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  • File :1228801770.gif-(14 KB, 279x400, team_logo_13162.gif)
    14 KB Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)00:49:30 No.2380643  
    ITT: Things you RAGE about at your college.

    -People who CONSTANTLY derail the professors lecture with stupid fucking questions. Pro tip: If you have to start your question with "This may be a stupid question but...", It is a stupid question, SHUT THE FUCK UP.

    -People who laugh at every little crack the professor makes, ever. "OMG he's a teacher!!! He's not supposed to make jokes!!! OMG that's so out of character!!! LMAOROFL!!!11"

    -People who sit down right next to you while you are trying to read/study while they talk on their cell phones. If I ran the world this would be a capitol offense.

    -People who ask "Why don't you use Firefox?" When a teacher opens a weblink with IE during lecture. Yes we understand. You are fucking awesome. You know what Firefox is. Wow, go suck your own dick.

    -Pretentious fags that go out of their way to look "Different" and draw attention to themselves. Get over it, this isn't highschool anymore.

    -Girls that dress slutty as fuck and shoot you dirty looks when you glance at them as they walk by. Why the fuck are you dressed that way if you don't want attention?
    >> The Guru !!GUJgcWVW8Zk 12/09/08(Tue)00:52:45 No.2380673
    If you CSULB, you shouldn't really complain. It's fucking Cal State Long Beach. It's like high school part 2 for a lot of people.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)00:55:02 No.2380692
    >-People who ask "Why don't you use Firefox?" When a teacher opens a weblink with IE during lecture. Yes we understand. You are fucking awesome. You know what Firefox is. Wow, go suck your own dick.

    I personally judge the character and intellegence of someone who uses IE over firefox. Just about every computer where I go to college defaults to firefox.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)00:55:50 No.2380698
    Hello fellow Dirtbag, how goes things?
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)00:56:51 No.2380709
    -People who sit down next to you at a public computer terminal and start carrying on a lengthy conversation with their friends. Have some common courtesy for fucks sake.

    -People who say things like "I love mudkips" and "Rickroll" in a real world situation. These people make me never want to use the internet again.

    -People who bring their laptops to class and watch youtube all class while sitting in the front row. Why the fuck did you even come?

    -Dumbshits that sits next to you and constantly asks you questions during the lecture.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)00:58:13 No.2380724
    I think OP is generally awesome, but I have one comment.

    The sluts only give you dirty looks because they don't want YOU looking at them. You are a loser in some way.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)00:59:04 No.2380732

    All is well. Semester is drawing to a close here, thank god. I'm just fed up with my current classes and these fucktards that are making me rage every day. It is a daily struggle to not bring a gun to class and start shooting.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:01:38 No.2380752
    God damn street advertisers they surround the campus every fucking single fucking block, asking if you have voted yet, ask about gay rights, starving children, bush, global warming, vegan, zipcar, commie china, tibet, aids and all the things you can think of its there.
    I want to take their pamphlets stuff it up their asses, pull it back out, then thrust it down their fucking throats.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:03:55 No.2380769
    lol op is such a faggot
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:04:11 No.2380771
    Seriously, fuck yeah for the semester almost being over. Goddamnit, I'm tired of just walking to my classes. I've stopped going to one of my classes because I got tired of walking from the HSD building to the LA buildings. Fuck that shit, I've got better things to do.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:04:40 No.2380775
    >-Pretentious fags that go out of their way to look "Different" and draw attention to themselves. Get over it, this isn't highschool anymore.

    You sound like a pretentious fag yourself, sir.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:06:03 No.2380784

    The trick with those people is to never, ever stop walking. It's hilarious to see freshmen stopped in their tracks by some asshole army recruiter or bible study organizer. If you are kind, say no thank you and keep walking. If you are neutral, say nothing and keep walking. If you are a dick, stick around and play Devil's advocate with whatever they are promoting.

    Another rage- People who hold up traffic in the parking lot 9000 cars deep as they wait for one person to pull out of their parking space so they don't have to walk an extra 25 feet. I will run down the next asshole that does this.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:06:28 No.2380791

    If I get tricked into getting handed one of those things (rarely, I always fucking look out) I crumple it up and throw it down on the ground right in front of them.

    I don't care if you have a quota to fill.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:09:35 No.2380818



    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:10:12 No.2380825
    I was a little surprised my first semester when my TA started swearing.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:12:58 No.2380856
    -Professors that do not allow note taking in class because they insist that "You are not listening" when you take notes and refuse to provide a concept list of covered material. Then three weeks later they ask you specific questions during lecture and wonder why you don't know what the fuck they are talking about. lrn2teach.

    -Professors who are completely unable to control a classroom. If people are carrying on idle conversation during your lecture, do something about it. Three weeks ago a couple people were talking during class quietly and he professor stopped mid lecture and said, "Hey, you two. Yes, you. Shut up, now." and paused for five seconds just staring them down. Major respect gained.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:14:23 No.2380871
    People who never, ever ask a single question or answer a single thing the professor asks during class. This constitutes about 80 percent of the people in every class I have ever taken. And it leaves me feeling like some kind of douchebag who happens to be the only person who knows the answer.

    Fuck that, I want the lesson to move forward without having to pause for three fucking minutes to wait for some timid fuckoff to give a goddamn reply.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:16:32 No.2380882
    -People who bring in MP3 players and actually listen to them in class. Again, why are you even here? You realize that attendance is voluntary, right? We can all hear your Ipod and it is annoying as fuck.

    -46 year old woman asking going back to college who asks every possible question at every possible moment... Oh god I had one of those last semester. I swear I came close to screaming at her mid class a couple of times.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:16:44 No.2380884

    BROTIP: Everyone knows the answer. They just don't fucking care.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:18:54 No.2380900
    I go to a music college. I am very familiar with faggotry and pretentiousness.

    Let's see...

