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  • File: 1336522422.jpg-(199 KB, 600x435, NEET.jpg)
    199 KB NEET Thread Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)20:13:42 No.2384247  
    >How Long have you beet NEET?
    >Why are you NEET?
    >Do you think your life will improve?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)20:14:29 No.2384258
    *>how long have you been NEET
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)20:16:33 No.2384284
    could you tell me what exactly is a NEET?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)20:17:40 No.2384296

    Not in education, employment or training.

    You need to brush up on your terminology son.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)20:18:44 No.2384310
    Went NEET in October.
    Don't know where I want to go in life, too lazy to go anywhere without knowing it's the path I want.
    I'm still optimistic about improvement in some way at some point.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)20:19:28 No.2384319
    My life's aspiration summed up in a picture.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)20:19:28 No.2384320
    >How Long have you beet NEET?
    Since I quit college about 3 months ago

    >Why are you NEET?
    Because impossible to get job

    >Do you think your life will improve?
    Not really bothered, just about getting pissed up and having banter with the lads Nothing much better to do.

    Don't feel bad about being NEETo
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)20:19:49 No.2384324
    >How long have you been NEET
    Since 2007

    >Why are you NEET
    After I graduated. I was optimistic about post-high school life. Then I realized that I fucked up, didn't enroll in any colleges, didn't know shit about jobs etc. And depression kicked in.

    >Do you think you will improve
    Yeah, but I need a lot of motivation I have fallen under too hard. I still don't know what I want to do with my life.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)20:20:57 No.2384345
    6 years.
    I don't even know anymore. There are lots of things I'm damn sure it could be. It could also be nothing. I'll find out, hopefully, over the next month or two.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)20:23:13 No.2384372
    then in that case... july last year
    >have to watch siblings and no time for job because mother works nights and sleeps all day (no father)
    >probably not
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)20:23:27 No.2384375
    >>How Long have you beet NEET?
    5 years.
    >Why are you NEET?
    Like Sato put it at the end. "Being a hikikomori is a luxury. If one's source of food and shelter isn't secured. You have no choice BUT to work.
    >Do you think your life will improve?
    Will it improve? I don't know. I won't be NEET forever, that's for sure. My parents will be gone out of the equation one day. I'll probably end up homeless.
    >> MasterNEET 05/08/12(Tue)20:23:54 No.2384383

    >How Long have you beet NEET?

    I graduated from highschool in 2006.
    So that will make it the 6th year.
    Though there were holes (like being 1 year a fake student) in it, but basically i have done nothing.

    >Why are you NEET?

    It can go too much into the blablabla-line, so i will just say, i am one because i can!

    >Do you think your life will improve?

    Do you think that my life will improve, having to work some low-end job, getting bossed around etc.?
    No, i am not intelligent enough to get anything better.
    So right now, the circumstances are already the best. Do nothing, but have plenty of food, my own room, electricity, warm water, and my notebook.

    Also, i will stay forever an outcast, even for the simple fact like having no healthcare insurance even though obligatory, which would made me obliged to pay back all the sum of the missing years, if i were to go back to society (apply for job, enroll as student, or even apply for welfare).
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)20:24:10 No.2384386
    >I'll find out, hopefully, over the next month or two.
    Any particular reason you think that'll be soon?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)20:25:18 No.2384405
    >How Long have you beet NEET?
    for a year now.
    >Why are you NEET?
    I finished shitty highschool where I cant go directly to college, if i want to go to college i must pay much money. add to that my family is not very wealthy. also, cant find any low wage jobs because economy is so fucking shitty.
    >Do you think your life will improve?
    meh, idk really. maybe in a 3-5 years.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)20:27:43 No.2384435
    Going into counselling/therapy. I'm hoping I'll get some sort of psychiatric evaluation. Yeah, it may seem a bit pathetically over the top, but hey.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)20:28:22 No.2384443
    Damn DAMN DAMN!

    What is happening guys? Not just us NEETs and this thread. The entire world.

