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  • Blotter updated: 11/04/08

  • TONIGHT: Blip Festival 2008 in Brooklyn, NY—December 4-7th. ↑
    Performing tonight: Bit Shifter, minusbaby, others.

    File :1228533802.jpg-(32 KB, 399x266, 122238659929.jpg)
    32 KB Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)22:23:22 No.2349099  
    Remember when people told you that a college education was the key to getting a good job?

    They were all lying to you.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)22:26:00 No.2349117
    lol business majors

    It's all about your connections and marketing yourself to people in high places.

    Who you know will get you that job, what you know will help you keep it.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)22:27:40 No.2349123
    Yeah..Im just gonna live in a van for a while, pfft, jobs, who needs em..
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)22:29:29 No.2349129
    Well duh, you just realised that USA education system is a joke? Get real.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)22:30:02 No.2349133
    That bitch probably majored in art history.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)22:30:46 No.2349138
    4.0 GPA and no job? Must have gotten a history or art degree.

    I have no doubt I'll have a job when I'm done with college, and I have a 3.2.

    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)22:30:59 No.2349143
    I dropped out of highschool and work as a janitor. I do not regret my decision.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)22:31:38 No.2349151
    You really are an idiot. You don't seem to comprehend what you're reading in the slightest. He said an education at a University level doesn't get you a job. He didn't say not to get a job, you illiterate nigger.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)22:32:47 No.2349155
    I don't get you guy's. In canada, when someone says College they mean Community College or the trades or something, and university is all that super expensive, worthless bullshit. You guys in the states though, I guess it's all super expensive.

    I'm spending 2 years and $4,000 to get my degree, and I will be more hirable then people spending twice the time and money in university. I just don't get it.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)22:35:07 No.2349174
    save your fucking money you fools and go to a trades school become something that can't be out sourced to a Curryhead Taj Mu hal.

    Electrician or a something hands on.

    you'll put food on the table and have some extra spending money.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)22:36:28 No.2349188
    It is essential for MOST people. Unless you know what you're doing it's strongly recommended that you go to college. Get a degree that's worth shit, by the way.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)22:38:17 No.2349200
    im going to university in canada. i don't know why.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)22:38:17 No.2349201
    I keep hearing people saying

    "oh hai I'm majoring in English or Art or history."

    "Yeah enjoy working at Gamestop" niggers/
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)22:39:03 No.2349209

    >and university is all that super expensive, worthless bullshit

    University is for people who want to enjoy their career, unless you enjoy being a secretary for

    >2 years and $4,000 to get my degree

    To each their own.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)22:39:27 No.2349210
    at one time, decades ago, getting ANY degree guaranteed you a job, but that was because almost no one went to college. now, you are considered a loser if you don't graduate. so, fags go straight out of high school, when they are sick of school and have no direction in life and are told to pick something. so, they pick bullshit like English or Art History. of course getting a Degree doesn't guarantee shit, anymore!
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)22:39:58 No.2349216
    I spent 2 years getting a certificate in building inspection. That was 2.5 years and a million rejection letters ago. FFS they should have mentioned somewhere that you need to be like a god damn contractor for like 20 god damn years to even get a little pricksuck construction job.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)22:43:56 No.2349254
    Jusdging by her hair and the fact she owns many colored markers, she's an art major. Her history of bad decisions leading to a 90k debt supports this theory.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)22:45:00 No.2349268
    would mathematics be a good degree to pursue?
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)22:45:45 No.2349275
    I always enjoy when they run news stories with the theme "Employers having trouble finding qualified workers".
    Well no shit.
    You won't hire anyone without experience and if they already have the necessary experience then why are they applying for YOUR job, they obviously already had the same one elsewhere.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)22:46:17 No.2349278
    Only if you like making money.
    If you prefer getting laid, major in music.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)22:48:09 No.2349297

    >they pick bullshit like English or Art History.

    Yeah guess what, I'm going for an English degree though I have no idea what I'll ever do with it. Fuck my parents for pressuring me into doing this shit, I'll never get a job or accomplish anything.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)22:48:29 No.2349302
    I'd like to be able to afford condoms, thanks
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)22:49:42 No.2349311
    I'd like the source on OP's pic out of curiosity.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)22:49:58 No.2349313
    Lulz endless cycle of shit.

