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    Your pal, —missingno

    File : 1320189187.png-(119 KB, 461x567, pika.png)
    119 KB Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)19:13:07 No.227333  
    How many of you on here are completely alone, no friends (not even online) don't talk to their parents, haven o girlfriend, never befriended a girl, just a complete shut in that never socializes. How are your social skills when you do go and talk in public? What can you talk about for lengthy periods of time? How is your relationship with your family? (Parents, siblings, etc) Do you think you will ever change to become more social? What do you want to do with your life?
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)19:29:15 No.227644
    That would be me, I only ever like discussing things with people of that nature.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)19:59:29 No.228184
    bumpan for the friendless.

    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)20:35:36 No.228889
    I'm like that but all I do is use escapism to keep my mind off of the loneliness.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)20:38:06 No.228940
    you can friends (even in real life), talk to your parents, have girlfriend, and be the exact opposite of a shut in that never socializes and still feel overwhelmingly crushing loneliness.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)20:39:28 No.228965
    >can have*

    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)20:55:08 No.229232

    If you don't belong in this thread then leave.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)21:37:25 No.229991
    Are you me?

    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)23:33:48 No.232157
    That would be me in a nutshell.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)00:25:42 No.233093
    There was one guy in the last thread that had a story.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)00:27:57 No.233120
    I've had girlfriends, but beyond that I fit the bill. I hate being social, I can do it, I just hate it to death. I sit in my room and play Fallout 3 all day (when I'm not working), that's my life and I'm as right as rain with it.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)00:29:51 No.233153
    I didn't used to be this way, but I certainly am a total shut-in now. Stopped talking to all of my old friends, stopped talking to my family, stopped doing anything, and the thought of leaving my room for anything but drugs, the occasional job, or food makes me incredibly anxious.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)00:31:21 No.233176
    I have a grand total of zero friends. I do talk to my family from time to time and I'm pretty close with my father. I think my social skills are OK, I can definately hold casual conversations and do public speaking et.c. I doubt I will ever change, I don't really want to. I really don't know what I want with my life, I am going to uni right now though I'm likely quitting soon as I think the education is mostly bullshit and the teachers are kind of incompetent.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)00:32:05 No.233190
    I can be pretty good at faking an open personality in the right circumstances (for instance, I'm actually really good at job interviews).
    People are harder to read so I don't do as well but I can fake it for a little while. But socializing or dealing with people to any degree just exhausts me, I can't keep at it.

    My relationship with my family is good but I don't like the majority of them (the only ones I actually genuinely like are my maternal grandparents).

    I'm not a shut in since I work (in a rather customer oriented job) and go to school. I also have a significant other. But I have no friends and no social life.

    I don't plan on changing any time soon.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)00:37:00 No.233277
    I WISH I could be like that. I don't know why, but I can't find a place where I can just break all communication with the people I know.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)00:44:29 No.233399
    >Asocial thread
    >Nobody posts
    What a surprise.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)01:09:34 No.233719
    I know that feel OP.

    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)01:13:26 No.233783
    /r9k/ -the home of the assburgers and schizoids.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)01:13:30 No.233784
    >completely alone
    I have 1 or two online friends, but I don't talk to people IRL. I used to have female friends, girlfriends, bros, etc but I enjoy my own company more.

    >How are your social skills when you do go and talk in public?
    Sometimes I forget what to say, but I never have spaghetti fall out of my pockets.

    >What can you talk about for lengthy periods of time?
    Not much. I'm a quiet person, I don't like to talk.

    >How is your relationship with your family?

    >What do you want to do with your life?
    Sit in my room and play video games.

