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    File :1227886652.jpg-(7 KB, 161x245, transexual_01.jpg)
    7 KB Pen15. !!1Y2DK/NvjGG 11/28/08(Fri)10:37:32 No.2272076  
    Dear Robots,
    Tell me about your problems with your sexuality.
    I think mine stem from an interesting form of perhaps abuse that happened in my childhood.

    I am a girl; but my dad always wanted a boy. So when I was born, he tried to turn me into a boy. He had my hair cut short. He made me play football, baseball, and soccer. He would only buy me, literally ONLY, boys clothing from the section in Target. And if my relatives gave me a shirt not from there, he would take it back. He taught me it was acceptable to walk around without a shirt on, I continued this until a teacher talked to me about it at school and I almost got suspended. Once I grew boobs I wasn't allowed to wear a bra- and since I really needed them, I had to keep all of my bras hidden better than my diary, which my dad also read. I only had boy's toys when growing up. I wanted a Barbie more than anything until the age of about ten. This went along with an iron fist ruling of my school performance, frequent beatings when I disobeyed him in even the slightest way, and thousands of lectures that involved me being "an ungrateful little bitch and a stupid whore," punctuated by slaps over every derogatory term.
    Then, my brother was born. And my dad literally forgot about me. After the birth of my brother, they did everything together. And my father would only ever talk to me to tell me I was doing something wrong.

    I think this is what made me into a lesbian.
    Until recently.

    Because last September, when I moved out of his house, everything seemed to grow clearer. I still feel uncomfortable in skirts but I can wear heels without fearing a beating. I wear make-up now.
    And I don't think I'm a lesbian anymore.
    Because even while I lived in my dad's house, all the attraction and love I felt towards girls and only girls, it all fell away when I met my current boyfriend. Who I am completely and fully in love with. More than I've ever felt for a girl.

    And now I am even more confused.
    Analyze me?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)10:40:21 No.2272088
    You should seek help, not a website. seriously.
    >> Pen15. !!1Y2DK/NvjGG 11/28/08(Fri)10:40:51 No.2272094
    I hate therapists.

    A lot.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)10:41:32 No.2272096
    Anything in your childhood which caused this?
    >> Pen15. !!1Y2DK/NvjGG 11/28/08(Fri)10:43:11 No.2272102
    I don't think so.
    I tried seeing one once but we ended up getting in a screaming fight about my drug abuse, and I didn't go back.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)10:44:57 No.2272110
    Damn moralfags and the lack of tit demand.
    >> Pen15. !!1Y2DK/NvjGG 11/28/08(Fri)10:47:47 No.2272123
    Post ending in 2890 gets tits.
    Boyfriend is a r9ker and I don't want him thinking I'm a whore.
    But if someone can make a post ending in my favorite number, then tits for you.
    Also, the post has to be asking for tits.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)10:47:57 No.2272125
    What the fuck is wrong with your dad?
    It sounds like something that would never have happened in real life.

    Your dad should seek a psychiatrist, not you.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)10:48:35 No.2272131
    oh lord

    yall niggas postin in a troll thread

    jesus fucking god
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)10:49:51 No.2272141
    Trust me, I hate therapists as well; I've had all sorts of horrible experiences with them since childhood; one flat out told me that she couldn't help me and started making up issues that she could work with, one who constantly told me how much better off her life was, one who couldn't stand me, and one who drove a stake in my relationship with my mother, which still exists.

    Despite this, my family convinced me to give therapists one more try, which I grudgingly agreed to do. Surprisingly, I actually began to enjoy going to see this one. I still visit her on a weekly basis.

    Even if you're against therapy, at least give it a try. Different people give completely different experiences. Who knows - you just might like it.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)10:50:17 No.2272143
    The moralfags can't help flocking to a white knight scenario
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)11:00:13 No.2272181
    So, what? Alot of people have it worse than you and I'll pity them, not an LOLDAMAGEDGOODS thr-

    Oh man, 9/10. almost got me ragin
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)11:01:37 No.2272188
    Eh, I am the opposite. I was bullied at school by other girls and told straight that the reasons for it were that I was too "manly" and needed to start acting like a girl. So I started wearing make up and more feminine attire, as well as acting less boisterous. It actually worked, but the problem is that now I'm deeply timid and afraid to leave the house without heavy makeup.

    This sucks, because it has led to me basically being unable to pursue sexual relationships. It's hard enough to be a dominant straight woman and get ass without the problem of feeling socially unable to express yourself. The mixture of entitlement and aggressive sexuality I feel inside combined with my outward presentation of a timid female is extremely frustrating.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)11:02:56 No.2272191
    Well you fucked up. Cry more while I laugh more.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)11:06:13 No.2272207

    I think I'd probably actually really like meeting someone like you IRL.