    They would hire because of no XP and I can't get XP because no one will hire if you have no XP.

    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)22:52:08 No.2349331
    then how does anyone get hired ever, amirite?

    ffs, find an internship. even if its not paid. work at a similar company in a lower ranked job.

    quit being a lazy bitch
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)22:52:26 No.2349332
    You'll probably be forced into teaching unless you specialize in something, like Math Econ or Engineering.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)22:52:52 No.2349340
    No they weren't, you're just a dissatisfied little bitch
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)22:53:29 No.2349350
    I got my first two jobs by lying about my experience.

    After that, I had experience.

    Now I'm at a level where they actually check references, and I don't have to lie.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)22:55:27 No.2349366

    Actually, by more hirable, I mean in the same field. I'm in programming right now, and my school has something like a 90% hire rate out of school.
    There's only 1 CS Program anywhere near us (and there are a lot of universities around here) that does better (on average) then our grads. I'd still rather spend less time and money then go there, mind.

    And I have no idea how our Database, Web design, or Networking students match up, but I'd guess "Not well" only knowing the kind of people in IT that aren't in programming.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)22:55:49 No.2349373

    Remember when stupid ass college students with no life experience thought you immediately got thrown into a six figure salary just for getting out of college with decent grades?
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)22:59:06 No.2349406
    This is really the problem. Well, that and how stupid you'd have to be to get 90k in debt. People are under the impression that they are entitled to a high paying job right out of college.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:00:57 No.2349424
    Thats what I remember my parents saying back in the day.

    A six figure salary awaits you after you get awesome in college and a secretary on mah dick.

    Pffht fucking pipedream if there ever was one now a days.... I just hope WWIII starts so we all get drafted in the Obama BlitzKriggers
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:05:01 No.2349456
    PROTIP: It isn't about going to college and/or getting good grades, it's about WHAT you went to college for.

    Get into something related to medicine. Even if you just become something basic like a fucking massage therapist you'll still end up making shittons of money and have good job security because those are always in demand for recovering patients in hospitals.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:05:35 No.2349459
    Well i like to think I made a good choice for my major. Im doing CS right now. Its my first year so I don't know too much but i plan to start learning other languages and putting them in my portfolio as well as doing internships next year. all of that with international experience from taking programming classes in a study abroad program should raise my odds a little bit. If that doesn't work i can always live at home.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:05:56 No.2349463
    the fact is that whatever opportunities you have after graduating in college will be more numerous and far greater than before, always. And some of them will more than make up for the opportunity cost of not spending money on college, which isn't too hard to accomplish, because you can go to pretty much any cheap (but accredited) school for your undergrad degree as long as it will let you get into a good school for your masters, which will be all that matters (or PhD) in the end, if you so choose to get one.
    Plus, it's an easy way to learn alot first and foremost, and meet new people, have new experiences, etc.
    Not to mention, do well enough and scholarships will pay your education for you, or even your workplace.
    there are great merits in getting the right degree.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:06:16 No.2349466
    this, except s/medicine/sciences/
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:07:16 No.2349475
    Well OP looks like you should have thought twice about that major in photocopying.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:07:55 No.2349482
    cs is good too.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:08:02 No.2349483
    Of course a college education alone doesn't land one a good job...who the fuck has claimed that in the last 30 years? It really is all about who you know, it's almost integral to make some good contacts in college whether through an internship, fraternity, faculty, etc.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:09:41 No.2349497
    no, that's only part of it. the other part is the college education.

    i know people. but if i didn't have that education to go with it, they wouldn't consider me.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:10:27 No.2349505
    pshhh, math is the best major because every other field uses it, however indirectly.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:11:23 No.2349511
    but i guess you did say

    >Of course a college education alone

    but then

    >It really is all about who you know,

    so i dunno which way you're going

    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:12:14 No.2349518
    >because you can go to pretty much any cheap (but accredited) school for your undergrad degree as long as it will let you get into a good school for your masters, which will be all that matters (or PhD) in the end, if you so choose to get one.
    I got this great advice from my teacher on senior year. I didn't get into Gtech like i wanted to but i did get into some other big name out of state schools. Rather than taking out thousands of dollars worth of loans, i chose to stay in state for my undergrad, save some money once i get a good paying job and then go to whatever school i want to for graduate.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:12:53 No.2349522
    ...which is why I said the education alone doesn't necessarily land anyone a good job.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:13:19 No.2349525
    Only one sage? You guys suck...
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:14:21 No.2349531
    Oh man, what a find. I've got a CS degree and work experience in other states and an internship (post-grad) in Japan. I've been unemployed since returning from said internship, in spite of applying to entry-level positions directly related to my experience.

