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    File :1228324957.jpg-(64 KB, 164x254, howtheotherhalfdies.jpg)
    64 KB world hunger hi !4jHEdP69BE 12/03/08(Wed)12:22:37 No.2324313  
    Gentlemen. I've posted about this already, but I have an interview to read geography at Oxford from the 7th until the 10th.

    I have just finished reading this book, literally an hour ago, so ask me anything about world hunger, and I will answer. Hopefully I will be able to organise my thoughts this way, and create some kind of evaluation based on my own knowledge and this book (and others which I have read but are less relevant).

    Please no "niggers are stupid hurr", if you want to be racist, do it in an intelligent way, and I don't mind if you want to challenge me on my answers but don't resort to using head measurements and racial classifications.

    tl;dr I know a bit about global food scarcity, ask me anything.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)12:24:30 No.2324327
    Why should I care about world hunger? Wouldn't it make more sense to use the resources feeding people who are going to die anyway to better improve our own nation?
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)12:24:36 No.2324328
    ok, how about this: why, despite the fact that Africa has ample farmland, do they fail to produce enough food to meet their domestic need

    (protip: I'm an agriculture student, and know the answer to this. also, I'm not a racist as my question may imply... sadly you're going to run into people like that in this kind of discipline. the 'white man's burden' crowd. watch out for them)
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)12:25:53 No.2324338

    You're the agriculture student YOU answer this.

    not op
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)12:26:18 No.2324343
    Why is it that Rhodesia was a net exporter of food, nicknamed "the breadbasket of Africa", but under black rule millions of their citizens need food aid to survive?
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)12:26:37 No.2324347
    Everyone is going to die anyway. Stop caring, full stop.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)12:30:29 No.2324392
    Do you know anything about Jeffrey Sachs?
    >> hi !4jHEdP69BE 12/03/08(Wed)12:32:29 No.2324407
    Wouldn't it make sense to spend less on the military and more on home affairs, too? As it stands, the UN asks for a mere 0.7% of a nation's GDP to contribute to aid programmes. The only countries which meet it are - and correct me if I'm wrong - Norway, Denmark, and Sweden. America donates something ridiculously tiny like 02% or something. Also, understand that aid and hunger is not _just_ caused and solved by governments and government aid.

    I would venture to say desertification - but I haven't done that ecosystem in classrooms before, so I don't know, so please tell me. According to George, cash crops for export (an extension of colonialism!), and the current (well, the book is from the 70's, so it may not still be current) way land is owned, is not conductive to creating plenty of food for the people who live there. Large areas of land owned by TNCs produce lower yields than people who do subsistence farming, apparently, so land reform is key.

    Corrupt government, you have answered that yourself.
    >> hi !4jHEdP69BE 12/03/08(Wed)12:33:35 No.2324414
    I just bought "the end of poverty" by him but I don't have enough time to read it before Sunday. He was mentioned in Collier's "the bottom billion" so I know that he's a sort of left wing supporter of aid and mates with Bono. I also just bought "the white man's burden" so I could get a balanced view.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)12:36:05 No.2324425

    Nice job, OP. you pretty much covered it. here's what I typed up for

    Africa is in a shitty position; they don't have very much top quality soil to produce cereal / vegetable crops, and the soil they do have has been used so poorly for so long that a large portion of it is now saline (useless). However, they have arguably the most land for producing livestock of any geographical area in the world (except North America of course, we got that shit on lockdown). Sadly, the big problem in Africa is one of communicating how to get good yeilds from the land they do have, and of getting them to actually do it in a way that works, and works for years. Due to the fact that people are used to war and physical conflict over valued resources, every internationally funded 'collective farming' attempt in Africa has been fucked over by someone stealing all the equipment and taking it for themselves. so that's why.
    >> hi !4jHEdP69BE 12/03/08(Wed)12:37:47 No.2324435
    Oh and also, the green revolution has made a contribution - this form of technology only benefits the already rich and the local elites. Peasant farmers could not afford fertilizer, tractors, etc (you know the drill) and got evicted, yada yada.

    sage for pointless bump
    >> hi !4jHEdP69BE 12/03/08(Wed)12:42:37 No.2324471
    Oh yeah, I know all about how conflict fucks up development from the bottom billion, but I never would have thought about it in terms of crop failure. But basically it's about how they're pretty fucked anyway, and when we try to give them better technology (ie, the green revolution) it's not appropriate to their level of development.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)12:44:11 No.2324482
    >so land reform is key.

