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    File: 1336068945.png-(32 KB, 400x400, suicide.png)
    32 KB Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)14:15:45 No.2324223  
    So, why haven't you killed yourselves, robots? Is it because you still have hope that a beautiful girl will one day love you and want to have babies with you? Or maybe you think you'll be rich one day?

    Let me tell you the bad news: This is it. It doesn't get any better than this. So, what exactly do you expect to gain from staying in this swamp of shit we call Earth?
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)14:17:49 No.2324252
    I'd rather just become a super villain
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)14:18:58 No.2324264
    Because no matter how much I loathe life and the people in it, I'm still too selfish to just end it.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)14:19:17 No.2324266
    I used to be just as pessimistic as you, but then I grew up. I don't kill myself because I love being me.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)14:20:03 No.2324271
    because it's a basic human instinct to want to live

    I'm not broken enough to want to end it.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)14:21:17 No.2324283
    My greatest ambitions have nothing to do with being rich or banging beautiful women. I mean, sure, those would be nice, but they're not a requirement.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)14:22:12 No.2324289
    I think a lot of people know death isn't the only solution, they just don't know what those solutions are yet, or at least how to go about them
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)14:24:19 No.2324303
    I buy a lottery ticket everyweek
    thats the only thing keeping me alive really, that one little hope.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)14:25:17 No.2324309
    Because if you commit suicide you will have committed, the most selfish, cowardly act there is to commit.

    Real men think of their loved ones who they would in turn devastate and would battle on through their dark times.

    If you commit suicide it just shows you had no spine.

    Running away from life itself, pussy.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)14:26:14 No.2324318
    because there are shittier people than me who go on living.

    I live for spite
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)14:27:18 No.2324328
    What's so special about being you? Maybe you're the one who needs to grow up
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)14:27:23 No.2324330
    Maybe it's selfish of their loved ones to make them feel so guilty, when it's very unlikely their life isn't going to get any better. Life isn't for everyone
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)14:27:54 No.2324333
    Because I have the ability fucking grow up and realize my life isn't that bad.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)14:28:45 No.2324340
    Because the world needs a hero more than they need another suicide.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)14:29:01 No.2324342
    >Real men think of their loved ones who they would in turn devastate and would battle on through their dark times.
    They'd be fine a couple of days later.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)14:29:04 No.2324343
    i wish i had no family just so i could kill myself
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)14:29:34 No.2324351

    which is more selfish... all the people that keep you through your suffering just for their own benefit, or saving yourself?

    what if there is no-one to hurt?

    to take your own life takes a lot of courage, otherwise i'd have done it ages ago.

    my family and/or work keeps me going, even if or when i lose both i shall find my brother and we'll be hobos
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)14:29:54 No.2324352
    /r9k/ is a board full of failures. They fail at life, and they'll most likely fail at death. I imagine it would probably go something like this:

    > be 21 and live with mom
    > no girlfriend
    > no job and no money
    > decide to end my pathetic life by hanging myself
    > get an electrical cord hang it from my ceiling fan
    > stand on chair and wrap cord around my neck
    > kick the chair away
    > mom comes in and freaks out
    > runs to hold me up but trips over chair
    > ceiling fan falls and hits me on head
    > take to hospital and treated for a concussion
    > now have to take suicide counseling
    > just got the doctor's bill
    > fuck
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)14:31:33 No.2324366
    Suicide isn't any more selfish than wanting someone to stay alive to spare a person's/group's feelings.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)14:32:04 No.2324373

    So, one of the main reasons you don't off yourself is because you don't want people to think you're a wuss?

    The reason I don't kill myself is because I cling to the hope that one day I will not have to work anymore and I will be able to enjoy my life in any way I want to.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)14:32:06 No.2324375
    you forgot to drop your spaghetti

    i'd just shoot myself when she isn't home
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)14:34:47 No.2324407
    I love money,I really do.With money,people are happy to be your friends no matter what.They'll just be using you for your yachts,but that's OK because you'll use them for sex or favors.All human relationships are based around using others in this manner.

    I'd kill african war orphans if it would help me afford a penthouse in monaco.No joke.

    Soo..AMA I guess?
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)14:37:37 No.2324438
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    pic related

    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)14:41:20 No.2324469
    I am planing on it...but before i need to

    >report my boss for sexual harassment / abuse to stop the cycle and prevent him from hurting anymore kids and young adults.
    in process
    >have to break up with my girlfriend - she deserves better
    in process
    >follow through with civil suit on former boss to ensure that he can't hurt anyone else.
    in process
    then its time to exit bag or slice my flesh
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)14:43:14 No.2324484
    Maybe.I did want to be a doctor when I was growing up.Years of friendlessness and abuse by women have made me hate humanity though.I've decided instead to go to grad school for biotech.