    When they coined the word DEPRESSION they wheren't kidding.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)20:28:50 No.2384454
    >How Long have you beet NEET?
    Since 1998
    >Why are you NEET?
    Don't want to work, managed to get on disability
    >Do you think your life will improve?
    I'm content now, and I don't see anything changing.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)20:29:41 No.2384462
    2 years. No responses from jobs. No.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)20:30:26 No.2384473
    >that feel when the only people in a position to help you are mentally ill themselves and can't
    I wish I could kill myself.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)20:33:53 No.2384515

    Suicide is for strong willed people only.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)20:35:25 No.2384536
    Not really, whatever's brought you to do nothing for six years seems pretty legitimate to try to get sorted out professionally.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)20:41:27 No.2384638
         File: 1336524087.jpg-(104 KB, 1131x553, schwächlinge.jpg)
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    Weaklings can't pick their ways of death.
    While it is a debatable option, it is absolutely ridiculous to call people who have successfully ended their life as being weak willed or anything.

    But "normal people" don't get that view anyways.
    It would devastate their own state of mind maybe.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)20:47:01 No.2384718
    >tfw when I can be NEET and not homeless because based British welfare system

    Still, spending your life in a council estate and shooting yourself in the face have very little between them.

    Just gotta enjoy the perks of sitting in the garden having a few beers in the sun.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)21:06:15 No.2384951
    >based welfare system

    I love how naive (brainwashed by media) some stances are on this regards, well mostly by Americans i think.

    There are people actually profiting from the welfare system and in the end it must not be the one on welfare.
    Depends on the welfare system also, but there is no such thing as unconditional basic income.

    You still have to do all the things being told to do so, like having some sort of quota of writing applications , all sorts of appointments and there are companies of taking advantage of such people by hiring them instead of usual people looking for work, because they are a cheaper workforce.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)21:17:07 No.2385117
    >1 1/2 years NEET
    >no friends, motivation or desires, pockets full of spaghetti
    >don't want to go back to school
    >don't want to get a job
    >just want to sleep, and play vidya/4chan until I'm tired again
    >mom is probably close to kicking me out
    >don't understand people with a work ethic at all.
    >hell don't understand other people at all
    >going to kill myself if mom decides to throw me out.
    >just don't want to do anything at all.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)21:19:27 No.2385154
    >going to kill myself if mom decides to throw me out.
    She's going to blame herself for that, you know. It'll destroy her.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)21:20:47 No.2385176
    She could've gotten him help.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)21:21:08 No.2385183

    then it'll be her punishment for doing so, I do not give one single fuck about anyone but myself.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)21:22:01 No.2385198
    Where do you freaks get the money to not work?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)21:38:19 No.2385399
    >I do not give one single fuck about anyone but myself

    If you gave a fuck about yourself, you wouldn't be a NEET. No, I suspect that you care about literally nothing.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)21:41:46 No.2385442
    why don't we all go live in the wild together and have most likely gay buttsex orgies and live off of our semen.
    >> backslash !VsbZuYf6Vo 05/08/12(Tue)21:44:48 No.2385480
    >How Long have you beet NEET?
    For a year then I went to school for a semester, then the last four months
    >Why are you NEET?
    Bi-Polar, Depression, Anxiety Disorders, bloated sense of self hatred, weird and offputting fluctuation of social skills from great to autistic
    >Do you think your life will improve?
    People have been telling me it would since third grade. It hasn't. So...make of that what you will
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)21:45:16 No.2385488
    I should be studying to get into that uni I want to go. not sure I'm NEET, I'm taking classes and getting my shit together, but I'm afraid thats how you become NEET.
    am I right?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)21:50:29 No.2385548
    So do all NEET's live with their parents or something? I sure as hell know I wouldn't be able to afford rent, food, and internet on welfare.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)21:55:28 No.2385612
    Year, that's the standart.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)22:01:00 No.2385686
    >he doesn't know how to make up shit on his job application diary

    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)22:01:06 No.2385688
    Yes, a real NEET depends on your parents or other relatives.

    A rich NEET would be called a Privatier.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)22:06:10 No.2385752
         File: 1336529170.jpg-(36 KB, 547x461, 1313983256124.jpg)
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    I think killing yourself must be the very last option, only when you tried everything else.

    Hell, I don't understand those people.

    Did you try EVERYTHING before you quit the game? No? Then try those.

    If you decided that you don't give a fuck about life and death, you are finally free. You can do whatever the fuck you want. Noone has power over you. You are a half-god.

    So act like that. There are options, just open your fucking eyes.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)22:06:57 No.2385764

    I'm a NEET, and don't live with my parents.