    Yeah, just like they had in Zimbabwe/Rhodesia. Oh wait...
    >> hi !4jHEdP69BE 12/03/08(Wed)12:47:01 No.2324503
    That doesn't help me. I've just googled and read about their land reform; can you explain why it failed? I know China has adopted land reform and it worked well - so why didn't the same happen in Zimbabwe?
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)12:51:53 No.2324530
    How come the Geography syllabus hasnt changed in 20 years? I had to read that book and it was all about how evil white men makes black babies starve.
    >> hi !4jHEdP69BE 12/03/08(Wed)12:53:51 No.2324547
    It's not on the syllabus, but it's my favourite area (nigras!) so I'd rather talk about it than COASTAL MANAGEMENT and fluvial geomorphology and other such dull things.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)12:54:23 No.2324550

    just keep in mind that >>2324482
    are the same racist douchefag. he's basically saying that Phodesia was awesome under white rule, and that black rule fucked it up because niggers are incompetant. that's the context of his argument.
    what actually happened in Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), is that whewn white rule was dismantled, all the British- and Dutch-owned large scale industries were nationalized, and the British and Dutch people that owned them expelled (from power at least, and some from the country). Then the new government had to try and find people from their country with enough education to run their industries. suffice to say that was almost impossible, so productivity suffered for a long time. they've only just recently started to recover.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)12:55:19 No.2324554
    Corruption, nepotism, authocracy and mugabe's syphillis.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)12:56:22 No.2324562
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    Perhaps this nice illustration will help you see why confiscating land from White farmers and giving it to Negroes was a bad idea.
    >> hi !4jHEdP69BE 12/03/08(Wed)12:58:02 No.2324573
    >people from their country with enough education to run their industries. suffice to say that was almost impossible
    I hope you mean because of the presumably poor education system (down to teachers being killed off due to diseases such as AIDS - after the 80s of course - constant malnutrition resulting in lower IQ - I read that some Bangladeshi women that had IQs of 60, were still pumping out 10 children and were too slow to even know *how* to feed them properly - and lack of funding for education) and anyone with a brain quickly getting out of that shithole, not because they are inherently retarded.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)12:58:15 No.2324575
    Nig...er, blacks seem to have the reproductive strategy like crazy, but they offer minimal support for the development of their offspring, so larger numbers tend to die out due to inability to compete and survive with the rest.
    No doubt this is part of the problem with food shortages, that their reproductive strategy necessarily requires that food supplies be limited to control the population, but how can we change this?
    as in, is it simply a cultural difference that they tend to desire reproduction more, or is this greater propensity towards reproduction somehow innate and biological in negroid races, acquired through thousands of years of natural selection where negroid interbreeding populations were in relative geographic isolation from other races, sort of an adaptation to their environment?
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)13:00:53 No.2324594
    my first sentence doesn't make sense, sry, very tired.
    i meant blacks have the reproductive strategy to reproduce like crazy, but offer minimal support to each individual offspring.
    >> hi !4jHEdP69BE 12/03/08(Wed)13:05:11 No.2324618
    NO NO NO you have the TOTALLY wrong idea. Rapid population growth is a _symptom_ of poverty - NOT a cause! Let me explain.
    >they offer minimal support for the development of their offspring, so larger numbers tend to die out due to inability to compete and survive with the rest.
    No, this is wrong, it's not because their parenting is inherently ineffective (although the Bangladesh example I have just given does explain about the cycle of malnutrition and how it impacts on development) but because of the social structures and society in which they live, endemic diseases and the like, that the infant mortality rate is so high.
    >No doubt this is part of the problem with food shortages
    There is no food shortage, globally. The west consume more than their fair share. I'm sure you knew that already. But a large population does not cause food shortages - the distribution of food is unfair, and the people are in such poverty that they cannot afford to buy much food.
    >their reproductive strategy necessarily requires that food supplies be limited to control the population,
    That's funny, because if we gave them less food they would reproduce more, so they would have more children to farm the fields and look after them in old age!
    >s it simply a cultural difference that they tend to desire reproduction more
    Partly, actually. I'll ignore the rest of this paragraph for obvious reasons. But it's traditional for families to be large, and children are actually a financial AWESOME for people living in LEDCs - in MEDCs (us, here) children are a financial burden. You are looking at it the wrong way. Also, women are uneducated. Men get education, if there is any, women don't. Women don't know any better than to have 10 children and get married at 15 and they don't know about contraceptives. If you raise the status of women, you can control the population. Google "kerala population policy" if you want to find a good example.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)13:06:31 No.2324626

    Everyone agrees Zimbabwe shouldn't have confiscated the land from the white farmers, and Mugabe is fail. Old news.