    Maybe HR-types haet my reverse-chronological resume style? Wrong style of bullets? I have no fucking idea at this point.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:15:48 No.2349537

    yeah, i saw that, but see >>2349511
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:15:55 No.2349538
    you would think that you story would discourage me. But, i have been watching far too much Tengen Toppa GL and have the feeling that I can accomplish just about anything. fuck yeah
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:17:08 No.2349545
    go into engineering.
    their field has been booming and is one of the few to still be having significant job growth at this time.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:17:15 No.2349547

    Yeah, people need to realize that a good job is one that involves servicing common problems. Some examples:

    Mechanic: Do you need to go to college for it? No, it's usually a trade school deal. Will you make good money and always have clients? Fuck yes, because cars are part of life these days and they break down often.

    Doctor/Nurse/Xray person/any hospital role that isn't a janitor or cafeteria jockey: Doesn't need explaining. People will never stop getting hurt or sick, there is always money here and you'll always find work. Becoming a high level doctor or nurse will require a Master's at least, but even the 2/4 year nurses and 4 year doctors make some nice ass money.

    Chef/cook: Can't say much for job security, but if you are GOOD at professional cooking you will never be out of work and you will make big money.

    Computer repair/IT: Similar to being a mechanic. Computers are everywhere and a lot of people are computer illiterate. This means you will always have work. The only problem I currently see in this field is it's starting to become pretty saturated, but that will fix itself out in time.

    Military: What can I say? If you suck at academics but are a tough person, there is always a job in the military. The pay isn't great, but it's counterbalanced by the fact you pay virtually no taxes and get every benefit under the sun for fucking free as well as a massive life insurance policy for free. Also free food and lodging. If you don't mind being a dog on a leash, it's almost a perfect life.

    What NOT to do: Try to be a fucking entrepreneur or some shit. You are NOT going to be the next Sam Walton or Bill Gates or whatever. Grow the fuck up. People like that got lucky and had to climb a huge ladder to get their break. Being an artist or musician or traveling business person is not going to do jack shit for you.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:18:09 No.2349552

    Yeah, and the other important part of that is EXPERIENCE. Companies often don't want to hire kids with nothing under their belt but a stint at the local Pizza Hut. You've got an education now, great, but hopefully you did a little more than smoke weed and play Halo 3 throughout your four years.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:18:58 No.2349557
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:19:17 No.2349560
    have you tried working for the government?
    they always have some jobs available for people good with technology with all the credentials to back it up, atleast in my state (MA).
    and they have a standardized application you can choose to fill out :)
    pay apparently is not as good but benefits tend to be much better.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:20:48 No.2349568
    did you remember clubs and community service?
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:21:21 No.2349574
    Agh, I feel as though my International Studies/Chinese major is going to get me jack shit in the long run. I should fucking switch to pre-law, it'd be easier. Any pre-law fags find it easy to get a job after law school?
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:21:53 No.2349580
    i forgot to reference your post... :
    >> FiRez !QkRJTXcpFI 12/05/08(Fri)23:23:49 No.2349594
    Formal education is bollocks around here too, I had "Computer Engineers" asking me how to make a crossover cable and zip a fucking file
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:23:55 No.2349595
    >International Studies/Chinese major

    > CIA or some other GOVT spying shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:24:49 No.2349597
    government jobs are the best. good benefits plus you can't beat their job security. not only is it very unlikely for them to go under like corporate but they won't fire you unless you do some stupid or illegal shit. since your salary is from taxes, you don't have to fear the market.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:24:52 No.2349598
    is Economic a good major to get into?
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:27:22 No.2349621
    thanks for that meaningless anecdote, you are just depressed you diddn't major in anything worth while, or even go to an accredited school.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:28:08 No.2349625
    O smart anons,
    What is thy prediction of the outcome of success in a job for a psychology graduate who will have a PhD in the next 5 years?
    And by success, I mean making more (Preferably a lot more) than $60,000.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:28:24 No.2349627
    It also helps to go to a good college. Mine has a 93% overall placement rate and a 99% placement rate in my major.

