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  • File: 1336528023.png-(280 KB, 400x357, 23874927398.png)
    280 KB Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)21:47:03 No.2385502  
    How has 4chan affected you?
    I'll start.
    >numb to emotion
    >prone to suicidal thoughts
    >extremely self concious and self aware
    >Showed me that there's other people like me
    >Made me a little less sheltered, and aware of the world
    >Helped me see things in a more realistic light
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)21:51:15 No.2385557
    4chan has taught me how people are. Why people act the way they do, and what people really want. I've noticed these things in everyone I know for a few years now.

    Incidentally, this is also the reason I frequently consider suicide.
    >> ­DarkTrip !nNThBA7CKU 05/08/12(Tue)22:09:13 No.2385792
    you summed it up op
    4chan is honest it can help u see the world as it really is
    but dont get to upset - dont let it affect YOU
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)22:12:13 No.2385822
    4chan helped me realize I like wearing girl clothes.

    My life has been awesome ever since.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)22:21:10 No.2385916
    >drawing a blank here
    >found out that a lot of people stand up to wipe their asses
    >realise a lot of men want the cock despite self-identifying as straight
    >feel like part of a community as i sit in bed listening to psytrance, smoking weed and browsing /r9k/ and /b/

    God bless 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)22:24:26 No.2385947
    >introduced me to assholes
    >made me self-conscious
    >made me fear my fellow man
    >introduced me to gfur
    >made me confident
    >made me love my fellow man (homo)
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)22:24:57 No.2385953
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)22:29:15 No.2386002
    >I spend most of my free time here (not that I'd be spending it doing something productive since I have no friends but still)

    >numb to emotion and gore
    >made me look on certain things realistically
    >helped me get /fit/
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)22:30:34 No.2386012
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    entertainment, new ideas and new views on different topics, and fa material
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)22:32:03 No.2386034
    >people saying they're numb to emotion
    >feel threads...feel threads everywhere
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)22:34:32 No.2386063
    Takes up a little too much time
    Not something normal people should be on, won't admit it (except to other guys that admit to it)
    Just a little pedophilia developing

    Opened my outlook
    Built my confidence, I strive to not be an average /b/tard
    Exposed me to others' views
    Feel like it made me a little more interesting, by learning new shit
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)22:34:47 No.2386068
    I find I'm generally numb to excitement and other "positive" emotions while being sensitive to depression and similar negative feelings

    >aw shit what a sensitive faggot
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)22:36:07 No.2386085
    They're the cancer.
    I don't even feel fear tbh. Yesturday was a 20 second earthquake and the whole building was shaking. I didn't even give a fuck. Not sure if this is a good thing but I'm sure I'll be able to handle life without primitive instincts and feelings controlling me.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)22:36:41 No.2386094
    - lackadaisical toward murder, gore, cp.
    - bored with memes once my non-site-frequenting friends get excited about them

    - not as freaked out by gore, could come in handy in a medical situation
    - perfect place to exercise my urges to irritate people without negative results
    - realize that most of the social challenges that I've figured out and gotten over is much more common than I had thought.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)22:38:36 No.2386114
    Showed me that there's other people like me
    strong minded
    unlimited fap works
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)22:38:55 No.2386117
    That's teenage angst. If you're over 17 then you're behind the curve.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)22:40:11 No.2386134
    /b/ took my social life away
    /v/ took my closest friends away
    /mu/ made me into an elitist hipster faggot
    /r9k/ took my motivation and aspirations away, leaving me an empty, depressed shell of my former self

    Entertains me when I'm bored.

    Fuck you 4chan. Fuck everything you've done to me.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)22:41:37 No.2386149
    -I'm even more so prone to feeling sick at gore. Still can't overcome that fear. Dunno if it's 4chan related, though.

    -/a/ continually nails into my head and reminds me that I will never meet the girl I wish to find.

    -I'm extremely self conscious now.

    -I've met a lot of people IRL who happened also be channers, made extremely strong friendships with them.

    -It's a place where I can actually say whatever I wish without being penalized.

    -It's.. home-y? It's hard to explain, it's just a website dedicated to losers like ourselves, but I have such fun times here.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)22:41:50 No.2386152
    Made me think I'm less attractive than I really am (shallow assholes)
    Wasted plenty of time I could have used to do something productive

    Numbed me to things like gore/rape/disease/famine
    Helped me improve my grammar
    Let me meet a few friends
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)22:42:21 No.2386154
    There has been bad, but it's insignificant so I won't list it.

    >Get to interact with a diverse group of people.
    >Find new hobbies/interests.
    >Feel a sense of belonging.
    >Meet other people who feel fucked by the system.
    >Have a place where I can vent or troll without fear of dropping social status (the power of anon)
    >Lots of laughs.