    Actually, after further thought, there isn't really much I don't like about the students here. Yes, many of them dress like faggots and such, but since so many do it, it seems acceptable in some way. Most people are pretty normal though. Maybe I'm just not annoyed by those people, I don't know.

    Why not dispel some myths:

    1. Many students have a LOT of work to do. Writing out a complete, original 8-part chart involving certain characteristics and whatnot takes a lot of goddamn time. Then you often have to find a group who can play it...

    2. As such, music students are not the party animals you might think them out to be. All the parties around here are thrown by students from general universities, not this particular music college. No, not everyone is a pothead.

    3. That is due to how many students take up so much of their free time practicing, recording, etc. Some people are ridiculously dedicated, practicing at least five hours a day. These people will likely end up working at a CVS in ten years, but whatever, their choice to go into performance.

    4. And on that note, only a fraction attend for performance (playing an instrument as a profession). Most others go for writing of some kind, or music tech, music therapy (lawl), music business, studio engineering, synthesis/programming, etc.

    In conclusion, the OP needs to lighten the fuck up.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:19:43 No.2380906

    On that note...

    -People who are too limp dicked to speak up during an in-class group assignment. I hate having to be the leader in every group I am ever placed in. I am not a natural leader. I much prefer to sit back and provide insights and ideas as the conversation flows throughout the group. Instead I am regularly stuck with the most quiet beta personalities imaginable who's motto is generally "Whatever you want to do". FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUU
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:21:47 No.2380927
    brotip: you are part of the tiny minority that knows but doesnt care. the rest of the class is comprised of mouth-breathing putz's that use the word "like" as a verb, adjective and noun.
    >> daemon !!ZfbXY6bfPXb 12/09/08(Tue)01:23:47 No.2380938
    Mother-fuckers in the Drama school that hang out outside of the building smoking and looking gay and pretentious all day. DON'T YOU HAVE FUCKING WORK TO DO? OH WAIT, YOU'RE A DRAMA MAJOR. GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY, I HAVE A REAL CLASS TO WHICH TO GO.
    >> daemon !!ZfbXY6bfPXb 12/09/08(Tue)01:25:02 No.2380949
    I'm pretty sure most people know the answer, but either "don't care" or want to look like they don't. At least that's how it is here, at a real university, not a fucking state school or wherever you unwashed masses go.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:26:01 No.2380958

    Composition is obviously not a required nor encouraged course in your "music school".

    Your opening statement contradicts itself immediately then quickly moves into "five points" which would have made much more sense as a traditional paragraph. After rambling on about how music schools operate and the challenges therein, which is completely off topic, you conclude that the OP needs to lighten up. Your conclusion is totally irrelevant to the body of your statement and is tacked on at best. Stick to the music...
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:27:44 No.2380973
    Yeah, this is true, if you go to a shitty college like Long Beach State.

    Go to a legit university if you want to avoid morons who don't know answers to shit, dress like they're in highschool, and refuse to do jack shit in group work.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:30:06 No.2380994

    >> Must Argue With Idiot 12/09/08(Tue)01:30:39 No.2380995
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    -PARKING PARKING PARKING!!! cuz there's nothing i'd rather do then be late to class after spending 45 minutes looking for parking every tuesday and friday.

    -Teachers that you didn't need to buy that book HALF WAY through the semester.

    -Teachers who don't tell you, when reviewing your work, that it needs to to be fixed or worked on but NEVER specify what that is. Once you turn it in for a grade every single little flaw is pointed out. My art teacher does this and I want to kill the son of a bitch for it.

    -Professor e-mails homework once upon a blue moon and when no one in the class has it it's our fault.

    -Girls who hit on or on look at professors with desire. Seriously wtf is wrong with you.

    - Asians foreign students that look at everyone but white people with disgust. Your a guest, can't you show a little more respect please?
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:32:12 No.2381003
    >2380871 here. I did not mean to say that they didn't know the answer. I meant that they didn't ever answer, period. That they felt either too scared to say anything or too cool to have to contribute their precious time spent in class towards moving the class discussion forward.

    I mean, if people don't know the answer, that's one thing. They're idiots, but it might be better if they don't say anything and hold up the professor's time in having to explain why the square root of 4 is not, in fact, negative 4. But if they can't be bothered to respond, what the hell do they hope to accomplish through their silence?
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:32:49 No.2381006
    Idiots who fucking talk all class. For me it's generally stupid ass fucking frat boys who later in the week are crying because they don't understand the material.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:33:12 No.2381009
    Liberal Arts Majors. Why the fuck are you guys even here?
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:33:16 No.2381010
    Sweet. I don't really care. You enjoy your English major, I'll enjoy making $500k a year producing jingles for TV commercials.

    *waits for someone to call bullshit*
    >> Must Argue With Idiot 12/09/08(Tue)01:34:28 No.2381014
    you've been watching Juno
    >> Soviet Lesbian !hdwrehqOns 12/09/08(Tue)01:34:36 No.2381015
    On that note:

    People who believe that their major somehow makes them better than other people with different majors.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:34:42 No.2381016

    Agreed, I fucking hate that shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:34:59 No.2381019

    Problem is that then I would have to deal with assholes like you.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:35:08 No.2381020
    We've got nothing better to do.

    >> Soviet Lesbian !hdwrehqOns 12/09/08(Tue)01:35:36 No.2381024
    Because they actually care about broadening their minds, as opposed to mechanistic vocational training. You are the reason anti-intellectualism is so in fashion in America nowadays.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:36:18 No.2381029
    Hey, lib arts majors are cool guys to hang out with. They just don't have any plan for the future.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:36:59 No.2381035

    Broadening your mind doesn't put bread on your table you dumb fuck. Get a real job.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:37:44 No.2381040

    I don't know how music school operate, but even in a state university we are required to take general composition and English courses as a general requirement... Just because you can articulate a thought into the written word does not mean you are an English major.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:38:08 No.2381042
    Just FYI, your typographic and grammatical errors make you look like an incredible moron. You don't need to painstakingly proofread every post you make on 4chan, but good lord.