    >Do you think you will ever change to become more social?
    Not unless I'm forced to.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)01:17:52 No.233853
    So long as your name isn't Brett, I'll be your friend.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)01:48:51 No.234283

    want to add my foreveralone e-mail and tell me a little more about your existence?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)02:34:31 No.234919
    thaat is me.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)03:07:16 No.235345
    I have one onlien friend that I rarely talk to...
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)03:56:28 No.235876
    That is pretty much me in a nutshell...
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)10:13:57 No.238759
    Friends aren't even worth the trouble in my eyes...
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:40:37 No.239704

    I have one friend that I don't even trust that much anymore, he keeps talking about his international girlfriend and it just pisses me off.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)14:41:37 No.241152
    Whoever out there is like that then give me your e-mail.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:42:59 No.242416
    >not being foreveralone in 2011
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)19:37:00 No.245001
    The only thing i can relate with is my family, i can't stand talking to other people.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)20:42:57 No.246156
    that is one adorable pikachu.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)20:52:06 No.246282
    I don't really have any friends and I've never been in a serious relationship. I have a very hard time talking to people I'm unfamiliar with and usually try not to say anything. I don't really care about anyone I hang out with. All I do anymore is work and write music. It's almost poetic, I suppose.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)21:07:25 No.246530

    how are your social skills? What do you write about? When do you ever socialize?
    >> that samefag 11/02/11(Wed)21:13:30 No.246631

    My social skills, as it were, are fairly average; I just prefer not to talk to people because I don't like people. :/ I have a full time job and have been playing in bands so I'm not a complete shut-in, but I'd prefer to be at home. I have exactly one very close friend and I talk to him almost every day. My music is mostly electronic and/or instrumental so the things my music is /about/ is hard to quantify. I'm a synaesthete so most of my music constructed from colours and textures I see in my head.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)21:48:05 No.247133

    so you're social but you aren't... makes sense.
    >> that samefag 11/02/11(Wed)21:48:48 No.247150

    I'm social but not intentionally.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)22:47:48 No.248082

    Want to go in further detail with your life?
    >> that samefag 11/02/11(Wed)22:57:08 No.248237

    I want to get into some sort of professional music career, and that tends to involve assloads of networking and whatnot. I don't like people, but I'm not put off by the idea of having to socialize. But I can't really trust anyone and don't have any close friends because I just don't have much in common with people. I'm a bisexual former Christian with major depressive disorder on top of some really weird aspects of my sexuality so any person who tries to get to know me usually ends up being weirded out. It may also be important to note that I live in, and generally have lived in, very conservative religious areas.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)23:18:48 No.248567
    it's impossible to find people like that, especially on 4chan nowadays.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)23:19:46 No.248585
    My relationship with my family si good and I only open up with people I trust, namely my friends even if some of them are douchebags.
    I never had a girlfriend and recently have given up on looking for one because of failed tries (one of those was painful as fuck).
    Only time will tell if I change my social skills and that's why I have given pu on girlfriends.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)02:12:41 No.251031
    I can relate to all of what you said, bump for all the remaining alones on r9k.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)03:15:34 No.251617 not know any of those feels...

    wow fuck you post limit.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)03:24:07 No.251675
    >completely alone, no friends (not even online) don't talk to their parents, haven o girlfriend, never befriended a girl, just a complete shut in that never socializes.
    Yep. Although this is something I did of my own accord. A few years ago I broke off all contact with my friends, and began rejecting anyone who tried to befriend me (which has only been a couple of people because I can be kind of a dick).

    >How are your social skills when you do go and talk in public? What can you talk about for lengthy periods of time?

    I can fake social skills most of the time, hold a conversation, make people laugh etc. but I find it exhausting, and end up with this feeling of self-loathing afterwards.

    >How is your relationship with your family?
    Distant. We were never close, my family rarely talked or spent any time with each other.

    >Do you think you will ever change to become more social?
    Probably not, I'm too much of an introvert and I'm happier alone. 95% of the time being social just makes me feel agitated, angry, or exhausted.

    >What do you want to do with your life?
    No idea.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)03:28:05 No.251713

    You seem like you're pretty social to me. Do you have any hobbies that you do or do you just spend time on the computer?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)03:36:46 No.251797
    I'm not very social, I talk to very few people, especially since I quit my job. While I was working I guess I was a little more social because I had to be. I worked around the type of people where if you push them away they just keep trying to get closer.
    It's funny, being asocial has made me notice how weird people can be like that, they'd probably reject some lonely person who wants to be their friend and keep chasing someone who doesn't want to even talk to them.