    There are many people who would find someone like you quite attractive.
    >> Pen15. !!1Y2DK/NvjGG 11/28/08(Fri)11:07:03 No.2272209
    Learn to get a masochistic boyfriend.
    Act like a girl all you want, then take out your manliness on him during sex.

    It's pretty damn great.

    And with the makeup thing, if that really bothers you, what I would try is this.
    One day, just skip the lip stick.
    Even if you feel afraid, I guarantee no one will notice.
    The next week, skip the mascara.
    Within a month you should be able to get by on only eyeliner and lip gloss.
    >> Pen15. !!1Y2DK/NvjGG 11/28/08(Fri)11:08:05 No.2272216
    See, this guy wants to tap you.

    A lot of guys are attracted to girls who have a secret "wild" streak. No need to let on that it's because you have deep-seated emotional issues until later.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)11:11:04 No.2272228
    i think the reason i'm gay is that i spent too much time with my mom as a kid
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)11:13:01 No.2272236
    Dominant women are more in demand than you think. I'd love to find one.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)11:14:21 No.2272243

    Lol, I think I wasn't clear enough. I would be the one tapping them. The people who tend to want that don't usually approach/respond to women who give the impression of being shy, from what I've seen.
    >> ‮‬ 11/28/08(Fri)11:18:13 No.2272256
    I was confused and didn't know what was going on, but this video here helped me.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)11:18:27 No.2272257
    OP. sorry to hear that :( Wish I could help you somehow.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)11:20:31 No.2272263
    >>2272236 here
    Submissive guys tend to fall into two camps. There are guys like you're describing that are the ones who want their mate to show dominance in all social situations, but there are also people like myself who only want that to show in bed. I'd be more than happy with a shy dominant person, as long as they opened up to me.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)11:23:37 No.2272282

    The fact that you're doing the tapping makes the whole scenario even better.

    Regardless, dominant women like yourself are in great demand. I'm sure that if you just step out a bit and be just a tiny bit less shy, you'll have tons of guys following you. It doesn't take much, all you have to do is say hi or find some way to strike up a conversation, no matter how trivial it is. Even just smiling at people is a great way to draw them to you.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)11:25:57 No.2272296

    Personally, I think that the shy girls who are dominant in bed are the hottest ones. There are millions of guys who are looking for someone like you.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)11:27:29 No.2272304
         File :1227889649.jpg-(86 KB, 400x291, HannibalLecter.jpg)
    86 KB
    Our OP wasn't born a killer, Anonymous. Oh no, she was made one through years of systematic abuse. Our OP deires her own feminine identity, you see. She always has, and she thinks that makes her a lesbian. But her pathology is a thousand times more savage and more terrifying. She wants to be reborn, you see. Our Billy wants to be reborn, Anonymous. And she will be reborn. First principles, Anonymous. Read Marcus Aurelius. Of each particular thing, ask: What is it in itself? What is its nature? What does he do, this OP you seek?

    She loves women.

    No, that is incidental. What is the first and principal thing she does, what needs does she serve by loving?

    Anger, social resentment, sexual frustration....

    No, she covets. That's her nature. And how do we begin to covet, Anonymous? Do we seek out things to covet? Make an effort to answer, now. No. We begin by coveting what we see every day. Don't you feel eyes moving over your body, Anonymous? And don't your eyes seek out the things you want?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)11:29:30 No.2272316

    Another successful diagnosis from Doctor Lecter
    >> Pen15. !!1Y2DK/NvjGG 11/28/08(Fri)11:29:54 No.2272317
    I love that movie, so, so much.

    I wish I had the balls to eat people.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)11:35:06 No.2272348

    I wish I had the people to eat balls.
    >> Pen15. !!1Y2DK/NvjGG 11/28/08(Fri)11:39:30 No.2272376
    I people had the wish to I eat balls.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)11:42:18 No.2272391
    Show us your breasts or we will have you escorted from the premises.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)11:43:26 No.2272399

    Balls, I wish I had the people to eat.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)11:45:45 No.2272406

    I thought your father was the one who wished you had balls.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)11:46:30 No.2272409
    I wish I had the people to eat balls.
    Balls i had wish to eat the ipeople

    (Goooooooodbyyyyyyeeeeeee horses was faaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrr more disturbing then lecter.)
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)11:50:36 No.2272423

    Balls wish people had the I to I.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)11:53:19 No.2272441

