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  • Come to Blip Festival in Brooklyn, NY—this Thursday through Sunday.

    File :1228262593.jpg-(135 KB, 280x475, The_Gay_Science.jpg)
    135 KB Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:03:13 No.2316362  
    Hey, has anyone realized that the standards are getting lower? I'm in a university that required me to get good scores in high school to get into. It's exclusive and doesn't just let highschool dropouts in.

    I thought that I was studying in an environment of thinkers and people who weren't fucking retarded. I've only been in university a short time but hooolllyyy fuck. The people here are so fucking stupid it's infuriating.

    I'm majoring in sociology and philosophy and I was sitting in the campus park reading the book pictured. It's called "The Gay Science" and it's by a famous philosopher I'm sure that you've all heard of.

    cont. next post
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:05:16 No.2316385
    Anyway, these guys walk past and one of them mutters "Faggot" under his breath. I turn around and say "Excuse me?" and his friends look at him and he starts trying to intimidate me and grabs my shirt and starts pushing me. "Fuck off, homo. I'm not your butt buddy" He spits in my face.

    cont. next post
    >> JDtMG & !snA2fbWFJU 12/02/08(Tue)19:05:27 No.2316387
    Don't tell me someone mocked you for reading something called "The Gay Science"
    Please, let them be at least less ignorant than that.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:07:11 No.2316400
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:08:26 No.2316417
    tl; dr. HA-HA your university is full of frat-boy jocks with no brain.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:09:27 No.2316425
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:10:16 No.2316432

    you were asking for it, reading Nietzsche in public and looking like a pretentious twat. Next time, enrol at Oxford or Harvard or somewhere more highbrow
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:10:21 No.2316433
    OP, its the truth, while there are many intelligent people in college, there are still a ton of ignorant as fuck party/frat guys. GE classes are the worst because these childish fools love to sit in the back of class and make fun of the teachers or lessons like its fucking HS. As you take more and more upperlevel classes you will deal less and less with these fucks. It is proof though that just because someone has got a degree in something doesnt actually mean they are smart. These shits just skate through... kinda like Bush
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:10:38 No.2316436
    His friends are scowling at me and I was shocked. I couldn't belive that someone would be so fucking stupid and aggressive. I'm usually a pacifist, I don't like to fight. However, as a hobby I used to do a martial art. I'm not bragging, I actually studied a martial art because from the ages of 10 - 15 I wanted to be Neo from the Matrix "Woah, I know jujutsu! etc."

    I'm staring at him in confusion and utter disbelief and he starts mocking me. He calls me names like "faggot boy" "dick mouth" and other lame homophobic jargon.

    Anyway, I was late for my lecture and I was depressed. I nearly closed off. I'd never had someone so hostile in my face before. My girlfriend and best friend had both come from there respective lectures and we'd planned to meet in the park.

    My friend and girlfriend knew that I know how to fight but these guys didn't. I knew I must have looked unimpressive

    cont. next. post.
    >> Here's yer problem... ~(((^ᴥ^)))~ !INTJnoGqQo 12/02/08(Tue)19:10:40 No.2316437
    >I'm majoring in sociology

    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:11:45 No.2316446
    >good scores in high school
    >people who weren't fucking retarded

    Sorry dawg, I've got some bad news for you.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:12:47 No.2316455
    Why are you surprised that college is filled with retards?

    Getting good grades does not make you smart. Especially in high school. All it shows that you are able to be a slave to busy work.

    OP, you should join a club or two where they discuss philosophy and such. Don't let it bother you dude, that just gives them the power to control your emotions.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:12:48 No.2316456

    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:15:04 No.2316478
    >I thought that I was studying in an environment of thinkers and people who weren't fucking retarded.
    >I'm majoring in sociology and philosophy

    hello? anyone there?
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:16:52 No.2316500

    Exactly. Automatically disregarded this story as being honest and unbiased. Clearly has a western perspective to assume that one is intelligent when the hard work required to attend a 'prestigious' university' is actually relative to each individual hence, while this faggot OP was wasting his time reading about loving gay men, the 'jock' was too busy fucking his girlfriend while putting in minimal effort to school and BLAH BLAH BLAHWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW BAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW

    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:17:28 No.2316510
    Whats wrong with those two majors?
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:17:43 No.2316517
    OP, say it all in one post. If your reading of Nietzsche hasn't led you to the conclusion that most people are idiots, then you are simply reading him WRONG.

