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    11 KB daemon !!ZfbXY6bfPXb 12/09/08(Tue)02:29:39 No.2381557  
    I think we need to restructure the entire University system. Frats are gone. Varsity sports are gone (IMs and clubs can stay, but no athletic scholarships). They can get their own "schools" and do whatever the fuck they want.

    I really haven't thought past here. How else can we make Universities a place for actual learning, and not "the best time of your life"?
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:33:58 No.2381589
    welcome to being a mature and intelligent human beign.enjoy your being, alone.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:34:16 No.2381595
    >How else can we make Universities a place for actual learning, and not "the best time of your life"?

    Give kids a year between highschool and college for just partying and shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:35:43 No.2381615
    If people would stop letting jocks copy off their notes in high school, this would come to pass.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:35:44 No.2381617
    When I was arguing with a class mate in grade twelve about the point of scholarships that are based on non academic terms. She basically said anyone can be a nerd and study but then university would be full of them.

    I asked her if she hopes her doctor is a nerd or a jock that party'd the whole time.


    remove sports.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:40:02 No.2381651
    Yeah, Op. I was just watching Accepted the other day too. Good movie, wish things worked a little more like that.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:40:56 No.2381659
    The government needs to recognize "Bro" as a race, then bar them from entering universities.

    However, there is the question of whether "Bro"s are the creation of universities or not. The debate in congress shall be long and arduous.
    >> Lambchop's Death Legion !d7bMXbKy6Q 12/09/08(Tue)02:41:19 No.2381664
    Are the two really that mutually exclusive, I study my ass off in engineering on the weekdays and then forget all the stress by going out to parties on my fridays and saturday nights
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:42:49 No.2381685
    I find it pretty offensive that those assholes could get into a University, but I couldn't for the sole reason that I could not afford to get in.

    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:43:00 No.2381688
    Every exchange student I met in highschool told me that in their country, highschool was for partying and college was serious business. It's the opposite in the US.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:51:03 No.2381757
    Aside from doing away with frats and sports they need to made way more fucking efficient than they are now.

    Do away with GEs, I already took high school, thank you.

    Drop the "OMG WE AMAZING SECULAR LIBERAL COLLEGES ARE MAKING OUR STUDENTS BETTER MORE WELL ROUNDED PEOPLE BY EXPOSING THEM TO NEW CULTURES AND IDEAS AND BLAH BLAH BLAH" Mantra. Nobody's fucking falling for it but the faggots hired to make up this kind of shit. The smart students don't wan't or need a fucking teacher or any other authority figure to tell them these kinds of things and the dumb future dropouts don't care anyway. Drop diversity and culture requirements.

    Weed out all the bullshit majors and classes. No more Womyns Stdies/Communications/Latin American History/ect.

    Streamline the whole fucking system. There's a reason why there's no new doctors: it takes longer than a fucking DECADE to get all the training.
    >> daemon !!ZfbXY6bfPXb 12/09/08(Tue)02:52:13 No.2381769
    Nobody actually studies in High School. If you did, congrats on wasting your time.

    I'd rather not do this, but I feel like I have to blame our (US) culture, here. They look down on intelligence as being pretentious or whatnot.

    I also think you should have to get a college degree before you can vote. In one of my real colleges.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:54:07 No.2381794
    No one studies, but high grades are so much more important. Everyone wants to get into the best school etc etc. I feel like in college everyone is just trying to pass.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:55:07 No.2381806
    You are obviously not in college if you think this. Or you are failing out of college because a "secular liberal arts" course.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:00:00 No.2381852
    This. And while you're at it, go back and fix English courses. Less emphasis on poetry, and more on the proper usage of the fucking language. The majority of people I knew in Grade Twelve could not spell "majority", "emphasis", or "language". In addition, most could just barely read.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:01:35 No.2381867
    I enjoy this thread.

    Has pretty much said all that I want to.

    I do want to add though that I think doing these things would bring back some legitimacy to the American higher learning system. I'm working for a software company and everyone there says they've learned way more about development just doing it and learning at work rather than from what they've learned in college. I'm working there on basically on a high school degree and my freehand knowledge of computers and the bullshit that goes on in colleges makes me think I'll be better off just learning at work.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:03:01 No.2381875
    It's really more of an "I could be done with all this shit and be out of here by now if it weren't for x" feeling actually.

