

    >people who drop half the classes they take and fail half of the rest because they are too lazy to do the final project and then whine about how they can't finish school in 4 years.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)18:12:48 No.243579
    >3 hour class
    >instructor lets us vote on whether we want a break or to get out early
    >110% of class votes get out early
    >fourth class
    >bitch complains about how long class is
    >"this class is soooo long ugh. why didn't we vote to have a break?"
    >how the fuck would a break make the class shorter
    >all of my wat
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)18:14:48 No.243606
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    >mfw most of this shit hasn't happened to me

    I guess you guys go to schools with shit-tier professors, which sucks for you.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)18:16:25 No.243635
    >leaving class to go home
    >pass ten people
    >twelve of them are smoking
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)18:17:18 No.243646
    and if you don't follow them they call you cynical or bitter
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)18:17:46 No.243653
    >nerdy homesexual kid who stinks like something fucking horrible.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)18:20:49 No.243707
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)18:22:10 No.243732
    >students who come to "no attendance required" classes and sleep or browse facebook during the whole class
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)18:26:45 No.243814

    >mfw your car is actually parked miles off campus when you take the bus.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)18:34:06 No.243929
    >Fat weeaboo who during discussions relates everything back to anime and no one knows what the fuck he's talking about.

    >mandatory online discussions on the class website

    >Software is shit and IT desk is always closed

    >Teachers that pass you even if your work is shit, but don't tell you it's shit
    This is directed at my sister's professors. Holy fuck, She's graduating with a BA in Japanese next month and my anime-acquired Japanese is better than hers. And her teachers didn't tell her she sucked until last quarter.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)18:35:22 No.243949
    The monotonous lecturing of the professors can actually be really soothing. It sure beats sitting outside where fat feminist lesbians hand you pamphlets and give you speeches that you can't nap through without being called a misogynist.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)18:37:35 No.243987
    >mfw I actually learn things in engineering classes that a book can never teach me
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)18:41:27 No.244041

    Lol, I lost half of my ALEKS topics on Monday.

    Fucking bullshit. I wish I could stay in my form and do that shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)18:42:14 No.244053
    >humanities class "technology and the individual"
    >have a group presentation for class
    >we make a powerpoint because fuck paper
    >want to hook a laptop up to the VGA port in the room
    >teacher wont let us
    >ask why
    >because I dont know what that does


    >see girls with tape over their webcams on their laptops
    >"we dont want the government to spy on us"

    all of my what
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)18:54:28 No.244244
    >the kid who loves to bring up how the Japanese's education system is so much better

    >the kid that uses big words to look smart

    >the kid who sucks the teacher's dick in hopes of looking elite
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)19:07:03 No.244460
    Why so much hate for your fellow brobots that are in fraternities?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)19:49:31 No.245226
    because loldouches get hotpuss
    >> broke subgenius 11/02/11(Wed)23:41:00 No.248932
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    rolling at devry nearly 200 IQ....

    fucking fuck fuck..... smoke weed.... take exams get 97

    o yes and rich whiny pussies who think cuz i is poorest of all I don t deserve to learn with fuck all illuminazis. damn it bill wtf i luz pizza biotch whole
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)23:43:26 No.248976
    >any type of ice breaker at all
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)23:47:17 No.249047
    >MAT 101 this year
    >Teacher is old, fat, southern, and technologically retarded
    >Takes her 10 minutes to turn the computer on every class
    >Dumbs down the material for us
    >Great if you've been out of school for 20 years, horrible torture if you just graduated

    Also, the program we have to do our homework on is horrible. I've done every assignment since the beginning of the year three times and she still says I didn't do anything.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)23:59:41 No.249277
    >frat bros
    >girls who wear frat related clothing
    >sorority girls
    >people who talk about how "great skrillex is" or other plebeian music stuff
    >communist government professors who endorse mao
    >previously homeschooled kids who act like aspies
    >really stupid girls, who always try to participate
    >that one kid who ties everything to slavery and mugging
    >douchebags who ride longboards
    >white guys with dreadlocks
    >people who constantly promote their clubs. The second I step out of my building i get accosted by 14 different clubs
    >the dining hall closes at 7pm on fridays
    >the food court is closed by 7:30 everyday
    >required embassy trips for government students
    >black women in the business school. They're so obviously there because of Affirmative Action, they offer nothing of value academically
    >religious people
    >engineering students who go on and on about how much their degree will do for them, while they don't realize that we're being flooded with engineers
    >the lack of artistic-minded people on campus

