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    80 KB Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:04:12 No.2379598  
    So, FaceBook. I'm not on there, and I have no idea what it is other than a sort of MySpace. Some of my friends urge me to join, but I dunno. It just seems kinda awkward to "get to know" people across the internet, and I'm not too sure that I want to put pictures of myself on the net. I'm not hideous, but it just feels a bit scary, since when they're out on the net, there's no going back.

    Anyway, could you guys tell me what you think of it? Are you a member? What are the advantages/disadvantages? Is it possible to "meet" someone on FaceBook and then meet them in real life without it being incredibly awkward?

    in b4 this turns into a ronery relationship thread. That's NOT this thread's purpose.

    pic unrelated
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:08:38 No.2379632
    It isnt so much about meeting new people (although you can) as much as it is about networking with the people you already know. It just makes it easy to plan things with people.

    Plus, as a bonus, you can creep your friends profiles and find some fappable pictures.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:11:49 No.2379667
    >>since when they're out on the net, there's no going back.

    I've seen thousands of people's pictures on the net, and I couldn't pick one of them out of a lineup in real life.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:18:38 No.2379735
    Aw man, I don't wanna "plan" things with people. I barely have MSN open for just that reason. I dislike having idiots going OH HI LOL, WUT R U DOIN NEXT THURSDAY? all the time. I'd rather skip that part.

    Reason I'm asking is that a lot of my friends have met their girlfriends that way, so I thought I might give it a shot.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:18:49 No.2379737
    >you can creep your friends profiles and find some fappable pictures.
    Only good part of it. I wouldn't OP. Shit sux.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:20:42 No.2379755
    >I don't wanna "plan" things with people.

    >a lot of my friends have met their girlfriends that way

    well there is your problem.....
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:21:54 No.2379767
    What is? That I don't want idiots pestering me all the time?
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:24:42 No.2379786
    Facebook is a goddamn plague. It's like myspace, aside from the fact that you can't customize anything. One of the best things about myspaec was that you could upload whatever type of page you wanted, making it somewhat like a mini-blog with attached email.

    The worst thing about facebook is the "chat" feature, which allows people to actively bother the everliving fuck out of you.

    Facebook: Asinine Bullshit 24/7
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:25:02 No.2379791
    I met a girl randomly over Facebook. I received a message in my inbox from her, saying she found ti funny we were the only two people in our city listed as spagnostics. We talked a bit and have foudn we have common interests.

    I've met her in real life at anti-scientology protests, and we've tried to make plans to hang out. To be honest I would liek to date her, but she's seeing someone.

    Anyway, yes you can meet people on facebook.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:26:03 No.2379803
    I'm just saying- if you can't have it both ways. If you want to avoid stupid social small talk- go right ahead. I'll respect you for it, but you just won't meet many women that way.

    This really isn't brain surgery.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:28:27 No.2379831
    I don't think I will ever comprehend the need people have to put so much info about themselves out there for everyone to read.

    It just seems like a really stupid thing to do.
    >> ¤©ath™ !!zUDwszn8STa 12/08/08(Mon)23:28:44 No.2379834
    As if it's hard to socialize outside of networking sites.. I still don't understand it either, OP.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:29:48 No.2379854
    It's more like "______ has invited you to "Lets see this movie on Friday". 4 people you know are attending" It's hardly bothering.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:30:47 No.2379867
    >anti-scientology protests

    This is one cancerous motherfucker right here
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:32:45 No.2379889
    I'm glad I have a facebook. I met some random cute girl at a party and I didn't get a chance to get her number when the police came. A week later someone tagged some pictures of me on facebook and her name was in the picture, so I added her. Now a few weeks later, we're dating and I couldn't be happier.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:32:58 No.2379892
    I think its ironic that this board is generally lonely and wants to learn how to meet people, but rejects tools designed to help people socially, like facebook. its made for people like us...people that aren't as good in person and don't know how to connect properly

    i fall into the same trap though. I don't want to come off as a loser, and I have no decent pics
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:34:01 No.2379907
    I only like facebook because it helps me keep track of everyone's birthday.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:34:17 No.2379910
    Is it acceptable to just add anyone you've ever talked to? I don't have many people I can call friends rather than acquaintances, and I'd feel insecure and unpopular with a small number of facebook friends.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:35:28 No.2379925
    Well, originally Facebook was sort of a social network for college students. Look up who else was in your classes, meet people at your university, et cetera.

    It's more of a myspace now.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:36:14 No.2379932
    I like it, it gives you a chance to get to know people better. It's only weird when someone you never talked to adds you, because then it's awkward in real life. You don't know if you should just ignore them or try to start up a conversation with them.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:37:33 No.2379952
    Whenever I host a LAN at my house I generally message people on Facebook because I know they'll check it eventually; it's much easier than calling them.
    >> ¤©ath™ !!zUDwszn8STa 12/08/08(Mon)23:37:41 No.2379955
    Cellular phones are for lonely people too. "Soup, wana go see Quantum of Solace?"

