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  • File :1228792482.png-(284 KB, 499x392, Picture 11.png)
    284 KB Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)22:14:42 No.2379439  
    I just saw One Guy, 1 Cup.

    I mean. Good lord. That's a lot of blood!

    Do you think he went to the emergency room afterwards? Did they have to stitch up his rectum? I'm sure it was shredded. I wonder if they had to build him a new one out of part of his large intestine?

    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)22:17:47 No.2379445
    that video was bad news.
    that guy probably bled out.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)22:29:46 No.2379466
    Link? I remember someone else talking about this.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)22:46:25 No.2379500
    WAT THE FUCK? I kinda want to know, then again, I kinda don't. Shit.
    >> 1guyand1cup.com Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)22:46:58 No.2379502
    I though 1guyand1cup was bad until I saw that video of the Ukranian kids killing/torturing that guy. I had a hard time falling asleep that night.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)22:52:06 No.2379510


    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)22:53:33 No.2379514
    Christ in heaven
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)22:53:44 No.2379515

    I've seen both of those vids, the torture one got to me a little more than the bottle in the ass. It surprises me that this shit can still get to me. Would the torture vid be considered real snuff?
    >> Mr. Bubbles !!DLJ3bQ7yunJ 12/08/08(Mon)22:54:49 No.2379519
    Do you know what Ukraine has gone through? First there was a purge, then a massive famine that made moms eat their kids, then WW2, and then a couple more purges.

    That murder is a huge step up for Ukraine. Back in the 30s they would have beaten a whole village to death. PROGRESS!
    >> Dorian Fucking Gray !DOVTESifqA 12/08/08(Mon)22:55:30 No.2379524
    some guy tried to shove a jar up his ass, and well, ass pressure was stronger than the glass, and it broke in his ass, stabbing him everywhere. i lol'd
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)22:55:58 No.2379530
    I found it after about 30 seconds of looking. I can't stop shuddering. The breaking noise was just horrible. I feel genuinely sorry for this man. But yea, he more than likely went the way of Mr. Hands.
    >> http://www.theync.com/media.php?name=6826-shocking-man-is-murdered Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)22:57:02 No.2379537

    Link to Ukrainian murder.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)22:57:47 No.2379540
    no. real snuff would be done for profit by definition.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)22:57:48 No.2379541
    after viewing fap.mpg, 3guys1hammer, and now 1guy1cup, I think I am completely desensitized. Is there any video out there worse then the 3 mentioned? If so, post that shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)22:58:09 No.2379544
    l don't think he was saying that was the worst thing to ever happen in the Ukraine. Just saying it was tough to watch (which it was for us normal people).
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)22:58:57 No.2379553

    Also Chernobyl.


    If you look at the very beginning of the video when he crouches down to put the jar in, you can see previous scar tissues around his anus, so he's probably done it in the past (or at least used something else that might have broke in his ass).
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)22:59:29 No.2379559
    Yeah, I had trouble falling asleep after the Ukrainian shit, too.

    Which is crazy because I practically grew up on gory pictures my friends sent over the internet. I guess something about that video creeped me out, though.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:00:03 No.2379564



    (Wow.. what the fuck. I got muted for saying the above.
    You have been muted for 2 seconds, because your comment was too low in content (9.09% content))
    >> Black-Star !x8ngkAZjXE 12/08/08(Mon)23:01:03 No.2379577
    I forgot the name of the site that ever gotten to me and it was far worst than this kiddie stuff on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:02:03 No.2379584
    l know what you're saying. Something about senseless violence is really hard to handle. If I see a vid of someone getting run over or falling off of a building it doesn't bother me, but that vid and the vid where the 6 niggers stomp that guy's head until he died- that kind of shit stays with you more.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:02:10 No.2379585
    Hey, how do I 3guys1hammer?
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:02:33 No.2379590

    Sauce for the nigger stomping skull vid?
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:06:12 No.2379613
    Here's the only thing I want to know (I'm not watching the fucking video, fuck you and your mother for asking me to):

    Soundwise, is there a lot there? Like, is the guy screaming and moaning in pain or is it silent and he's just kinda fishing the glass out of his ass?
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:07:40 No.2379623

    He's just fishing the glass out of his ass, he doesn't make a sound.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:08:10 No.2379630

    He's laughing and saying stupid shit like "Yeeeahp. Its goin in there."
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:08:10 No.2379631
    He makes a whispy moan as he reaches into his ass to get the glass out.
    >> chechclear Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:09:16 No.2379636
    Here's a classic.

    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:09:31 No.2379639
    It's like eerily silent. He doesn't wimper, or even really make a sound.