    Honestly, reading big books with complex ideas does not make you any kind of heir to genius. The kind of event you're describing is nothing out of the ordinary, and any regular person would have just accepted it rather than getting bent out of shape.

    Also, read Baudrillard.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:17:47 No.2316519
    The aggressors friends came upto my friend who was meeting with me and started calling him my "butt buddy". My friend had recovered from cancer a year ago and isn't really strong and my friend swung at him and missed.

    I then saw my friend get smacked in the face and go down in one hit. I was so angry. Robots, this is the angriest I have ever been in my life. The thing is, the guy who hit him knew that my friend had cancer because my friend had to drop out and renroll because of the illness. It was in the paper and everything. It was obvious that these guys were in third year too because of their attire (fraternity clothing).

    So I snapped. I punched the guy who spat in my face in the jaw and I broke it. Then I stomped on the guy who hit my friends calf and caused the guy to fall forwards and smack his head on the pavement.

    The other guy who was with them was beefy looking. He was muscled and was one of those big disgusting fat lards who somehow have muscle under their fat.

    I was going to beat the shit out of him. A college professor got in between us before we could. My friend and I narrowly avoided expulsion and the aggressor was expelled.

    I don't regret what I have done and would do it again in a heartbeat.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:19:12 No.2316529
    So is this science related to prostate health or something?
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:20:33 No.2316541
    Lame story brah, did yer butt budy atleast give ya a rim job or somethin'?
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:20:35 No.2316542
    Good for you OP. I'm glad you hit that fucker.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:20:35 No.2316543
    Woah, I'm guessing your a faggoty math/sci nerd. Do you realize how many occupations require people to attend a university these days?

    Why don't you actually contribute something to a conversation instead of being a loser?
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:20:50 No.2316544
    So for those of you that are too lazy and OP is TL;DR:

    Hey guys, so in summary, I got my ass punked in front of my gf and her best friend for reading a useless book and I didn't fight back, so I'm resolve to throwing away any remaining dignity I have left by telling this tale on 4chan in order to get some epity.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:21:49 No.2316554
    Dont mind the troll, everyone in society should take classes in sociology, it really does open up your eyes to a lot of shit that happens in the world. It was never my major but since I enjoyed them so much I tended to sign up for any interesting one that I could. The kid who bashes probably is in HS or some business major. LOL, college is only for getting a job and not learning. hurr durrr
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:21:55 No.2316557
    >>2316517 Here
    Sorry for the tone OP, I'm naturally a douchebag. Every philosophy major's dream is to beat the everloving shit out of an absolutely despicable person, congratulations. It isn't often that a clearcut scanario calls for violence, and I wish I had the balls to do what you did.

    Unrelated note, how is philosophy studied in the classroom? Also, how do you see yourself making money?
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:22:53 No.2316565
    OP here. I've already read most of Nietzsches books I'm writing an essay that I've been assigned to do and I was looking for quotations to use.

    Also I love Baudrillard.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:23:27 No.2316571
    Please end it with a Bel-air, because I don't belive in one word of your story.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:24:30 No.2316593
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:26:08 No.2316617
    As much as I agree with being above the ignorance and immaturity of others, there is only one thing that fools like this will understand, and that is violence. Unless you beat the shit out of them, they will think they were big shit and would keep on doing this sort of thing. If they get the shit knocked out of them enough, they will learn their lesson
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:26:31 No.2316619
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:27:26 No.2316631
    I'm studying philosophy for fun. I find it really educational. Of course, there is no future for me in that subject but I find it interesting and I know that I'll regret it if I never studied it.