    I'm not saying I never had any fun along the line, but It's getting REAL old.

    Oh and all that extra bullshit has to be paid for of course.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:04:41 No.2381889
    You guys are all just a bunch of underweight/overweight pale fail-at-sports jackasses- PROVE ME WRONG. Like seriously, if you're hot i.e. are muscular and you think sports should be banned from colleges, otherwise, shut the fuck up.

    You get academic scholarships all the fucking time and sports is no different and I bet those sports bring in a shit ton more revenue than your shitty latin club or <insert university> Republicans Club. There is pride to be taken in athleticism just as much as there is in intellectualism.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:06:41 No.2381913
    kill everyone i don't like
    >> Soviet Lesbian !hdwrehqOns 12/09/08(Tue)03:07:00 No.2381918
    OP is right on all counts.

    Is largely wrong.

    Is a meathead. If you want to celebrate athleticism, open your own training camps and don't pretend they have anything to do with mental education, steroidhackers.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:08:29 No.2381932
    You know why college sports are as valued as they are by universities? Because they are obscenely profitable.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:08:38 No.2381935
    Revenue? That's what tuition and endowments are for, faggot. Die in a fire.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:10:23 No.2381948
    I agree that Frats are fucking idiotic, i'm glad my school bans them. I have no issue with varsity sports, in fact i quite enjoy them (keep in mind i'm Canadian, so it's a different atmosphere up here). I'm also against athletic scholarships, the focus should indeed be on education; but banning sports is just silly.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:10:24 No.2381949
    >Give kids a year between highschool and college for just partying and shit.
    And go easy on their asses? Fuck no. Get those lazy motherfuckers working. I say we abolish weekends for college kids.
    >> daemon !!ZfbXY6bfPXb 12/09/08(Tue)03:12:06 No.2381966
    I'm just saying athletics on the level of the NCAA have no place in an institution of higher learning. You should not get to go to a great college like Duke, et. all, if you can sink a basket. You get to go to a basketball college, and major in basketball. Can't get a job in professional basketball? Too bad, go back to a real college.

    Hmm, making athletics a major kind of solves the problem here. When the meatheads get out of school and can't get into the NFL, NHL, NBA, etc., too bad. Sounds good to me. At least then I won't have meatheads in my business classes.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:14:12 No.2381978
    Communications earned me a job in television.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:14:18 No.2381980
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:14:47 No.2381981

    Not quite, I agree sororities and frats should be done away with because it's fucking jackshit retarded, sorry, I'm not going to pay money and do absurd shit to make friends. Seriously, what's the fucking point? But you're still an over-opinionated, ad hominem argument loving idiot if you think sports have no place in colleges. Seriously, if not in college, why in high school? Why even have P.E. in fucking elementary school? They're schools aren't they? Places of learning? People like you make me rage so hard, sorry you were born with asthma or a low muscle tone, go back to reading Nietzsche and checking your email on your iMac.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:16:51 No.2381993

    You sir, are an idiot. Also you seem to fail to grasp the point of university. It's not strictly for future job training, if you treat it as such, then i pity you. It should be to expand your knowledge on a subject that stimulates you.

    You're also wrong about say Women's Studies not being practical; many people go on to work in social services, ect.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:17:23 No.2381999

    GG, You've just confirmed that you have no idea how the fuck College athletics work.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:17:55 No.2382001
    >pride to be taken in athleticism
    I see you haven't yet been properly welcomed into the new millennium.
    The trend has been and will always be that the mind grows in providence while the body shrinks. "Athleticism" is already growing to be worthless; it is a vestigial thing that will fall off in time.
    In the interim, I will be reveling in my superiority and foresight.
    tl;dr fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:18:12 No.2382003
    You would be quite right if it wasn't for the fact that all of that so-called "bullshit" is true. You would have an excellent point if you ignored the fact that virtually EVERY subject/discipline you will study is somehow connected to basically every other one (although at times the connection is rather indirect). You would have a good point if you ignored the many many people who have no idea/change their mind about what they want to study in college and upon changing majors benefit from having taken the basic courses in the subject because of those "damn GEs" that they were forced to take.