    As for hobbies: reading, video games, walking, if those count. And yeah, lots of time killed on the internet. I used to skateboard when I was pretending to be a social person.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)04:46:32 No.252348

    That sounds a lot like me, but if you have a few friends right now do you think you will never more in the future or stay a loner?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)05:08:20 No.252511
    I have zero friends right now. I couldn't imagine having friends in the future as it's something I haven't wanted in a very long time.

    Then again, I enjoy being a loner now but who knows how life will unfold or how I may change.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)05:34:17 No.252697

    I've talk to otehr loenrs and they say they probably wont change and just enjoy the ride.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)05:47:30 No.252811
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    >I've talk to otehr loenrs and they
    Did you just have a stroke mid-sentence?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)11:42:55 No.255415

    Nah, I just didn't bother to put any effort in that last message.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)12:15:46 No.255672

    Hate em, i don't even live with them now that i got a job.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)13:28:46 No.256245
    I know all of those feels, let us combined into one.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)16:10:11 No.257728
    Giving this a bump for all of the foreveralonebros.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)18:06:47 No.259330

    Are you new here man? It's been like this for the last year and 2010.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)18:10:52 No.259385

    >parents are dead
    >live in a foreign country
    >population is mostly asian, I'm white
    >get discriminated because I'm white
    >can't connect with people
    >have no stable job or place to live

    14 years and going.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)18:10:57 No.259387
    I have one friend
    I have a lot of ex-girlfriends
    I am awful at socializing but if I feel comfortable I'm an amazing conversationalist
    pretty sure my mom hates me
    I also hate myself

    *sips beer*
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)18:27:56 No.259582

    What else do you do with your life? You seem like you're social.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)20:47:59 No.261299
    I can't really stand being around ppeople, talking to others is a chore for me. Anyone else the same?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)22:56:05 No.263140
    nobody ever wants to be my friend. bmpan for friends. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)00:47:14 No.264465
    That isn't me but i use to act that way when I was in high school...still kind of do...
    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)02:23:36 No.265555
    I love threads like these, so many assumptions to destroy.

    >How are your social skills when you do go and talk in public? What can you talk about for lengthy periods of time?

    Well, I like talking about other people, you know, gossiping? And sports... I LOVE talking about sports...

    In fact, other people, and sports is All I ever really talk about, when I hear someone talking about something more complicated and interesting than other peoples lives, or sports, I instictivley call them "Booring" or "Weird"

    I'm actually really REALLY good at socializing, because the vast majority of the population likes to talk about the exact same things that I like to talk about, so I have conversations with all manner of people about these simple, and shallow subjects.

    I don't like to talk about religion, or politics, or economics, or things like that... I say that it is my "Policy", but it's just because I don't know enough about the subjects, and they are too complicated for me to grasp, so that if I actually DO talk about it, I will be revealed as the ignorant moron that I am.

    I am GREAT with talking to women also... mostly because I can relate to their constant need to talk about other people's lives, and the shallow television programs that are basically glorified gossip sessions.

    I vote like my political party is a sports team, and I don't understand any of the policies that my party espouses.

    I KNOW that I am intelligent, because I fuck women on a regular basis, and that is basically an IQ test.

    I only go on 4 chan on a regular basis, because it seems popular, and I am all about popularity, I think it's fun to insult the people who come here for being here, while being here myself!

    I tell them that they should be doing more important things with their lives, while I know for a fact that I come to 4 chan also to talk about stuff, and I don't consider myself a loser.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)02:36:10 No.265684
    Wow, I didn't Even WANT quads... Oh Well.... that just goes to show you how *ALPHA* I am....

    Anyways, I talk about sports statistics with my Bro's all the time, we have in depth discussions over who has the most running yards during the 4th quarter while it was snowing at an away game.

    And then I see those LOSERS talking about the stats in their little games... Fucking Losers! It's not like they actually DO anything in those games!

