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  • Blotter updated: 11/04/08

  • hang in there, fella

    File :1229053670.jpg-(56 KB, 347x347, 1222203728521.jpg)
    56 KB Why are women so inferior to men? Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)22:47:50 No.2410910  
    Men have excelled at everything way better than women ever have except for giving birth and bitching about useless shit. Why is this? Why are women so inferior to men? Is it a natural skill for males to be vastly superior to females?

    Since the dawn of time, men have been the ones going out in the cold haunting mammoths and other animals to bring home and give food to their women and children. They have been the ones building shelters, working and maintaining the family. All women have done is have the offspring and cook for the men (something feminazis have been ruining since the early 20th century now).
    Now we have women thinking they're so independent they can do everything just the same as men. But tell me, what have women invented that men has not invented first? Or hell, even improved? Just one thing.
    Sure, individually, there are women who are much more intelligent than some other men, but collectively, men outshine women by a lot.

    I want someone to try and argue against me about this. Just try it.

    I'm right. Prove to me that I'm wrong please.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)22:49:11 No.2410919
    I miss the stormfag threads
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)22:51:33 No.2410946
    Wow, this board reminds me of the stupid "girls vs boys" stuff kids in elementary school.

    Your friends won't think you're cool because you're picking on a few awkward girls.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)22:54:20 No.2410969
    Women suck. They ruin everything that's awesome, and guys only tolerate them because they have tits and a vagina.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)22:54:39 No.2410972
    Kevlar was invented by a woman.

    ...that's all I can think of.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)22:55:11 No.2410977
    >Since the dawn of time

    I REALLY doubt you know how early humans' social structures were established. I doubt there's any evidence at all to prove that women didn't hunt, build shelters etc. alongside men.

    Also, you're a fucking dick. If you were smart enough to use google, you could figure out in 6.2 seconds what women have invented.

    Finding statistics of male vs. female IQ what have been so easy you should have included a link in your thread.

    I know I'm probably responding to a troll, but considering how many fuckbeans like OP there are around here, that may not be the case.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)22:56:27 No.2410987
    A non relationship, non politics thread in MY /r9k/?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)22:57:28 No.2410995
    whatever bitch.

    everything thats worth using was made by men, included the internet you're using to reply to me, the computer you're using to reply to me, even your fucking keyboard.

    Go back to the kitchen
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)22:58:11 No.2410999
    Women can't do anything because men don't let them do anything. Neanderthal men hunted mammoths while the women hid wherever because women were more important; they were more capable of taking care of a child while it matures.

    The concept of men working while women raise children is really just society clinging to its roots. It's basically the same as black racism pre-Martin Luther King Jr; black people couldn't hold decent jobs or make it through high education because white people simply wouldn't let them.

    Not that the current system doesn't work though; everyone's happy.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)23:01:25 No.2411020

    Actually I think it was because women were slower, weaker and less courageous.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)23:02:20 No.2411030
    >black people couldn't hold decent jobs


    Back in the days of segregation blacks were in no way barred from employment, just their options and opportunity for advancement. And pay.

    I'm fine with women, though I sometimes wonder why very few of them have a sense of humor.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)23:02:33 No.2411033
    You're right. But men are also responsible for pretty much every major shitty/cruel thing that ever happened.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)23:03:29 No.2411048
    Black men > Women of any race
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)23:03:48 No.2411051
         File :1229054628.jpg-(167 KB, 998x1000, FINNTROLL_2.jpg)
    167 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)23:04:20 No.2411057
    women couldnt hunt mammoths.. they're not strong enough. They're weak pieces of shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)23:05:40 No.2411075

    And from this day forward I will never lose the mental image of cavemen haunting mammoths.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)23:06:52 No.2411084
    Considering women were only let out of the kitchen 50 years or so ago what the fuck do you expect?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)23:08:06 No.2411100
    Such hatred for women on this board, wow. Do you guys hate your mothers? Wish they never had a part in raising you--or maybe they didn't raise you at all?
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 12/11/08(Thu)23:08:59 No.2411106
    The reason why women are inferior to men is not physical or emotionally,mostly because of male patriarchy. Also females are socialized by society to be inferior to males (read: the weaker sex).

    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)23:09:06 No.2411107
    Wait, what? When did anyone mention IQ? If you think women are generally higher, you'd be wrong. They actually tend to be a couple points lower. Sad but true.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)23:10:16 No.2411115

    My mom is dead. I was raised by my father.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)23:10:42 No.2411119
    A woman inspired COBOL. 'nuff said

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