    And "Latin American History" being a bullshit major? The fuck is wrong with you? Ignoring the necessity inherit in rapid globalization of understanding the background of another group of people, there is still the rather large issue of the fact the rapidly increasing Hispanic minority (and by quite a few predictions, eventual majority). Understanding a thing or two of what could very well be the majority of the country, I think would be rather prudent.

    I'm of average weight and not terribly muscular at all but I agree.
    >> Soviet Lesbian !hdwrehqOns 12/09/08(Tue)03:19:13 No.2382010
    Public schools are general purpose. That's why they're mandatory. College is optional and more tailored to individual preferences. Hence, there's no point in sticking irrelevant athletic facilities onto them.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:19:26 No.2382011

    Lol Blue Devils, yea... but now I think we can agree with each other, athletics major for the sport-inclined does sound like a rather appealing idea.
    >> daemon !!ZfbXY6bfPXb 12/09/08(Tue)03:19:40 No.2382014
    Way to call him out on ad hominem and then use it, meathead.

    Phys Ed was introduced into elementary schools to make kids fit for when they got drafted.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:19:47 No.2382015
    Many people taking degreees in poetry go into the fast food industry, doesn't make it useful.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:20:39 No.2382020
    I will agree, using sports as a reason TO GET INTO college is not a good idea. However, >>2381889 is talking largely about receiving cash benefit for it which is quite a bit different.
    >> Ernest Hemingway 12/09/08(Tue)03:20:49 No.2382022
    Maybe it's just because less than 20% of the student body at my school is involved in frats/sororities, but they really aren't the problem. Neither is athletics; it's something almost universally enjoyed by the student body, and talking about the "stoopid jocks" who play on school teams bringing everyone down is bullshit-think about how few there are in a student body of 40,000.

    It's that I have to take race and ethnicity classes to get an economics degree and we're paying our university president $750k a year to shill for diversity.

    My girlfriend is even worse off studying to be a teacher. You should hear about the absolute bullshit woman's studies classes she has to take. To teach elementary school. What the fuck.

    I tried to find a class to satisfy my humanities requirement about thinkers of the Enlightenment or something of that nature-no such class existed. We do have, however, a popular class called "How To Be Gay." For real.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:22:36 No.2382031
    If you can't be an athlete without a coach yelling at you and a team to pat your but every time you jog a mile, you're an utter failure and probably a closet fag.

    And enough of the "revenue" bullshit, sure football games make money, but nowhere NEAR what they cost. You realize it costs $3,000,000 to put turf in on ONE field? Even the cheapest of stadiums cost $5,000,000. Meanwhile the kids that use it get to attend college for free, while the people who work hard and earn an education in a real major have to pay for it all.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:23:22 No.2382036

    If you're good enough, you can get published, or apply and receive government grants, ect. You can make a living off of poetry. Also, poetry classes make you a better writer/speller, ect. There are practical considerations.
    >> Soviet Lesbian !hdwrehqOns 12/09/08(Tue)03:24:00 No.2382039
    Centuries of sucky public education mean that people now want educators to know that women have actually done things.

    Also, you didn't look hard enough if you couldn't find a class on the enlightenment. Protip: It probably just says "Philosophy."
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:24:57 No.2382044

    Yea and everyone should be mindless science/math majors and go work in a tech field somewhere. Get your head out of your pretentious little ass.


    The problem would be solved if athletics was a major. That's my solution anyway, but I still hold that taking sports out of college is fucking retarded, rather, it should be made it's own school.


    Until you post a source that remotely suggests that you're right, you're a military-hating leftist jackass.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:25:02 No.2382046
    Just browse /y/
    Not really, no. As mentioned, in high school, poetry was required. It was the biggest unit. Most students, and this was in a university-prep course, could not spell/pronounce relatively simple words.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:25:10 No.2382048
    Ok, maybe I'm biased against communications just a tad because all the moron bros have it as their major at my school.