    Most of this is from /r9k/. I've really felt like you guys are a second family to me, or at least a group of close friends. It makes me feel better about the world in general.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)22:44:34 No.2386176
    >I have realized my purposes are sex, maintaining attractiveness, cooking, and cleaning. No matter what I do with my life, I must conform to conventions or risk deviancy.
    >Became paranoid of being doxed. Don't want to make internet friends or friends at all.
    >Upset me numerous times at underage b& thinking, religious extremists and pedophiles

    >Don't feel as alone when seeing feels I relate to
    >Made me realize sex is overrated
    >(?)Entertainment from people who are bigger failures compared to myself
    >/adv/ gave me tips on how to behave and dress properly for an interview
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)22:45:54 No.2386192
    >no emotion just logic
    >lack of respect for anything
    >removed myself from the femanons in my life
    >i can now show my hate for everything without the police hauling me off.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)22:48:33 No.2386221
    I can't leave
    I can't stop looking at porn
    Many of you are not correct, or are trolling

    Uhh I save a lot of images, learned some shit along the way
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)22:52:48 No.2386273
    >somewhat less sensitive to gore/porn/whatever
    >waste way too much of my time
    >grammar, spelling, writing and conversational abilities have gone out the window
    >Found a quality forum for sports discussion
    >Can find anything I want whenever I want
    >Met the Peruvian wunderkind
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)22:59:59 No.2386335
    >no emotion
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)23:17:02 No.2386539
    >emotionally numb
    >easily able to dismiss thoughts of suicide
    >demonstrated the depth of depravity of all sorts of dire and delusional degenerates
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)23:18:10 No.2386552
    >listening to psytrance, smoking weed
    These match.
    >browsing /r9k/
    This does not match the former two.
    >browsing /b/
    Where's the sense of community there? The drugs must have fried your brain.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)23:22:48 No.2386608
    >very pessimistic
    >must hide powerlevels

    >dont trust most people and governments
    >have an EXTREMELY small circle of friends
    >never buy video games pirate only
    >stockpiling for the SHTF event in our near future
    >recently built up defenses for my house

    inb4 none of those things are good
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)23:25:27 No.2386650
    you realize by pirating games you're hurting the PC game industry as a whole. It's fine if you just want to pirate one or two here or there but to pirate every single one is terrible
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)23:27:11 No.2386676
    How does pirating games associate with 4chan?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)23:28:10 No.2386683
    >became super perverted
    >now have a tendency to wallow is my depression
    >suspicious of white people
    >lost all hope for humanity
    >spend all my spare time watching animu
    >addicted to fapping and porn
    >found a love for dark humour
    >becoming more and more jaded with the world
    >sometimes anon can be such awesome bro
    >I can keep up with latest tech/comic/anime shit
    >from the various sex related stuff I've read on this site I'm pretty sure I'll be godly in the sack
    >found out I actually had a fairly sizable dick
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)23:33:01 No.2386729
    >numb to emotion
    What do you mean numb to emotion?
    Do you mean a lack of sympathy?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)23:33:29 No.2386738
    /mu/tant here, so mine's not quite typical.
    >think far too many thoughts in greentext
    >always want to argue in greentext and imply
    >waste excessive amounts of time
    >discovered vast amounts of new music
    >expanded my musical tastes
    >gave me a broader scope of what can make music "good"
    >learned just how subjective taste can be
    >instead of getting angry, learned to just let things go (one of the greatest lessons /mu/ can teach anyone)

    I can't say I've really gained much from any other boards except maybe /lit/ and /tv/
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)23:39:14 No.2386801
    >Found a place where my evil side can grow and develop
    >Found a place where my evil side can grow and develop
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)23:48:19 No.2386909
    >introduced me to kpop. oh god, it's like a fucking burlesque show with teenagers. thank you so goddamn much.

    >made me way more self-hating about having asperger's.
    >inb4 this turns into an aspie hate thread at the mere mention of it.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)23:54:21 No.2386964
    >time consuming
    >fueled racist tendencies
    >actually think things like "2012, x, ishhygyydiggy"
    >made me a bit of a misanthrope
    >actually pick up news stories and knowledge from fellow anons
    >sense of community
    >helped me realize the true nature of humanity, in an albeit strange way
    >> Anonymous 05/09/12(Wed)00:02:04 No.2387063
    pretty much, once you've seen 4chan, nothing can suprise you anymore.

    4chan person: "oh, look, that guy's raping a dead horse and cutting it in half. interesting. oh well."

    >> Anonymous 05/09/12(Wed)00:03:00 No.2387076
    you used "albeit" wrongly there. the word's meaning is closely tied to the word "although." so the correct way to say what you said would be:
    >helped me realize the true nature of humanity, albeit in a strange way
    >> Anonymous 05/09/12(Wed)00:05:20 No.2387097
    >Now want to be a girl
    >Increased racism
    >Distracted from real life
    >> Anonymous 05/09/12(Wed)00:05:45 No.2387099
    >> Anonymous 05/09/12(Wed)00:05:53 No.2387102
    Why is everyone listing insensitivity to gore / emotions as a bad thing?
    >> Anonymous 05/09/12(Wed)00:08:05 No.2387130
    >Sometimes it's funny or stupid enough to make me laugh hysterically to tears. I don't laugh that way often.