    Yeah, I used to be on the football team in Highschool.... it's how I got most of my skill in socializing... because the Federal Funding for sports programs combined with the artificial social hierarchy that these sports programs created in the school virtually guarenteed that the bitches were all over us... and having bitches all over you makes other bitches wet.

    Thanks Federal Government, I couldn't have become a "Playa" without you.

    Anyways... I think it's really stupid how people with so called "Intelligence" whine and complain constantly about how they are treated! It's not like intelligence has ever actually done anything for anyone in the world EVER... We all know that the constant attention paid to the NFL 68-68 season is what got us to the moon... fucking Nerds thinking they DO anything important...

    Seriously, We should just kill everyone with a "High IQ", those self centered asshats, thinking they deserve a modicum of compassion and socialization....

    Look, if you DESERVED experience in socializing, Us popular people wouldn't have made sure that everyone avoided you like the plague.

    After all, We have standards to uphold, and if you haven't had sex with a woman by the time you are 18, then we wont let you socialize in grade school!
    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)02:45:28 No.265784
    It's just inherent! Really....

    We are popular because we know how to talk to people and socialize normally....

    And we know how to socialize normally because we are popular enough to gain all the social experience that we deserve.

    And we are popular because we know how to socialize.... wait, I think I'm repeating myself.

    Anyway, my point IS, that people who have no social skills lack intelligence, and have clear genetic deficiencies... we should consider eugenics to clear all of the bad blood out of our race, starting with the so called "Smart People"

    And I know that most people would balk at the idea of killing off / sterilizing / preventing a specific group of people from breeding due to genetic factors, but For intelligence, I think (and I don't think I'm alone here) that an Exception can be made...

    These vile disgusting people don't DESERVE to breed, they have NO self confidence (We made sure of that early on), they have no motivation to make themselves look good, because we have made them believe that no women would ever want them, because of their genetic deformities... and The like to talk about the statistics in their little Games constantly.

    They don't even have the decency to memorize sports statistics and debate over who would be the best wide receiver in the NFL for fantasy football leagues!

    As if their Card or Video games actually matter... As IF!
    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)02:52:18 No.265858
    Luckily, the mass media has been helping us out with this one, making it look "Cool" to attack people who are intelligent, because they have to advertise to the largest demographic.. that joe everyman population that will bring in the most dollars.

    And there is nothing that brings a large, easily swayed, gullible, and cash laden population together more than bashing people whose intelligence makes them feel inferior, but are too proud to admit that intelligence is an actual thing.

    So, yeah.. thanks mainstream media for playing to the lowest common denominator on this one, you really helped us out!

    Anyway, we should basically be able to prevent these undesirables from ever forming close social bonds with anyone by crushing their self esteem, and prevent them from ever being intimate, having sex with a girl, and whatnot, thus preventing them from spreading their filthy Nerd genes through the population!

    It's a solid plan.... and what's more, that will cause the sports loving population of America to be closer to the Conformist, Militaristic society that never questions the orders of the international banks who own both parties of our political system.

    Football is a great trainer for Mandatory Nationwide Military service...

    And killing people for the profit of international bankers builds character.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)03:05:10 No.265994
    Ok, once we get all of these BRAIN people out of our population, we can then continue to mindlessly roam around in persuit of our base instincts, without regard for the higher principles that society is founded on.

    But we won't have to worry about BRAINS because we have a huge military... and that is better than BRAINS!

    We can get the BRAINS who are still alive to slave endlessly with their BRAINS to make our society better with their BRAINS and never have to give them anything in return for their BRAINS!

    And then we will have the BRAINS that we desperately seek! BRAINS!

    BRAINS!!! BRAINS!!!!!!!! BRAINS!!!! BRAINS!!!! BRAINS!!!!!!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)03:06:06 No.266002



    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)03:10:33 No.266030
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    Muuuuhhhhhhggghhh...... BR-Hwk..... BRAINS!!!!!!!

    BRANES!!!!!!! BROONSSSSSS!!!!!!!