    I live with my brother, my rent (200 Pounds a month) is payed by the goverment, and i get another 200 Pounds for living expenses for being on jobseekers. (Brit)

    Been like this for about 2 years now, although i am starting university in September, trying to do something with myself.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)22:09:27 No.2385794
    Unless you have a kid or two and then get free housing and money.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)22:09:46 No.2385799
    >How Long have you beet NEET?
    About 2 years.
    >Why are you NEET?
    Because I'm a lazy piece of shit.
    >Do you think your life will improve?
    Yeah, I'm working on finding a job and I plan on moving out and I want to start growing mushrooms and weed when I move out.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)22:10:50 No.2385806
    Second half of this post because r9k is drunk

    Unless you have a kid or two and then get free housing and money.

    If you don't have kids you just get a bit of free money, so 360 pounds a month or so, and live with your parents.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)22:13:48 No.2385844
    Guys. I finish college in about a month and I can't think of anything to do. I've never had a job so no work experience. My Mum suggests I sign on so I can look for a job and bring a little bit of money in.

    Any thoughts?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)22:14:47 No.2385855
    Go to >>>/adv/ and ask, they are top lads.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)22:15:21 No.2385861
    Although you might want to leave it til morning when more Brits are up, as you are a Brit.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)22:20:22 No.2385908
    Right. Thanks will do.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)22:41:21 No.2386146
    I'm in that exact scenario, except i dropped out of uni after 2 years of college. My mum went on at me to sign on for ages so I sacrificed my dignity and did it (even though it took me ages to work up the courage to call because massive phone anxiety).

    Basically if you don't mind associating with the scum of the UK at 10am every 2 weeks for free money then do it.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)22:49:02 No.2386231
         File: 1336531742.png-(216 KB, 560x304, jh.png)
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    Its not that simple, certainly theres an entire list of things you wish you could do but never will, even though you'll only live once and never get another chance. Why would someone who can't even reach the basic standard of living think they could accomplish anything worth bragging about, and most importantly where would they get the resources?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)22:49:03 No.2386232
    NEET is that shit you put on your legs to dissolve hair. Do you mean NEAT by any chance? Like picking all your shit up and keeping your room clean? You guys are the fucked generation mostly because of shitty schooling it sounds like. sucks to be you.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)22:52:11 No.2386271
    My intelligence has dropped below average.

    I can't talk for shit now, i don't even know what i think.
    I don't think at all.
    But NEET is neat.
    >> Dr.Dude !!xYApC7v7+j4 05/08/12(Tue)22:54:40 No.2386291
    Let's see...

    >20 going on 21
    >Have had multiple jobs since I was 15
    >Live with my dad, mostly independent
    >Had license since 17, but no car because of money and it would inconvenience me during school.
    >Looking at other colleges to transfer to, left a college that I hate. Only good thing about old one was my friends, starting to regret leaving them. May not be in college for Fall 2012.
    >Have job lined up this June, looking for a second at the moment.

    Huh, I guess I'm not much of a NEET after all. See how simple it is? Just get out there and put a little effort into your lives.
    >> Dr.Dude !!xYApC7v7+j4 05/08/12(Tue)23:06:42 No.2386401
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)23:09:06 No.2386432
    >about to finish high school
    >want a small entry level retail job
    >fucking no one is hiring
    >once summer kicks in i'll be competing with all the other aspiring workers while the preppy asian kids have 6 colleges lined up for them
    >there's virtually no chance i'll be hired anywhere
    Sometimes I wish a plane would collapse through the roof on me so I wouldn't have to deal with responsibility.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)23:11:39 No.2386468
    I think you mean Nair, buddy. And he's referring to Not in Education, Employment, or Training.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)23:16:58 No.2386537
    i became neet when i finished uni this april. Ive been sitting at home doing nothing since. I only applied for 3 jobs since. The thing is, i want to work somewhere i will enjoy and make decent money. I know i am being picky but i cant help it

    Also, laziness and procrastination. Everyday i look through job postings and open up like 10 tabs for jobs i find interesting, and tell myself "ill apply to them later, i want to goof off on 4chan all day" So i goof off, and then eventually its 12 at night and im way too tired to apply to anything, so i tell myself ill do it tomorrow and end up doing the same thing
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)23:19:19 No.2386565
    How do you remain NEET for that long? How do you pay for housing etc? Where I come from (Long Beach) a typical apartment rents for at least $1200/month and that's already hard as fuck to pay even splitting it with a room mate.

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