    ITT Nightmare Mode: You can't bitch about anything unless you go to a university. State, city, community and trade colleges get no say, since they've proved their lack of mettle already.
    >> Soviet Lesbian !hdwrehqOns 12/09/08(Tue)01:38:40 No.2381050
    And by "real" job, you mean...?
    >> Will Argue Back With Ignoramus 12/09/08(Tue)01:39:52 No.2381061
    Never seen it.

    My father was in the music/TV business for a while. At his peak, he was making $700k a year writing jingles for Coca Cola, Mattel, Microsoft, Exxon, Pontiac, etc. He left the job for something he'd enjoy more (which lost him that wonderful salary, which is why we're not rich like we used to be 20 years ago, fuck), and his work partner stayed in. His partner now lives on Malibu Beach in a mansion.

    Figured someone would be doubtful somewhere.

    Have I derailed the thread yet?
    >> daemon !!ZfbXY6bfPXb 12/09/08(Tue)01:40:02 No.2381062
    One that you get paid to do, I assume.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:40:35 No.2381066
    You really think we don't know the answer? We just don't want to look like retardedly arrogant suckups who think we're special for reading the text before class.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:40:57 No.2381070
    Broadening their minds to...what? Because we all know that we need another philosopher to learn about in high school.

    My rage goes to professers who aren't actually prepared for the lectures. This happened every other day for my discrete math class when we were going over maps.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:41:35 No.2381077
    Uh, you're the anti-intellectual. Science is the only intellectualism, and the only thing that makes a lasting impact on the fate of the human race.

    Don't try and associate your shitty time wasting with real intellectualism. You're the type that only reads shit written by writers that have been dead for at least a hundred years, and throw around the word "anti-intellectual" when you're called out on your pretentiousness.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:42:14 No.2381085
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    Haha, agreed. I always love when community college tards argue that it's the same. I did a community college for 2 years, such a fucking waste. The quality of teaching compared to a university is piss poor. Oh, and on top of that, they fucked up some of the classes I had to take. They said some hippy bullshit philosophy would compensate for digital logic. That's how terrible community college is.
    >> Will Argue Back With Ignoramus 12/09/08(Tue)01:42:32 No.2381087
    Look, your trolling isn't impressive. It went from bad to worse. You need to work on your technique a little more. I'd only make one typo... not nearly so many as you did. Okay? Is that alright with you?
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:44:07 No.2381102
    -Assholes that forget to bring a scantron and ask me if I have an extra on the day of the exam. j/k.. I always carry a few extra in case anyone needs one.

    -People who leave campus because their doesn't start for another hour and a half. Study. Read a book. Damn.

    -Half the class turning around every single time someone enters or exits the classroom. "OMG SOMEONE IS LEAVING!!!! LETS ALL LOOK!"
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:45:09 No.2381110
    How many CSULBfags are here anyways?
    I only saw ONE 4channer after a year of this college.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:47:32 No.2381132
    You have to bring your own scantrons? What the fuck?
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:48:26 No.2381138
    What pisses me off about my college is the fact that I graduated and can't go there anymore. FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUU (etc).
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:48:38 No.2381141

    If I knew your father I would slap him in the face. I'd do it and make him ask me for more.

    Wtf man. 700k a year? I'd suck dicks eight hours a day for that much money. That's god damn near a cool million a year. He would have had enough money to set you up with a trust fund to last you your entire life. If I were you I'd beat that old man's ass.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:48:41 No.2381143

    I said the same thing haha.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:48:57 No.2381144

    In some classes, we have to bring our own blue books. There is always somebody that always forgets to bring theirs.
    >> Must Argue With Idiot 12/09/08(Tue)01:49:05 No.2381146
    My writing, regardless of all the errors, is still five times better than about half the people here on 4chan.

    I just read my own post right now and saw how much I fucked up. I was ranting and I wasn't even paying attention to what I submitted. Trust me, half the time when I text or e-mail, or do anything that involves typing for that matter, I have to triple check everything because what I intend to write and what is actually put down almost never match up.

    And basing anyone's knowledge on what establishment they got their education is just plain stupid. I got accepted to many better universities (state and private) but I simply don't have the money to pay for anyone of it.

    TL;DR I was ranting and not paying attention to my typing. You are a faggot and thanks for reminding me that I'm poor.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:49:10 No.2381149
    Quite a few, maybe? I dunno, I only see a couple whenever colleges are mentioned.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:50:16 No.2381161
    If you can speak for every student in the world who doesn't answer a question in class, then you may have a point.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:50:17 No.2381162
    those kids who all sit at the one table in the cafeteria and populate creative writing classes; they barter for magic cards and naruto headbands are high-fashion. you know the ones...
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:50:19 No.2381164
    It's not as though science and philosophy are mutually exclusive.
    But majoring in philosophy is to intellectual thought what majoring in mathematics is to scientific reasoning. While it provides you with the building blocks of the subject, it does not prepare you for the tasks at hand.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:50:40 No.2381168

    I bet that's it. But whatever let's you sleep at night retard. McDonalds will always need idiots to jock registers.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:51:32 No.2381179

    Yeah, and if you forget one you are fucked. Either beg a classmate for one or run to the bookstore to buy one while losing testing time in the process. FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUU
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:52:45 No.2381187

    >-Assholes that forget to bring a scantron and ask me if I have an extra on the day of the exam. j/k.. I always carry a few extra in case anyone needs one.
    If you had any entrepreneurial wit you'd sell the scantrons/blue books for double-triple the price. It's what I do. It's not much profit, but it covers the cost you would've spent on your own and it's pretty much risk free. Even if you have surplus, there's always next finals.