    I go to the University of Maryland, btw
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)00:01:40 No.249310

    I'm not talking about talking in class like that, but this guy is freaking out is someone wants to use the bathroom or comes in a little late. Like, does that bother you so much that you need to freak out if someone moves in the room for a second. Is he that ADD riddled that such a minor thing utterly destroys his concentration? Good lord. I'm all for learning in class too, but let's not go overboard here.

    Maybe we should chain everyone to their desks with ball gags in their mouths and eyes held open like clockwork orange from the second class starts to the second it ends.

    I paid my money for the class, if I want to go to the bathroom or leave early then I will. Fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)00:02:57 No.249334
    >grading you on homework

    What is this, fucking high school?
    >> ._. !sF3yHtlIIQ!!a0P3DpU9CjI 11/03/11(Thu)00:05:54 No.249383
    male feminist professor, talks about the wage gap, I bring forth evidence against it, he just says, "no, those are lies." end of debate.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)00:09:39 No.249450
    You should say the same thing and see how much it pisses him off, then say "DO YOU LIKE HOW THAT FEELS, BITCH?"
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)00:13:07 No.249498
    dis nigger has got it all figured out. couldnt have made a better list if i tried
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)00:14:40 No.249518
    >people who go to the library to socialize
    >students being too wimpy/stupid to answer any of the professor's questions or participate in discussion, which feels awkward as fuck, and you answer one question a class to ease the awkwardness and feel like you're acting like a know-it-all because that's more than anyone else does

    But the best part of all:
    >paying tens of thousands of dollars for tuition and wasting your time in lectures when you're the sort of person who can learn the material by reading the textbooks and assigned readings

    I'm not paying for an education, I'm paying for the diploma that proves that I have an education. I do most of the educating myself.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)00:16:20 No.249548
    word life
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)00:17:56 No.249575
    >I'm not paying for an education, I'm paying for the diploma that proves that I have an education.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)00:25:50 No.249659

    fuck you we arent all retarded

    your list is otherwise legit
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)00:33:20 No.249758

    for fuck's sake you're already in college stop acting like a goddamn teenage drama queen
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)00:40:45 No.249851
    i think you missed OPs point
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)00:49:18 No.249971
    I don't give a shit. I'm just annoyed at these fuckers acting like going on or signing up for facebook is the hardest thing in the world, or like there'll be anything on their facebooks worth invading their privacy for.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)00:55:06 No.250048
    i wasnt implying that it was an invasion of privacy, i just dont understand why the fuck its necessary
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)00:58:05 No.250089

    What sort of awful college ddo you go to OP?

    That sort of thing would never go on at a real University.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)01:04:23 No.250188
    are you the OP? if you are, I'm not referring to you alone but also to the immediate reactions. Just look at the post right after the OP's going all "wat wat wat" like it's so fucking alien to him how it would be easy for the professor to have his students added on facebook. then there's that one post who thinks the professor's only after his students' personal info. believe me your profs give less of a shit about you than you about them. you're all just coming across as a bunch of self absorbed babies
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)01:15:36 No.250360
    >black people in class
    >talk about stuff during class
    >when people are trying to learn

    >some people still act like it's high school
    >asian math teacher
    >speaks engrish
    >fail the math class
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)01:20:57 No.250428
    no im not OP, and wouldnt really give a shit if a teacher said that to me either. I just do not understand the reason behind it, although at my school we have a bastardized system "Angel" for teacher and student communication.
    On that note
    >use angel system to email everyone but professor
    >"i missed class today because my alarm didnt go off. does someone have notes lol"
    >no i will not send you the notes asshat, if you cant set an alarm correctly, you cant have my notes
    >this happens with at least 3 students a week
    >the notes are all available online

    >day before exam
    >mass emails everywhere
    >"i will pay someone 5$ for the notes for this exam, mine arent too good"
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)01:29:55 No.250542
    Also it you don't word/format the answer perfectly like the computer wants (but the teacher wants it) IT WILL COUNT YOUR ANSWER WROOOONG.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)01:31:25 No.250567
    >ged ed courses
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)01:36:06 No.250635
    >Type answer as .0521
    >Incorrect, use less digits
    >Type out .052
    >Incorrect, but close
    >Final try .051
    >Incorrect, answer is .0520
    >son. of. a. bitch.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)01:37:32 No.250652
    this is the kid that doesnt have to walk to class all the way across campus, giving no time to piss that huge collection of coffee ingested over the last four hours of other classes stacked together. you have 45 minute classes? what kind of pussy community college do you go to?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)01:38:20 No.250666
    Fuck gen ed.

