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    File :1227874510.jpg-(24 KB, 390x483, get-a-brain-morans.jpg)
    24 KB †Invisible Sky Magician† http://invisibleskymagician.baywords.com/ !!I9XpXfP4okU 11/28/08(Fri)07:15:10 No.2271389  
    Here's an interesting question: At exactly what point in time did the majority of a population in any country decide that school and ejukayshun wasn't cool? At what point did the majority of public opinion sway away from school/education? What was the catalyst for the anti-school (children hate teachers, parents of those children hate teachers, the politicians hate teachers), anti-education (religious people prefer home-"school" to indoctrinate their children with) and anti-intellectualism (lol you know what 12 times 11 is? you're a NERD!!!!) that pervades society today?

    How did we get to this point, I fucking ask you.

    Pic related. This picture is ironic because this gentleman is asking, nay, ORDERING us to get a brain while unaware that he himself needs a brain.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)07:19:20 No.2271395
    I blame sports
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)07:19:45 No.2271396
    It's because school is boring. When you're a kid you just want to play and have fun. School requires you to sit in a dull room and listen to a teacher droning on about something you have no passion for.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)07:36:18 No.2271426
    This is true, most subjects at school are useless and have no relevance at all. (Speaking for the British System) No one will ever use "Religious Education", "Citizenship" or any of those retarded subjects. The others like Art and Music are all shit because these subjects are supposed to be able freedom of expression and, under our system, you can only get high grades for doing what everyone says you should do. Nothing makes you hate a style of music more than being forced to study it for 6 years. (FUCK JAZZ FUCKING SHIT MUSIC FUCK IT. BACH CHORALES? NO ONE'S FUCKING CARED ABOUT THOSE FOR 200 YEARS WHO GIVES A FUCK ABOUT THAT SHIT? BACH NEVER EVEN FOLLOWED HIS OWN RULES ANYWAY RAAAAAAGEEEEE.)
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)07:36:59 No.2271428
    School is not about education, it is about brainwashing kids to obey their future employers. I beat the system and live on disability.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)07:37:13 No.2271429
    >to be able
    Should be "about" not able. Fuck.
    >> Pretentious. You proletarians make me sick! A fine tripfag of European descent. !nzcH8FLamA 11/28/08(Fri)07:37:56 No.2271431
    Art class was fucking classic, you had to be so conformist in order to not be "pretentious" or just simply doing the wrong thing.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)07:38:09 No.2271432
    Op is a douche
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)07:39:56 No.2271438
    Education is very important. Unfortunately, public schooling doesn't put a very high priority on that.

    To fix anti-intellectualism... 'twill be difficult, but personally I think that we should take steps to make all ordinary labor be mechanized.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)07:40:03 No.2271439
    School is an institution to keep kids under control while the parents work and giving them education on the side. It really is a prison and like in any prison a lord of the flies situation goes on turning it into a nightmare for those inside (the guy who wrote lord of the flies taught at a boarding school, go figure).

    I don't think school was ever liked. It's just it's the only solution that people have come up with yet apart from keeping your children at home.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)07:40:25 No.2271440
    Oh: Business education needs to be vastly reduced in prestige, somehow.
    >> ~(((^ᴥ^)))~ !!bnLHrHXf83y 11/28/08(Fri)07:40:36 No.2271441

    School isn't boring, it's the people that teach, it's the lackluster approach to the subject. I had a brilliant maths teacher that taught us some complex stuff, and genuinely made us interested in it, he cared so much that we not only understood what was being taught, but what's the purpose of it.

    Now I'm in college, and most of the modules are so fucking boring, yet are supposed to be interesting. For example Analytical Chemistry, WOW, a way to discover how to actually separate, analyse, and determine chemical compounds. But no, the lecturer had to just shit over everything and make it one boring mess.

    It's down to the educators. They have to be tough as nails, yet yielding and understanding.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)07:41:02 No.2271442
    ITT: Morans making damn sure their grammar is correct
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)07:41:33 No.2271444
    I second this like the motherfucking fist of the north star.
    >> Pretentious. You proletarians make me sick! A fine tripfag of European descent. !nzcH8FLamA 11/28/08(Fri)07:42:02 No.2271447
    Religious Education was classic too, because you could always ask the teacher questions she couldn't answer, or point out conflicting views in the bible, or ask a question that disproves religion.

    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)07:43:11 No.2271450
    I blame the media for it's massive influence on idiots (the majority of the population) their constant portrayal of intellectuals (people who in general have active interests in areas of importance) as stereotypical nerds. Among other things.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)07:44:45 No.2271459
    My brother, who's 15, says that his RE teacher just goes on about how evil Dawkins is. Also all they do is copy out of text books: "Christians believe this..." "Muslims believe this..."
    So >>2271441 is right, it's the fucking teacher's fault.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)07:48:01 No.2271473
    >No one will ever use "Religious Education", "Citizenship" or any of those retarded subjects.