    Practically guaranteed.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:28:30 No.2349628
    not when we don't have an economy to speak of
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:29:23 No.2349634
    you can perform analysis on our nonexistant economy
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:29:57 No.2349639
    computer engineer != all the boring easy shit IT people know
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:31:40 No.2349654
    fuck college, I should become a prostitute

    In good times, people have money to spend
    In bad times, they spend their money on prostitutes

    Amazing job security
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:32:15 No.2349657
    good thing we do then
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:32:34 No.2349661
    psych PhDs are pretty much the same as medical doctors. they require much of the same qualifications because they are allowed to prescribe medications and even various types of therapy (some invasive).
    you can be a psychoanalyst, which can make just as good money as many doctors do.
    >> FiRez !QkRJTXcpFI 12/05/08(Fri)23:33:37 No.2349668
    I'm still studying for that useless degree, just because is a economical safety net

    I live a quite good and independent life even without that degree.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:34:12 No.2349671
    you get to deal with batshit insane people and get to hear all sorts of sick shit and juicy, sexy gossip.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:34:58 No.2349679
    there is a high demand for computer engineers, the degree is far from worthless.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:35:11 No.2349682
    You're thinking about psychiatrists, not psychologists.
    You know that stereotype about the old man sitting in a chair playing tic-tak-toe with himself while someone is laying on a bedchair next to him complaining about they're childhood? The whole "Well, Doc, I think it all started when I was a young child..."
    THAT'S a (counseling) psychologist.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:36:39 No.2349691
    Is accounting a good major? I kinda want to switch to it from English.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:38:02 No.2349698
    One of the prerequisites is that you have to be a Jew
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:39:17 No.2349712
    Do I get good money for it? If so, then I could care less about hearing peoples' sick, twisted desires/fantasies/acts. I am an ex-/b/tard, I'm used to that stuff.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:39:24 No.2349714
    I want to go into teaching. I'm guaranteed a job and awesome benefits. Heyo.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:40:46 No.2349722
    only if you give up your soul and wish to spend most of your paycheck on alcohol
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:40:56 No.2349724
    the government needs to outlaw tenure for teachers' union members if any progress in education is to be made at all.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:43:13 No.2349739
    just wanted to add, not for college professors, tenure is kind of important otherwise nobody will teach controversial shit from fear of being fired.
    the government can set curriculum standards for elementary and highschool, but not college.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:44:48 No.2349753
    Actually it does mean something. Notice how computer engineering has waned? Now it gets you 90,000 a year
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:45:02 No.2349756

    You'll make good money. But you most likely will kill yourself in your 40's.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:46:26 No.2349770
    I am a certified college dropout and proud of it. My only regret is going there in the first place.

    Instead, I'm taking the money I would have spent on college and I'm traveling the world. No, I'm not one of those arrogant fucktards who insists that traveling makes you somehow more intelligent, I just think it'd be a fun thing to do. Besides, I'll be stopping a few places to learn things that weren't on the course catalog of any of the colleges I could have gotten into. That works for me.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:46:49 No.2349775
    ...Or like kids.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:47:46 No.2349780
    so you have no intentions to further develop society in a productive manner and absolutely no good, reliable plans of how to make money in the future?
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:47:49 No.2349781

    Good luck making a living
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:49:17 No.2349796

    Tenure is very important because it allows some teachers to not be at the mercy of student reviews.