    Seriously, what does the history of the US have to do with programming? Why can't I just take the courses relevant to my degree, i.e. math, science, and computers, and have my degree in just a couple years?

    ...Oh wait, they don't want that.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)01:38:31 No.250669
    >English 101
    Stopped reading there.

    Take a real course, why don't you?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)01:40:49 No.250686
    >plan to transfer from a community college to a university
    >can't transfer until I get all my gen-ed shit out of the way
    >very little of it interests me in the slightest
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)01:41:06 No.250690
    well, if you aren't retarded I didn't really mean you. I mean the kids that show up to class in camo, and spit tobacco outside
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)01:41:57 No.250701

    > Implying some vague science major will make more money than, say, a nurse
    > implying university isn't overpriced fluff for the sake of age-old image
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)01:44:23 No.250728
    >implying nurses make more money than science majors

    Science major here, my mother is a registered nurse.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)01:45:02 No.250738
    Yes man thank you, I almost threw my fucking computer out the window so many times because of bullshit like that.
    I rather have the fucking pencil and paper home work, online home work is so shit and easy to not pay attention too.

    >bro tip: have you tried MyAlgebra? It is great for solving and giving answers.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)01:45:54 No.250746
    Group projects

    How a 80 in one class is an A but in another class its a C+

    Philosophy, I took a philosophy class as an option and its filled with the most douchiest human beings you'll ever meet

    Profs that say "This wont be on the final" and then the final is just based on that shit.

    That annoying kid who think he's going to rule the world just cause he's getting good grades in University
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)01:50:06 No.250794
    Assburgered retards that are allowed to go into normal classes.

    There is the most annoying for real assburger kid in almost all of my classes that does not know how to act like a fucking human and always talking over the teacher and raising his stupid fucking retard hand and taking up so much class time because the teachers have to pay attention to him because he is special ed. HE CAN'T FUCKING HANDLE HIM SELF IN CLASS HE SHOULDN'T BE IN NORMAL COLLEGE CLASSES WITH NORMAL PEOPLE.

    The worse was he had to get the special ed head teacher talk to the class about how the assburger kid had assburgers and he has to be treated differently. I wanted to punch that fucking retard in the fucking head.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)01:50:22 No.250799
    >reading all of this
    >most of it applies to me

    >broke as fuck and just paying for community college so far.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)01:54:38 No.250852

    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)01:55:57 No.250863
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)01:58:42 No.250895
    >Four assignments/projects for the entire term
    >Only those four will count toward your grade

    Not sure if it makes sense, but I'd rather have a lot of graded assignments than very few. That way, I have a better chance of bringing up my grade if the first assignment received a low score.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)01:59:08 No.250900
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    >20mph campus speed limit
    >mfw I got a speeding ticket on a bicycle
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)02:00:22 No.250916
    oh man theres a kid like that in my morning class, 2 days ago i got there early and he was just sitting down, then he moved 2 chairs to his left and another 2 chairs till he was right beside this girl, then he started saying stuff to her like "I see you laminated your binder" I was loling my ass off
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)02:00:39 No.250918
    How fast where you going?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)02:01:58 No.250935
    so much wat.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)02:03:24 No.250950
    >people who complain about hipsters because they've never seen one before
    >fat neckbeard CS majoring manchildren
    >the fact that I live in a prison, I haven't left campus since moving in this august
    >the lack of privacy
    >stupid in-state kids
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)02:03:34 No.250952
    >Rhetoric in Written Argument class
    >Made to work with dumb bitches who waste words and say meaningless things while nodding to feel better

    >"Ask an Atheist" booth erected every thursday by library
    >It's a christfag vs godless communist thread out loud