    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)03:17:17 No.266088
    >How many of you on here are completely alone, no friends (not even online) don't talk to their parents, haven o girlfriend, never befriended a girl, just a complete shut in that never socializes.
    Absolutely no one, you can see by this thread that /r9k/ loves to talk about themselves even if the thread doesn't pertain to them at all.

    >No friends and a virgin? If you don't count my girlfriend then I totally relate OP ;_;
    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)03:17:33 No.266093
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    *COUGH* HUK!!!!! BRAINSSS!!!!


    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)03:23:53 No.266156

    how do you have a girlfriend without friends?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)03:29:50 No.266199
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    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)03:31:38 No.266217
    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)03:32:59 No.266229
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    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)03:38:36 No.266263
    Haven't left my home in eight months. When my father passed away, he left me the house -- the same one he grew up in -- and I've lived there ever since. I took in a roommate. He lives across the hall and pays a small portion of monthly rent. I use it to pay for things like food and internet, but we rarely speak to each other. He's usually at work, anyway.

    It's been a while since I've been out there. I'm a little scared to step outside, if you want to know the truth. I don't know how I'll act around others. I haven't even spoken to my roommate since ... gosh, maybe two weeks ago? We saw each other in passing and I said hello, but I don't think it was loud enough for him to hear me because he didn't say anything.

    My mother died before my father did. I had no siblings. After high school, I did the whole college thing for a while -- got my AA and was about to transfer, even, -- but then I was hit by this bizarre wave of apathy and I simply couldn't be arsed to care anymore. When my father died and left the house, I lost my incentive to start a career and do something with my life; my dreams were never huge in the first place. I'd just wanted enough to do what I'm doing now, and I have that, so I guess I should be happy, but ... fuck, I'm scared to go out there.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)03:50:58 No.266362
    How is it even possible not to have online friends? Is it about the definition "friend"?

    I don't really get it, don't you have any people you like on forums, IM contacts, people you frequently chat with on IRC? I mean it's easily possible not to have IRL friends, old friends can change, move away, die etc. But online friends? I don't get it...

    >maximum seasoap
    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)04:24:19 No.266577

    Um, ii use to have online friends until I realized how pointless they really are, I''m completely alone now.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)05:53:27 No.267148
    I would love to live that way for the rest of my life.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)08:26:25 No.268239
    what the hell is with this brain meme that gets pouted? jeez...
    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)11:16:08 No.269472
    the last time I left my house was 11 months ago.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)11:33:25 No.269604
    >being social

    Nope, never.
    I know i am a loser.
    I will never bow down like a beggar to get a job.
    A job just to prolonge this life.
    I hate it to be submissive.

    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)12:40:42 No.270178

    What is your story bro? you probably have people in your life that care.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)13:02:33 No.270420
    Web Of Lies

    this complex web that ive built up over the past 10 years , when out im perfectly normal , smokes and mirrors to cover up for my lack of social skill, laugh things off , talk noramlly to girl , dudes people.

    But inside im really all alone.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)13:15:26 No.270558
    >i have one best friend, and a couple of acquaintances.
    >i have NEVER had a gf or any physical contact with a female. im terrified of them.
    >i have a pretty good relationship with family but they fought alot when i was a kid and i think it fucked me up plus i got teased abit at school. i use to be a happy child that was confident and could talk to girls but years of this "abuse" has killed my confidence and happiness.
    >have terrible social skills.
    its like i turn into a different person when in public; a very awkward beta shadow like version of myself. thats why its so hard for me to keep up conversation or gain respect or make friends. my mind just goes blank and there is no controlling it.

    i dont think it will ever change. life has been a sack of shit for me ever since i started highschool. now im 19, depressed, suicidal and lonely and its getting worse.

    shit sucks man.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)13:22:55 No.270632
    I have 2 friends I regularly go out with but other than that only a couple of online friends. I had friends in 2008 but moved across the country. Shit Sucks.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)13:34:52 No.270759
    I hate the Rush Limbaugh worshiping christfags I call my parents. Can't wait to get a job so I can move out and never speak to them again.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)14:54:17 No.271569

    Can you explain why you don't like your parents?Do you evenhavefriends?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)15:20:08 No.271864
    >Tried dating when I was younger (16-20), four short relationships
    >Never understood the point of being in one, sex is overrated
    >Meet family only on christmas
    >Have friends but can spent months, sometimes years, without any contact with them
    >Dont socialize at work
    >Avoid going to store more than once a week
    >Who needs people anyways
    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)15:40:09 No.272114

    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)18:59:39 No.274599
    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)19:06:17 No.274696

    Sex is overrated, but cuddling is not.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)21:30:05 No.277058
    Who needs friends when you have the chans?

