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  • hang in there, fella

    File :1229310047.gif-(3 KB, 400x300, bbc.gif)
    3 KB Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)22:00 No.2352700  
    State-funded television is brilliant. Not just the BBC, but also CBC and PBS, and probably others. How is a tiny country of 60 million able to foster a media industry almost equal to one from a country 5x it's size, as well as maintaining a politically objective source of news?

    If the PBS were to be government funded, I would die of happiness.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)22:45 No.2352973
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    They can produce and buy a lot of dumb, boring and/or populist shit too, and a lack of money will make them do stupid, counterproductive things (re: outsourcing, "enterprising"). But on balance the commercial counterparts can't match them for priorities - being useful for instance.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:52 No.2353389
    Anyone else in LA notice that our PBS affiliates only rerun the same 4 shows about Jews?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:54 No.2353398
    >politically objective source of news

    I lol'd
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:58 No.2353427
    >>2352700 If the PBS were to be government funded, I would die of happiness.


    Also, the BBC is funded by taxpayers... and then again through TV licenses! UK, what WON'T you double tax?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:01 No.2353444
    A government has to support a TV station with its citizens taxes. It also taxes its citizens for even owning a TV.

    If you cant see how sad that is, you're beyond help.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:01 No.2353447
    cakes are tax free! YAY
    also childrens clothes
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:02 No.2353449
    >How is a tiny country of 60 million able to foster a media industry almost equal to one from a country 5x it's size, as well as maintaining a politically objective source of news?
    >a media industry almost equal to one from a country 5x it's size
    >a politically objective source of news?

    lol enjoy your shitty programs and propaganda network
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:09 No.2353487

    The BBC is funded through TV license fees, there's no other revenue stream, other than merchandise and program sales. That also covers a gigantic and excellent radio network.


    The only serious fuck up in reporting that I recall was Russia and Georgia.

    inb4 Labour Party funds them and Labour is unions.
    >> infotainment Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:10 No.2353490

    >propaganda network

    Yes, the for-profit news organizations owned by multinational corporations never have an agenda. Thank god they have helped create such a well informed American public in recent years.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:11 No.2353497
    NRK muthafuckas
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:13 No.2353502
    CNN and MSNBC are intrinsically less biased than a network owned and run by the government
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:16 No.2353524

    Disappointed when they switched from BBC UK to BBC World out of Washington. That's when I really started to notice the bias, but yeah, even in UK most look to Guardian or Independent rather than BBC for more objective news reporting.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:17 No.2353528
    bbc made jeremy clarkson and dr who

    they are gods
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:18 No.2353536

    CNN and MSNBC are more inclined to report back a government line than take it apart and assess it. If only because they don't have the time.

    Speaking for Australia, the ABC has been accused of bias by the incumbent government ever since its inception. The BBC is even more independent, but of course they are British and will report from that perspective.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:32 No.2353613


    The number one rule of journalism is "check it out," and this is something the cable news networks rarely ever do because they hardly have anyone who does any actual investigativ reporting. The vast majority of real journalism is done by newspapers.

    All that the news networks are concerned with is ratings. For 24 mind numbing hours a day all they show/discuss is reps and dems calling each other poopy heads, car chases, and the celebrity scandal of the day. They consistently ignore important stories, are in the tank on others, and the only "news" they report is read straight off the AP wires.

    The best major broadcast news media in the US is consistently NPR and PBS. They get much of their funding from the govt. They are good because they are not for profit.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:36 No.2353636
    PBS > Anything else on American TV

    Problem is most of America is too stupid to understand the programs.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:42 No.2353686

    >PBS > Anything else on American TV

    >Problem is most of America is too stupid to understand the programs.

    We're talking about the station that plays Sesame Street.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:42 No.2353687
    While its accused of bias, theres really only one alternative (SBS) on Australian free to air.

    In saying that the ABC and SBS do a brilliant job of balancing out the other free-to-air station's (Nine, Seven and Ten) lack of quality news and current events programs, and also playing more British programming on the ABC and foreign shows on SBS.

    I'm happy that tax dollars are spent on the two publicly owned stations as they are now the only stations where you can get actual news from.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:45 No.2353712
    I like watching late night PBS because they show shit like NOVA. I always feel like my hope in humanity is renewed everytime I watch that show.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:47 No.2353725

    Then I browse 4chan right afterwards.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:50 No.2353754
    reading this thread, all i can think of is poor old Winston in "1984"
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:53 No.2353771

    I watch more SBS than commercial. A lot of the time I'm not even that keen on the program. It's just always better; 7, 9 and 10 need to get their shit together. Nine especially.

    (Can't get ABC on my piece of shit TV.)
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:55 No.2353792
    >MSNBC less biased.

    How about not showing a (D) by Rod Blagojevich name during the first few days?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)01:03 No.2353862
    7, 9 and 10 don't have any news these days, its just shit. 10 is half decent as their midday and late split the sports section up into its on part, but 9 and 7 wont let up.

    I like having some sport but not at the loss of things like world news or local news. Also have you seen when they have car ads during 10's news broadcast? I live in SA and I hate having to watch that. Every fucking week they are trying to sell some piece of shit car in the middle of the news. We'll plug a car for a few minutes, no one cares about latest election/terrorist attack/government policy change etc.

    Were living in the age of faux journalism.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)01:33 No.2354028
    British Broadcasting Corporation is never the first thing I think of when I see the acronym BBC.

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