    >State Colleges seem to be located near shitty neighborhoods in my state so they can dangle a cheaper education in front of niggers since kindergarten
    >Niggers on the bus all the fucking time (the local Somalis are actually pretty well behaved)

    >It takes 2 hours for me to get to school
    >Have to be at the bus stop by 6:45 AM every morning
    >Hear faggots complaining about waking up at 9:30 to saunter to a class 300 meters from their bed
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)02:04:33 No.250960
    >people that start packing up loudly and walking out the door before the class is over

    guys, it's fucking rude, and you're paying for the class anyway. sit your ass down until the prof says "have a good day."
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)02:04:46 No.250964
    >enroll in (x) program
    >forced to take (y) course in a tangentially related faculty that's obviously a complete filler class and you're only made to take it since the prof is tenured and they need to get his/her enrollment up

    ALL OF MY HATE. Such a waste of my fucking time and energy to have to do coursework for these classes.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)02:05:13 No.250968

    My Uni is in a decent area I guess, but go into other parts of town and PANIC.jpg
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)02:05:52 No.250974
    The assburger retard kid in my class is so much more worse that it isn't even lolsy anymore.

    He always has to raise his hand in class and go

    And the teacher always has to take time and go 'OK ASSBURGER KID SHH' constantly and always take time IN class to have to give him special attention and he doesn't even ask questions that have to do with the subject. IT'S ALWAYS SOME STUPID ASS ASSPIE SHIT.

    then this fucking retard had the nerve to tell the teacher 'UM COULD YOU GET BACK TO TEACHING?' after she decided to take a break.

    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)02:06:10 No.250977
    >take calc in high school without talking pre-calc
    >did okay, but never took the AP test
    >take pre-calc in college
    >the fuck does this have to do with calculus?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)02:10:26 No.251015

    For my accounting degree half my courses have to be fucking options like let me save some fucking money and have me focus on the shit that I'm studying
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)02:10:56 No.251018
    you two do realize this is a college thread right?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)02:12:18 No.251028

    Seriously, fuck everyone in college. Make some friends, get drunk every weekend, work a shitty job a few hours a week. But everyone I know, as soon as I get my degree, fuck them. I'm moving, far, far away, and probably will never see anyone I met in college (or high school, thank god) again.

    Well, except maybe my girlfriend. Maybe.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)02:13:44 No.251045
    inb4 ur beta urself.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)02:15:41 No.251052
    Public transit for 2 reasons:
    >that one cute girl you always see and who keeps making eyes with you and flashing you adorable smiles who you can't talk to because transit conversation with strangers is taboo.
    >that one crazy special needs guy who has one-sided conversations at anyone who will even so much as acknowledge his presence. He sounds exactly like the bad guy from The Princess Bride who died after they played "switch the cup"

    Also, meeting some really cool girl through a friend or someone else and hitting it off, then not seeing her again for god knows how long. fffuuuuu
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)02:18:53 No.251075
    Jesus Christ that describes TO A T this one kid in my Math 100 first-year calculus class. Every lecture with >100 students in it, provided it's in a field that has the faintest tint of a reputation for harboring nerds, will have that ONE SKINNY ASS GUY with a scruffy neckbeard and horrendously poor hygiene who insists on asking nasal, matter-of-fact, know-it-all questions to prove... fuck I don't even know what they're trying to prove. They just... aRGGHEWIHALIHLI GAHLihluasdhfglkajufoagiuhliguhyvodfiuayvsiuyh. They make me mad.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)02:18:54 No.251076
    > taking a test I barely had time to study for
    > people talking loudly in hallway
    > teacher doesnt close the door all the way for some reason, like we cant manage door handles
    > fucking loud
    > chairs are attached to the table and the table is connected to about 20 chairs
    > guy next to me is jiggling his foot and shaking the table
    > grit teeth because I just probably failed my spanish test due to working and art projects and having no time
    > need to get done quickly so I have time to finish other art project
    > If I say anything at this point I'm just going to scream and stab my pencil into his nuts
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)02:19:01 No.251077
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    >boring class
    >you could pass without attending lectures
    >all unexcused lectures bring your grade down one letter
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)02:21:16 No.251101
    On a related note, ANY girl in engineering will be surrounded by >10 semi-beta guys at all times.

