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/r9k/ - Robot9001


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File: 1305694320332.png (19.29 KB, 102x126, 17:21, 1295303676773.png)


What the fuck happened here? http://encyclopediadramatica.ch/4chon.net


Forget about it. Move on. Its over. We won.


mere faggotry


Some people don't like the site.

They expressed their frustration.

Get over it.


.org faggotry trying to start shit with us, then they take the 'high road' and say "BUT THEY SPPAAAAAAAM US!" and then they cry to Anonops who then DDoS's us and we repeat the cycle.

Ignore it.


It's true they hate us
They tried to destroy us
But they failed.

We won. Let's move on.


Old news.

The very mention of this probably multiplied .org's viewership by 2. So, now it has 2 viewers. Thanks a lot asshole.


It is extreme butthurt.

Now you know what happens when there are biased people in control with information.



You ought to be be careful, lest you lead any of them to start to wonder.


File: 1305698396562.jpg (69.91 KB, 683x536, 683:536, Edoodlealoodleloo!.jpg)

They're autistic whiny babbas.
Let them roll around in their own shit only to run out of the money they need to host their shitscrapes. =]


Could you post the full image?


File: 1305699160237.jpg (9.04 KB, 200x125, 8:5, ed.jpg)

I've been trying to find the full image for ages…
Unfortunately the only site I seemed to find the image on was one of those sites that try to 'browser hijack'. =/


File: 1305706848595.png (102.37 KB, 237x227, 237:227, Mfw.png)

4chan.org is the nany state now

Full of hipsters and double talk.

I still like to check 4chon.org's r9k. Lol still only 4 posts from 5 months ago with same fagging.

check out 4chon.org status message

"Nothing really new to report except that homepage might be coming soon. OH WAIT! We got hit with a 300Mbps denial of service attack over the course of 24 hours. Pretty nasty except for the fact that during partway I changed the DNS ips so that botnet wound up hitting cia.gov so there's a good chance that some of those roots will be conficated by feds. The server where the frontpage is currently being held now is having some issues, but hopefully will be resolved later today."

yeah sure buddy, you changed your ip like a leet and redirected the bots to the CIA.

>mon visage when


/r9k1/ got fucking owned.


It was redirecting to cia.gov for a while at least.

What I don't get is, if you redirect a DDoS attack to the CIA, don't they come a-knockin at your door first?


They're egging us on for some traffic/attention/whatever it is to get 4chon.org noticed. Because .net has more userbase than the .org site, their aim is to get people curious about .org and attempt to gather those who dislike .net.

Therefore, anything that .net had done to dissatisfy their users, all .org has to do is offer what we don't have.

Childish, but in a long run, it's bound to happen. Even if they are doing it for the lulz, they can't say there won't be any benefits from this little rivalry.

/new/ ran with it until STI scorned them.


we should definitely run a spam attack on chon.org and steal all …

4 of its users


That's not worth it at all lol!


that isnt what the cia does or cares about


>all .org has to do is offer what we don't have.

They have an empty site to offer over .net.


i personally think the site owner is a 12 year old retard

even on the homepage there is that music video playing to get people all emotional, but there is no substance to his site and no honor in how he has been conducting himself especially towards our site.

We could have had a partnership but he was too much of a baby, so fuck him. Well just stuck with

>Cool Hands STI


Sure is /meta/ in here. But yeah, the jellymad admin of .org and his sidekick have made some friends at the AnonOps ED and now they're using ED to promote their websites and spread disinformation about rivals. Basically we're ignoring them because a rivalry is what they've been pushing for and will only help them. As they have no users they've got nothing to lose, because we do have users we do have something to lose. So yeah, we're being gentlemen and taking the high road.


Nice. Never stop being awesome, 4chon team.


drama drama drama.


I heard that .org guys all got arrested or something. Not sure if its true. But did they get arrested for ddos us or was it something else?


I didn't know org belongs to NekoArc.
Welp, that explains the faggotry.


.org owner and users are acting like teenage girls.


What I mean is, doesn't redirecting a DDoS attack to the CIA website in and of itself constitute attacking cia.gov? I don't mean CIA goons are gonna drop out of a black helicopter through your skylight, I just mean, isn't that a crime? Won't the CIA forward the info to whatever agency does give a crap about that kind of thing?

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