    My frustration comes from not knowing how the hell to operate the pages. Everyone else has glitter and 500 bands and shit.. My pages were white and I didn't want to spend hours removing Tom from my friends list.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:41:39 No.2379997
    Personally I find that to be one of the benefits of Facebook. If I go to someones Facebook page I don't have to see their stupid pictures of weed and cats and and little dancing Faygo men and listen to whatever shitty fucking song they picked to play. I see comments, info, pictures, etc. That's it. Myspace is full of stupid erroneous, annoying bullshit.

    Also Facebook has a notes feature, which is the same as posting a Myspace blog thing.

    Also you don't have to see millions of "LOL DO THIS SUREVERY" bulletins.

    Also you don't get porn spam/Macys card offers/fake friend requests all day.

    Also if people try to chat with you and you don't want to talk, fucking ignore them.

    Also Facebook is superior to Myspace in every way possible.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:42:12 No.2380007
    Yeah, I get ya, but it just seems like such faggotry! I mean, I really hate attentionwhoring and that's basically what you're doing there! OH HELLO MY NAME IS BOB, HERE YOU CAN READ ALL ABOUT HOW INTERESTING AN UNIQUE I AM LOL

    I don't like it. :\

    See, these are the sort of success stories that makes my curious.

    Hm. Yeah, I guess it has more to do with the fact that I would feel obligated to attend. It's a lot easier if you can just go LOL DIDNT SEE THE MESSAGE UNTIL NOW or LOST MY PHONE FOR A MOMENT LOL or something similar.

    Well, it IS a bit hard to find a suitable mate in my college. There's only guys there since it's computer science. ;_;

    Exactly. It's just common sense to avoid it, right? I really don't want people to know every thing there is to know about me.

    You basically state my fears.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:43:06 No.2380019
    i made one back when all you could do was basically put your name and a picture up because of whiny friends my freshman year of college. it's pretty useless and i rarely look at it unless someone says "hay did you see the thing i put on facebook"
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:45:35 No.2380046
    I've met people briefly then had them add me or added them, talked to them over facebook more or just found out about their interests from their page and became better friends with them.

    I've never added someone that I didn't know then later hang out with them in real life.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:48:57 No.2380082
    Facebook has led to many things in my life, usually it goes as the following:

    Hey, I met this girl the other day at so and so, I think I'll add her.

    This then leads to many different options.

    1. Holy shit, she's 4 years younger than I am, weird.
    2. Holy shit, she's interested in the same things I am, I'm going to read everything on her profile and everything her friends have posted there and learn about her life without having talked to her much at all.
    3. Holy shit, this person isn't interesting.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:49:40 No.2380090
    I actually met my boyfriend on facebook. We were taking the same course in different sections, so he messaged me and we started talking. We had a lot of similar interests, and our university is pretty big, so there's little-to-no chance I would have met him otherwise. That, and he's a little hard to get to know in person- somewhat shy.

    Got together to study for the midterm, started hanging out, going to concerts...eventually we started dating. We just had our three-year anniversary a few months ago.

    Conversely, my ex-boyfriend tried to hook up with girls in his network via facebook who listed "anime" or "video games" as one of their interests, often completely ignoring the fact that they may or may not have been in a relationship.

    So it can go either way, depending on how you go about meeting or messaging people.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:53:43 No.2380130
    All those three really are "HOLY SHIT" moments, aren't they?
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:58:25 No.2380169
    OP here, I guess I'll sleep on it. See how I feel about it tomorrow. In a way, I think it would be a really good tool for me to connect with people if I use it correctly, but then again, I kinda value my privacy too. We'll just see I guess.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)00:07:41 No.2380247
    Keep in mind that you only have to put the information and pictures on there that you want to. If you don't want people to know that your hobbies are animu and warhammer40k then you don't have to say so. You can also only allow your friends to view your profile, if you're paranoid about random people creeping on you. It's not like Facebook will invade your life and post everything about you by itself.

    It's a good tool for networking with people, and staying updated on events if nothing else.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)00:12:23 No.2380280

    Yes, basically.

    Right now I'm experiencing some of 1 and 2 for the same person. It sucks.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)00:19:33 No.2380331
    Unless you're underage B&, number 1 should matter that much.

    I'll keep it in mind. Thanks.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)00:26:02 No.2380376
    facebook is a fucking CIA datamine

    you get zero privacy by using it

    all of your information and pictures are subject to government scrutiny and logging

    retarded teenagers and 20 somethings signing away your right to anonymity
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)00:28:33 No.2380402

    Facebook users poke the shit out of you and invite you to join random groups. Also, don't forgot the random application invites (which you can block).

    Facebook is overrated. Same concept as Myspace. People post pictures of themselves and then comment each other. Just a fad.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)00:29:01 No.2380410
    Good thing I live in Europe then.

    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)00:29:47 No.2380420

    Fucking This.

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