    The best way to get these kinds of girls to want you, I find, is to act like they have absolutely no bearing on your life whatsoever. Act like you just happened to have her sitting next to you and barely give her the time of day, don't flirt, don't smile too much, just kinda acknowledge that she's there and be really aloof. Holy fuck do they ever go nuts over you - they're so used to fawning drooling beta fucktwats that you may as well be fucking Brad Pitt or some such shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)02:28:27 No.251171
    >uninterested in everyone in your classes
    >meet nobody because you live off campus by yourself
    >go on 4chan between classes
    >keep up correspondence with my one good friend who lives 500 miles away
    >if I was actually paying for this shit (federal grants are pleasant), I'd be mad, but at the moment it just feels indifferent
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)02:31:46 No.251213

    If I had a person come in and say that I'd speak up about that shit. We're all paying the same money, right? So why does that guy get special treatment and is potentially allowed to disrupt class time at the expense of everyone else?

    Sure, in public school they have to try and make sure everyone passes, but college is real world and my fucking money and I wont stand for assholes talking during lectures any more than I would a 'special' person. Fuck there's a perfectly nice nearly blind girl who goes to my college and has a seeing eye dog and that dog is fucking perfect and quiet and they are normal as shit.

    If blind people can bring a dog into class with no probs, an assburger can fucking behave or get the fuck out.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)02:36:07 No.251256
    Dude theres a girl in my uni that has a seeing eye dog as well. You go to the UoC by chance?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)02:36:52 No.251263
    I'm planning on becoming a dermatologist. Any med school horror stories to tell?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)02:39:24 No.251289

    You sound like a pain in the ass.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)02:46:05 No.251350
    >be a commuter student
    >meet cool girls on campus
    >find out they live in residence

    I have nothing against residence. But if you've ever tried to date a girl who lives in it, it never goes down well. The whole party lifestyle of it just sucks them in and you can never be sure what they're doing because alcohol.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)02:49:18 No.251372
    >idiots parading around with their chosen degree and why it's OH SO MUCH BETTER than your shit tier (x) degree when they're in first year and don't even have program-specific courses yet

    FUCK OFF. There are jobs in all fields, some just take more work to break into than others. Some of us are willing to sacrifice 100% job security and cushy salaries to pursue a career in something we're passionate about.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)02:55:33 No.251429
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    >looking up classes to make my schedule for next semester
    >three sections of diff eq
    >all of them at fucking 8:00 in the morning
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)03:04:08 No.251498
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    .>implying the only blind person who attends uni does so at your uni
    >implying there is only one UoC
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)03:07:20 No.251532
    be at catholic school and have an insane security department that will literally drive around in their suv's and follow you up and down the streets, especially if you leave your dorm at night. FUCK MARQUETTE DPS. FUCKING MISERABLE FAGGOTS. I'm a goddam adult. I'm paying your salaries you fuckers and you just want to harass me.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)03:08:49 No.251550

    Marquette Michigan?
    >> Rage Emitting Diode !RaGERRuxPQ 11/03/11(Thu)03:10:27 No.251566
    >Teacher requires you to add him on Facebook

    I have never had, and will never have a facebook account.

    I added to my hosts file months ago.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)03:12:08 No.251588
    >trying to do an assignment online
    >put in correct username and password assigned
    >login failed
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)03:46:48 No.251890

    Alright, I might well have some form of Aspergers or whatever, but this is how I see it:

    Showing up on time for appointments is a universal societal norm. People who are late cause a ruckus when the open/close the doors to the auditorium. The people who show up appropriately shouldn't be disturbed by the.. seriously.. 20% who come late.. From the moment the first class starts, it's like a constant stream of retards coming in late, for the first half hour. Doors opening and shutting. I'm trying to listen to the lecturer ffs.

    Classes are 45 minutes in my country, with a 10 minute break between. That's ample time to go to the bathroom. There's no way a young person cannot hold it for that amount of time.

    And I don't make a problem about it to other people, or I dunno, glare or whatever. So how the FUCK is it ME being a pain in the ass?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)03:48:22 No.251904
    Certainly couldn't "require" you to do that as part of the class.

    On the contrary, pretty much every college professor I had has a policy of not adding any students on facebook.