    Way more entertaining than any friend could ever be.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)01:26:38 No.280608

    areyou also friendless and alonme? It is pretty muih my life as of now. gkl;cghdl;gf
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)03:33:47 No.282060
    I can barely even stand to look at myself.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)08:21:51 No.283826
    OP, i am like that, but I don't even bother to go out because of the way i look and giive off vibes.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)11:05:45 No.284903
    no, ,i am not, how do i lose a friend like that without brinig him down?
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)13:01:17 No.285922

    >without contact

    i'm sorry what?
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)13:02:11 No.285931
    >How many of you on here are completely alone, no friends (not even online) don't talk to their parents, haven o girlfriend, never befriended a girl, just a complete shut in that never socializes

    not me. i have you guys here as my friends. :D <3
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)13:05:40 No.285967
    i'm like sort of halfway like that. I AM going to change though. i'm going to become alpha by the end of this year if it kills me.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)13:36:30 No.286269

    >Implying you'll change in any way shape or form.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)15:12:06 No.287334
    I have you as my friend OP, don't even sweat it.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)17:08:56 No.288798
    Reporting in.

    nothing much else I want to add seeing as I don't have much to contribute. You'll get over it soon enough.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)18:19:11 No.289786
    I can relate to all of what you said, bump for all the remaining alones on r9k.

    what little there is in all honesty.
    >> 40% !sBPA/ggN3A 11/05/11(Sat)18:30:47 No.289970
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    I go to Uni, then go straight home. If I'm not at home or not at Uni, then I'm almost definitely just grocery shopping. I don't speak to anyone in Uni.

    >How are your social skills when you do go and talk in public?
    I always feel, right after I say something, that I said it wrong. Did I slur it? Did roll my tongue too much? But I must not since no ones told me I do.

    >What can you talk about for lengthy periods of time?
    To whom? To a stranger, I'd struggle to talk for even a minute or two. I'm a very uninteresting person.

    >How is your relationship with your family? (Parents, siblings, etc)
    Good, I'd say.

    >Do you think you will ever change to become more social?
    If I ever feel the need to, I guess, but I currently do not.

    >What do you want to do with your life?
    To be able to support myself. Pay for my own food, home, luxuries and not have to rely on others, namely my mother, since she raised me.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)19:46:26 No.291195

    you didn't even answer the first questions that were mentioned in the op.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)20:57:14 No.292253

    you could take off your trip before posting all of that nonsense...jesus.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)20:58:35 No.292279
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)21:09:50 No.292471


    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)22:09:39 No.293415

    Are you just now noticing this? OH wait, you're probably under the age of 8. my bad.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)22:41:01 No.293811
    I have never had any friends but I am functional socially, in that I can have a normal job, dress well and generally look good. Just for the life of me I cant connect with people. I intend to kill myself when I get the courage to because I want to have friends but cant. If I dont to that I will probably become a physicist or something
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)23:17:39 No.294437

    >no friends
    >functions socially

    Stop talking out of your ass faggot.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)00:37:41 No.295889
    I have one onlien friend that I rarely talk to.. and i think he hates me anyway.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)01:38:25 No.296678
    No more friends? I never really bothered to befriend anyway, my head hurts. :/
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)01:40:21 No.296704
    One online friend.
    Knew some people in high school who could be considered friends.
    College is a shithole for people like me.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)01:51:29 No.296839
    I don't like socializing at all, but I would love to have one close friend or a GF. Feels contradictory, man.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)01:33:53 No.297341
    22 year old kissless virgin here.
    I have two kinda friends, but they never seek my companionship so its mostly one sided at this point and I get the feeling they are trying to faze me out entirely. My parents speak to me maybe once a month, they wish to talk more, but both of my siblings were married this summer and last month so I now actively avoid conversation as they constantly ask me about how my social life is and how they hope i'll get a girlfriend soon. I go to university and back home, if I do communicate with anyone for a time, I usually consider a chore and feel tired out afterward. Just recently I actually realized that I was having hypothetical conversations, full conversations with people as they exist in my head. It's amazing that I've reached the point that that's what I fantasize about, communication.