    I'm going to fuck around with genomes like a hacker on a computer.My goals are to stop cancer and create semi-immortality in humans....for a price.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)14:43:31 No.2324486
    I sold my morals for money.

    ... You stop feeling bad after a while.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)14:44:22 No.2324494
    Way too narcissistic to ever commit suicide. I'm better than everyone else and deserve to live more than they.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)14:46:50 No.2324519
    Me too.I'd have no problem telling some douche who went to art school and he was dying of organ failure no if he couldn't afford the price it would cost to grow him a new one.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)14:50:06 No.2324550

    How about using that money you got from selling your morals to get someone to teach you basic grammar?
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)14:50:44 No.2324555
    Just today I booked a flight for one of my weapons contracts out to Jordan for an evaluation.

    I told my boss I was uncomfortable about it. He shrugged and told me he'd bump my commission up 3% if I was worried. I said thank you.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)14:51:06 No.2324560

    One last post before I study.Also,like Patrick Bateman,I get agitated when someone else has something I want and I'm not sure they'll sell it to me when I'm rich.

    Examples:Antilla-India,Updown Court,La Isla de sa Ferradura-Spain,La Belle Epoque-Monaco,and a Tiara with jeweled emeralds on it-(For my eventual plastic waifu)
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)14:52:05 No.2324568
    I want to see the ending of A Song of Ice and Fire and Berserk. That's why i won't kill myself.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)14:54:05 No.2324585
    I just like knowing that it is always an option....
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)14:55:14 No.2324599
    People always say things could get better, but they always leave out the possibility that it could get worse. Suicide is logical for that very reason, you're just rolling the dice.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)14:56:21 No.2324612
    But betas tend to be less likely to take risks, so they're more likely not to roll.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)14:57:07 No.2324620

    What you just said has absolutely nothing to do with logic, emo bitch.

    You could live and things could get better or worse.

    Or, you could kill yourself, and then you are left with an eternity of nothingness.

    How is suicide the logical choice?
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)15:02:34 No.2324669
    Alright, so I'm making an exit bag and I have everything I need except the actual bag, so I order some that I think are big enough to fit over my big ass head, they arrived in the mail today and I try to put it on and it barely fits, so I try to pull it off and it gets stuck and I can't breath. The first thought that came into my mind was "Damn, my dumb ass is gonna die before I even get the chance to properly kill myself."

    That gave me a good laugh afterwards, sounds like something you'd see on 1000 ways to die.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)15:05:20 No.2324686

    Because life is about going after what you want, if you don't want to live anymore then suicide makes sense.

    People have different views on every subject under the sun, why is it so farfetched to think that someone wouldn't enjoy being alive?
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)15:09:44 No.2324723
    >if you don't want to live anymore then suicide makes sense.

    If their life didn't suck, I reckon most suicidal people would want to live.

    Don't get me wrong, if you want to die - go ahead, your life, your choice.

    But don't tell me suicide is the logical choice. If you hate your life, you can either go ahead and kill yourself, or wait it out in the hope that it will get better.

    I also don't see how the dice rolling analogy comes into play here. Surely living your life would be "rolling the dice", whereas suicide would be you just leaving the table.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)15:12:52 No.2324751
    I want to live forever in order to witness the singularity

    I'm saving up to have myself cryo-preserved
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)15:13:25 No.2324758
    Because it seems like being alive is the better option for existing and I'd rather live a flawed life than cease my existence. That and it's the most selfish thing you can do to the people around you, especially your family. Really unless there's absolutely no one who has a single feeling for you, which is insanely unlikely, your dumping all your emotional shit on everyone who knows you.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)15:13:39 No.2324759

    >I also don't see how the dice rolling analogy comes into play here. Surely living your life would be "rolling the dice", whereas suicide would be you just leaving the table.

    Well one would cling to life in hopes of it getting better, and one would kill themselves in order to avoid enduring it getting worse. Its a gamble because neither is guaranteed, you just weigh your options and place your bets!
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)15:18:26 No.2324820

    Suicide is no more selfish than bringing new life into the world. If suicide is wrong because it dumps your problems on others then giving life is just as selfish, because you create something that has the carry the burden of the world on its shoulders. You create hunger, you create the need to breath, the need to consume, the need for companionship, etc.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)15:22:53 No.2324866
    Well for that to be true your working on the assumption that the new life is inherently suffering. Which is not the case. And you can make the "I didn't choose to be born" argument but at the very least your wasting a fuck ton of time, effort, and money. And yes you could probably do that with out killing yourself, but it's really a slap in the face to them. I don't see how that comes anywhere near bringing new life into the world that has potential to be unhappy.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)15:24:43 No.2324885

    A chance at happiness sounds better than literally nothing. In my humble oppinion, of course.