    Further comment: I am facebook friends with a few of my high school teachers, and even the principal of one of the high schools I went to.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)04:00:05 No.251998
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    >Mandatory First Year Seminars
    >Pick World Music
    >Class is late morning MWF
    >Professor makes us come in on Tuesdays and Thursdays early morning
    >Constant lectures about how this isn't high school anymore
    >Take entire classes to force feed us liberal ideologies and multiculturalism when race isn't even an issue.
    >"But what does this have to do with music?"
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)04:04:16 No.252030
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)04:06:23 No.252046
    >go to uni in australia
    >system that isn't completely retarded
    our high school system, on the other hand...
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)04:08:34 No.252070
    Idiots in class who bad mouth awesome professors because they can't learn for shit. Then they come into section whining about how such and such wasn't covered.

    The people who will protest over anything and everything and assume it will matter to anyone outside of UCSC.

    Being shoulder to shoulder with an overweight, oderous, talkative, mouth-breathing piece of shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)04:14:50 No.252125
    >english 101
    >have to email prof every tuesday with your thoughts about the class

    >bio 100
    >study the outline and look over the review questions
    >get a lower midterm score than the guy who just memorized the review questions
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)04:17:07 No.252146
    that is exactly why I won't go to college
    I don't have a facebook, I don't want something like that, and fuck them for trying to say people have to have them.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)04:18:39 No.252150
    oh shit nigga, I haven't been in my hosts file in ages
    Where is it again? I forgot...
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)04:19:02 No.252155
    Oh come on faggot.
    If you're half smart-
    >selective school
    >extension 2 maths, physics, chem, maybe extension 2 english.
    >wag when necessary
    >congratulations you just achieved a retard free existence
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)04:35:39 No.252274
    >Fellow students who facebook or play video games during lectures.
    Fuck you, you don't have to join in.

    >People who talk amongst themselves during lectures.
    Annoying as fuck, I'll give you that. Except when I'm talking ;)

    >People who show up late.
    Fuck you, not every one is a loser who gets there 30 mins before class.

    >People who go to the toilet during classes.
    Fuck you, they're not gonna be pissing on you.

    >People who are afraid to raise their hands and bring up stuff.
    Discussion is pretty much always good, but not every cunt goes into a class having done all the reading and preparation. Not everyone is trying to get 100% on everything.

    >Lecturers who don't upload their lectures to the student network afterwards. Hey fuckers, there are some of us who have legitimate reasons for missing lectures, and are massively gimped when we miss out. Cudos to the lecturers who follow through.

    >hot "nerdy" girl
    >surrounded by a harem of betas 24/7
    mfw i'm one of them
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)05:00:58 No.252446
    At least he isn't afraid to talk to a girl, unlike half this board
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)08:06:11 No.253723
    >am alright study
    >interested in the class, really care about my grade
    >still managed to fuck up tests/quizzes/projects
    >whores and bros do awesome despite never having a sober minute to study

    >'Hello, dear dinning hall employee. How are you this good morrow?'
    >HRRMPPH! or silence, don't know which pisses me off more
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)08:11:29 No.253761

    >Take AP Chem in HS
    >Hard-earned A, challenging course, great professor
    >Paperwork is all fucked up, have to take chemistry in cc
    >OCD-ass professor who dumbs everything down
    >While we're taking tests he moves around the classroom pushing chairs in and straightening desks, distracting everyone
    >Spends half the lab yelling at us that we didn't put the chemicals back properly, or our backpacks might trip someone. Not even kidding, half the lab time wasted on this shit.
    >Fucking baby chemistry
    >Remedial-level fuckups everywhere because level 1 course
    >Doesn't cover a tenth of the material hs AP chem did
    >Pass course with A, no studying, using knowledge from 3 years ago

    Except this one test that EVERYONE almost failed. He gave us a shitload of questions and a tiny time limit (half the class.) I finished maybe 70% of the questions, time limit, I knew something was wrong, went to talk to the teacher about it, that he didn't give enough time. "Hand it in," was all he would say. Oh, I got so mad at him, I threw it down and went out to go chill with music and blow the fumes off. Next class he said we could all take the test home to finish it. (Listen to me the first time, ass-hat.) Needless to say, we all used the book to fix our answers and got A's.

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