    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)01:35:04 No.297354
    >completely alone
    I prefer to be alone in my leisure time, much more enjoyable than hanging out with a group of friends.

    >no friends
    I have a good amount of friends from school, but I hardly ever see them due to the sentence above.

    >don't talk to their parents
    That'd be impossible, but I am usually more reserved with my mother, since she's an unbearable cunt. My dad is a bro though, we talk pretty often.

    >have no girlfriend, never befriended a girl
    Had a girlfriend about 3 years ago, but broke up with her since she was crazy as shit. Haven't dated since, even after losing weight / getting my life together.

    >How are your social skills when you do go and talk in public?
    Clumsy as fuck, unless I'm at work. For some reason, I have no issues talking with someone unless it's a personal conversation, then I start being a dumbass.

    >can you talk about for lengthy periods of time?
    If I'm friends with the person, sure.

    >How is your relationship with your family?
    One cousin is my bro, the other is an abusive parent, and the last one I haven't spoken to in years. Sister hasn't seen me for nearly her whole life as well.

    >Do you think you will ever change to become more social?
    I hope so, I just can't seem to do anything well unless someone else initiates it first though.

    >What do you want to do with your life?
    At this point, I'm just doing things because it's what is expected of me. The only reason I plan on staying alive is to play new games, and hopefully one day not be a lonely fuck.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)01:37:53 No.297379
    I'm like this now. I started college this year and everything was awesome in the beginning because everyone was still meeting everyone so I could just meet new people whenever I wanted. Now everyone has there own groups of friends, and I made no real friends. Sure I can call people to get wasted with, but I stopped doing that recently. I literally have no one I can talk to so I'm just shut in my dorm all day whenever I don't have class. The only person I've had an extended conversation with in the past 2 weeks was my dealer. Feels bad man.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)01:41:38 No.297415
    jesus christ. Here. When you're talking to anyone for the first few times, LITERALLY ANYONE (yes girls too) use the 5 F'n ways to master coversation

    There is never any easier conversation starter
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)02:14:38 No.297761