    >-People who leave campus because their [next class] doesn't start for another hour and a half. Study. Read a book. Damn.
    What the fuck is wrong with that? If they live close to campus why not go back to the comfort of one's own home and enjoy a quick nap, or a meal, or whatever else they please. I don't live near campus anymore, so I just study in the library on my breaks, but when I lived in the dorms I'd always walk back. 15 minute walk (counting both ways) for 1h 15m+ of time to enjoy at home. I don't see how what other people choose in their free time in the privacy of their own place concerns you. (unless you're just frustrated cause your roommates keep coming home in the middle of the day when you want to masturbate or something)
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:53:03 No.2381195
    Black people who play music on their cell phones in the hall.

    >> Must Argue With Idiot 12/09/08(Tue)01:53:53 No.2381202
    Oh wow. Go for it man make all those jingles that kids love(do they have any other choice it's as if their brains don't know any better) and adults want to rip their heads off over.

    Anything if your going to be making 700k a year. In fact I would cheer you on!!
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:54:21 No.2381207

    LOL Naruto Headbands? Those are KAoS at my school: Kick Ass on Sight. Never seen one before.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:54:40 No.2381210
    Reminds me of blue books. Had to use that shit for my history class last year. Only class I've had to use them for too.
    >> noko 12/09/08(Tue)01:54:49 No.2381212
    I hate proffesors that don't know how to teach,
    >> daemon !!ZfbXY6bfPXb 12/09/08(Tue)01:55:22 No.2381216
    Why is (F)^n an acceptable substitute for a simple FUCK, where n is some positive integer? This makes me rage.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:55:34 No.2381217
    Girls who come to parties but don't drink or have fun because they have a boyfriend in the military or somewhere else.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:56:37 No.2381226
    We don't care. If your post is missing an apostrephe somewhere (omg i misspelled apostrophe wtf do i do) or you don't capitalize or whatever, nobody cares.

    And I disagree to a certain extent that one should not base one's knowledge based on where they got it at. If they went to a good college, it's usually a pretty good indication that they know their shit about something. That doesn't mean that someone who went to a community college is a dumbass, though, although that seems to be the case amongst my friends.

    If degrees from certain universities don't mean anything, what's the point in holding people who have earned PhD's from those universities in such high regard?
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:58:15 No.2381239
    I find it funny that you people whine about girls being whores, and then whine when they actually show some loyalty.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:58:40 No.2381245
    There's a good number of us I think.

    Saying that, I really hate the new first semester mandatory orientation. Really? Thanks for putting a hold on my registration. I love taking all these bullshit upper requirements and not one class related to my major goddamn.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:59:36 No.2381258

    Nobody wants you at a party if you wanna suck fun out of it. If you can't drink and have fun, and still be loyal, you're a retard.

    I bet you're one of those people who always have to do everything with your SO.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:00:22 No.2381268

    Well the going rate for scantrons is about twenty cents a pop... Triple that and you have 3/5 a dollar, wow that's a huge fucking profit!!!! Forty fucking cents holy shit!!!!

    So either you can help somebody out by giving them a scantron on the day of the test, or you can be an INCREDIBLE ASSHOLE by demanding SIXTY FUCKING CENTS for a scantron in front of the entire class while they dig around for some change. That's not "entrepreneurial wit", it's just being a nice person.

    As far as leaving campus I only mentioned it because a girl in my class stated that she had "Nothing to do" for an hour and a half because her class was canceled and didn't have a way to get home. Study/read were suggestions... Doesn't seem all that common anymore, especially reading for personal enjoyment.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:00:26 No.2381270

    Uh, welcome to college?
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:01:33 No.2381285
    I wasn't basing your knowledge on what kind of college you go to (well I was but that was aside from my main point). An established university is way different from high school 2.0. You people have all these stupid things to bitch about because you go to school with a bunch of kids (mostly) who couldn't get decent enough grades in high school (which is pitifully, pitifully easy in America).

    And np pointing out your poor, but you don't have to be rich to go to a public university. I'm by no means rich or even middle class, but I can manage to go to one.
    >> daemon !!ZfbXY6bfPXb 12/09/08(Tue)02:01:46 No.2381287
    Parties make me rage.
    I am one of those people you mentioned. It's nice not being a virgin and getting consitent, consensual sex.
    BROTIP: If the girl's drunk, it doesn't count.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:02:43 No.2381296
    Hah, indeed.
    I still have like four or so worthless shitty GE classes to take. Why the hell do I have to take FINE ART for my Aerospace Engineering major? God damn it makes me rage so much.

    By the way, all CSULBfags should meet up once before finals begin. Just to see who we are.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:03:02 No.2381301

    Then stay at home loathing people who like to have fun partying. Nobody cares, I say everyone else is better off without you.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:04:41 No.2381315
    How your major defines you as a person.
    >> daemon !!ZfbXY6bfPXb 12/09/08(Tue)02:05:17 No.2381324
    Parties are fucking retarded and are poor substitutes for actual social interaction. What I enjoy is a small "get-together" of 10-20 friends where we can drink, play a drinking game or two, laugh at the guy that gets completely destoyed, and just hang out.
    What I dislike are frat parties. They're retarded.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:06:07 No.2381332
    I used to get angry at the idea of parties until I realized that I was being silly at ignoring the prospect of free booze. Then I realized that my awesomely horizontally shifted from the average personality doesn't hold with anyone else, so I tend to just sit at home now.
    >> Must Argue With Idiot 12/09/08(Tue)02:06:53 No.2381339
    This will turn into a long discussion and I don't think this is the place for it.

    I'll keep it short:
    Yes the place where you graduate is very influential but the world has a way of screwing good people over and letting assholes get big breaks.