    I don't really understand the "how is it studied?" question. I assume that it's studied the same way as it would be studied at any other university. I like this philosophy class because unlike others that I've been in we study specific concepts like existentialism for example. Other philosophy classes that I've been in has been more like the history of philosophy instead of the actual subject.
    >> nematoad 12/02/08(Tue)19:28:13 No.2316642
    OP, happy venting. Welcome to the reality that we all enjoy, aint it fucked up. Nothing like those idealised versions that you read about or origionally believed is it. If you wanna get a better idea of it try talking to your instructors about something outside of thier feild of study, feed them the information first though but ask for thier thoughts and opinions about it.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:29:13 No.2316656
    >>2316631 cont.
    I'm going to be working as either a social scientist or a manager of a community safe house. I'll be earning over $75,000 a year. (Australian btw)
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:30:04 No.2316668
    Baudrillard lover here. We should probs start more threads on /r9k/ which pertain to scholarly pursuits. I dream of a world where threads about postmodernism are the norm, and relationship threads are unheard of. Also, doesn't Baudrillard's view of the current world as a universal farce as the hyperreal make all previous ideas of the world obsolete, or at least somewhat compromised? Nietzsche was brilliant, but he was writing about a much different world than the one we live in today.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:30:05 No.2316669

    yeah dude, got a degree in political philosophy ... nice to see someone wanting to do sometihng like that for the intellectual curiosity rather than needing to get a shitty career.
    >> ~(((^ᴥ^)))~ !INTJnoGqQo 12/02/08(Tue)19:30:27 No.2316676
    >I punched the guy who spat in my face in the jaw and I broke it.


    How can you verify that it "broke"? Did it explode into 2 neat pieces and dangle from his face? You might of dislocated his jaw... Also... WHY AM I READING THIS?

    >I don't regret what I have done and would do it again in a heartbeat but my mom got scared and said you're moving with your aunte and uncle in bel-air.

    >> Týr !!EWbSt/UdwSl 12/02/08(Tue)19:30:33 No.2316679
    Yeah, I read the first two posts then just started scanning the endings for "Bel-Air."
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:30:34 No.2316680
    Woah, this reminds me of /b/.

    /r9k/ is like micro/b/
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:30:46 No.2316682
    Will you now go back to /b/?
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:33:21 No.2316717
    I didn't know at the time. I was suspended from school for a week and when I came back I was spoken to and asked questions. I was then told what I had done. Currently I'm on probation. If I get in any more fights I'm kicked out forever.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:36:18 No.2316754
    This would never happen in a UK university. "frat boys" do not exist in educational institutions. Even the worst of them.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:40:07 No.2316800
    You're just mad because someone made a hilarious joke at your expense. I would be too, but I would also probably make the joke if someone else were reading it.
    >> ҉Ascendent Gerbil҉Æ !!e0hoFcdC0tq 12/02/08(Tue)19:40:42 No.2316802
    we dont necessarily have frat boys as much as we have fighter jocks. and they are annoying as hell sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:41:56 No.2316808


    literal translation is ''the cheerful wisdom'', but it was first translated into english as The Joyous Wisdom by Thomas Carlyle, it's all Kaufmann's fault
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:42:58 No.2316822
    >I wanted to be Neo from the Matrix
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:43:23 No.2316827
    That might be so but I mean, wtf. The streets of england are fucking dangerous.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:44:10 No.2316839
    What retarded fucking school do you go to? You should've made better choices, OP.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:44:32 No.2316847
    True enough, but there are still a shit ton of people who shouldn't be there. I get that people want to go for better job prospects and for socialising, but christ, have some pride in studying at least. I got laughed at in amazement the other day for saying I fucking love reading.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:45:33 No.2316856
    Wow, a gay joke. That's pretty impressive. Totally not what I would expect of a ten year-old such as yourself.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:45:45 No.2316859
    >My girlfriend and best friend had both come from there respective lectures and we'd planned to meet in the park.
    >had both come from there respective lectures

    Come on, /r9k/; I thought you were meant to be hyper-intelligent superhumans? (I would have said "ubermensch" hur hur, but can't be bothered to flick through Character Map for umlauts, and can't remember the plural form)
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:46:06 No.2316866
    the problem is that you go to a school with frats.

    residential colleges >> fraternities.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:47:30 No.2316879
    stopped reading this shit after
    >I'm majoring in sociology and philosophy
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:49:17 No.2316902
    The fact that it bugs you is what makes it funny.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:50:41 No.2316911
    Also, I believe it's "I know kung fu", not "...ju-jutsu"/"...-jitsu".
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:52:03 No.2316934
    OP, if you go to a big university, then, regardless of its academic prestige, you are going to have a small proportion of stupid athletes. Most, if not all universities, recruit the best athletes possible without regard to their college application.