    This means that they can make hard classes that force critical thinking and learning, rather than just showing videos and giving easy quizzes so the students like them and give good evaluations.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:49:19 No.2349798
    lol this. college isn't for everyone, but being proud of dropping out of college is pretty dumb.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:49:46 No.2349806
    in a study done in the US, inner city teacher ranked around combat soldier when it came to most stressful jobs. lol.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:51:51 No.2349827
    It worked out pretty well for me, bro.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:53:31 No.2349839
    most public schools don't count on student reviews because they are not complete imbecils.
    they know there are major issues with the reliability of such a measure.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:54:31 No.2349850
    tenure also enables teachers to do nothing but show videos because that is easiest, and what is easiest, sadly, tends to win out.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:55:30 No.2349862
    it also enabled one of my high school teachers to fall asleep in class
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:55:43 No.2349865
    So don't work inner-city?
    >> Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)23:59:07 No.2349898
    haha, our eigth grade math teacher did that, every class.
    around the end of the semester, we didn't even bother to wake him anymore.
    we all passed our final with flying colors, apparently.
    he had narcolepsy. lol.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)00:01:35 No.2349918
    This is not the reason why anyone would choose to be teachers. I want to do the same thing mostly because I had bad experiences from some teachers, and I thought I could do better than the way they taught.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)00:04:14 No.2349937
    my high school teacher was just a lazy cunt
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)00:05:02 No.2349948
    1.) get rid of art/music classes completely, turn them into extracurriculars.
    2.) replace them with classes where you learn future trades you show some interest or aptitude in, be it plumbing, electrician, mechanic, etc. enough so that when you graduate you can be accredited in that field as well.
    3.) hire career counselors to help find students post-graduation jobs in whatever state their college is in, if they choose to go.
    3.) now you can help pay for your own college without exorbitant loans if you are too lazy to look for scholarships.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)00:05:03 No.2349949
    Also, lolis.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)00:09:56 No.2349990
    what i do is, find ways to make money without really working
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)00:10:06 No.2349992
    Or let people make their own decisions to be artists of English majors or whatever and deal with the consequences, because we're talking America here, not the Soviet Union.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)00:12:32 No.2350012
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    damn i keep forgetting they lost the Cold War thanks for setting me straight on that.
    also >>2350000 GET
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)00:15:17 No.2350037
    something tells me the art classes you take in high school and elementary school aren't a prerequisite to an major in art history.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)00:17:31 No.2350049
    fuck, now everyone's paying attention to the faggot who just lost his smile-ginity.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)00:24:42 No.2350096
    I spent my teenage years and a good chunk of my twenties partying and in and out of jail for partying a bit too hard. Then I took up a trade, worked some shit jobs and learned everything I needed to know and started up my own business where I first did my sales on foot got enough to keep myself going and eventually keep employees going as well while I built up contacts. Now I make more then most professionals and I have complete job security since my income is solely determined by my actions and nobody can fire me or downsize me. These days my biggest concern is prioritizing contracts and retaining labour since I get so much work thrown at me that I have to cherrypick. The economy is great where I am, people are building houses like mad and renovating to flip and I make a killing doing residential and commercial. And when/if the bubble bursts, well then there will be a bigger labour pool for me to draw from, and I'll still have plenty of work from all the people selling =D Even if things here got really bad I could float on insurance contracts np.
    I laugh a bit inside when I listen to my friends bitch about the politics at their jobs, they sat hunched over a desk for years to get to places they are not happy with while I travelled around being a fucktard and having a blast.
    Plus I get to write off so much shit that its not even funny. OK its funny.
    You can do it too! There are plenty of trades you can start up a company for with very little overhead. I started mine with an $800 van and a paint sprayer I bought at the flea market for $250. I *could* have made do with a $100 car and a brush and roller. Hell I could have walked/taken the bus and just added the cost of tools to contracts, and started out with 75 cents, a bottle of water and a ham sandwich.
    Just keep enough money to float yourself until the next contract and you're on your way.
    Although I am in Canada, I guess it could be different in America where you have to compete with illegal labour.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)00:24:44 No.2350097
    I've been going to college for 3 years getting my bullshit art degree because I couldn't think of anything to do with myself, and now I'm severely regretting it. Everyone always says engineering is the smart way to go, but I looked into it and at this point, I'd need to go to school for like another 4 years in order to do that. So, yeah. I'm thinking about just transitioning into architecture or something.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)00:28:31 No.2350128
    do you have any fucking clue how ridiculously difficult it is to start any business at all that is to make enough to support you the rest of your life? and how many private businesses fail miserably within their first year of operation?
    what do you do exactly, anyway?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)00:44:10 No.2350263
    You don't really get the point of university do you?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)00:45:08 No.2350272
         File :1228542308.jpg-(627 KB, 1600x1200, blogimage_img00200.jpg)
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    IRL h4x. pic related
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)00:47:05 No.2350296
    businesses fail in their first year often because the good idea that the founder thought of actually wasn't.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)00:50:18 No.2350324
    I want to slap some sense into this fuckin faggot with the sign. It's probably a lie anyways...$90000 in debt...
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)01:02:33 No.2350444
    if he had a 4.0 GPA, almost any school every would grant him full tuition achievement award.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)01:08:57 No.2350505
         File :1228543737.gif-(65 KB, 400x202, selma.gif)
    65 KB
    Is that ralph nader?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)01:22:43 No.2350627
    It's called COLLEGE LOANS
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)01:31:16 No.2350711
    My company started out painting (houses, but my first influx of serious cash came from fences of all things.), and once I had the connections and finances to subcontract we started to do general contracting. Now I pretty much do everything. Some people work for me for wage some for salary some sub, and sometimes I sub jobs out externally and pocket the difference.
    I seriously doubt that most trade-oriented businesses fail, either you can get the work done or you cant. Its not like Joe pub owner who did everything right but had a shitty location or had a sports bar open up beside him.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)01:33:12 No.2350728
    Maybe his school gives 4.0 to over 20% of graduates, so it's not as noteworthy.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)01:40:18 No.2350777
    how the fuck do you manage to get 90k in debt jesus