    And if you kill yourself, then death is pretty much guaranteed, I think.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)15:26:58 No.2324905

    The person you were replying to said that by bringing new life into this world, you burden them with the responsibility of keeping you content by not killing themselves. Stop projecting so much.

    And hey, I should be able to do what I like with my life. If my parents don't want to accept that, tough shit.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)15:30:18 No.2324940
    > And hey, I should be able to do what I like with my life. If my parents don't want to accept that, tough shit.
    Suicide is selfish case and point. Also you realize this literally sounds like something a teen high on adolescence arrogance would say?

    Also I don't see how burdening someone with being alive is different from saying they'll be unhappy. If your happy life isn't a burden right? If your unhappy it's a burden. So for that to work you have to make the assumption that the new life is going to have a bad life.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)15:32:42 No.2324970

    Yeah but you can't just ignore suffering as if it doesn't exist, same as I can't just ignore happiness. If I'm selfish to assume that my life won't get any better then wouldn't it be a little naive to think that your child is definitely going to be happy?
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)15:34:03 No.2324984
    >So, why haven't you killed yourselves, robots?
    I don't know anyone that can provide me with a gun.
    Oh and I hate pain, I've tried to kill myself but the pain prevents me from ending my life.

    If I'm gonna die it would be fast or painless either way I know I have nothing to live for.

    >what exactly do you expect to gain from staying in this swamp of shit we call Earth?
    Absolutely nothing, I wish I could do the world a favor even mankind one by killing myself but as I said pain prevents me from reaching happiness, funny I don't fear death but I fear pain.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)15:35:20 No.2324996
    Life itself is a burden, you shitsnap. The only reason your parents had you was for their own selfish reasons. It's the only reason people have kids- the need to fulfill the idea and image of "raising a family" and shit.
    Anyone who willingly brings more people on this shitty rock, this fucked up world is a selfish asshole.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)15:35:37 No.2324999
    >Suicide is selfish case and point. Also you realize this literally sounds like something a teen high on adolescence arrogance would say?

    Yes, it is selfish. So? Am I not allowed to do the things I want, because someone might call me "selfish"?

    >burdening someone with being alive

    Just to set the record straight, I meant "burdening some with the obligation to stay alive".
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)15:36:13 No.2325006
    Well no, but I'm saying it would be pessimistic to assume your child is going to be unhappy. Unless the situation you are posing to me is that you a unhappy person is having a child in which case I think that would be a hypothetical mistake on your part.

    And to some degree that new life at some point is going to be responsible for it's own happiness anyway. So even if someone say has horrible parents that ruin the beginning of their life it doesn't mean that they can't be happy later in life.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)15:39:43 No.2325037
    You guys are just really pessimistic, and I hate to throw the word around but you sound emo. And your logic is all based on a nihilistic assumption that life is inherently bad. And it might be for you, but their are happy people out there. And for those people being alive is not a burden. Really to bring this all back around to the main point is that suicide is selfish on your end because you don't understand that for you it doesn't make a difference but your having serious negative effects on people who are genuinely happy.

    And I can't think of anything more selfish than purposely taking away the happiness of others just because you can't figure out how to be happy.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)15:42:13 No.2325069

    >And to some degree that new life at some point is going to be responsible for it's own happiness anyway

    And thats where suicide comes into to play, its exercising that responsibility to control ones own destiny. "Hmmm, I don't wanna be alive anymore, guess I'll kill myself."

    Whats the big deal?
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)15:42:55 No.2325079
    You imply when you hate eating something you still eat it and hope you will like it? wow
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)15:43:14 No.2325081
    >And your logic is all based on a nihilistic assumption that life is inherently bad


    My argument is that I believe in freedom of choice.

    >And I can't think of anything more selfish than purposely taking away the happiness of others just because you can't figure out how to be happy.

    So, I am expected to endure unhappiness, so that the people around me can have a jolly time? Fuck you.

    And I really don't think you are in any position to be criticizing anyone's logic. From all the posts you have made, the only thing you have actually said is "it's selfish". That is literally your whole argument.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)15:45:30 No.2325108

    You couldn't have come up with a more clumsy and inappropriate analogy if you tried.

    Just because you have spent your whole life in a basement, masturbating into your tears, doesn't mean that's all there is to life.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)15:48:00 No.2325138
    Well firstly I have said a lot more than it's selfish I have explained that it effects people other than you very negatively. And no you don't have to endure unhappiness, you could actively try to find ways to become happy. Ask your friends and family for advice, see a doctor, or even see a counselor there's plenty of ways. But you don't want to hear that all you want to hear is gloom and doom and woe me and your so wrapped up in it you don't even consider how the people around you might feel about it.

    So what I'm saying is suicide is selfish because you are completely disregarding there feelings.

    Also I don't understand what your trying to say with your first point at all.

