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  • hang in there, fella

    File :1229026779.png-(390 KB, 445x576, loving-couple.png)
    390 KB Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)15:19:39 No.2406695  
    To my Conservative Friends:

    I find myself after a long day of work, trying to catch a game or the O'Reilly factor and I have to sit through commercial after commercial of the most annoying politically correct garbage there is....

    It seems to be every commercial portrays the white, conservative male as a bumbling idiotic fool who can't hammer in a nail, while his Oh-so-cool, all-together wife is so calm, cool and collected and has everything figured out!!!! It is open season on the middle-aged white, conservative male. Women and minorities are off limits... The ultimate fear for companies and ad people is to be called sexist, or worse.... raaaacist!!!

    I mean, c'mon, once in a while is ok and even amusing, but every time the white-male has to be made a fool of?? And who is the audience they most likely are targeting to buy their crap - is us white-males!!!!

    We have all seen the PC guy/Mac commercials that portray the PC guy as an absolute fool, a little overweight, not-so attractive, while Mac guy is thin, young and sooo cool and hip (although if this is the type of guy women like, I am really behind the times - how about a shower, shave and a haircut for this hippie???)..
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)15:20:08 No.2406697
    A few examples for your viewing pleasure:

    1. Verizon and local cable companies where I live play these commercials about every 20 minutes, they are constantly having the white husband the one whose network is a bumbling mess and doesn't understand anything and his wife and his kids' computers are "up and running"!!!! And the husband is always being talked to by his wife and kids like a 6 year old.. See what I mean here...


    Take a look and feel your blood boil... How many of you guys would allow your wife and kids to treat you like an absolute idiot like this guy???? Not too many I'm guessing...

    ** Then, there are a series of Brinks Home Security Alarm ads that feature a burglar breaking into houses and being scared off by the alarm.. I have seen about 3 different versions and each one portrays the burglar as a middle-aged white-man... Couldn't even think of using a minority here!!! That would be suicide - so throw the white-middle-aged man under the bus again and again.... Its ok, we will still buy your alarm.... I say right - I always see middle aged, balding white guys on the news breaking into houses!!!! Sure... Happens all the time....

    Anyway, check one of them out here....

    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)15:20:53 No.2406705
    And then there are the Fed-ex commercials which always take place in some office setting where the female employee knows everything and the white middle-aged conservative guy (usually wearing a cheesy tie) is the token idiot... They also throw in a few Oh-so hip young liberals and a minority for good measure to add some head shaking to pile on the idiot conservative to create a liberal paradise!!!! You say, c'mon GOP Mike your are exaggerating.... Check this one out and see what I am talking about :


    Now I am a fair guy.... I wanted to see if there where any commercials out there that actually portrayed a minority or a woman in a not-so-positive light.... Well it was nearly impossible to find it on TV, so I looked online and found 1 commercial that actually did portray a female as not the most handy person in the home:


    Now bear in mind that this is not an American company... Companies in America are too scared to ever portray anyone other than the white male an the dumb-rear end...

    This politically correct cr-p is only going to get worse before we wake up and start showing these PC morons that we will not buy their products if they keep it up....

    I would love to hear examples from you guys of other advertising that meets the PC description so we can call them out on their biases...

    Just my thoughts....

    GOP Mike
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)15:21:24 No.2406710
    >To my Conservative Friends

    There are no conservatives here...
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)15:24:32 No.2406729
    Just watch That 70's show.
    Red is exactly what you need.
    He's not the main focus of course, but he's the FUCKING MAN.

    HE is the MODEL of a rational, reasonable MAN.

    GODDAMN if he were real he would have been the best president ever.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)15:29:38 No.2406774
    OK they can hammer nails, but, demonstratedly, cannot run banks or auto companies without someone to hold their peepee for them.

    Fucktard, stop treating media memes as if they were facks.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)15:30:11 No.2406780
    >The ultimate fear for companies and ad people is to be called sexist, or worse.
    Theres acts like this in britain for employment.
    The racial equality act.
    The Age equality act.
    The Equal pay act (actually, giving Women equal pay seems like a good idea, but there are better reasons not to.)
    >> sasuke 12/11/08(Thu)15:30:48 No.2406783
    It's all intended. I don't know about you, but ads can be funny by their mediocrity. They all seem to portray the same stereotype yoga-mom in commercials.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)15:31:34 No.2406791

    idiot needs to lrn2market research

    for years now advertisers have recognised the person with the most buying power in a household is usually the woman
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)15:32:02 No.2406794
    To my liberal friends:

    today i did a shitton of pot and threw a bomb at president obama -- what a fascist pig, you have no idea how angry i was when it turned out he wasnt a socialist
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)15:33:24 No.2406802
    /arcanine/ is to liberalism as the former news imageboard was to conservatism.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)15:38:15 No.2406848
    that first video, i agree with you on, it was kind of messed up.

    the security commercial? how did the guy come off as middle aged conservative? he looked like he was a random thug in his 30's. so what if he was white, there's lots of white thieves. obviously they were too afraid of black boycotts to make the robber black, but is it something to get angry about? no....

    the fed ex commercial was fine too. that dude didn't look middle aged or conservative (tho he did look a bit dorky) and the 2 guys making fun of him didn't look like hipsters or whatever, they just looked like average joes.

    god, i hope this is a troll. nobody could have such a warped view of everything they see.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)15:42:04 No.2406878
    I have no problem giving equal pay to women if they're doing equal work, which usually isn't the case.

    It's been shown that women are less likely to be dedicated to their jobs, take longer breaks and lunches, and never put in extra hours where that's usually common practice for a man. Plus many women enter the work force with the specific goal to find a man or to get the company to give her a paid year off for having a kid.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)15:44:25 No.2406903
    Yeah it's so fucking hard being a white middle class male, eh?
    >> http://www.gopmike.com Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)15:53:11 No.2406969
    >so what if he was white, there's lots of white thieves
    Yeah, we call them liberals.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)15:59:56 No.2407021

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