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  • Blotter updated: 11/04/08

  • hang in there, fella

    File :1229014651.jpg-(14 KB, 200x300, jocks3.jpg)
    14 KB Traumatic childhood experiances Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)11:57:31 No.2405463  
    When we got our new computer, my dad was super protective over it because we were poorfags and Mexican.

    First time I seen the T-Rex in the original Tomb Raider, I shut off the computer and ran out of the room.

    My dad was right behind me watching TV and seen me shut it down without the whole "it is now safe to turn off your computer" and chased after me...JUST LIKE THE T-REX HOLY FUCK I STILL HAVE NIGHTMARES OF MY DADS HEAD ON A FUCKING DINOSAUR
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)11:59:25 No.2405472

    lol'd for over 9000 seconds
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)12:00:08 No.2405473
    ah sheeeeit bwoyee, i lol'd hard

    thx for the visual imagery.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)12:07:55 No.2405513
    Got my dick sucked by an on duty cop when I was 10
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)12:56:35 No.2405820
    I'll admit it - I was what you might consider the "class clown" in grade school. I was prone to disobey any given authority figure just to get a rise out of my classmates. I was a lulzwhore, in other words. This one time in 4th grade however, I took it too far.
    Don't ask me how, but I had acquired an old grappling hook from my uncle, and I decided to rig it to my teacher's chair. She was probably in her mid 20's-early 30's, and if I had been a year or two older, I'd have declared her delectably hawrt. I sat in the front row (so I could be watched over carefully), and within a foot or two of Ms Richard's desk with the grappling hook tied and secured around the back two legs of her seat and the rope extending out towards my desk. She wandered in a minute or two late, as usual, apologized and took off her raincoat. My heart was pounding, and after some dawdling, she began to take her seat. Immediately, I jerked the rope towards me as hard as I could. The chair flipped backward, and a look of terror shot across her face for an instant before this loud sickening crack rang out through the room. The class began to laugh, but it quickly subsided as we noticed the dark red splatter on the chalkboard.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)13:03:00 No.2405845
    the fuck?! you couldve just used rope.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)13:04:09 No.2405851
    This did not happen. Why would you use a grappling hook for that?
    >> Lord Nikon !!gN1qH1LItjI 12/11/08(Thu)13:04:36 No.2405857

    Command+R Command+R Command+R Command+R Command+R Command+R Command+R Command+R Command+R Command+R Command+R Command+R Command+R Command+R Command+R Command+R
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)13:06:11 No.2405868
    you have assigned seats in 4th grade.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)13:09:37 No.2405884
    continue faggot
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)13:10:15 No.2405886
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)13:10:41 No.2405890
    Apparently, she had slammed the back of her head against the chalk tray so hard, it had ruptured her scalp. I felt like I was going to hurl. Everything was a blur. I know there was screaming, I'm pretty sure one of the more rough boys in the class pushed me, and there was a lot of crying and puking. I wandered in a daze over to her unconscious body behind the desk, where I got my first look at the damage inflicted. Her hair was flipped over her face from the top of her head on a flap of red, oily flesh. Her skull was just barely visible from the blood pooling in the crater on the top of her head. Even being a horror fanatic at the time, the real thing was simply too much for me, and I lurched fourth and vomited down the front of her particularly immodest dress. My knees gave out and I collapsed, horrified to realize that my grappling hook prank had caused so much trauma. Worst of all, one of the edges of the hook was implanted in the meat of her calf, bleeding like a stream.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)13:11:08 No.2405891

    He's given us the juicy dangler!
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)13:12:28 No.2405896
    hurry up please. some of us are fapping.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)13:12:47 No.2405898
    Oh god not another cliff hanger
    I'm never going to get anything done at this rate
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)13:13:36 No.2405903
    what the fuck
    jesus christ the poor woman
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)13:14:00 No.2405904
    inb4 he escapes using the grappling hook
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)13:14:23 No.2405907
    in4 bel-air
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)13:15:38 No.2405913
    >ruptured her scalp
    o shit!
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)13:16:23 No.2405917
    inb4 the kids undress her *fapfapfap*
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)13:16:41 No.2405920
    how did this not get blocked!!?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)13:17:21 No.2405923
    in b4 teacher was bear
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)13:18:32 No.2405929
    Everything afterward is incredibly vague in my memory, which I've been working to unlock and confront with my therapist. I'm honestly surprised I retained any memory of the actual carnage, but it seems just as vivid now as it did then. But anyway, the real meat of the issue is, one time in my childhood, I whined and screamed at my mom to buy me a box of lucky charms because it came with a really fucking pimped out hot wheels truck. Finally, she agreed, and I immediately ripped open the bag when I got home, only to find that the truck was only obtainable through mail order with three UPCs and proof of purchase. And that's what made me the man I am today.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)13:19:43 No.2405935
    Because he said in4 instead of inb4. Also, there is usually no space.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)13:20:00 No.2405936
    in4 beI-air
    >> Ernest Hemingway 12/11/08(Thu)13:20:34 No.2405941




    >> sasuke 12/11/08(Thu)13:22:14 No.2405951
    ff!@F54SDAF3 WAT!
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)13:30:55 No.2405991




    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)13:58:32 No.2406127
         File :1229021912.jpg-(55 KB, 421x339, fuckinghotwheel.jpg)
    55 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)14:08:16 No.2406197
    When I was five, I used to have a shitty lacey pink dress I liked to wear all the time to school. I wore it for like two weeks straight, and then my mom freaked out on me and ripped it off of me one day.

    Shit sucks.

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