    Also, I find psychology and sociology just as fascinating as the next guy, but for some reason, the major tends to attract a lot of academic underachievers. This isn't to say it's not a challenging or rewarding major, it's just more popular with the bottom-feeders. I propose that you simply stop caring, OP. Also, fraternities are often the cesspools of the university, so I'd stay away. There are, of course, exceptions to this rule...
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:52:18 No.2316937
    Of course college is full of retards. I remember getting upset at bad grades in high school, thinking I wouldn't get in the college I wanted to get in. In all the years I've been at Georgia Tech, I still can't grasp how some idiots get in.

    Some stupid bitches I can understand (trying to fix The Ratio, etc.), but god damn.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:52:59 No.2316942
    What? That isn't true. Skull and bones society, all that crap. Where I'm from a group of dormitories is called a fraternity. Where the fuck are you from broseph?
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:53:36 No.2316948

    What year are you?

    I heard that the dropout rate at GA Tech is pretty high. Supposedly it's easy to GET in, but hard to STAY in.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)19:54:58 No.2316960

    How exactly is skull and bones relevant to this discussion? They're not a fraternity OR residential college...
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)20:01:22 No.2317009
    lol 0/10 failtroll. I kind of lol'd but really, we all mak spellon mistoks
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)20:02:14 No.2317016
    fraternity = college gang = blah
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)20:06:16 No.2317059
    I seriously doubt that 90% of your story happened the way you described it. You broke his jaw? Yeah fucking right.

    I doubt you have a girlfriend, either, if you're the kind of scrawny pussy that assholes like that pick on.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)20:08:38 No.2317080
    I mean, I guess you have to try somewhat to get in. It's also pretty easy to stay in, though don't expect a high GPA. I remember I had a 2.8 GPA, which isn't that bad, when I was getting my undergrad. That is, until I managed to blackmail most of my professors based on nothing.
    >> Always Sage !!XwI8Xc9q3IT 12/02/08(Tue)20:08:45 No.2317082
    Woah, just woah. I think someones projecting. You're a scrawny pussy and maybe you don't know how easy it is to break someones jaw? It's fucking easy. Don't kid yourself into thinking that you're invincible just because you're big and tall. If someone learns how to fight properly you're fucked.

    tl;dr fuck you
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)20:14:14 No.2317130
    Honestly, that was probably my first post to /r9k/, and I don't browse it very often. On closer inspection, it seems even more pretentious than /mu/, although it's nice at least that there's a forum where anons can discuss, for example, Nietzsche as opposed to just vidyagaems or dickgirls or etc. etc.

    Normally when I see an "its raining men" or "their are >9000 species of..."-level error on other forums, Anonymous is quick to chastise. Maybe I was trying to protect a dream of /r9k/ers (?) actually being... erm... ubermenschen? Maybe I just wanted to be the smartarse who called someone else out on poor grammar or spelling or whatever, for once (normally missing my shot because I LIKE TO TYPE LOTS AND LOTS OF WORDS A LOT)?

    Who knows?
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)20:14:40 No.2317132
    Oh, I forgot to mention that I'm on my last year to get my graduate degree in Compsci.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)20:31:26 No.2317287
         File :1228267886.png-(29 KB, 730x358, Picture-2-750736.png)
    29 KB

    This picture explains everything.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)20:33:16 No.2317313

    Shit, wrong topic.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)20:34:00 No.2317326
    College is the last place you will find intelligent people.
    >> Black-Star !x8ngkAZjXE 12/02/08(Tue)20:36:41 No.2317350

    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)20:38:13 No.2317379
    The US university system weirds me out, as a Eurofag.

    We don't have fraternities (in the US sense - Germany has its 'Corps' of course, for people who like fencing minus protection). Don't have dorms either. You've got student housing, but that's run and organized by the students themselves. (and at worst, you share a communal kitchen. Never a room.)