    I already have my own plans to go to a REAL art school, but sad so see a lot of my peers just spiral down when you see so much potential in them. ):
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:07:07 No.2381341

    It's all fucked up man. I have to take three semesters of physics for my computer science degree. My Uncle (who has his masters in Physics from UCLA) states that "From physics comes the basis of all understanding". Sounds great, but for a CS degree? How the hell is physics related to CS (Except for the use of math).
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:07:33 No.2381345

    Did I say frat parties? No. I bet you're the tool who goes around sucking his girlfriends face. The guy who is way too much and everyone wants to avoid because he's trying way too hard.

    Parties are fucking retarded? College must blow for you. Or your girlfriend must be your entire pathetic world. You're only young once, glad you're wasting it on some skin rag just because you're afraid to meet people outside your small ring of friends.
    >> A.E.H. 12/09/08(Tue)02:07:35 No.2381346
    Uh college faggots, they should all be drafted into the military, a new branch, call it the Suicidal Scalliwags
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:08:17 No.2381352

    actually, having been to both community college and a very difficult university to get into, i can tell you that the basic level classes are exactly the same. in fact, i had instructors that were far better in community college.

    although, there is a big difference in the intelligence of the students.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:08:57 No.2381358
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    Campus 'protesters' who protest for the sake of protesting.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:09:30 No.2381364

    Sit at home in college? Nice.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:10:31 No.2381372
    You got me, I only need to take two semesters of physics and I'm almost done with it. Although that doesn't include how much physics-ORIENTED classes later on I have to take.

    You'll probably see some use for it later on if they make you take it. If in doubt, ask an upperclassmen.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:10:32 No.2381373

    Actually, you're wrong. Please shut up and find a real school.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:10:42 No.2381375
    General education requirements are put in place so that when you are working out in the real world and somebody mentions Bach, or van Gogh, or Aristotle, or Hemingway, or any of the other shit everyone should have some sort of background in, you aren't left staring vacantly with a stupid expression on your face. Yes, it should have all been taught by the time you reached college. But think of it as an insurance policy on the part of the schools.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:12:24 No.2381391
    Something about a 4chan meeting just seems like a bad idea. This boards way better than a /b/ meet up, but it also tends to be a very whiny board. I'm just on cause it's less annoying and i saw LB... also I don't want to finish my research paper. Seriously thinking about turning it in short of the page requirement.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:13:02 No.2381393
    Well, sit at home as in 'I have nothing else to do tonight.'

    I wish I could sit at home and take classes from here, but alass, such dreams are too far away for my uni.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:13:19 No.2381395
    You must be a stupid idiot to be majoring in engineering and NOT know who those people are already. Seriously.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:13:36 No.2381397
    - people who get angry at people who answer questions at all.

    ok i'm there so i'm gonna fucking participate and answer the question the best that i can and i hope others will too. yeah people who don't know what the fuck they're talking about shouldn't waste everyone's time by saying stuff, but i refuse to let a teacher that's trying to engage the class have to wait for x min then just move on.

    i don't jump to answer the stuff, but i usually end up answering a large amount of them. if you don't want to fucking participate then just read your textbook and don't come to class.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:13:39 No.2381398
    Really? You must have gone to a shitty community college, then. I took quite a few of my early classes at community college, and the mathematics professor I had was the best instructor I ever had. Because, see, he knew how to teach. And I got every math class up to Calculus 4 done through him.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:14:11 No.2381404
    Joke's on you, sucker, since I don't have one. HAH.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:14:22 No.2381407

    You could try making friends and becoming less socially awkward. That might be fun.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:15:25 No.2381413
    Eh, I wasn't talking about scantrons (I don't think I've eve taken a scanrton test since freshman year) so much as blue books, which are $1.25 - $1.50. And I don't see how I'm being an asshole. If it's someone I know then I don't mind giving them one for free or the price I paid, but some dipshits (you know the ones, they showed up to 3 lectures all semester, never participated or could contribute, etc) I don't see the problem charging some cash from. You know them not having one isn't an anomalous slip of the mind, but a regular thing. If that makes me an asshole, well, then call me an asshole capitalist.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:15:56 No.2381418

    Wow that's cool. I wish I could take one teach for every single math. That makes it so hard.

    You're right, I'm gonna transfer back to community college tomorrow because you have taken the same teacher 4 times and he's easy.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:16:08 No.2381422
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    Christian preachy-folk are allowed to come on-campus. Well, it's mostly just one guy. He fucking cracks me up. Mostly every time I walk past, he's yelling about how evil masturbation is, our "masturbating professors", etc.

    I guess it's not so much rage as lulz. The sad part is it reminds me of when I used to do the Christian thing, and that there are people that deluded out there in the world.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:16:55 No.2381426
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:17:25 No.2381433
    Sarcasm aside, think of the money you would save when the univeristy accepts the credits.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:17:38 No.2381434

    maybe the comm college i went to was just better than most. i started college at 15 and got into university with a 9.2 acceptance rate.
    >> daemon !!ZfbXY6bfPXb 12/09/08(Tue)02:18:05 No.2381442
    Ad hominem arguments are not valid. I am not that guy, but I do love my girlfriend very much and hope that we both stay loyal forever.

    Sorry that I assumed you meant frat parties, but, by the way that you're referring to them, they seem pretty similar.

    Parties in the common vernacular refer to large (>30ish people is my definition) gatherings of people that don't know each other consuming large amounts of alcohol to be allowed to bypass certain social restrictions on meeting new people. These are the kind of gatherings I do not enjoy. Just so we're clear.

    I have nothing against meeting new people, and I've actually made friends with many, many people since I came to university. I'd really appreciate if you could refrain from insulting me based on assumptions of my behavior based on completely unrelated things that I post. Thanks.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:18:12 No.2381445
    Wow, these people understand life better than most University students because of their background... whoa...
    >> Must Argue With Idiot 12/09/08(Tue)02:18:34 No.2381449
    Oh I hate that.

