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  • hang in there, fella

    File :1229572168.jpg-(56 KB, 763x505, aandelogo.jpg)
    56 KB Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)22:49 No.2373656  
    Remember when A&E used to show intelligent and thought-provoking programs and movies, instead of "Dog: The Bounty Hunter" marathons and third-rate cop dramas.

    Why are cable channels becoming such cesspools of mind-numbing shit? They used to be a good alternative to regular TV. Now they're all unwatchable. Are Americans really getting that dumb?
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)22:52 No.2373668
    They all got bought up by one or two companies that want to show the same stuff they air on other channels because they have higher ratings than the niche stuff the channels were created for.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)22:53 No.2373675
    I still watch American Justice and Cold Case Files.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)22:57 No.2373692
    I hope the whole "anti-intellectual" trend is reversed under Obama.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)22:57 No.2373693
    Intervention or w/e was interesting a time or two
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)22:59 No.2373702
    Obama won't change anything.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)23:00 No.2373706
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)23:00 No.2373707
    Oh my, you're just setting yourself up for disappointment, aren't you?
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)23:03 No.2373720
    Of course they don't, they're all banging away furiously at their keyboards, over-analyzing irrelevant shit on forums while torrenting all their movies and shows.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)23:03 No.2373721
    At least AMC has Mad Men.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)23:10 No.2373771
    yes. americans are getting that dumb. speaking of non-shit shows, when teh fukz will they brings bahk mah LOST?
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)23:39 No.2373898
    Mythbusters killed Discovery.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)23:42 No.2373906
    You must be too young to remember the A&E of the late 80s, early 90s: a whole lotta WWII documentaries, shitty stand-up comedy and motherfuckin' Lovejoy.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)23:43 No.2373911
    This. I don't watch anything else on A&E.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)23:46 No.2373932
    It's because more people moved to cable.

    Once they realised they could get more ratings and more money, every channel tried to sell out and appeal to everyone instead of staying in its niche audience.

    Now every network has maybe one or two good shows and a lot of shit.


    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)23:48 No.2373943
    The fuck do you have against Dog? Arts & ENTERTAINMENT. That's what it stands for.

    Arts for your CSI-fad capitalization, Entertainment for Dog.

    It's a delicate balance of easily watchable TV.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)23:51 No.2373959
    DOG is better than shitty TV crime dramas
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)23:53 No.2373967
    Cartoonnetwork: showing live tv shows

    G4tv "For Gamers": cops, cheaters, movies, and random none game shit

    scifi: wrestling
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 12/17/08(Wed)23:55 No.2373976
    1. Media Consolidation
    2. Cable got mainstream
    3. Lowest Common Denominator = Profit!

    Shamefully if you want to have the real stuff A&E used to broadcast you have to pay more with a digital tier, PBS (which to be honest to you sucks compared to the BBC), or buy the DVDs.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)23:59 No.2374001
    99% Of America is a dumb as the third world.

    The remaining 1% are jews (and sympathizers) and control all of the money and media.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)00:05 No.2374046
    Intervention is good at times as a high-brow Jerry Springer, but they can never be forgiven for that Growing up Gotti shit, and their attempt at hour-long drama with The Cleaner is terrible
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)00:37 No.2374190
    All of Discovery's niche programming moved to their dedicated digital channels: health, science, nat. geo. etc.

    Which i don't get because i'm content with 70 channels as opposed to spending an extra $20 on my cable bill for 200 other re-run channels i'll never watch.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)00:40 No.2374200
    I never understood why white supremacists consider Jews to be exceedingly intelligent, yet still consider themselves to be superior.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 12/18/08(Thu)00:47 No.2374228
    Bundles exist so that unwatched channels will still survive. There was talk of mandatory al-a-catre cable via the FCC but it's in the back burner.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)01:02 No.2374294
    that was a fantastic read
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)01:08 No.2374323
    If anyone watches American Justice, do you remember that episode about Maddie Clifton?

    Some kid was watching porn/or some other disturbing stuff on his computer, killed Maddie with a baseball bat when she came over to play, hid her under his bed, and participated in the searches for her when everyone thought she was missing?

    I can't find it in the episode guide. I need to see this again.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)01:16 No.2374362
    yeah, he was a goon on something awful. Someone released the interrogation transcript from his case and the things he did to that girl were fucked
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)01:16 No.2374367
    also, it was a cutting board he hit her with
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)01:17 No.2374370
    also, it was a cutting board he hit her with. also he was going to sex the corpse with the severed head watching, but like all goons he gave up halfway into it
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)03:15 No.2374970
         File :1229588106.jpg-(313 KB, 768x1024, 1369678468_22e2a49a7a_b.jpg)
    313 KB

    THIS BITCH killed Discovery.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)03:16 No.2374973

    I remeber that Incurable Collector Show. Does that count?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)05:41 No.2375498

    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)05:50 No.2375537

    Her and those two faggots totally ruined it. I really hate that douchebag with the beret. What a nigger.

    I do wash Cash Cab, though..
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)05:50 No.2375539

    >I hope the whole "anti-intellectual" trend is reversed under Obama.

    Too much to ask for but I expect the next few years to be more hopeful.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)05:53 No.2375556
    1. Cheaply made shit makes more money.

    2. Yes.
    >> Mr. Nobody 12/18/08(Thu)05:54 No.2375559
    I used to watch Huff on A&E

    Then it got cancelled ;_;

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