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  • hang in there, fella

    File :1229026179.jpg-(7 KB, 175x120, street_robbery.jpg)
    7 KB The stay out of trouble thread Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)15:09:39 No.2406595  
    ITT post your tips for staying out of trouble in various situations, like how to avoid robbery when walking home alone, how to not get hurt when someone takes your work place hostage, whatever.

    I'd contribute if I could, but I'm a basement dweller who's never had experience with any of this. I like to think I can prepare for such situations, though, by reading up on it.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)15:10:40 No.2406609
    Be tall, and have huge arm muscles.
    >> Holland Boy !GaZtwAtvk. 12/11/08(Thu)15:11:30 No.2406618
    I'm white.

    Seriously though, I shop lifted a lot as a teenager and black kids would always get stopped while I just walked out with a bunch of shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)15:12:32 No.2406628
    Stop worrying about it. Honestly, how often have you gotten into trouble? Any of you?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)15:12:37 No.2406630
    truth. me and a friend stole a gamecube and when walking out they stopped a black family instead of us
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)15:12:43 No.2406633
    I don't know how to avoid robbery, but I know how to keep from getting hurt in a mugging. Displaying empty hands and saying "I don't want to get hurt, just let me get my wallet" helps.

    Yay for pussing out.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)15:14:05 No.2406646
    'how to talk your way out of trouble with the police':

    before you say anything after being stopped, keep in mind the mindset, and daily experience of the police officer. people constantly are angry at him, and he probably is a bit of a dick as a result. the key is to be very polite and compliant, while feeding his ego as much as possible. works every time. if you're driving, you may still get a ticket, but it'll be for less. has always worked for me so far, other then the time I got caught doing 50 km over the speed limit... that was too blatant
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)15:14:10 No.2406647
    A combination of running ability and reaction time will get you out of most confrontations.
    I've always thought that the best way was to just punch the guy in the face as hard as you can, without warning, and run like fuck.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)15:15:09 No.2406659

    Speaking from personal experience? Did it work?

    Also, can't you somehow trick yourself out of a mugging, like, yell like a little bitch so you get the attention of people around you, thus alerting everyone to the fact that a mugging is in progress? Or will this just make them knife you, then run away?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)15:15:35 No.2406665
    >tips for staying out of trouble in various situations

    don't leave your dwelling place
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)15:17:47 No.2406683
    And get a concealed carry permit.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)15:20:13 No.2406699
    Lucky for me i'm a fast fucker and I love being chased by druggy-fags who can't keep up.

    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)15:24:21 No.2406728

    Speaking from personal experience, yes. It might work for others with varying results, as I'm about as non-threatening as they come.

    Also, if you're in a place where you can get mugged, yelling will probably just get ignored and/or knifed.

    On the other hand, if you can keep your shit together, you could do as one of my friends did and buy the guy a meal. We were at knifepoint and I started to hand over my wallet when my friend just said "Hang on. This guy looks hungry. You hungry? I am. How about we head for the McDonalds, up the road?" At this point, the mugger is kind of feeling out of control, so he starts freaking out and getting louder. "Hey, hey, relax. Look, I've only got five bucks in my pocket. If you'll come with us to get a couple of burgers, I'll stop at an ATM and get you twenty. What do you say?"

    I've never been able to look at that guy the same way again.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)15:27:54 No.2406756
    won't work in all circumstances. have you read the entire 4th amendment?:

    >Exigent circumstances
    >There are also "exigent circumstances" exceptions to the warrant requirement. Exigent circumstances arise when the law enforcement officers have reasonable grounds to believe that there is an immediate need to protect their lives, the lives of others, their property, or that of others, the search is not motivated by an intent to arrest and seize evidence, and there is some reasonable basis, to associate an emergency with the area or place to be searched.

    >Motor vehicle exception
    >The Supreme Court has also held that individuals in automobiles have a reduced expectation of privacy, because vehicles generally do not serve as residences or repositories of personal effects. Vehicles may not be randomly stopped and searched; there must be probable cause or reasonable suspicion of criminal activity. Items in "plain view" may be seized; areas that could potentially hide weapons may also be searched. With probable cause, police officers may search any area in the vehicle. They may not, however, extend the search to the vehicle's passengers without probable cause to search those passengers or consent from the passenger(s) to search their persons or effects.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)15:28:48 No.2406764
    That sounds seriously awesome.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)15:29:40 No.2406775
    I live in Glasgow, a city notorious for its violent crime. However, I have never had any trouble. Just stay out of people's ways.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)15:34:50 No.2406813
    Whenever someone tries to itimidate you, just be more of a badass.

    For example, I was waiting for the bus the one day, and this panhandler comes up. He's not the usual... he's only a couple years older than me (I'm 20) and actually pretty built. He asks for money. I say no. He gets in my face.

    I can smell the liquor on his breath. His eyes narrow, he puffs up and basically tries to be as intimidating as possible... "What I can't even ask you a question? What the fuck man? That's so disrespectful... what the fuck. I should teach you a lesson... blah blah blah"

    Most anon would be shitting their pants right now.