    Do you think China might turn Africa around?

    How can land reform be carried out in a way that doesn't enrage the elites or turn over the land to unqualified people? (Again, Zimbawe is a too obvious example of how NOT to do it, and I am not advocating seizing land without paying for it here).

    What crops would be most beneficial for the poor to raise and eat? I expect they eat lots of lousy carb-based ones now that aren't that healthy.
    >> hi !4jHEdP69BE 12/03/08(Wed)13:07:16 No.2324635
    >No, this is wrong, it's not because their parenting is inherently ineffective (although the Bangladesh example I have just given does explain about the cycle of malnutrition and how it impacts on development) but because of the social structures and society in which they live, endemic diseases and the like, that the infant mortality rate is so high.
    I can add to that that nigras don't know about symptoms of malaria etc so don't know when their children are sick. There was an example I read in the paper that said just this, and it was about malaria, but I can't remember the country or the details.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)13:09:30 No.2324644
    fun fact: in some Afrikan nations is is believed the only cure for AIDS is to rape 50 virgins.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)13:09:40 No.2324649
    Actually, the education system in Rhodesia was great. Black Rhodesians had a higher literacy rate than in any other African country.

    It really is just because they are inherently less intelligent and thus incapable of things like farming.

    They evolved to be hunter/gatherers. That's all we can realisticly expect of them.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)13:13:51 No.2324678
    starvation, poverty, and AIDS stats in rawanda have been dropping significant;y every since a fascist dictatorship was in power that enabled full control over every aspect of peoples lives.
    is the answer to all this more fascist dictatorships?
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)13:14:41 No.2324682
    >They evolved to be hunter/gatherers.

    perhaps the same could be said of all homo sapiens
    >> hi !4jHEdP69BE 12/03/08(Wed)13:16:33 No.2324701
    >Do you think China might turn Africa around?
    I have an article in my bag about China and Africa which I still need to read, so I don't know what you mean by that but I suppose I will by the time I go to bed. But if you do know then please tell me?

    >What crops would be most beneficial for the poor to raise and eat? I expect they eat lots of lousy carb-based ones now that aren't that healthy.

    This is true. George was saying about how soya and other cash crops were pushing out the protein-y crops and the farmers couldn't afford to buy them because there were fewer of them being produced (supply and demand, you know). She cited Latin America as another example where meat production decreased, and luckily for the Latin Americans, they could actually afford meat, but once there was less land dedicated to their rearing, they couldn't afford it any more... I would expect in the future that GM food could provide more nutrition with the crops already available.

    protip: the human race have evolved to be hunter gatherers. Can you please not derail this thread? I can't turn up to interview and start saying that black people are inferior. I'm putting my racial prejudices aside for now; you could at least do the same.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)13:18:39 No.2324716
    He supports a revised outlook on aid.
    >> hi !4jHEdP69BE 12/03/08(Wed)13:18:58 No.2324719
    Lol, maybe. Agricultural output increased under Hitler too. Rwanda is politically unstable though, right? The risk of a coup or a revolution is too high to have a stable society there.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)13:21:31 No.2324731
    can't we just start a massive campaign of making ham and cheese sandwiches laced with a chemical castrant so that they can no longer reproduce after they eat them?
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)13:22:00 No.2324737
    Actually no, it can't. Recent evolution has taken place in humans which coincides with the beginning of civilization.

    >In the two Science papers, the researchers looked at variations of microcephalin and ASPM within modern humans. They found evidence that the two genes have continued to evolve. For each gene, one class of variants has arisen recently and has been spreading rapidly because it is favored by selection.

    >For microcephalin, the new variant class emerged about 37,000 years ago and now shows up in about 70 percent of present-day humans. For ASPM, the new variant class arose about 5,800 years ago and now shows up in approximately 30 percent of today's humans.


    It is not a coincidence that these brain genes were found to be absent in Negroes. They never lived in a civilized environment and thus never evolved to be able to function in one.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)13:23:08 No.2324747
    Yes, because instead of talking abpout yellow man's burden they just trade natural resources for human resources. This is how it should be.
    >> hi !4jHEdP69BE 12/03/08(Wed)13:23:27 No.2324748
    Population growth is a symptom of poverty, not a cause.