    Like I said the big deal is what you leave behind your willingly inflicting grief on to people just because you decided you don't feel like living anymore.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)15:48:09 No.2325141

    And I can't think of anything more selfish than to bring more people into a universe that you know next to nothing about. Leaving your future offspring to an uncertain future that could lead to endless pain or an eternity of bliss.

    This isn't a case of right a wrong, its simply taking everything you know about the world around you and making the decision on if its worth living through or not.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)15:49:11 No.2325158
    My mom would be devastated.

    I might wait until she dies
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)15:51:25 No.2325187
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    >you sound emo
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)15:53:09 No.2325206
    >Well firstly I have said a lot more than it's selfish I have explained that it effects people other than you very negatively.

    Yeah, which is tantamount to calling it selfish....

    >So what I'm saying is suicide is selfish because you are completely disregarding there feelings.

    Yes, I gathered as much. Can we move on? Look, other people are other people. Other peope need to deal with their own shit. I should not allow other people to influence my decisions.

    Selfish actions are not inherently wrong, unless you are DIRECTLY hurting someone.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)15:53:40 No.2325212
    But if the universe is good then would it still be selfish? your second point is right it's not really an issue of morality. But the only reason I could see that bringing new life into the world is selfish is if you have good reason to believe their experience with it as a whole will be negative.

    Granted unplanned parent-hood and bad parents in general are selfish for having children. But if you think you can be a good parent and provide a human being with the tools they need to be happy than wouldn't it be a favor to the universe to bring in more positivity?
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)15:54:48 No.2325230

    Kill her and then kill yourself. That way, no one suffers.

    No need to thank me. Just doing my job, being the samaritan I am.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)15:55:18 No.2325235

    >Like I said the big deal is what you leave behind your willingly inflicting grief on to people just because you decided you don't feel like living anymore.

    Alright, so if a man has no loved ones and is completely alone its now justified for him to kill himself? You're basically saying your life has no value if no one loves you.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)15:56:05 No.2325246
    That's what I'm saying its childish and selfish because your taking your red ball and going home I don't see how what I'm saying isn't clear. You are DIRECTLY hurting MANY people emotionally.

    By definition not caring about other people is selfish. Look I don't care if you kill yourself, but if you honestly don't think it makes you an asshole you are wrong.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)15:56:48 No.2325250
    >But if the universe is good then would it still be selfish?
    >wouldn't it be a favor to the universe to bring in more positivity?

    Are you insane, or just plain stupid?

    These two sentences literally do not make sense. What the fuck is a "good universe"?
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)15:56:57 No.2325253
    Well I wouldn't say that mans life would have no value, but him committing suicide would be much less selfish.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)15:57:12 No.2325257
    ha, like live is about getting a girl and having kids. nopes.

    >>So, what exactly do you expect to gain from staying in this swamp of shit we call Earth?

    Still practicing to make the perfect break in snooker: a 147.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)15:57:38 No.2325265
    I'm too cowardly to kill myself. I'm just gonna keep living off welfare until I die from old age.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)15:58:35 No.2325281
    I'm speaking of the universe as a space I guess some new ageyness got in there. But basically if the universe is good then the world is a positive place. And you would be adding more good to it.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)15:58:42 No.2325282
    is that waht you tell yourself?
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)15:59:09 No.2325289

    No, hurting someone directly would be assaulting them, or stealing from them.

    If I make a decision which concerns myself, without dragging anyone else into it, I can not be blamed for how other people feel about it.

    >Look I don't care if you kill yourself

    Is it safe to assume you are an asshole then?
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)16:00:39 No.2325306

    >But if the universe is good then would it still be selfish?

    Thats my point, thats for you and I to decide. I'm not telling you to never have kids, its not my place to tell you how to live your life, but the same goes for you, you can't just tell me I'm selfish for seeing life as not being worth it.

    To be honest I hope you guys are right, I hope humanity someday reaches nirvana and evolves to learn every secret of the universe, but unfortunately I believe that things are just gonna get worse.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)16:01:01 No.2325309
    Oh boy, another dark and edgy thread for dark and edgy teenagers like me and OP! I can't wait to be a useless piece of shit, etc.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)16:01:45 No.2325314

    You didn'y clarify anything. What does the term "good universe" mean? How could you even say it? You life on a microscopic little rock, you have no idea about the universe. Are you saying if life on this little speck is nice, then the universe is all good? And if I produce a spawn, then the goodness is increased?
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)16:04:02 No.2325337

    The only thing keeping me alive is my curiosity. I want to graduate from uni, want to get a job, and see how I fair as "average Joe", living a not so rich, but simple, hard life.

    But if I fail, I won't become anything, I'll remain the worthless piece of shit I am today, well... I won't hesitate to end my life by my own hands.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)16:05:03 No.2325346

    That's a pretty shitty thing to base your life on, brah.

    But that's okay, because I know you only said it to sound cool.

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