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  • Blotter updated: 11/04/08

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    File :1228357728.jpg-(74 KB, 242x251, 1228337842472.jpg)
    74 KB Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)21:28:48 No.2328821  
    Why the cock shit does college cost you fucking much?
    40,000 - 50,000$ a fucking year for 4 years.
    what the fucking dog shit man? I'm thinking about going to a community college or a trade school and become a electrician or sumthing. fuck these prices.

    Pic related. Shit is broke.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)21:31:02 No.2328837
    CC ain't so bad nigga. College is just a societal construct for the most part. Nobody really truly learns anything of value.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)21:33:32 No.2328854
    That's only true for bullshit majors, like psychology. Hard science and engineering majors teach you tons.

    And anything past a bachelors is wonderful.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)21:33:36 No.2328856
    Move to Sweden - free university education for everyone!
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)21:33:55 No.2328857
    speak for yourself mr business major.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)21:35:56 No.2328871
    Go to a state school. You don't need to go to Harvard, faget.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)21:38:00 No.2328882
    My family also rely on tides and the gravitational pull of the moon.
    Did you know? That I can go to Japan...and back.
    Polluted water kill both baby Salmon, and Salmon going to spawn.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)21:42:53 No.2328923
    Keep telling yourself that. I learned a ton of value in my engineering degree, and even from my liberal arts classes.

    I have no idea why. I do know I went for free, and most of my friends got through debt-free without their parents help. This might charge a lot in order to let a lot of people go for free/cheap with financial aid. Like one well-off kid pays tuition and they divert some of those funds to let 2 poor kids go as well.

    Community college/trade school is 10 times better than nothing/being a college dropout/being one of those fools who takes out 100k debt to get one of the useless degrees (a.k.a. comparative literature).
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)21:43:01 No.2328924
    wtf. i only costs around ~10k euro here. and that's mainly all the books. costs less if you steal or get 2nd hand
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)21:43:08 No.2328925
    In Soviet Russia, Japan comes to you and salmon pollute water.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)21:45:17 No.2328945
    Grants and scholarships mother fucker, apply for them.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)21:45:47 No.2328951
    costs $2500/semester in Canada. America is fucktarded.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)21:47:07 No.2328963
    Costs 2K a semester for this amerifag, and that's 18 credit hours.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)21:47:19 No.2328965
    I would like to know what school costs $50,000. Is OP including his yearly rent or something?
    >> Black-Star Stumps !x8ngkAZjXE 12/03/08(Wed)21:49:08 No.2328975
    Lsu costs that much. I could have had it paid with scholarships but I was not informed that missing one honors class nullified everything. I still made it but I missed all the money I could have had....

    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)21:50:30 No.2328987
    Does changing the end of self-referencing adjectives to fag make you feel like one of the cool kids? a real badass?
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)21:51:24 No.2328997
    Man, just go to a CC, meet awesome people, then go to a uni and go book-learnin fucking crazy. At least that way you won't be 40- 50 K , it'll be like 10 - 20 K overall and you'll still have your friends from the CC.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)21:52:41 No.2329007
    No, it helps identify me on this board.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)21:52:42 No.2329008
    paying for your own brainwashing...
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)21:52:51 No.2329011
    I know I probably just need to lurk moar, but this is the first time I've seen the OP's picture, and I lol'd heartily.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)21:53:05 No.2329015

    8k/qr =/= 50k
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)21:53:29 No.2329017
    Just go to stanford. Shit's free. (Of course, that assumes your parents make less than 60k).

    Oh right, you're too stupid to get in.

    Enjoy getting raped up the ass by loans.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)21:54:03 No.2329025
    You're so unique
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)21:54:49 No.2329032
    not really, it identifies me as part of a collective.

    part of 300+ million people.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)21:55:34 No.2329041

    lol harvard wouldnt cost 40k a year unless you were friggin' rich.

    lrn2financial aid.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)21:55:41 No.2329044
    Go to a state school. What are you looking at that costs 50k a year? Ivy league and tiny liberal arts colleges? Fuck that noise.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)21:57:11 No.2329053
    I went to university for ~$5000 a year for 4 years. What fucking program and school are you going to?
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)21:57:29 No.2329057
    My 7 year old brother makes more than that. (He's a member of a tribe with a big casino. Making sure everyones a millionaire when they turn 18 helps everyone in the tribe become fat lazy stereotypical indians, yay!)
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)21:59:09 No.2329074
    Is anyone else having their parents for their college? I have absolutely no expenses or responsibilities lolololol.

    That being said, I'm going to major in CS, unfortunately it's going to take me like a year longer to finish because I am indecisive and didn't know what I wanted to major in before getting into programming recently (I was always a computer geek, just didn't do any programming until recently) and finding that I enjoyed doing it, and wanted to major in CS. Oh well. State school isn't that much (like $8000/year), and I just commute there, and my parents don't care that I live at home and give me money.

    IMO only a fucking retard would go into $200,000 of debt just to go to a place like Harvard. It's not about where you go, it's about what you learn and how you can use it. At least that's true for majors such as CS, or any engineering for that matter where you'll actually have some useful skills when you graduate.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)21:59:18 No.2329075
    The highest tuition at any accredited college in america is $43,950.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)22:00:29 No.2329089
    it's never 4 years unless you do a ridiculous amount of hours every semester. the average student actually takes 5-6 years for a bachelor's.

    also, the average student loan debt is about $20,000
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)22:00:44 No.2329091
    In OP's defence, $43,950 is between $40,000 and $50,0000, as stated in the OP.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)22:01:35 No.2329105
    that isn't including room and board, and i know living with parents (or even by yoruself) is MUCH cheaper than 8~10k a year where i'm at

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