    All in all, a Uni student is treated as any other adult. My perception is where students are expected to be adults, they also act that way.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)20:40:09 No.2317397
    Yeah same in the UK. I don't understand America's "bro-fratboy" culture at all. You go to a university to learn, right? At least tell me that's true...
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)20:40:34 No.2317402
    Half the over achievers in my high school planned to just drink and fuck through out college, I wonder how it turned out for them.

    sidenote: The other half were man-made social retards and/or beaten viciously by their parents for Bad Grades. This includes the asians
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)20:40:35 No.2317403
    Anyone I've ever considered truly "smart" either tried college and flunked out miserably or skipped it completely. This is because the system rewards effort, not intelligence. Simply showing up to class, turning in your work on time, and regurgitating what the textbook or professor tells you is enough to get a degree. Critical thought is not only unnecessary in this process, but can be a hindrance as well.
    >> Depressed Cheesecake !wFh1Fw9wBU 12/02/08(Tue)20:41:02 No.2317409
    >I'm majoring in sociology and philosophy
    >The people here are so fucking stupid it's infuriating.

    I think you just answered your own question.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)20:42:25 No.2317422
    ITT people trying to justify their own failures.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)20:43:43 No.2317442
    standards getting lower?
    It's bad enough that you have to pay these fuckers approx. 80,000 just for a fucking bachelors, why make it worse with ridiculously high standards just to get in

    Fuck college
    >> Always Sage !!XwI8Xc9q3IT 12/02/08(Tue)20:45:45 No.2317462
    You're a loser. Probably don't have the inclination to learn anything outside what is neccesary. Fuck off and get out of the thinking mans forum.

    I'm saging this thread now because it's getting overrun with judgemental faggots.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)20:46:36 No.2317468
         File :1228268796.jpg-(66 KB, 800x607, mensur.jpg)
    66 KB

    Thought I'd just illustrate what the German fraternities are up to.
    Spot the loser.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)20:49:45 No.2317504
    Hey faggot; change "collage" for "life". If you don't put any effort into something, of course you're going to fuck up, i mean, what a stupid thing to say. You represent a culture of entitlement that infects todays youth, and i hate you.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)20:59:09 No.2317586

    I fucking lol'd sooo bad
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)21:09:03 No.2317685


    I raged. Hard.

    I don't think I really need to explain.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)21:17:09 No.2317763
    Can anyone tell me why this spelling error is so common? It looks less like the sound of the word than the correct spelling...
    >> sage sage 12/02/08(Tue)21:18:27 No.2317776
    how is this believable in the slightest?

    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)21:38:04 No.2318003
         File :1228271884.jpg-(25 KB, 256x73, dissensus.jpg)
    25 KB
    If you're interested in discussing Baudrillard, Postmodernism, Poststructuralism, etc, in an online forum, you seriously HAVE to check out Dissensus. Great board for those kinds of discussions, as well as a good helping of leftist politics and underground music (a lot of the most interesting music journalists and bloggers hang out there)... The place could always use new minds.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)21:42:04 No.2318033
    Hey guys why is the consumer society so expensive? I want to check it out but it's like $52bux new, $28 used
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)21:42:35 No.2318037
    lol get that fag shit out of here bro
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)21:47:35 No.2318090

    That's not even a real word!
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)21:48:21 No.2318097
    OP's story is probably completely fabricated.

    But it was fun to read because we've all had little fantasy's like that.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)21:55:45 No.2318179
    ur a faggot
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)21:57:46 No.2318197
    aree you fucking trolling?
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)22:01:17 No.2318227
    the guy expressed interest in discussing Baudrillard and postmodernism more often. I think my recommendation was relevant, considering Dissensus is practically made for that kind of discussion..