    You're right, negroids are less intelligent. Let's move on.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)13:29:54 No.2324792
    >protip: the human race have evolved to be hunter gatherers.
    No, they didn't. Humans who have been living in civilization for thousands of years have been selected for their ability to survive in such an environment. This includes traits like law-abidingness and the ability to learn and specialize in certain tasks, such as farming.

    >Can you please not derail this thread? I can't turn up to interview and start saying that black people are inferior. I'm putting my racial prejudices aside for now; you could at least do the same.

    So you must ignore reality for the sake of political correctness? I understand. People who have a religious faith in racial equality are very intolerant of skeptics and will react with anger and violence when exposed to facts which call their beliefs into question.

    However the anonymous environment here protects us from being assaulted by leftist fanatics. I don't think we need to pretend that the problem with Africa does not come from the blacks themselves.
    >> hi !4jHEdP69BE 12/03/08(Wed)13:32:04 No.2324812

    >So you must ignore reality for the sake of political correctness?
    If that translates to the fact that I must ignore it for the sake of getting into the second best university in the world, and the best in the country, then yes. However, you're right, negroids are less intelligent. Let's move on.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)13:38:43 No.2324864
    Well, then what is there to discuss? Africa sucks because it is full of Africans. If you have to avoid this important fact then all you are doing is making up bullshit excuses.

    Just blame White people for everything. That's obviously what they want you to do anyways, so give them what they want.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)13:45:20 No.2324919

    Please ignore the trolls, OP... the people who believe Africans are subhuman and/or genetically inferior won't be convinced by this thread. I think your topic is too interesting to be derailed by 'black people' type material.

    By China, I mean that China is blitzing Africa with development, importing engineers, building infrastructure everywhere, etc. It is, at least, the one really hopeful new thing I can think of that's going on that's not related directly to aid. China's influence on lowering prices in America has been substantial, so maybe they can bring real change to Africa too. They have the means to, the people, the know-how (most important), and the engineers; that's an impressive start. On the other hand, they are propping up crappy regimes everywhere to hoard mineral resources, so there's that.

    Would you recommend more education for women, the, as one way to lower world hunger?
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)13:47:03 No.2324933
    Africa would be in far better shape had someone prevented the Dutch and English to establish apartied. It was then that Africans lost trust of Europeans. South Africa basically fucked it up for everyone else.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)13:47:14 No.2324935
    Also, isn't world hunger going to get worse, as food prices go up? Do you see this as a huge looming problem, or a relatively minor one?
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)13:50:17 No.2324964
    They just ignore the regimes and do business with everybody.
    As it should be.
    >> hi !4jHEdP69BE 12/03/08(Wed)13:51:28 No.2324976
    >Would you recommend more education for women, the, as one way to lower world hunger?
    Good question. I don't know of any statistical evidence that suggests empowering women leads to a better distribution of food, or an increase in yields, so initially I would say no, there is no correlation.

    However.. when tackling hunger issues it is totally vital to consider what the impact on women will be. For example, if you give a village better agricultural methods, and so a higher yield, which they can sell the surplus of at market, you will be impacting on the women. Women's work is unpaid, generally, even though they actually do more than men. The likely outcome would be they would have to carry all the extras to market, you know? This is a real example, by the way. Then again, educating women specifically about farming practices would obviously be a good idea - if you educate a woman, she will pass it on the the whole community. It just depends on how appropriate the level of technology you are providing/teaching is about.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)13:53:22 No.2324993

    A fair point. My hope is, if one of the chronic problems of Africa has been its terrible administration, then maybe the Chinese (who are nothing if not good administrators) will be able to improve this, once they establish a real presence in those countries. By building infrastructure and things like this, even if it's only for themselves at the moment, they will make the future better.

    Not like there's anything else to be hopeful about, really. I don't know if OP would agree, but the outlook for future world hunger looks pretty bleak.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)13:54:29 No.2325001
    Women have even smaller brains and lower IQs than males. If we can't manage to educate black males, how are we going to educate black females?