    At least you have the social skills AND the friends in one package.
    >> Johnny !qpBl.gJsqo 11/06/11(Sun)02:39:52 No.298015
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    I took acid today and then got really depressed. Which if you've ever taken acid is not a good thing. Because then you just feel like shit but you're also panicking. I tried to combat the whole "bash your face in on the wall" thing by typing manically. In the end I got this long ramble which covers everything from Russian street drugs that eat away people's flesh to my health problems. Anyway, I reread this whole thing a little while ago. I don't even remember typing a lot of it. But one thing that stuck out was that while I was typing this I'm making all these references to my friends who are right outside the door. At one point I start talking about how stupid it is that I'm lonely when I'm surrounded by people I know, literally. They're good people and I like them, but I didn't and don't feel close at all. Only person in this whole thing that sticks out is one girl I know from back home. Her name pops up at weird times. Multiple times. The tone of the whole thing gets easier when she comes up. It's like "I hate myself blah blah blah (friend's name) "Oh I miss her a lot she's so nice yadda yadda yadda" Now I'm thinking about every little contact I've had with this girl in the last few months..and fuck, I really do miss her. That part wasn't even the fucking drugs. That shit was genuine. She's the only human being I know that didn't give up on me and I love her for that. Funny thing, I just looked in my phone. Here's one of the last things she sent me. "Don't you dare give up. Ever". You know, I do have a friend. I'm insecure I'm stupid I'm irresponsible and I hate myself most of the time. But I love that girl, really. And for all my weirdness she never told me to fuck off. Looking through the last text conversation we had right now, I can say with certainty anybody else would have. She gives me hope. I don't know how or why but she does. So in answer to your questions OP, I don't know. But I'll be okay. We'll all be okay.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)02:43:10 No.298052
    Post what you wrote.
    I'm curious.
    >> Johnny !qpBl.gJsqo 11/06/11(Sun)02:48:57 No.298103
    It sounds more interesting then it is. And frankly, it doesn't even sound interesting. And I knew it wasn't interesting when I was typing it. At one point I said something like "The only person who I can imagine being interested in this is my therapist". Parts of it are kind of weird, but it's mostly just self pity.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)02:52:33 No.298143
    bad trip I take it?
    >> Johnny !qpBl.gJsqo 11/06/11(Sun)02:58:53 No.298207
    Honestly, if I had a choice to go back and relive this day not tripping balls, I don't know if I would or wouldn't. Basically what happened last night was this girl I have a crush on fucked my suitemate in the room next to mine. Which is...a downer, to say the least. It wouldn't be so bad if the moans weren't involved...why the fuck did they have to do that around me? Anyway, that fact is making me feel like shit, as can be expected. In a weird way I was hoping the acid would make me feel less like shit. And in a strange way it accomplished it's goal. But I still felt like shit. Just on acid.
    I had moments where I was like "I am so fucking glad I did this" and other's when I was like "Why the fuck did I do this?", basically.

    I would have felt like shit anyway. Doing acid just put an interesting twist on it.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)03:11:09 No.298315
    Just got dumped by my girlfriend three days ago, skipped out on a friend's birthday party today because I didn't feel like going, stayed home and watched movies on Netflix and browsed /r9k/ all day. Yesterday I went to the gym with a couple of bros. My classes are fucking killing me and I've considered suicide multiple times in the last couple of days.

    You jelly? You mirin? You mad?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)05:25:07 No.299298

    what exactly am I suppose to be jelly about? In all honesty, you should kill yourself.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)07:49:09 No.300307
    I know what you mean, I can relate to all of what you said and it feels great.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)13:26:19 No.303486
    I WISH I could be like that. I don't know why, but I can't find a place where I can just break all communication with the people I know.

    it really is hard to do what I just said, especially since they always ask you out.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)14:16:50 No.304103
    i had a choice to make friends once, now, no i'm ppretty much fucked.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)15:41:34 No.305121
    never had any friends and is that pikachu a girl?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:19:09 No.305573
    Bumpan for online brahs, tell us about yourself guys.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)17:30:29 No.306556
    I know that feel OP.


    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:24:18 No.307407
    i don't anymore, i use tot back when i was being home schooled.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:25:50 No.307426
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)19:25:19 No.308281
    it's a shame that no one is paying attention. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)20:33:59 No.309360
    >not being foreveralone in 2011

    it's okay op...
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)21:35:05 No.310207
    gotta do the cookin by the book op.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)23:05:06 No.311573
    Bumpan for talking to more friendless loners.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)00:20:24 No.312569
    you could always an hero?
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)04:31:27 No.313849
    Giving this another bump for our lonerbros, get in here.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)09:19:21 No.315392
    giving this a hermpan derp for loners.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)11:43:23 No.316540
    >>227333tht feel when it's scare a fuck when your computer starts to run slowly.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)13:10:43 No.317388
    I can semie relate to the abovementioned...
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)14:16:13 No.318008
    My relationship with my family si good and I only open up with people I trust, namely my friends even if some of them are douchebags.
    I never had a girlfriend and recently have given up on looking for one because of failed tries (one of those was painful as fuck).
    Only time will tell if I change my social skills and that's why I have given pu on girlfriends.

    i also have no direction in life.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)15:45:58 No.318872
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)16:10:57 No.319156
    will it finally let me post again without it screwing up?
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)16:32:08 No.319518
    I am similar in almost every single way OP.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)16:45:37 No.319757
    It's alright OP, we can get ouit of this shitty life...

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