    You may have a 4.0 gpa but you don't have any fucking sense.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)01:42:09 No.2350791
    College doesn't make you successful. If you have 4.0, and became an English major, or an Art major, you made a mistake, even though you didn't "screw up" your grades.

    I'm currently getting my Bachelors in CS (Junior year sucks), and let me tell you that it's no cake walk taking all these math classes, but at least I know, I KNOW, that there are jobs I can get with degree -- with my passion.

    Just because you are a 4.0 gpa hipster doesn't mean some one wants you to work for them. They want some one who wants more than just a good job in these hard times. Go work at fast food joint for awhile to see how hard/easy real life is.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)01:43:02 No.2350796
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)01:45:54 No.2350826
    Oh, I see! He went to devry!
    Explains why he looks so god damned fucktarded.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)01:49:42 No.2350852

    You've got to be a god damn moron to get that deep into the ocean of idiocy. I'm fairly certain he spent all of his time at some ridiculously expensive school with a major like Asian American Studies or some other pointless subject. Although I will say that at this point, it will be mindbendingly difficult to get a job straight out of college, businesses everywhere are tightening their holds on their cashwads. No one is hiring.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)01:52:35 No.2350867
    Actually most economists will tell you that in the next 5-8 years the most valuable commodity will be creativity. We're kinda stuck in a phase of analytical knowledge, where Math and Science are the two hot buttons. Well you can exceed in them all you want but if your brain isn't built for creative progression then you're not really going to get anywhere with it. I'm not saying Math and Science are bad or anything but for you to condemn English as a subject of worthlessness is... retarded.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)01:55:20 No.2350893

    Also, being a teacher (especially in private high school or college) is an awesome job if you're good at it. Great benefits, ridiculous job security, tons of satisfaction, and room for both analytical and creative expression.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)01:59:40 No.2350922


    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)02:07:15 No.2350965
    Lol Americans.

    Enjoy going to University for 4 years to become a manager at McDonalds. Your economy is shit and your leaders are incompetent morons.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)02:13:56 No.2351010
    I'm a philosophy undergrad. I have no delusions about what that means.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)02:16:56 No.2351023
    And yet your shitty economy and your shitty leaders are dependent on ours. Sucks to be you.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)02:23:54 No.2351072
    What, that your pre-law?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)02:30:47 No.2351113
    Haha, maybe. That's what my smart classmates are doing.

    When I graduate though, and if I don't want to go farther with my education, I'll probably follow my mom's advice and do something practical. If I can't get a job with my degree, I'll go become a dental assistent or an x-ray technician.

    I'd like to work for the government though, and my dream is to publish an academic book.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)02:33:32 No.2351131
    lol, owned that fuckin faggot.

    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)02:40:52 No.2351185
    I'm taking communicationslol at my local community college, and last I heard the post-graduation hire rate of my programs grads was ~95%. I have 5 months left before grad, and have already been promised a job at a local TV station as a shooter/editor.