    Your head is in the clouds, kid.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)13:54:52 No.2325005
    I seem to remember studying this at GCSE. Obviously not to the same extent or depth, but is this what it's like if you pursue it? I liked this part of the course, almost as much as the watercourses.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)13:56:06 No.2325011
    You really think that Apartheid was the main cause of conflict between Europeans and Blacks throughout Africa? Most Africans on an individual level (taking the continent as a whole) hadn't (and probably still haven't) heard of apartheid in South Africa, given how little education they have, let alone it having impacted their view of Europeans. Yes, South Africa's power was a sore point among OAU member governments throughout the 70s and 80s, basically as their own economies collapsed through mismanagement and stupidity they became more and more obsessed with destroying the South African state, as its relative competence and success made their own failure and incompetency ever more glaring.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)13:56:19 No.2325015
    Incorrect. Life was better for Africans of all races under Apartheid.

    It is the abolition of Apartheid that is ultimately responsible for the problems in South Africa.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)13:56:27 No.2325016
    And yet they are always more reliable when it comes to third world countries.
    Ain't life a bitch?
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)13:56:42 No.2325020

    I've heard that improving education for women is one of the few fail-proof things that improve poor societies. As far as reducing world hunger goes, they would do this by reducing overpopulation, resulting in fewer mouths to feed. I'm certain that the source where I saw it (Amnesty, or Oxfam, or something) has cobbled together an argument along these lines, though it could be statistically weak.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)13:57:28 No.2325027
    But it madae them always look to whites as not trustworthy
    >> hi !4jHEdP69BE 12/03/08(Wed)13:58:58 No.2325041
    I know this isn't related to what you're saying directly, but I have something to say of Dutch and English colonialism. The result of it was, countries have been created which are tiny and landlocked (Rwanda anyone?) or just shit and landlocked (Democratic republic of the Congo is basically landlocked except for the tiny strip). These types of nations are not even economically viable. Collier, in the bottom billion, says something to the effect of "oh well, they're countries now, so let's fix 'em up" - he totally ignores that this was as a direct result of colonialism! He doesn't even mention it, I had to make the connection myself. He also talks about "bad neighbours" with poor infrastructure - George points out that infrastructure is geared towards transporting crops to the former colonial masters. Again, Collier ignores this. He emphasises the importance of African countries having local markets, but their infrastructure isn't geared towards this. Providing construction projects (like China is, as has just been posted) is risky though, because of high risks of embezzlement and stuff (oh where did that $10k go?).

    >Also, isn't world hunger going to get worse, as food prices go up? Do you see this as a huge looming problem, or a relatively minor one?
    Funny, I never even thought of how the economic crisis would impact on the entire world. I guess it is a huge problem. What do you think? I should think of this kind of stuff, I bet they ask me that. We obviously have security systems in place whereby we can always get food and the like. It's unfortunate that LEDCs can't. I suppose that more food aid will just end up being given, or maybe less will be, since homeland issues will be the priority given the current climate. Oh noes!
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)13:59:03 No.2325044
    Do you think majority black nations are going to elect Chinese leaders or something?

    The only way China can fix Africa is by colonizing it and putting Chinese immigrants in the positions White colonists used to fill.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)13:59:08 No.2325046

    So, OP, this is similar to the Rhodesia question but, Zimbabwe was the most productive colonised state in Africa under white rule and now it's back under the blacks... well, we all know what's happened.

    Why should white governments spend their money fixing a problem brought about by people who instigated their own problems by wanting to become self-sufficient?
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)13:59:37 No.2325051
    Ja, stupid white man, giving them jobs and food. Actually, Bantu hate each other more than they hate the white man. Just look at how our Bantu insist on butchering the Zimbos when they "take their jobs".
    >> Dr. Albert Schweitzer 12/03/08(Wed)14:00:39 No.2325058
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    Wise word from our good friend Albert:

    "I have given my life to try to alleviate the sufferings of Africa. There is something that all white men who have lived here like I must learn and know: that these individuals are a sub-race. They have neither the intellectual, mental, or emotional abilities to equate or to share equally with white men in any function of our civilization. I have given my life to try to bring them the advantages which our civilization must offer, but I have become well aware that we must retain this status: the superior and they the inferior. For whenever a white man seeks to live among them as their equals they will either destroy him or devour him. And they will destroy all of his work. Let white men from anywhere in the world, who would come to Africa, remember that you must continually retain this status; you the master and they the inferior like children that you would help or teach. Never fraternise with them as equals. Never accept them as your social equals or they will devour you. They will destroy you."
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)14:01:08 No.2325064
    I hope you guys realize that China has no intentions on improving Africa. They are only there to leech, just like the Europeans did. History repeats.
    >> hi !4jHEdP69BE 12/03/08(Wed)14:02:35 No.2325083
    Sigh. Yeah, we should probably just nuke the whole continent, amirite?
    Got any GCSE info for for me? Seeing as I've never studied this in a classroom! ;__;
    >reducing overpopulation, resulting in fewer mouths to feed
    NO, this isn't the problem. Overpopulation isn't causing world hunger. Look a few posts up, I go into detail. It's a common misconception I suppose, but did Oxfam REALLY say that? That's really irresponsible of them.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)14:02:44 No.2325086