    "Oh your an art major? Draw me something!!"

    wtf I'm not a dog. I won't some spit something out on command. I can but I love to see their faces when I just give them a glare and go on with the conversation. Most people think I'm snotty too because I'm an art major and I'm just like wthell.

    This is r9k wtf did you expect. It's all about BAAWWWing or bitching about something.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:18:47 No.2381450

    How about you stick to your bullshit community college where the degree is meaningless and I'll stick to my university where just about every aspect of life is far superior.

    Don't be angry at everyone who goes to a real school, be mad at yourself.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:18:59 No.2381452
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:21:06 No.2381465
    ITT: Genuinely nice people. Fun to be around to.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:21:25 No.2381471
    You didn't really read to the end of my statement, did you? Here, let me reiterate it.
    You should already know who these people are, but it is a policy of the college you attend to make sure that you have a clear backing in each subject so as to not be responsible for only the partial education of an individual. Besides, there is the chance that in forcing a gen ed class on you, they are introducing you to a subject prior to which you had absolutely no interest in, but through the introductory class find that you have a hitherto unrealized fondness. And then you don't get stuck graduating with a degree in something you find later you have no interest in.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:21:46 No.2381474
    ...the point is that you can manipulate the system amazingly well by getting credits from an easier and cheaper college then shifting them over to a real university.

    Now really, stop raging over the fact that you just paid tens of thousands of dollars more than you really should have.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:22:13 No.2381480
    Idiots with guitars in corners of the school. Typical potheads playing Incubus or some stupid bullshit that's overdone on every campus.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:23:22 No.2381494

    Raging? I have a better view on a lot of things because I'm not some poor piece of trash who can't cut it at a real school. Maybe if you weren't so stupid and lazy, you'd find the means to go to the real deal, and not accept the 13th grade like it'll get you somewhere.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:24:50 No.2381504
    The idea of community college is that it is a place in which you can do the bullshit classes without having to pay out the nose before TRANSFERRING back to a 'real' university. Oh, but you don't know a goddamn thing about having to pay money for the classes you take, do you? Enjoy being a monetary burden on your parents, dipshit.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:25:10 No.2381506

    I love how you buy into that propaganda bullshit community colleges feed you about it being the same as a university.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:25:19 No.2381508
    Just ignore him, he's trolling you. Most people who aren't having their way paid by their parents start at a community college to get the core classes out of the way, then transfer to a university for the specialised classes for their majors.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:26:19 No.2381520
    Good lord, there's quite a lot of rage towards community colleges, isn't there?
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:26:28 No.2381522

    Student loans ftw cock sucker.

    I always love how poor ass community college students bawwww about money. Get some loans, go grow up, move out of mom's house, and become something productive to society.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:27:42 No.2381536
    ITT we fail to discuss the topic at hand, instead reverting to arguing OVER THE INTERNET.

    People who think what they major in during undergrad actually matters. It doesn't; get over yourself.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:29:14 No.2381552

    Community college = the 13th grade

    Everyone except the morons that go there realize that. Even state schools laugh at CC kids.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:30:03 No.2381563
    I'm at a real school and never actually took the time to evaluate my options before diving head first into the machine. I'm just suggesting other things to make life easier for others.

    In all reality, this argument is null and void if you go an Ivy League school or some shit that wants all your money and refuses transfer credits.

    So enjoy your core classes that are considered on the same level as community colleges, I'm busy doing 300 level discrete math.
    >> Lambchop's Death Legion !d7bMXbKy6Q 12/09/08(Tue)02:31:23 No.2381570

    >even state schools

    You do realize that whether or not a specific school receives government funding has no bearing on how good the actual school is?

    Are you aware of the public Ivy's?
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:33:28 No.2381585

    Oh shit discrete math, you're such a badass.

    Anyway, when you go to community college you miss out on a lot of things. Dorm life, activities, orientation, that sort of thing. You actually have to learn how to interact with people and make new friends. You have to learn how to get up for class, time management, and budget your money. Partying of course, going out and meeting women you've never met before. Meeting people with completely different perspectives.

    What did I learn at community college while I was there? That it's nothing like a real school, it's a waste of time, it's not worth saving the money to go there, and got to keep working my bullshit shitty retail job that I hated anyway.

    Your argument is null and void.

    But on the other hand I bet you threw some badass parties at mom's in good old community college.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:33:36 No.2381586
    I think it spawned from the fact that there was a lot of community and state college kids in this thread bitching about stupid things like typical /r9k/ers.
    >> noko tits 12/09/08(Tue)02:33:59 No.2381591
    When there's a party going on somewhere and it's either a total sausage fest or the host is charging retarded prices for the alcohol.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:34:39 No.2381600
    Having to take classes with no relevance to my major.

    Such as, Speech 100, English 100, English 202, etc...

    Honestly I'm going to be a fucking Architect. There's already a stereotype we can't spell, and the fucking construction workers reading the blue prints don't give a shit if there's an "e" missing in a word.

    Not like I'm ever going to be giving public presentations either.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:35:07 No.2381606
    No, I'm detecting something more personal... as though you feel unbounded vehemism towards the very existence of the community college. This rage was obviously set off by some personal attack. Tell me, have you had any... uncomfortable experiences with a local college? If you don't say anything, they're just going to keep assaulting people.

    Show me on the doll where it touched you.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:35:10 No.2381608
    People that stare at my laptop's screen. Whether or not class is in session and I'm taking notes or studying, there will be someone who is staring at my screen. God forbid I try to watch something during my break, otherwise some fat faggot that sits beside me is going to want to watch everything that happens on my screen.