    All you have to do to get a good job is take courses that aren't fucking stupid.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)02:41:03 No.2351187
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)02:42:34 No.2351195
    Every degree is the same unless it's vocational. All jobs worth their shit require experience.Seeing as medicine and law take about six years to complete, if you do something like english, you have a few years of work experience catch up.
    People expecting to make a good living at 21 are fucking retards. As for making a good living "after graduating", well what the fuck do you expect, med students study for five years, do hands on experience for another years, and then probably get picked up. You're in your mid twenties by then.
    Now lets consider an english literature student (like I was). You finish after three years; hopefully if you're smart you went to a good university, I went to Kings College London : B, because an English degree from a nothing uni is worthless...
    You wont get a good job off the bat. Thats where three years of working as an assistant in loads of bullshit places comes in.
    It depends what field you want to get in to, but its pretty much the same everywhere. If you want to get into publishing, get experience at a publishing house, something entry level. If you want journalism, get an NCTJ and then get work experience, if you want civil service, just keep taking the entrance exam... etc etc.
    There are plenty of jobs you can get with the arts - especially because you have more time to get hands on experience. It's foolish to expect to get a high paying job afterwards, you'll probably stay at home and work unpaid at some company, or as an assistant some place.
    But by the time your friend in med school graduates, you'll be doing a job you love and getting decent pay. While he's regretting doing medicine for the wrong reasons. I was so close to doing medicine and then pulled out because I knew I didn't want to spend six years studying something my parents were forcing me in to. The same thing happened with law after I did english; so instead I just got loads of experience in publishing houses. The world will always need books...
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)02:42:51 No.2351200
    ITT: Truth.

    I make $60/hr at home, while smoking dope. Oh, yeah, and I dropped out of technical college. So much for your vaunted educationlol system.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)02:43:28 No.2351210

    English is not retarded, and I purposely didn't use that word in my post for a reason - it's not.

    It's not that your so called creativity courses aren't important, it's just the concept of majoring in creativity is... backwards.

    Simply put, if you are in college, you are there either to expand your horizons, or to get a skill / craft, and if you are there not for the later, and still expect a pay(bail) out, you are wrong in that presumption

    And, don't think science majors don't have creativity... that's just... retarded.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)02:45:14 No.2351223

    Hey dude, you holding?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)02:46:21 No.2351232
    No they weren't. They just forgot to add a disclaimer:

    Having a degree does not mean you will get a job.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)02:52:44 No.2351275

    What sort of "creative" are you talking about? English student read lots of classic novels and study literature. They leave uni as intellectuals with loads of quotes under their hats to spout out obnoxiously at parties.

    If you mean creativity like being able to write a great novel. That has nothing to do with studying English.

    Studying English is for those who really enjoy the subject, those who loved literature and wanted to know more about it.

    I always think vocational courses are a bit sad. I can understand doing it as a postgrad, but doing it as an undergrad... with no expertise in any field other than your job... that breeds very boring people imo.

    If one were to say Media Studies, I would agree. Thats a mickey mouse course because it implies its a vocational course to get into the media... when it's not. English on the other hand is moreso there to show employers what skills you have personally, it is not limited to one particular job. A lot of English students cant go into Law, Teaching or Journalism, or some other vocational course later. But I believe the stigma that English students face is ridiculous, because out of Law, Medic, English, and Science students, I've almost always found the English ones to be the most interesting to talk to.

    I'd say in terms of intelligence, Maths, English and Physics breed the most intelligent people because they have an unlimited level of study available to the student. Maths and Physics can go on forever, and English has no defined place to end either.

    With Chem or Bio, Medicine or Law. The book is there. Learn it.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)02:53:37 No.2351279
    so what will english majors be hired to do once this "math and science fad" upon which every bit of technology and innovation our society was built upon will die?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)02:54:48 No.2351289
    The reason having a degree wont get you a job is because everyone and their dog has a degree now. Its the standard.

    What the real message here is "if you don't have a degree, you dont have a CHANCE of getting a decent job" Its not that a degree increases chances of getting a job, its moreso that not having a degree decreases chances of getting a job.