    First of all, women are attending college at higher rates and doing better than men academically already, in the US. This isn't like my opinion or anything, this is statistical truth. There's already op-eds about America has to do more to help its boys, so the gap doesn't widen and colleges become 60% female. I'm male, btw.

    Secondly, even if women were 'dumber' than men, the argument is NOT that they go on to develop better turbines, or something. The argument is, educated men have sex at the same rate, but educated women (who are much more interested in contraception, physical health, etc.) dramatically change their behavior. This leads to fewer children. Also, women seem more willing to start using community-building behaviors, which often helps a lot in really backward places.

    That's why female education is so important; it's not about the math, or the test scores - it's about reaching a group that's willing to change its reproductive and social behaviors, if you give them better options.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)14:03:54 No.2325099
    Yeah, not really. If this were true it would still be the policy today.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)14:04:00 No.2325100

    That's not how I would have phrased it, but that's essentially what's going on.
    >> hi !4jHEdP69BE 12/03/08(Wed)14:04:51 No.2325103
    Neo-colonialism is one of the sources of underdevelopment, actually. (neo colonialism = economic control over LEDCs which continues even today, even though they are not formally colonies).
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)14:05:02 No.2325105
    To what extent do you think it would be worth approaching the hunger issue abstractly, and promoting health education and the sidelining of religion?


    Take that, for example. Would it not be a consideration to address the root(s) of the cause? I understand that various African nations have many of their industries monopolised by nations to whom they owe a great deal of debt, but the development of African people on an individual level is hindered by archaic teachings on contraception to the extent that the current model of multiple children per household is a necessity for all but the affluent simply because of the abandunce of sicknesses that could be easily prevented, which, in turn, contributes to the stagnation of development in these places.

    Also, what do you make of this?

    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)14:05:54 No.2325113
    The intention doesn't mather at all.
    It's just business.
    If no one feels there is some kind of stupid burden, then people will be happy about the outcome.
    the problem of the white man of Africa was convincing himself he was helping, when he was creating a situation that would always end badly for both parties.
    The chinese are just trading, and that's how people actually progress.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)14:06:18 No.2325119
    Can I ask you a question: Why do you think it is that millions of Africans from other countries have been emigrating to South Africa since the 1970s?
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)14:06:26 No.2325120

    No, I probably got that wrong. I wouldn't blame Oxfam for that; my mistake. What I should have said is, female edcation is being touted as one of the really strong cure-alls, but maybe it's not by reducing overpopulation - maybe it's just by spreading better health care, sanitary behaviors, things like this.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)14:09:07 No.2325148
    Women recieve the same Affirmative Action benefits that Negroes get. And they do very poorly in the hard sciences.

    Maybe they outscore males in liberal arts and social sciences.

    >First of all, women are attending college at higher rates and doing better than men academically already, in the US.
    >> hi !4jHEdP69BE 12/03/08(Wed)14:09:23 No.2325154
    That was a really good counter-troll argument.

    My problem is, I can say all of this on the internet and I can think about it in my head, but when I get asked about it it comes out backwards, makes no sense, and I have to go at the end, "to clarify..." and then look like a moran.

    It's beneficial in so many ways. Teach a woman to wash her period rags (yes, really) and she is less likely to be all gross and sick. The fertility rate ALWAYS drops with an increase in female literacy rates. That's a fact.

    gona take me a while to answer that and read the articles, give me a few minutes
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)14:12:43 No.2325187
    Would you provided a source please?
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)14:16:20 No.2325222
    And yet they also outscore men in school in countries without affirmative action.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)14:17:19 No.2325231

    >Got any GCSE info for for me? Seeing as I've never studied this in a classroom! ;__;

    I actually really want to crack open an old excercise book and read up on this again. I liked re-drawing the diagrams to get a good understanding of it all.