    I really should buy one of those privacy screen covers.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:35:13 No.2381609

    Oh and to add on. You know how many people I've met from other countries at community college? Exactly 0.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:35:46 No.2381619
    all of you appear to be very whiny faggots. maybe you should take the gun you are threatening to bring to school, and turn it on yourself. you have no business calling anyone pretentious, you fucking faggot. go get laid or something.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:35:46 No.2381620
    Community college is bad ass. I can come to school high on Oxycontin and still pass. Except for math since I don't do shit and it's more than memory.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:36:15 No.2381625

    You're trying too hard. Don't be said if you go to community college, you can take that degree and apply for a management position at McDonalds once you're done!
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:37:39 No.2381635
    Or you can do well and go to a State College after.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:38:00 No.2381640
    Look, I'm not going to continue this arguement (and yes, I did live in the dorms. Worst experience of my life so far.) for the sake of our different views. So lets agree to disagree.

    Back to the real purpose of this thread, who the fuck decided that using a premade system for adminstration organization was a good idea? Blackboard can go suck a dick.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:38:26 No.2381642

    Haha great idea. Go for the trifecta and hit up an online degree at the same time.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:39:21 No.2381647

    You're clearly trolling, or someone entirely different from the guy originally raging.

    Nobody has said they were graduating from a CC.

    Believe it or not, not everyone has parents who will pay their way through college debt, help with living expenses, or deal with your car. Nor does everyone have the balls to build giant school loans when there's no reason to.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:40:15 No.2381653
    Transfer to a University and get the same exact degree as someone who stayed there 4 years.

    Enjoy paying 20 grand to have assholes puke in your room, get laid maybe 10 times, and live with some fuck.

    I'll have spent that all on drugs hookers and booze.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:40:26 No.2381654
    Most employers don't give much of a shit as long as you have a degree from somewhere. If we're just talking about making money, Your degree is a piece of paper. People who go to college, get their degree, and end up McDonalds are fucking lazy.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:40:30 No.2381655

    Unfortunately I never lived in the dorms, which I'm pissed about. My brother will be in college in 3 years, I'm refusing to let him go to community college. He has his heart set on Michigan right now, so that's what I'm pulling for.

    And right now I live with two huge douche bags. But you know what it's taught me? To be the bad guy but to solve problems. Unfortunately that's not something they can teach you in school (especially engineering).
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:41:05 No.2381661
    Alright, good, we're making some progress here. Obviously you are insecure about your place in the business world after college. You feel that people who attend a community college are... cheating? No, perhaps not. But certainly the fact that you must validate your own college experience by doting upon the 'real'-ness of your particular university must mean something more than mere school spirit. You are awfully concerned with making sure that everyone in this thread realizes just how much greater your personal experience has been.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:41:14 No.2381663
    The balls? Getting fresh out of college with no real job and a fuckload of debt is fucking stupid. The only time you should take student loans (any loan, really) is if there is no other viable option. You're certainly not guaranteed a job immediately after graduation, and that debt isn't going to pay itself.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:41:30 No.2381666

    Your argument made me lol, especially the hooker thing.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:41:33 No.2381667
    Everyone with a barack 'vote nov 4th' poster. the day has come and gone. Go back to your 'impeach bush' and 'abortion is killing babies' posters.

    - students rushing the field after football games
    don't you fuckers know there's a fine for that? the conference charges your school exhorbitant amounts of money so you can drunkenly stumble onto the field, yell for five minutes, and then ask the guy next to you what you're doing there anyway. THAT SHIT COMES OUT OF YOUR TUITION.

    I'm a bandfag and the director is stuck in the forties. our pep songs include 'under the boardwalk' and 'four seasons medley- cherry, baby, and others'

    - dining hall hours seem to change completely at random depending on what goes on on campus. fine, but if I'm not part of the breast cancer survivors walk for the getting us fake breasts fund I still want lunch. why the fuck aren't you open?

    Furthermore, what the fuck is with the no fresh food after one thirty? even if noon and five are the expected 'mealtimes', some of us have class then / know the place will be crowded / weren't hungry then / were asleep / whatever. I don't particularly care about their bottom line- if you serve a buffet-style meal i expect there to be food at all the stations whenever I come in, possible exception ten minutes before close or whatever. I'd also understand if there was less frequent turnover of food after lunch rush and before dinner rush, but the fucktards just let the food from lunch run out and don't replace it. their excuse is that they're "preparing for dinner." at 2:30? seriously?

    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:41:38 No.2381669

    Blackboard and the crap made by PeopleSoft rages the holy fuck out of me. My uni just switched to all-Blackboard, and now it takes 5 years for unused java applets to load at the main page. Not to mention, Blackboard is the same disorganized "cool webapp!" mess than PeopleSoft's shit is (PS makes a lot of college and corporate portals for viewing essentials like grades/payroll, etc.)
    >> daemon !!ZfbXY6bfPXb 12/09/08(Tue)02:41:54 No.2381673
    I actually really like blackboard.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:42:23 No.2381678

    ITT: People who think they're witty by trying to "help" people on the interbutts.

    Try harder.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:42:35 No.2381683
    The fact that retarded freshmen can go get blackout drunk underage with little-to-no oversight (they get three "strikes" if caught), but I can't smoke a joint without campus security calling the police.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:43:48 No.2381696
    blackboards shittiness has NOTHING on Carmen [OSU's in-house version]
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:44:21 No.2381703
    when people rage about other things people do it just makes me imagine some fucking faggot with a wolf shirt and a neckbeard. >_>
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:46:51 No.2381715
    I've been stuck with it since high school and its been grating my nerves since then. If its used right, then awesome, But that hardly ever happens here. Most of the professers have their own websites anyway, so we use those most of the time and use Blackboard only for grade posting.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:47:07 No.2381719

    Wolf shirts are alpha.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:48:14 No.2381728
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    I'll try my best.

    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:48:58 No.2381734
    - The apple polisher - The person who sits in front and forms a relationship with the professor. Gossips about the professor behind their back and then drops the class when he fails a quiz or two.