    I'm not against expanding your knowledge subject that interests you. Just remove all the mandatory bullshit nobody wants to do to make it more efficient. And I don't think I'm an idiot for wanting to get a financial return in the future from college.
    >> daemon !!ZfbXY6bfPXb 12/09/08(Tue)03:25:32 No.2382050
    I revise my opening statement. New plan:
    -Athletic majors (can still double major, but the athletic classes are actually scheduled, required attendance, etc. Required consitent GPA of 3.0 in other major to be allowed.)
    -Athletic scholarships only for those whose PRIMARY MAJOR will be in that sport.
    -Fraternal organizations gone.
    -IM, club sports still allowed.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:25:38 No.2382051

    So you're saying a 19 year old athlete is expected to go up against a 39 year old athlete who is extremely seasoned and strong in pro sports? There's a period of time where a young athlete needs to learn to be mature and independent. It's called college. They will be learning, and still developing skills. I don't see how it should affect students who were admitted through traditional terms. They really don't. You're going to need to come up with a better excuse than "these guys have more fun than me make them stop."

    tl;dr-let the fratfags have fun, and quit being a stuck up bitch.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:25:42 No.2382052
    Not necessarily, smaller schools don't always have everything you want them to. It's quite possible that it is incorporated into another course as opposed to having its own explicit course listing.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:26:17 No.2382065
    Britfag here, what's the frat/varsity sport thing all about? We don't have them here. Also I find people getting arrested for drinking in university incredibly amusing.
    >> Soviet Lesbian !hdwrehqOns 12/09/08(Tue)03:26:21 No.2382066
    So we agree, then? Put athletic goings-on into their own schools?
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:26:39 No.2382067
    I don't know if it's actually for kids to get drafted, but its a well known fact that it was government implemented and that obesity has been on a steady incline since it started.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:28:00 No.2382076
    Most of you seem to be (or at least pretend to be) intellectuals. I'm guessing that in your college classes you have worked in many laboratories or workshops with all manners of expensive equipment. Do you honestly think that your tuition covers all of this? To put it simply, it doesn't. Your tuition would be many multiples higher if it had to pay for everything you use in the pursuit of your degree. Enter the athletes. Their games bring in huge amounts of money for universities to spend on all the expensive shit you guys use. And how do we get those athletes to work for us? Give them a scholarship. It's relatively cheap, and a good athlete more than pays off his scholarship through sports. Secondly, while I'm not going to suggest that all athletes are all just stupid meatheads, if they were, wouldn't you WANT them sharing your classes? Hypothetically, they bring down the curve, and serve to make you all look better.

    Bottom line, these jocks are the reason for your opportunities in education. Use your rage against something that won't bite you in the ass.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:29:18 No.2382084

    I'm not saying DIVERSITY is bullshit. I'm saying the fact that the Unis have elected themselves in charge of teaching it is bullshit. To me, that's something best left taught to oneself through personal experience.
    >> daemon !!ZfbXY6bfPXb 12/09/08(Tue)03:29:34 No.2382085
    Well, no, I don't have a source, but I do recall learning it in a Phys Ed class at some point. I guess you technically have me. I'll look for one and get back to you.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:29:55 No.2382089

    Why the fuck would they even build the damn stadiums if they didn't think it would be profitable? That's the dumbest argument yet, goddamn man, seriously, think before you speak.

    And I didn't even suggest that you HAVE to be on a team to become a good athlete, but to take it away is moronic. You don't have to go to college to become a physicist somewhere, but it damn sure helps doesn't it?
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:30:09 No.2382090
    Frats are groups of guys that want to be bros and live together. Basically its simultaneously the most manly and gay thing possible. Frats are essentially a crack house for boozed up college students. Anyone in a frat rarely gets good grades. I myself support them, cause it keeps that attitude out of the dorms, so i can go there when i want to drink, and get some fucking sleep on a friday night when i dont.

