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  • Blotter updated: 11/04/08

  • hang in there, fella

    File :1228941819.jpg-(536 KB, 2400x2800, 1228933896203.jpg)
    536 KB Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)15:43:39 No.2396938  
    its true and you know it
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)15:48:41 No.2396997
    I saw this in my Doctors waiting room
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)15:52:36 No.2397051
    Actually that picture pissed me off.

    Compare the star trek borg cube thing on the right side in the middle to the Bablon 5 craft two things above it.

    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)15:53:46 No.2397063
    you, sir, have autism
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)15:55:14 No.2397072
    If I had autism, I wouldn't be calling them "things"
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)16:37:39 No.2397473
    the person who made the image clearly has autism
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)16:40:43 No.2397501
    lol at how quite everyone is about this thread
    >> 2-XL 12/10/08(Wed)16:43:01 No.2397529
    What exactly is Asperger's? My friend says she was diagnosed with it.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)16:44:28 No.2397544
    I found this image compelling before I saw it in this context, and I'm definitely not an Aspie.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)16:45:35 No.2397555
    Looked through it, didn't find Serenity.

    I guess I don't have them ass pies.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)16:45:53 No.2397558
    That's because the image is a crappy composite. The original is here:

    But you probably already knew that.

    Now the guy who made that site. That's someone with REAL Asperger's.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)16:47:38 No.2397575
    Where can I find a version of higher quality please? Preferably without the irrelevant text below it.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)16:49:59 No.2397606
    I'm an asspie and I never cared about it. Though I've seen other people look at it obsessively.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)16:50:40 No.2397616
    OP was so so right
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)16:51:05 No.2397623

    I looked for these also

    and its called Firefly
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)16:51:14 No.2397626
    Imperial executor class? Doesn't exist.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)16:52:38 No.2397637
    everyone on 4ch has Asperger's, we all know it, so STFU anyone pretending not to, and that includes you OP
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)16:54:14 No.2397650

    Firefly's the class, Serenity is the name...
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)16:55:22 No.2397662
    But you know how you know, for sure, you're at least a bit of an asspie? You watch Naruto or some other ninja crap and you actually enjoy the fight scenes - no, best say episodes.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)16:55:28 No.2397664
         File :1228946128.jpg-(48 KB, 768x603, IMOfull.jpg)
    48 KB
    It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of Sapho that thoughts acquire speed, the lips acquire stains, the stains become a warning. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)17:03:15 No.2397734
    Suddenly anybody with a slight quirk or attention to detial has Asperger's now days. Fuck that shit, I've met people who really have it and they're fucking wacky beyond anything I've ever actually seen out of the average 4channer.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)17:07:27 No.2397779
    I got annoyed looking at that picture because I remember it having Red Dwarf and Starbug on it
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)17:10:25 No.2397817
    Assburgers was invented by feminists to pretend being male was a disorder
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)17:23:12 No.2397943
    where's HMS Camden Lock? What kind of amateur made that image?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)17:27:17 No.2397972
    > http://www.merzo.net/

    oh my God
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)17:30:58 No.2398004
    OMG this is the best site ever or OMG this is the scariest site ever?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)17:35:13 No.2398042
    Wtf is up with the Crusade thingy and that flower to the far right? Trade federation and the long Babylon 5 ship are fucked up too.

    And that's just from a glance. What retard scaled these things?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)17:36:52 No.2398056

    Also the giant command tower at the bottom left corner is fucked up too.


    This picture. Rage.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)17:41:10 No.2398096

    tell them, they will FREAK
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)17:43:00 No.2398119
    This is what someone with Asperger's is really like:

    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)17:43:25 No.2398126
    Aspergers -> high-functioning
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)17:45:20 No.2398149

    WTF where is nebulon b fregate?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)17:45:53 No.2398155
    high-functioning male
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)17:46:49 No.2398165

    This thread will self destruct in...
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)17:47:09 No.2398170
    Ulillillia Is pretty cool for an aspie though.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)17:47:35 No.2398178
    Autismfag here.

    So close. Thanks for playing.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)17:47:44 No.2398179
    thank you kind robot. i shall inform them of my findings immediately.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)17:49:04 No.2398199
    Look at the original site (on the -10x scale), and you will see those ones are conspicuously absent. My guess is whoever made the image added them and half-assed the job.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)17:50:00 No.2398207
    explain yourself please. or just talk about your autism
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)17:52:53 No.2398249
    google him
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)17:54:31 No.2398263
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)17:56:13 No.2398280
    I've heard this argument before, but I've never heard a good explanation of it.

    So, elaborate please?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)17:56:47 No.2398289
    i only can think which model i could shove into my anus, but they all look sharp and unpleasant
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)18:09:15 No.2398424
    men are said to have an "Autistic Brain" as if the female brain is the correct version. Google will explain
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)18:10:07 No.2398431
    you, sir, have Proctophagia
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)18:11:33 No.2398447

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