    Are you insane?! There are more guys out there who want to suck your plastic cock than you think.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)12:02:10 No.2272495
    Where the fuck do you live? An Amish town? Wisconsin? Some redneck town? Seriously, dominant straight women are the best. That's the only type I'm interested in. Well, not necessarily dominant but strong and independent. I fucking hate submissive women. Many smart men and pseudo-intellectuals hate submissive women. Then again you'd lose all my interest for wearing heavy makeup. That's disgusting.
    >> The Sage of Rage !!GZeJiLZkH6W 11/28/08(Fri)12:02:18 No.2272497
    Indeed... It is truly a sad state of affairs, it being so hard to get pictures of naked women on the internet. One even has to resort to asking random girls about it, just on the off chance that they say yes.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)12:07:35 No.2272526
    Wow, and your mum did nothing about it?
    Anyway, I'd do the opposite (or the same) if I had a son, but only until the age of 4 or so when he has the ability to complain. What your dad did was retarded. You were obviously going to continue being a girl anyway. He should have aimed for cool tomboy girl instead of frustrated crazy girl.

    Oh, and I'm jealous of your boyfriend. You seem like fun.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)12:12:16 No.2272546
    That would be awesome if you do look like a girl and not some butchy dyke.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)12:33:51 No.2272677

    THIS. hsjahsjhajsh. How the hell are you supposed to approach guys outside of the BDSM scene?! Their expectations are way off.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)12:35:27 No.2272685
    Just get a guy who looks pseudo-intellectual and probably sexually open?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)12:36:22 No.2272687
    Holy farking monkey nipples. If that's a real story, I genuinely feel bad. But congratulations on figuring yourself out after moving out - so many weirdos sit around and try to be weird about things.

    Oh yeah, tits ftw. Having a bunch of guys enjoy your tits couldn't hurt.
    >> ForTheLoveOfCountry !ctwJT1n.IY 11/28/08(Fri)12:38:44 No.2272699
    What's up with you women? Any one of you can come over to my place. Will let you live the way you want, so long as you are smart and not homely to look at.
    >> Pen15. !!1Y2DK/NvjGG 11/28/08(Fri)12:42:38 No.2272724
    My mom wasn't around for my childhood. She tried to kill herself when I was young and spent most of it locked up in some hospital somewhere.

    Thank you, by the way =)
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)12:44:48 No.2272735

    You could just pursue a relationship as usual, then try to steer sex towards you being dominant, gradually working up to asking about pegging and stuff?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)12:45:21 No.2272736
    Oh, Oh, I also forgot to ask how you bought your bras. Did you save your allowance to buy them?
    >> Pen15. !!1Y2DK/NvjGG 11/28/08(Fri)12:49:05 No.2272765
    Yup. Clothes closet ftw
    I also had a couple friends' moms who were pretty cool, and one of my aunts.

    The thing is, I lived in a small town where no one does anything about shit like this. Everyone knows about your problems but no one tries to solve them. It was frustrating to the max.
    >> Backwards Text !DnH0jkg8I2 11/28/08(Fri)12:52:27 No.2272791
    Watch out when you get boyfriends.
    Although you hated your dad, it's his qualities that you're likely going to go for in future relationships.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)12:55:53 No.2272811
    Your traumatic childhood has made me fall in love with you. I think I have a thing for tomboyish women AND traumatic childhoods. There might be something wrong with me.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)12:58:53 No.2272834
    I am like you. Except for gender, wanted to be a girls because girls were awesome.

    Made to stay at home everyday. Punished because I wasn't studying, punished for meeting other boys to play because "they could be gangsters", paranoid sczhio for a grandma, GANGSTERS EVERYWHERE

    All I wanted was to be a girl, then one day, my tenant came to live. 3 Black belts, thought me what it was to be a man. i.e. Kamina.

    So I've accepted what I've become. A man.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)13:03:29 No.2272860
    Everyone in this thread should get together for an orgy.
    >> Pen15. !!1Y2DK/NvjGG 11/28/08(Fri)13:04:23 No.2272872
    That is very flattering. =)

    Also, there is nothing wrong with you.
    I am much weirder, I have a thing for people with drug problems. Current boyfriend is a recovering cocaine addict.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)13:04:29 No.2272874
    Fuck yeah! Kamina lives on in my heart too.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)13:08:38 No.2272911
    I have a creepy fetish for Swedish men, but I repress it because I know it's lame to pursue people based on their nationality.

    American fag, btw.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)13:09:58 No.2272918
    >>2272834 CONTINUED
    I also realised, its cheaper and less troublesome (medically) to consider my mind fucked up and change it than to consider my gender fucked up and change my body.

    I know a few hardcore trannies and post-op, and they all got stomped when I asked,

    "What'll you do after you successfully become a woman?"
    trufax Replies,
    "become a hooker"
    "become a stripper"
    "become a housewife"
    "become a mistress"

    Then I found about the awesome medical bills and the fucked up shit that happens after the operation and meds.

    I spent 5 years picking Manly man cues/body language, THANK YOU DAVID DEANGELO.