    The athletics are a joke, we give kids who are good at sports free scholarships and they usually fail out anyway. My school is suffering major budget cuts all around to put up a stadium next semester. Our (american) football team didnt win a single goddamn game last semester.
    >> Soviet Lesbian !hdwrehqOns 12/09/08(Tue)03:30:26 No.2382092
    Obviously you missed the part where I mentioned creating their own training camps if they really want to go into athletics.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:30:50 No.2382097
    I disagree that we should ban varsity sports, only because schools would never allow it, but I do agree that "the best time of your life" bullshit needs to stop. I study in CS all week and party on the weekend, which i think is fine, but even now as I type, my suite-mate is having some sort of fucking party on a monday night keeping me up so I wont be rested for class tomorrow, and he got in this school under some sort of protection program for down-syndrome kids taking high school level courses.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:31:21 No.2382102
    it doesn't have to be profitable. Its already paid for by the thousands of students. Its all one big circle jerk by football fans.
    >> Ernest Hemingway 12/09/08(Tue)03:31:56 No.2382108

    Ha, no, but I wish. I spent three hours looking over the course catalog, to no avail. I told one of my friends-he didn't believe me either-so he looked, and couldn't find anything. We were shocked. This is a major public university, too.

    Also, I'm not sure what woman's studies classes you've taken, but my girlfriend brings me the articles and texts her class is based around because we find them so ridiculous. Half the semester was spent on black female body image. Entire lectures and papers were spent on black hair. A week was spent on the female orgasm. These required classes aren't about the accomplishments of women (which have been far from ignored throughout my public education).
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:32:04 No.2382111
    My answer to OP: go to art college

    The one I'm going to has no greek system, no jocks, and you still have the awesome parties any other college would have. Not to mention girls outnumber guys 4 to 1 and despite what people will tell you, very few art school women are lesbians/hairy hippies.

    I'm truly having the best years of my life here, plus my major actually has good financial security so I'm not worried about becoming a starving artist.
    >> daemon !!ZfbXY6bfPXb 12/09/08(Tue)03:32:19 No.2382117
    I really doubt athletics pay for my lab equipment. For one, entrance to my games is free for everybody. NCAA athletics are generally D3 at my school.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:32:42 No.2382120
    I will agree that personal experience is really the best way to teach something like that, but there is the problem in that not everyone can/wants to get that experience. Now if colleges had something like doing a trip abroad or something waived that requirement, that would be something else, but i know at least mine doesn't do that. And also in my post I was mostly talking about your demonizing of "GEs" as opposed to diversity (at least, diversity with respect to other cultures as opposed to intellectual diversity regarding "diverse" disciplines) stuff.
    >> Emily Dickinson 12/09/08(Tue)03:32:43 No.2382121
    Oh Ernest, once again it's you!
    Though Time again, I disagree -
    A novel Concept be not always new -
    And a catchall View be not always key!
    Diversity is miasma, given the right Pause,
    But university's not universal, not a Cause:
    'S inherent in its Dharmas, not its flaws!
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:33:28 No.2382128

    Yes, but just to be clear, don't ban them from universities, just instead have the Georgia State University College of Athletics, etc...


    Sounds good.
    >> Soviet Lesbian !hdwrehqOns 12/09/08(Tue)03:34:03 No.2382131
    Oh, then that's the reason why women's studies classes are necessary: That sounds fucking awesome. What college do you go to? I want in.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:34:41 No.2382136
    I was denied access to the best public institution in my state because I could not afford it.

    Meanwhile, some dipshit jock got in on a FOOTBAWL scholarship. He's now failing three classes and I'm stuck at a State University.

    Does not feel good, man.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:35:04 No.2382139
    This entire thread:

    >I am not athletically talented, and therefore all of the people I don't know but can so easily call meat heads are faggots and don't deserve to go to college just because they are. I don't know shit about any of them, but I can easily call them pussies who don't deserve shit. Here lets talk about shit we have no idea about.