    I just grabbed him by the shirt, and pulled him in closer and whispered "You are homeless. You are garbage. If you don't get the FUCK out of here, I will throw you into traffic, and no one will care. Am I understood?"

    He ran away.

    Most people who rely on intimidation can't back up their words with actions. Even if someone has a knife, all it takes is them getting too close and anyone with some martial arts training will have them in a world of hurt.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)15:35:22 No.2406820

    My friend is a professional talker. We call him Giles, due to his incessant choice of it for his Dungeons and Dragons characters and due to his guile.

    Part-time sales rep at Best Buy by day, street magician by the rest of the day, for the win.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)15:36:23 No.2406828
    I don't think so, Timothy.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)15:38:26 No.2406853
    My friend calls me Timothy to annoy me
    I lold
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)15:39:42 No.2406862
    Carry a weapon that is much more badass than everyone else?

    Nah seriously, not wandering around alone at night in certain areas might actually help a lot.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)15:42:26 No.2406882
    yeeeah you could have tried harder to make that one believable but i still give you a 6/10
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)15:44:20 No.2406902
    Uh my name isn't timothy.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)15:50:22 No.2406952
    well being an ignorant aspie helps a lot. i guess victim is often picked because shows a fear, which means unwillingness to fight, and guys who rob for moneyz seriously don't want troubles. and since you're a retard you don't have a fucking clue what's going on, so you can have a friendly conversation and walk off. it happened to me 3 times.

    also, sometimes when i walk alone at night, when there is someone ahead, scary looking, an we will be passing by, i like to put my hand into a back pocket or backpack, and move it closed to a pocket of my jacket, like i was putting knife here or something like that (which i used to carry with me when i was younger).

    lol, i know
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)15:59:50 No.2407020
    I was mugged in September, it was weird. I was backing from the store to my apartment, which is near a pretty shitty area, and I notice that I'm being followed. Then I see another guy crossing the street diagonally towards me. I tried to run to a bar down the block that I thought might be still open, but they grabbed me. The guy from behind me pretended to have a gun in his hoodie, but I'm pretty sure it was his hand or some other object.

    What they took from me: $3, plus my grocery bag containing ketchup, deodorant, and a 22oz bottle of beer. They were clearly pissed about this. Then the one guy pushed me, and repeatedly yelled "Get ya bitch ass home" while they walked away backwards down the street.

    So I don't know how to stop an in-progress mugging, I think it's best to just cooperate. It's really not worth getting beat up or worse over that shit, especially if you were carrying as little as I was. The best way to avoid them, of course, is to not walk around by yourself in shady areas late at night.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)16:02:25 No.2407031
    Whip your dick out and start jerking off

    99.9% of people will run away
    00.1% people will suck it

    100% profit
    >> -EeelEeet^- !!hN3cVk7VMv6 12/11/08(Thu)16:04:05 No.2407041
    I've never been mugged, started on, or anything.

    Because I walk and act like I have the potential for serious fucking damage.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)16:04:45 No.2407043
    General tips to avoiding trouble(male):
    - Be polite
    - Grow facial hair
    - Get a good posture
    - Dress sharp
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)16:12:32 No.2407100
    Are you.. BATMAN? I can seriously not imagine anyone else BUT Batman saying that. And then throwing the guy into the traffic.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)16:36:34 No.2407286
    I used to be a pickpocket when i was younger so heres some of the greatest advice anyone can give you : Stop looking like such a pussy. I was good at stealing without being noticed but even though i was good i never stole from tough looking people. Most thieves never want to risk a beatdown.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)16:38:33 No.2407300
         File :1229031513.jpg-(35 KB, 450x675, WeatherMan4[1].jpg)
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    I carry a bow.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)16:41:21 No.2407332
    It's funny, since I saved up a moustache and beard I've never gotten any shit from anybody except for the odd drunk asshole and generally have gotten a lot more respect. You should try it out guys.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)16:46:00 No.2407378
    Holy **&)@

    this guy is a complete legend:

    "General tips to avoiding trouble(male):
    - Be polite
    - Grow facial hair
    - Get a good posture
    - Dress sharp"

    said that without getting beat down by 4chan
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)16:49:16 No.2407404

    Martial bloody retard: MA will not save you from a knife. It has a sharp, pointy, end that moves with considerable speed, can be concealed up until the point of penetration, can be thrown, has a larger range than your oh so bloody expert hands... what part of this fails to register when you're in that bloody school gym you call a dojo?

    Honest to god I hate MAfags.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)16:50:38 No.2407421
    Thank you, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)16:55:18 No.2407457
    I like to walk around the streets of Los Angeles late at night or early in the morning (between the hours of 1 AM and 5 AM) and nothing has ever happened to me.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)16:56:47 No.2407471
    Most people with beards are badasses. Although it depends what kind of beard it is. If its a shaved and neat beard id still steal your wallet. If its a big and messy or slightly messy beard, id assume youre a badass and wouldnt get in your way. That and i dont steal from fellow large beardos.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)16:58:01 No.2407482
    You should try bending over at a casino. And feel your ass being grabbed by all kinds of people.

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