    ...you anti-intellectual cunt.
    >> fashion diva !3wJfpCMhKc 12/02/08(Tue)22:05:36 No.2318275
    maybe if you went to an actual good school, instead of Georgetown or Vanderbilt or whatever caveman school you actually go to, this wouldn't happen to you
    >> Anonymous 12/02/08(Tue)22:08:58 No.2318312
    This is exactly what I was hoping for.
    >> Always Sage !!XwI8Xc9q3IT 12/03/08(Wed)00:47:36 No.2319883
    I can't believe this thread isn't 500 posts already, damn.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)00:55:27 No.2319942

    Worst troll ever 0/10
    >> Pretentious. You proletarians make me sick! A fine tripfag of European descent. !nzcH8FLamA 12/03/08(Wed)01:01:48 No.2319994
    4chan would be a better place if you edited everyones posts for them.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)01:05:57 No.2320026
    Expected Bel-Air, left disappointed. Not least of all because Kaufmann thinks My Sister and I is a fraud, and I respectfully disagree with him, and my opinion on the subject is worthless because it's not even close to my field.
    >> Black-Star !x8ngkAZjXE 12/03/08(Wed)01:07:57 No.2320040

    gracias. I do what I can to provide the lulz where there are none.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)01:10:28 No.2320054
    >The people here are so fucking stupid

    >I'm majoring in sociology

    >The people here are so fucking stupid

    >I'm majoring in sociology

    >The people here are so fucking stupid

    >I'm majoring in sociology

    I think I may know what the problem is.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)01:30:13 No.2320227

    Enjoy your ignorance and uninformed guesses at why people act the way they do.


    He wasn't trying to be pretentious. The reason he said he was a soci / phil major was because all of these majors are well aquainted with this text. The fact that you would have made fun of him just proves that you are as stupid as the fratfags.


    Jusus Christ would you people learn to pick up on context clues. It has nothing to do with homosexuals.

    /b/ tards and tripfags should just stop posting ignorant bullshit. 4chan would be so much better.
    >> Black-Star !x8ngkAZjXE 12/03/08(Wed)01:33:22 No.2320252
    >wasnt trying to be pretentious

    >Hey, has anyone realized that the standards are getting lower? I'm in a university that required me to get good scores in high school to get into. It's exclusive and doesn't just let highschool dropouts in.

    >I thought that I was studying in an environment of thinkers and people who weren't fucking retarded. I've only been in university a short time but hooolllyyy fuck. The people here are so fucking stupid it's infuriating.

    >I'm majoring in sociology and philosophy and I was sitting in the campus park reading the book pictured. It's called "The Gay Science" and it's by a famous philosopher I'm sure that you've all heard of.

    Hell I could have just reposted that in all caps and got the same effect.

    nice try op.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)01:49:26 No.2320455
    I'm not op. Pretentious = thinking your better or elite, not thinking that standards should be higher.

    He was stating that the standards of peoples cognitive problem solving that attend college should go past "gay means homo. Let's rip his shit." universities are a place of learning, not bigotry.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)01:52:11 No.2320483
    I'm at Northwestern and all the guys in my hall care about are college football and getting drunk/pussy. They are transfers though, so that could be part of it.
    >> Mr. Bubbles !!DLJ3bQ7yunJ 12/03/08(Wed)01:57:32 No.2320543
    Standards are being lowered, yes. Take for example the setup I have from my problems:
    --no due dates
    --no minimum length on anything
    --almost any topic I want
    --some reports are optional
    --constant congratulations that I am in high school instead of an asylum

    Now, as of this moment this applies only to me. But I think that in the future, everyone will face the same low standards I do.
    >> Mootykins 12/03/08(Wed)02:02:12 No.2320587
    ITT: Dumb fucks who feel dumb because they know the OP is smarter than them. By insulting OP, They attempt to drag him down a bit and feel slightly better. "see, He ain't so smart, He's a queer faggot, at least I'm not a queer faggot"

    Seriously. get off my 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)02:05:10 No.2320612
    No, _snobbery_ is thinking you're better or elite.
    Pretentiousness is doing so when it's unwarranted.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)02:13:28 No.2320679
    So basically it's a place where we all get to talk about how smart we are, awesome

    Keep fightin the good fight bro

    ps did you read house of leaves, its so good
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)02:15:16 No.2320695

    >Germany has its 'Corps' of course, for people who like fencing minus protection

    Why don't we have these in the US & A?
    >> anem0ne !!XYHK7lW+Knv 12/03/08(Wed)02:17:18 No.2320717
    i hate when people rip on someone for going to school to study something like philosophy or english. what's wrong with going to school to enrich your mind?
    >> Anonymous 12/03/08(Wed)02:22:33 No.2320763
    failed troll attempt


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