    Err, it's important to have RE because it teaches you understanding about RELIGION, you know, that thing that BILLIONS of people do? And Citizenship is shit at the minute - it needs to be reformed. It needs to teach about voting, and encourage political participation... Not have kids making posters about why drugs are bad, ffs.

    >The others like Art and Music are all shit because these subjects are supposed to be able freedom of expression and, under our system, you can only get high grades for doing what everyone says you should do.
    Agreed. My art teacher for GCSE was a fucking Nazi, and I am a beautiful artist - I mean really, my dad does trompe l'eoil (or whatever you spell it like) so I guess I inherited it from him. But I felt very stifled. I just wanted to draw and paint, not do what I was told.

    Yeah, I've had some amazing teachers. In year 4 Mrs Templemen was just like Miss Honey from Matilda - a lovely woman. Made me so happy. My history teacher for GCSE was a powerful woman, who didn't take shit from anybody, and I looked up to her. My science teachers genuinely liked to have a laugh and my RE teacher had us dancing and doing lame shit like that - but it was fun. Maybe it explains why I hated maths so much - such a boring sod. Now I'm in college and all the teachers are fun and engage me entirely.

    Teaching is all about seduction. Seduce me into liking your subject, and into liking you, and you're gonna get an A out of me easily.
    >> Pretentious. You proletarians make me sick! A fine tripfag of European descent. !nzcH8FLamA 11/28/08(Fri)07:55:20 No.2271498
    I remember my English teachers were always angry (psudo?) intellectuals, who'd go against the rules and teach us about things like existensialism, sylvia plath poems, and all this uncesored stuff that they wern't meant to teach us about. Wouldn't miss those classes for the world.

    Hey, fuck you man, Bach was a bro.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)08:05:42 No.2271534
    Yeah, Lit teachers are the best. I remember my English teacher, PMW, who helped me through my GSCEs when my mum was in a mental hospital. He made me believe in myself. AND - oh God - AND - we did Of Mice and Men as the exam text, and he read the whole thing out over a period of two or so weeks, and he did voices for all the characters. Lennie sounded like a Down's kid, George was harsh and spoke quickly, Candy was wheezy, and Curly's Wife was in a sort of gay man's voice (the closest he could get to a woman, I suppose).

    Man, that was amazing. I loved that guy.

    My English teacher now is a lovely Irish man with an 18 year old girlfriend. He must be 30 or 40.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)08:06:02 No.2271536
    >angry (psudo?) intellectuals

    How... how fitting.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)08:14:12 No.2271551
    as far as I know, american education puts far mroe emphasis on sports and civic classes than on actual education.

    The answer pertaining to the overall situation is simple, i think- education became diluted the instant it became compulsory, and thus a tool of economic achievement. Soon, techniques developed to ensure maximum success with minimum engagement. It's a natural adjustment, we all picked it up ourselves on the way.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)08:24:59 No.2271581
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    >How did we get to this point, I fucking ask you.
    >> CLASS DISRUPTOIN IS FINE TOO. ~(((^ᴥ^)))~ !!bnLHrHXf83y 11/28/08(Fri)08:39:00 No.2271637
    We also studied Sylvia Plath... Wow.. What a cunt eh? My English teacher was snobby and a bit elitist, but when you just LISTENED and did what she suggested you got top grades.

    Most of it has to do with the students. When a fresh newbie teacher comes in, they are full of life, imagination and hope. They hope to impart valuable knowledge upon kids in order for them to take full advantage of life's choices.


    As you know, you get the fucking chimps that just mess everything up, the class room ALPHA MALES HURR DURR, that have to challenge teachers in every way. They cause new teachers to break down and turn into bitter miserable sacks of crap that treat everyone with the same contempt. You need strictness, but not sadism, you need to be fair and have a good judgement on situations. And never ever, not once, back down.

    This is what makes a good teacher, you may notice the best ones are ones that hold a sense of authority yet compassion over their students.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)08:41:55 No.2271644
    probably somewhere around the time people started figuring out that public schools for the most part suck utterly, and serve as a babysitting service for suburban families with 2 working parents.

    if school wasnt just a hellhole of social mutilation and halfassed indoctrination, i wouldnt hate it.

    btw i'm old. been out of school for over a decade. its no different now than it was when i was there. american public schools are worthless.
    >> Pretentious. You proletarians make me sick! A fine tripfag of European descent. !nzcH8FLamA 11/28/08(Fri)08:47:45 No.2271669
    That's something I liked in my English teachers, snobby elitism. It's something that's uncommon, and amusing.
    >> Pretentious. You proletarians make me sick! A fine tripfag of European descent. !nzcH8FLamA 11/28/08(Fri)08:49:39 No.2271679
    Remember when you left school and thought that everyone would suddenly become sophisticated?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)08:50:43 No.2271684
    OP, it's cause school is boring and demeaning. Why would anyone NOT dislike that. Have you heard of the Stanford Prison Experiment? Have you considered that if they had called it the Stanford School Experiment, the results probably wouldn't have been very different.