    Top tip: never throw away old school exercise/textbooks.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)14:17:23 No.2325233
    Because of what Whites did to build westernized society. If apartied never happened, they'd probably be moving there in even larger flocks.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)14:17:53 No.2325238
    >Maybe they outscore males in liberal arts and social sciences.

    And biology, biochemestry, chemestry, medicine, farmaceutical sciences, nursing schools, and on and on and on.
    >> hi !4jHEdP69BE 12/03/08(Wed)14:18:43 No.2325243
    lrn2reading comprehension past the first sentence

    >contributes to the stagnation of development in these places.
    I've said this so many times ITT: rapid population growth is a _symptom_, not a _cause_ of poverty. but contraception alone will not reduce population growth: education of women is the most effective way. I've said this already, too. It's not just "archaic teachings" but the availability of contraception too - most LEDCs are made up of rural dwellers, so there's the feasibility factor too. The Bush administration, the social conservative-ness of the whole thing, stopped condoms being sent to aid programmes - correct? Just goes to show how silly Bush is... reducing life expectancy and doing nothing conductive to reduce population growth, tut tut. By the way, sidelining their religion is an unfair thing to say. Social globalisation is already pushing out traditional customs. I feel like I haven't answered the question very well, so ask if you need clarification.

    I only skimmed the second article but I saw "over-population". It's just like ignorant people such as the one who wrote that article to place the blame of the food crisis on "over population" - what about our over consumption?
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)14:19:11 No.2325250
    >farmaceutical sciences

    just get the fuck out
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)14:19:22 No.2325252
    IMHO without an NP government, South Africa would not have survived until the end of the Cold War and would have become a communist country like Mozambique, mass emigration of skilled whites would have started earlier than it has, and there would have been no jobs to attract immigrants. I can't prove it, but I think it's not an unreasonable guess.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)14:19:52 No.2325254
    In europe, women are outnumbering man in every single college field with the exception of engineering.
    And even in chemichal and biochemical engineering they outnumber men.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)14:22:04 No.2325274
    Just fuck off and die.
    English is not my mother language.
    Is that good enough for you?
    Have I proved I can be of help in this discussion?
    Or will you keep dodging the issue with your spelling nazi BS?
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)14:23:20 No.2325283
    And they defended their country with the help of blacks and coloureds.
    If they can die for SA, they can vote for SA.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)14:24:25 No.2325292
    Look up what Darwin had to say about this.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)14:27:08 No.2325314

    Then don't skim. :P

    I'm not referring to population growth when I mention the multiple-children-per-house model; it's a technique that's been used for centuries to survive in impoverished areas, it's hedging your bets. You need workers to bring the food in, right?

    The reason I'm suggesting shouting louder than the church is because to a lot of these people the Church is where you get told how to live, right? The church tells you that johnnies are wicked, you don't use johnnies, you get AIDS and no matter how many kids you churn out they're fucked and you starve and die. the econonomy is less stimulated than if one or two kids grew up and got jobs.

    Here's another link:


    My point is that although it's not really feasible to ship connies out all over the serengheti, by providing them freely as many MEDCs do in places like family planning centres in relatively populated areas, you'll be approaching the problem from a different angle than the tried-and-failed Ship Out Loads Of Trucks Full of Grain For a Quick Fix Which Will Be Robbed By Bandits or Cause Riots and Tramplings When Handed Out technique. The next step is to try and get people to listen to you more than the church, which probably isn't so easy.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)14:30:18 No.2325333
    OUTNUMBERING, not outscoring. Women are a slightly larger part of the population than men, and they recieve the same status and benefits that minorities get.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)14:30:51 No.2325337
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    The NP government encouraged blacks to use condoms as part of their AIDS awareness campaign. The ANC, on the other hand, told their people that it was an Afrikaner Invention to Deprive them of Sex and that AIDS didn't really exist, or if it did, had little or nothing to do with the HIV virus. They continued promoting this notion until last year. True story.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)14:31:10 No.2325341
    Why not just post it?
    >> hi !4jHEdP69BE 12/03/08(Wed)14:34:37 No.2325371
    >You need workers to bring the food in, right?
    most countries are developed enough to not need that, though, which is where population growth arises (birth rates remain high, which the slight improvements in development mean death rates have dropped) - stage 2 of the demographic transition model.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)14:34:58 No.2325375
    "if you want to be racist, do it in an intelligent way"

    ummmmmmmmmm. is this possible?


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