    - The douchebag - This is the guy who thinks he knows EVERYTHING. He will actually correct the teacher(thus holding up class for a good 10 minutes while the teacher has to set the little fucker straight) He never learns his lesson, then he starts to think he has the authority to correct the papers of other students. He fails the class, but repeats it... because he's retarded.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:49:29 No.2381740
    Hmm. Are you suggesting that the internet is a poor medium in which to seek aid? Or are you saying that this particular instance is not helping you?

    And I cannot try any harder if you don't start opening up. You have a lot of pain here, that much is evident. Hiding behind some visage of emotional distance and personal attacks just makes it all the more obvious. But we cannot reach the healing stage without cooperation from both sides of the table.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:52:49 No.2381774

    You seem to be in a lot of pain about my bashing of community college. I can understand, you really don't wanna waste that whopping 4k a year you spend. That's serious money compared to the money you'd make with a real degree.

    Maybe you've failed an entrance exam or two, and now you have to whore attention on the Internet by trying so hard to be funny.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:54:00 No.2381793
    Why even come to a party if you're not trying to get laid?
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:54:51 No.2381798
    To have fun and interact with people, rather than viewing them as sex objects.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:54:54 No.2381800

    That's what I'm saying!

    Couples that go to parties piss me the fuck off. Make up your own mind and do your own thing, save that shit for when you're married.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:54:56 No.2381801
    Oh I got one guy sorta like that. Kisses ass, asks tons of questions/answers his own questions, then talks an ton of shit on the professor and his class in order to get some sort of social approval for being a cool shit talker. Of course he isn't failing, I think he's doing great.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:55:56 No.2381817
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:56:43 No.2381825
    I hate the guy who agrees with the class when they say something is hard and gets A's on everything, he's just mocking us!!!
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:58:08 No.2381836
    People who constantly exceed the maximum length for a paper. Seriously, it's not that hard to write a shorter paper, and you just make everyone else look like a dick.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:58:36 No.2381841
    What's wrong with CC? Lots of people transfer up from there. I can understand your bashing of people who stick around just for an associates though.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:58:45 No.2381843
    It's called modesty.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)02:59:57 No.2381851
    Yeah, but that's kinda fun. I mean, I have to be in the right mood to do so, but writing twenty pages for a four page essay is hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:00:22 No.2381854
    Some community colleges are great, most stink though.

    Los Angeles City College: Raise your hand if you've gone here. This school is so underfunded that their language lab uses cassette tapes from over 20 years ago as viable study material. Their language programs are in a constant state of flux. Students get A's no matter how they actually do because teachers are THAT damn desperate for students. I pretty much went to a Chinese class every day and just sat there and got a B. Fucking teacher even GAVE ME THE ANSWERS TO THE FINAL EXAM!

    Answer me this, robots. Is there any excuse for there to be "combination classes" on a college level? IE Japanese 1 and 2 being in the same classroom at the same time?

    PCC is one of the good ones though, modern, well funded, and the teachers are actually competent.

    I'm a colossal failure, to be perfectly honest, I've been struggling for a degree since 2002. I'm looking at Cal State LA, I have no chance at getting into something like USC(I'd kill for it), I'm 24, and I want a god damn paper.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:04:03 No.2381884
    I agree with the first one, shit makes me rrraaaggeee. It was awful, in one class we were having a nice discussion that somehow got derailed to masturbation, awkward as HELL I felt kinda bad for the prof.


    - When, if you mix something up when you're speaking people snicker. Cause you know, they never trip over their words and are ~perfect~, fucking cunts

    - People who just talk and talk and seem to totally miss the point of what the prof was getting at or whatever they're supposed to be talking about. They just talk to talk. Shit makes me rage.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:04:03 No.2381885
    I F3'd to see if anyone mentioned feminists, and no one did, so


    I have one of these cunts in every one of my classes. Every opportunity they get, they make a huge fucking deal out of every minuscule social thing that is mentioned, and start flying off about cultural bias and all this other bullshit, acting like they're the fucking Dali Lama of sociology because they took a couple classes. People like that make me seriously consider the possibility that Hitler was right.
    >> daemon !!ZfbXY6bfPXb 12/09/08(Tue)03:05:08 No.2381893
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:05:17 No.2381896

    Feminists and outspoken gays both fucking blow.
    >> daemon !!ZfbXY6bfPXb 12/09/08(Tue)03:07:08 No.2381919
    My girlfriend's mom is like that. She took one women's studys class when going back for her Master's a couple years ago, and went batshit insane. I want to strangle her on a daily basis.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:07:25 No.2381925
    I'm out. good luck on finals.

    and community college students: enjoy your month and a half of winter break, you've earned it!
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:12:00 No.2381964
    What college do you go to???
    /not original/
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:13:37 No.2381973
    You can say that again! Oh Oh Oh! ;)
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:16:35 No.2381992
    I hate that asshole who JUST WON'T SHUT THE FUCK UP AND QUIT BUGGING YOU during a lecture
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:39:37 No.2382174
    Community College is just what you make of it. I got out in 2 years with 90 units taking about 18 units a semester and 6 in the summer with some AP credit. I made some friends that were in CC for about 6 years. This one guy I knew graduated from the same high school from me 3 years before me and only has 36 units done. And now I've transferred to a state school gonna get my BS in accounting and get my CPA and make some jew money. Again, CC is what you make of it. It can be a hopeless quagmire where you get distracted with making some "bank" at some dipshit retail job or just a stepping stone.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:41:10 No.2382187
    - That guy that hits on every fucking girl in the class. Everything out of his mouth is some sleazy pick up line.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)03:49:23 No.2382253
    So why are so many people raging against community colleges anyway? Do university fags have to go shit on something because they are stuck in their dorms on weekends while their normalfag classmates party and bang girls?

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