    >School isn't boring, it's the people that teach

    But there's no way for students to pick their teachers or schools. If there is no way for a system to reward competence, and punish incompetence, expect incompetence to be the norm.

    Check out this book:
    The Teenage Liberation Handbook: how to quit school and get a real life and education.pdf

    It might make you think differently of homeschoolers. Not all homeschoolers keep their kids out of school because they want to shelter them from the world, some do it because they DON'T want to shelter from the world.

    I think it's good that so many people are opposed to education, now all we need to do is demand change, instead of just passively accepting that it's a necessary evil.
    >> ~(((^ᴥ^)))~ !!bnLHrHXf83y 11/28/08(Fri)08:57:09 No.2271709
    Oh yeah, read this then: >>2271637
    It's only part of the problems, you get incompetency, teachers "changing", and overall shit. There is NOTHING you can do, unless you train an elite teaching force of super clones that have the same good standards that are expected. Home schooling, I don't know... Seems like a lot of effort that may seem wasted depending on the parent.

    Basic idea: Be a good student, listen, observe and when your specific teacher fails you, just study harder, because in the end you get what you want through being attentive and diligent. The fuckheads who didn't care to begin with end up cleaning off jizz at strip joints.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)09:11:47 No.2271784
    I'm saying the school system can't be reformed, and that any kid who doesn't like school should just quit.

    (You can still go to college if you quit high school.)
    >> TCKaos the GAR !dGeyRY6iVs 11/28/08(Fri)09:16:32 No.2271804
    America spends the second most in the world on education, but we're like somewhere in the neighborhood of 12th place for intellect.

    What the fuck are we spending all of that money on? It's not like the teachers get paid amazingly.

    Is it those retarded programs like No Child Left Behind (which actually hinders public schooling, keeping stupid children in school while failing to actually teach the honors students).
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)09:23:45 No.2271829
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    someone reban this faggot
    >> !!I9XpXfP4okU 11/28/08(Fri)09:25:07 No.2271834
    lsfng lkjsfgh ljsghjsdgjslkhj ldfj lsdghl dgjhld jhlsdjh test adfksfg;dsfgsghsjghjfgkh
    >> †Invisible Sky Magician† http://invisibleskymagician.baywords.com/ !!I9XpXfP4okU 11/28/08(Fri)09:25:34 No.2271836
    itt everyone is this faggot
    tripcode ##jesuslol
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)09:31:04 No.2271858
    Religion is useless to the world.
    >> †Invisible Sky Magician† http://invisibleskymagician.baywords.com/ !!I9XpXfP4okU 11/28/08(Fri)09:32:09 No.2271863
    Oh, you found my trip, big fucking whoop... Anyway, continue thread please.
    >> †Invisible Sky Magician† http://invisibleskymagician.baywords.com/ !!I9XpXfP4okU 11/28/08(Fri)09:36:28 No.2271878
    >> †Invisible Sky Magician† http://invisibleskymagician.baywords.com/ !!I9XpXfP4okU 11/28/08(Fri)09:42:49 No.2271892
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    OP here.

    What he said.
    >> †Invisible Sky Magician† http://invisibleskymagician.baywords.com/ !!I9XpXfP4okU 11/28/08(Fri)09:49:04 No.2271908
         File :1227883744.png-(238 KB, 382x485, Picture 12.png)
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    OP here.

    what this dude spoke
    >> †Invisible Sky Magician† http://invisibleskymagician.baywords.com/ !!I9XpXfP4okU 11/28/08(Fri)09:53:59 No.2271927
    just doing my part to help ruin this thread
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)09:54:42 No.2271929
    The "education" you're speaking of is worth only the credentials you gain because of it.

    People don't educate themselves for enlightenment, they do it so they can get a job.

    The entire educational system is completley fucked, and is based around memory and book smarts.

    Sure there are some useful things you pick up, but really smart people often get fucked over because of it. Really hard working people often get fucked over because of it.

    I myself had an easy time in school, but I saw a lot of genuine people around me who were great, smart people. A lot of people who were hard working but could never make the grades.

    Education needs to be about teaching children REAL skills, and teaching them REAL life lessons, not brainwashing them into the next new office job.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)09:55:43 No.2271934
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    >> †Invisible Sky Magician† http://invisibleskymagician.baywords.com/ !!I9XpXfP4okU 11/28/08(Fri)09:56:19 No.2271935
    just doing what i can to do my part to help ruin this thread!
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)10:00:22 No.2271953

    The entire book is online for free. I highly suggest reading it. I could only read it about 2 chapters at a time though because I would start raging so hard at how we've been manipulated to be systematically dumbed down into a subservient worker class for the past 150 years or so.

    You want answers OP, this book has a lot of them.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)10:15:16 No.2272007
    I wish schools in Canada had Religious Education, actually. It could potentially do a lot of good if properly taught. The bigotry in Alberta towards people for being Islamic is just shit.

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