    >> daemon !!ZfbXY6bfPXb 12/09/08(Tue)03:35:19 No.2382141
    >best years of my life

    This is the problem. Universities (should)= learning.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:35:45 No.2382145
    A house carpenter indeed.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:36:45 No.2382150
    Not samefag, but just because they're the best years of your life doesn't mean you didn't learn anything. The best years of my life were also in college and that wasn't because I partied and drank (which I did at times) but because of how much I learned in addition to everything else.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:37:17 No.2382153

    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:38:02 No.2382160
    shouldnt learning be fun? I don't want to live in that hypersuperpower asian attitude of "i wasted my day if i did not do math for 14 hours and slept for more than 4." I should be able to go out with some friends or fuck sally-sue after my 4 IT classes. Once my homework is done why not down a bottle of rum?
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:38:02 No.2382161

    Either way, and I know this point will be annihilated because colleges do it all the fucking time, but the board of directors or whatever... the people who are in charge of the damn school aren't going to make an investment into something like that if they didn't think they could make a little bank off of it. You don't just throw 5mil at something that serves no purpose.

    I say this in theory of course, because it seems everything, business, anything govt related, etc, do this every damn day. Fuck, people don't know how to manage anything anymore.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:39:05 No.2382165
    Well I don't know what GEs your Uni has but mine are essentially high school 2.0. I switched majors once actually, and that was because I could tell from the first few classed of the actual major itself that I wouldn't enjoy it and I found my new one from aptitude testing counseling that I myself chose to engage in. I don't see how the GEs helped at all.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:39:12 No.2382168
    So sports is equivalent to diligent studying? Wow. We have sport science, and taking that at our high-school equivalent is pretty hardcore biology with a 50-page project at the end.

    Why the hell are sports important? How do they bring in money for the university?
    >> Ernest Hemingway 12/09/08(Tue)03:39:40 No.2382175

    I fail to see how classes of that nature being mandatory is "awesome" when classes covering the foundations of Western thought are completely absent. This is not to claim that those classes should not be taught (that's another argument entirely), but why should they be required when a basic background in, say, the classics, is not?
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:42:58 No.2382206
    My team didn't win a single game last semester. One time we even lost 72-7. Meanwhile, budget cuts to the IT department mean we have to pay double the retail cost of our IBM T-60's, the lab computers are all 2 years out of date, and I don't have an IT job this winter, meaning I have to go back home and work at a goddamn pet store.

    Imagine if the IT department didn't have a single student pass a class, but they built a state-of-the-art computer science development lab, equipped with four NASA-esque supercomputers, while the football team plays in torn, ragged uniforms, winning every game by three or more touchdowns.

    This is my school.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:44:53 No.2382221
    they really dont at all, unless you have a super awesome team. The problem is, uni's try to throw money at them until they are awesome, and it never works.

    If they are an awesome team, they get ticket sales, endorsements, state funding, etc. All the stuff that professional sports teams get money for.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:45:59 No.2382230

    Solution: Join the SEC, everything else is fail.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:48:39 No.2382248
    I don't mean so much in choosing a major. Suppose you were a Comp Sci major who was forced to take Chem 1 in your first year. Your second year you decided, for whatever reason, that you wanted to major in chem. Because you were forced to take it in your first year you don't have to start at the very beginning.

    And also, obviously, not every case is the same. Just because your school may not provide the hardest level of GE courses around does not necessarily mean the whole idea of taking GE courses is bad.

    I may not be describing what i'm about to say adequately, but let's give it a try. When you major in a subject, any subject, essentially you are looking at the world from one specific perspective (e.g. from a strictly mathematical way or a strictly artistic, etc.) but by understanding something about other perspectives you can get a much better idea of the big picture about things.

    In addition to this, there is the mental benefit of having taken the course. Consider, say, a basic course in calculus. In terms of the actual content, does say, an art or english major get anything out of it? Quite obviously, no. But they get something else out of the experience: they are forced to think in a different way, they are forced to think about things the way that a mathematician would (or at least to an extent they are forced to do this). Because of this, one develops different areas of the brain and different ways of thinking about things that can be applied to far more practical situations than finding the derivative of some polynomial.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:50:25 No.2382262
    That all sounds like a lot of bull plop to get me to pay $700 to take an extra class.

    I'm studying to be a code monkey myself, thinking outside the box is dangerous and will probably cost me my job.
    >> Soviet Lesbian !hdwrehqOns 12/09/08(Tue)03:50:36 No.2382264
    Presumably you do that in high school. I know that mine did.

    What college is this anyway?

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