    The only way to set yourself apart is with work experience. Even going to great universities dont mean much. My friend is an Oxford Physics graduate and all he's doing right now is private tutoring.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)02:55:51 No.2351299
    what kind of 'creativity' do english majors tend to have more than math and science majors, and how will it benefit society in the long run.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)02:56:22 No.2351304
    which one is better, getting a mba or doing law?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)02:57:19 No.2351314
    I like the whole learning how to think stuff I get from philosophy.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)02:57:45 No.2351318

    Nah. Why bother, when computers are so much easier and less likely to get you arrested?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)03:00:59 No.2351333
    english doesn't tend to necessarily 'breed' intelligence, especially moreso than biology, chemistry, medicine, or law. Ability to reason and come up with innovative solutions within the constrictions of a set of guidelines of laws (such as natural laws) necessarily builds on critical and abstract thinking ability.
    The problem with a subject so incredibly open as english is there are not as many standards by which good work can be judged, so it is easier to half-ass it
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)03:01:33 No.2351337
    I think I'm going to be a philosophy major as well. I want to go to grad school and eventually become a philosophy professor, but I also know that it's extremely competitive. I'll probably end up going to law school.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)03:02:01 No.2351338
    what exactly do you do, and who are your clientele?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)03:02:55 No.2351345

    I agree whole heartedly. I don't see why you are upset at my post at all... perhaps you should read the post I was responding to prior to see why I used the word "creativity."

    I prefer to read books, and write on my own then waste my time in English courses, and spend my credits on math, physics, and my vocational study, programming.

    It's just there are so many people graduating at my university that seem so... clueless on why they are majoring in their field of study.

    If you are at school, knowing you are there to become a better person, then more power to you. I wish I had the cash cow to pull that off, but unfortunately my family lineage needs some one to build that up first.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)03:03:37 No.2351353
    tl;d: A 4 year degree is now worth just as much as high school diploma was 30 years ago.

    If you want a shot at making decent money you need an MBA.

    lol at "educational inflation"
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)03:04:07 No.2351357

    Computer consulting, mostly web development and system administration. Clients are small businesses and startups, right now.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)03:05:05 No.2351365
    my major was chemical engineering, but i don't define myself by my major, and i don't think a challenging major fosters a lack of personality, or a sub-par one, I don't know how you can back that up.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)03:05:39 No.2351368

    I would still prefer that you had drugs, cause I would like some.

    But, what ever...
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)03:06:36 No.2351376
    Ever since I transfered schools all my profs are absolute failures at life. But the guy who taught my 100 class changed my life. I want to be him some day. So if you are going to be a philosophy prof...don't half ass it. Travel, meditate, do the footwork.

    But wear tweed coats.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)03:07:14 No.2351381

    Instead of being upset at interrupting my thread spot, I will instead provide the following quote.

    "People dictate their own behavior."
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)03:07:23 No.2351383
    That's why I dropped out. Best decision I ever made (but I don't recommend it).
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)03:08:38 No.2351393
    >>2351357interesting. but the problem i always figured was when you start such businesses, unless you have some serious credentials and accreditation, i wouldn't think you can compete with the professionals purely because they have a more reliable track record and can offer the same services for cheaper because they are larger and tend to be able to garner a larger group of customers.
    if that was your first business and it was a success, well that's fairly rare.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)03:11:05 No.2351410
    i'm not sure i understand. perhaps you could elaborate? what does that have to do with what I was referencing?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)03:12:10 No.2351419
    why is your 'thread spot' important???
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)03:12:24 No.2351420
    I think tweed coats with patches at the elbows are so adorable. I had a professor at Amherst who was seriously amazing. I took a metaphysics class with him and I wanted to, honestly, suck his dick. I'm transferring to a much less prestigious institution because I couldn't relate to pretentious rich fucks. Plus, I hated the surrounding city.

    I'm probably making a huge mistake, but I actually want to enjoy my undergraduate years. I just hope my new professors will be just as amazing as my last.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)03:13:16 No.2351427

    lol, thank you for that LAUGH OUT LOUD.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)03:14:46 No.2351435

    Its not like I got here overnight. Worked several shit jobs doing scut-work web dev and programming before I went freelance. Helps that I have a hard-on for computers most men reserve for college football.

    Find someone to apprentice to, and be ready to do a lot of research and explanation. Seriously: skills #1 and #2 are reading and writing, and I don't mean code.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/08(Sat)03:14:54 No.2351437
    something tells me you have no idea how to back up the statements you made.

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