    Now people are shocked I once wanted to go for under the knife to be a girl.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)13:10:11 No.2272925
    I believe it, because my mom was pretty much the same way. They already had a girl, so they wanted a boy. The only girl things I had was hand-me-downs from my sister, and since she was 11 when I was born they didn't have much of her stuff left anymore. They had a boy when I was 3, and my mom pretty much treated me like a slave for 16 years, saying that I owed it to her because she gave me food and shelter despite not wanting me. She only talked to me to tell me I was doing something wrong, how worthless I was, or to tell me to do something.

    My dad worked shift work, so he was always either working or sleeping. It was only after he retired that he realized how my mom treated me, that I wasn't just overreacting all those years, and he didn't try to stop me from moving away at 16 (I had already finished highschool and gotten a job).

    I wasn't attracted to men at all until I accidentally set my profile up wrong on a dating site and a guy contacted me and I ended up falling in love with him. Every since then I have only dated men... however when I look at porn 90% of it is women.

    I have come to the conclusion that love is not limited by gender. If I meet a girl and we hit it off, great, if I meet a guy and we hit it off, great.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)13:12:13 No.2272944

    That's because of the shitty job opportunities for trannies. Either you get fired for transitioning, or all your therapy sessions and anti-depressants turn away employers.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)13:14:39 No.2272959
    Not true. This was their true desire...
    Reason, "That way I know I am beautiful"
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)13:15:47 No.2272966

    How is this a problem? It's just you feeling guilty that you're a creep. Move to Sweden and the novelty will wear off.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)13:15:54 No.2272968
    Either the one trannie I know is a mature person about things, or those you know are not or both of us aren't drawing from a wide enough pool of samples.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)13:18:37 No.2272980
    This post ends on >>2272890
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)13:20:10 No.2272990

    I have already moved here.

    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)13:21:14 No.2272996
    12 people good enough for you?
    I knew them from entertainment circles back when I did showbiz. Businesses here in Singapore are pretty tolerant as long as you don't bring your drama with you. i.e. Go to the ladies. Pop your homone pills in public, solicit sex, etc
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)13:21:47 No.2272998

    >> Pen15. !!1Y2DK/NvjGG 11/28/08(Fri)13:22:07 No.2272999
    But no dice
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)13:23:54 No.2273009

    On 6th December, lurk in airports waiting for flights from the UK, and bring chloroform and a huge IKEA bag.

    Once you see him, you'll know what to do.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)13:26:03 No.2273018

    Kill yourself with a tire iron.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)13:28:22 No.2273031

    He read your diary?!?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)13:28:53 No.2273033
    If I were a girl with nice boobs I'd post them on /r9k/ all the time. Come onnnnnnnnnnnn. I mean, I'd post my dick but no one wants to see that.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)13:29:20 No.2273036
    speaking as a guy, i always wanted to be a girl when i was little. teachers always treated them better and everyone was nicer to them in general :<

    now, as a 20 year old, i have a thing for forced fem. coincidence? you decide.
    >> Pen15. !!1Y2DK/NvjGG 11/28/08(Fri)13:30:36 No.2273043

    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)13:30:57 No.2273046

    Post your ass. Everyone wants to see that.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)13:36:16 No.2273070
    Tits were posted immediately, fucing faggo-

    >> Pen15. !!1Y2DK/NvjGG 11/28/08(Fri)13:43:56 No.2273111
    I have tit pic. SHOULD I POST??!!
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)13:44:07 No.2273113
    Come on you cowardice whore
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)13:54:36 No.2273164
    You have gone from fairly interesting to completely uncompelling. Who cares if you post your "tit" or not?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)14:04:01 No.2273231

    no. We porn addicts do not want to see tits. Please don't post yours either, as I might start fapping to it.
    >> Soon a trap? !!xipezhhJzwv 11/28/08(Fri)14:07:19 No.2273255
    hmm look at my name

    I really don't know what i should say about me. I think of me as a girl, behave girlish around others if i know them well enough. People mixed me up witha girl when I was younger, guess I look somehwat androgynous. I would undergo hormone therape if it wasn't for all the negative side effects in business and in society general. I am gay but I have trouble with talking about with my friends, i really like one of them but i fear that our friendship will end if i talk about my feelings towards him. I come more and more to the conclusion that gender really is only a state of mind, but trying to find one that accepts me as who i am turns out to be difficult, because I have an intellect of ~135 and am too rational for most people. In my philosophy class i was always the extremist asshole who would ridicule other people's beliefs, because they couldn't back them up. Although my life is really good and I most likely will have a bright future in my career I start to lose the connection between me and myself, I don't really know what to think about me. Yeah I know it sounds pretentious and gay
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)14:14:36 No.2273294
    I wish I could meet people like you in person.

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