    >Niggers. I've never used the word seriously, but now whenever I see a black man I can only think of nigger and the endless jokes/hate of 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/12(Wed)00:10:15 No.2387154
    >Spend a little too much time here
    >Made me ambivalent to most emotions which makes people a little scared of me in conversation. I hide it well
    >Kinda slowly making me a pedo
    >Taught me the truth about people (give someone a mask etc)
    >Taught me the truth about females
    >Showed me what not to be
    >Taught me skepticism, good humour, the nature of trial-by-fire and the importance of relying on yourself
    >> Anonymous 05/09/12(Wed)00:12:03 No.2387167
    >Sense of community, understanding.
    >Fun to be part of a greater knowledge base.
    >Funny and smart.
    >Leeks into thoughts and behavior.
    >My subconscious basically acts like /b/. As in, it trolls me more than it used to.
    >Made the word nigger less funny.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/12(Wed)00:14:55 No.2387195
    I thought that it was okay that a friend of mine sent me pictures of her bare ass. My other friends are either polyamarous freaks or hardcore christfags, so I didn't get any helpful advice from any of them. After discussing it with the majority of /adv/, I can now see why I was being a douche and that the other girl obviously doesn't have respect for my relationship. Thanks for making me feel like a cheating dick then, 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/12(Wed)00:17:17 No.2387218
    Because the entirety of western culture is based upon the idea that emotions are real, beautiful, and an integral part of the human experience.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/12(Wed)00:19:24 No.2387240
         File: 1336537164.jpg-(88 KB, 500x554, 521765_10150672664404477_67742(...).jpg)
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    >self conscious as fuck
    >belittle myself constantly
    >realize how mean everyone really is

    > fap material
    > taught me how to make friends
    > numb to gore
    > sense of community
    >> Anonymous 05/09/12(Wed)00:19:56 No.2387244
    That pretty much says it for me OP. I feel that 4chan is kinda like walking into Dante's Inferno; it feels like hell, you learn a lot of shit including shit you never wanted to have to know, then hopefully you make it out on the other side a better person.

    Suicidal thoughts indeed, young adults are prone to existential crisis as it is. I think having suicidal thoughts and existential crises are actually a good sign that you're heading in the right direction. If you made it to twenty and were still dumb enough to be ignorant of the world's failures I don't think you're a very good person if I can be very blunt.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/12(Wed)00:22:52 No.2387275
    I've been on this website since I was a freshman in high school, in 2007. The first years was magical; so many things I would have never found out about in my suburban bubble I called life. I was a total faggot before 4chan made me go out of my way to not be a little bitch that can't deal with the world. A video called the faces of death or something like that really changed my perspective and I would like to say I am more self-aware of my limitations thanks to it, along with a bunch of gore on /b/. Then, some faggot in switzerland (or something like that) started spamming up 4chan and I began looking away from /b/, I tried 7chan and such, which lead me to r9k/other boards of this site which gave me at least basic knowledge in almost every subject available. I'm proud to say I didn't take part in any of the boxxy shit back when I started and lurked like a good newfag.

    Cons: I think everyone around me is a faggot and I miss the old 4chan.
    Pros: I have basic knowledge in everything and I have hobbies and interests. I'm pretty cool and I learned how to make/save money thanks to plenty of info threads back in the day. I'm richer than most of my peers.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/12(Wed)00:22:57 No.2387277
    I was the way I am before I found 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/12(Wed)00:29:31 No.2387350
    >nothing. I was shitty when I began browsing, but it sort of made me hate things a little more. for example; i'm a little more passionate about the things that i used to hate. i even hate things that i didn't hate before (plebs, /mu/.)
    >made me more of a realist
    >learned a lot from various boards
    >taught me how to argue very well
    >got a lot of fap material for when the internet goes out
    >i still think for myself because i'm not a weak-minded idiot.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/12(Wed)00:30:05 No.2387359
    >Made me watch too much porn that got out of control and I ended up having to quit it
    >aggravated my pedo tendencies
    >wasted WAY too much time here
    >/a/, /jp/ so weeaboos

    >collectively been my only friends and have had many good times. Had way more fun here than the alternate which was being forced to some shitty clubs
    >gave me advice got me through hard times
    >had many lulz with like minded trolls
    >teaches you how to live an introverted life in an extroverted society
    >> Anonymous 05/09/12(Wed)00:40:53 No.2387492
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    >intensified my hatred towards women holy fuck
    >its a fucking time vampire
    >Found people with similar interests and humor like mine.
    >More aware of the world. /Pol/ helped me in so many ways.
    >More confident, outgoing. Realize people are mostly full of shit and now I can see through their lies.
    >My empathy is more reserved for those who deserve it. I had to much before.
    >Before I came here I was very naive and sheltered and since then I've seen some terrifying shit on this site and all the other sites it's lead me too. It's made me better in this regard I believe.

    >> Anonymous 05/09/12(Wed)00:42:18 No.2387508
    this post was from hours ago, but I know that feel.
    I only feel hate, scarcely any emotions other than hate. Everything has also become so logical, I never base things on anything but logic. I see everything coldly and logical because of 4chan. Perhaps I would've came to this naturally, as I've always somewhat thought in this way, but 4chan threw gas on that fire.

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