    You can, however, hear the glass jar implode. And you can hear the glass scraping around inside his anus as he tries to fish it out.
    >> Gentleman 12/08/08(Mon)23:09:48 No.2379645
    1guy1cup did not phase me in the least.
    The Ukranian murder video pissed me off and made me sick.
    I can tolerate anything that somebody does to themselves or that somebody has somebody else do to them.
    Real torture and murder is just fucked up.
    And you'd think I'd be able to handle anything after 3 years on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:10:03 No.2379648

    Good ol Russian beheadings.. ;)
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:10:30 No.2379653
    What is 3guys1hammer even about?

    I can't seem to find the link anywhere. 3:
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:10:44 No.2379655

    I know right, what the fuck was up with that? not even a 'woopsy daisy!' It must have happened before or something.

    at least if he gets raped in prison bubba will get a pleasant surprise
    >>   12/08/08(Mon)23:10:48 No.2379656
    what kind of a dumbfuck tries to goatse a glass jar and busts his asshole open. people are fucking amazing.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:10:53 No.2379658
    where is this vid? /rs/ doesn't have it
    maybe Limewire?
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:11:28 No.2379664

    That man was just going for a walk to, he wasn't even a bad guy.

    Just out getting some fresh air.. was probably having a rough day.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:11:51 No.2379668
    The Ukrainian murder didn't phase me really. I giggled a little at the gurgling noises, but other than that its no worse than what I did to dogs and cats when I was little. Is this bad /r9k/?
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:11:55 No.2379670
    Despite all this bullshit, the only video that ever made me cringe was the one where a chick shoves a full-size dildo into a guy's urethra.
    >> Gentleman 12/08/08(Mon)23:13:06 No.2379682
    You mean kids-in-sandbox?
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:14:08 No.2379689

    love to see that one!
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:14:15 No.2379693
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:14:55 No.2379698
    Humans getting killed or tortured doesn't phase me.

    Even a man making an 8 year old boy rape and torture his own mother.

    Only thing thats ever phased me is watching a man break all 4 legs of a stray mutt and laughing as it lay there on the ground.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:15:40 No.2379708
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:16:37 No.2379721

    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:16:42 No.2379723
    Lil' brudder ;_; He can make it on his own.
    >>   12/08/08(Mon)23:17:21 No.2379725
    why'd they kill the guy
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:18:37 No.2379734
    For the hell of it. They did the same with 20 other people, too.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:18:58 No.2379739

    "So they could have something to talk about when they were old."

    There is a whole article on it.. I'll find if you really want it.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:19:21 No.2379743
    i will hunt this dog torturer down to the bitter end
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:20:52 No.2379760

    Where is the Ukraine one?
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:22:16 No.2379770
    Where is 3men1hammer?
    >>   12/08/08(Mon)23:23:32 No.2379774
    please link me.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:24:43 No.2379788
    I posted it it earlier, faggot.

    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:25:19 No.2379796

    Some of that is probably shit leaking out.

    The Ukranian stuff is much much worse. I didn't even watch it, I've only read.... synopses.
    >>   12/08/08(Mon)23:26:26 No.2379806
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:26:40 No.2379807

    Here you go.

    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:27:37 No.2379824
    ohigetit. 3guys1hammer IS the Ukrainian vid.

    That's stupid.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:29:10 No.2379842

    Aaaaahhhh, its in the name. My bad, sorry.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:30:24 No.2379861
    the idea of that doesn't even bother me.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:35:18 No.2379921
    God i feel sorry for the Ukranian guy.

    halfway trough i was praying he would die already.
    chocking on his own blood with his head smashed in..
    i would not wish that death on my worst enemy.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:37:46 No.2379958
    don't you want to just analyze this guy? what the fuck went wrong in his life?
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:41:28 No.2379994
    Wow, that's tame compared to >>2379439
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:46:32 No.2380058

    sauce of man breaking dog's legs?
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)23:54:16 No.2380133

    I saw it happen when I was 12.

    I live in Las Vegas.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)00:01:56 No.2380205

    I want to see it, too, though =/
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)00:03:53 No.2380222
    I am listening to Tool while reading this thread & viewing the associated links.

    I feel really fucked up right now... I don't know if I want to laugh, vomit, or cry.

    What the hell am I feeling right now?
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)00:19:48 No.2380333


    >> Bud Dwyer Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)00:25:09 No.2380367

    Here's another classic.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:00:36 No.2380743

    You saw it live?
    Then of course it's gonna fuck you up more than watching a video of something.

    I can cry over things irl, but watching all of these videos doesn't do anything to me. Not because I'm desensitized, but I just can't feel for something that I see through a screen. I think a lot of people are like that.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:04:53 No.2380776
    I'm not sure i want to watch 1 guy 1 cup.

    For those who seen it, it is intentional shock? this meaning that the guy wanted to fuck himself up on camera? Knowing BME-fags, making this sort of video for the trolling wouldn't surprise me.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)01:10:02 No.2380821
    personally I found it lame. OP's pic sums it up
    >> Tarpfig !oUcKNCHmI6 12/09/08(Tue)01:12:55 No.2380855
    At the end he goes "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO", or maybe that was something else.

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