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    File :1227861505.png-(19 KB, 716x665, 1.png)
    19 KB Shiné 11/28/08(Fri)03:38:25 No.2270117  
    Relationship advice thread!

    Ask me any question, general or specific, concerning relationships, or sex, or whatever!

    I'm an expert on the subject because of my learnings!
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)03:38:59 No.2270122
    You're a lonely virgin, aren't you?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)03:39:31 No.2270128
    tell me more about your learnings.

    Or no....don't. Tell me a story about a giraffe in stead.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)03:40:12 No.2270135
    a girl has friendzoned me. I've quit talking to her. she doesn't get the message and still really wants to hang out with me. what the fuck, what do i do? I feel like a dick everytime I push ignore on my cell phone.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)03:41:42 No.2270147
    Hi, I'm a fat smelly deformed asspie with terrible skin. How do I seduce and deflower a million 12 year old girls?
    >> The Guru !!GUJgcWVW8Zk 11/28/08(Fri)03:42:01 No.2270151
    I like your hair down, like that cow-lick thread last night, I think you should keep it like that.

    but I digress, I have this friend that always cuts communications with me whenever we has problems with her ex, how can I get her to stop talking to him for good?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)03:42:16 No.2270152
    >I'm an expert on the subject because of my learnings!
    They've been browsing /r9k/ since it's launch, so by now they've heard it all.

    How do I get a girl to fuck me in the ass?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)03:42:42 No.2270158
    cloroform and getting to cris hansen first.
    >> Shiné 11/28/08(Fri)03:43:17 No.2270161
         File :1227861797.png-(15 KB, 544x567, 2.png)
    15 KB
    Nope! I've only had sex with one person, though. Haven't really given a shit enough to seek out anybody else.

    Giraffes, like all things from Africa, have nothing to do with relationship advice.

    If she doesn't get the hint, then be extremely direct with her. Pussyfooting around issues is what got you in the friendzone in the first place. GOOD JOB, however, trying to ignore her. That shows courage, and you should congratulate yourself for not allowing her to make you her little bitch.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)03:44:51 No.2270169
    Oh, hey, look, another idiot making another relationshit thread. So cool.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)03:47:20 No.2270185
    fuckin drawnigger, do you really think we need another relationship thread? i don't know what's worst, your advice or the faggots asking for it
    >> Shiné 11/28/08(Fri)03:48:36 No.2270193
    You shouldn't be deflowering 12 year old girls in the first place, but >>2270158 has the right idea.

    Your best bet there would be to convince your ex to never talk to *her*. Women are stupid creatures that always come back for more, no matter how bad you treat them, until they turn the age of 35-40 depending on the girl. Convince her ex, not her.

    Craig's List Casual Encounters. Seriously. Lots of girls will do this for you if you know where to look. If you're asking about how to get a SPECIFIC girl to, that's trickier, and really, unless she's predisposed to, you're out of luck.

    Aren't I awesome?
    >> Shiné 11/28/08(Fri)03:49:42 No.2270201
         File :1227862182.png-(12 KB, 446x473, 3.png)
    12 KB
    I think you're the worst, but don't worry about that. Being the worst on 4chan is like being the best anywhere else. I'm sure somebody thinks you're funny! Cheer up! Smile!
    >> The Guru !!GUJgcWVW8Zk 11/28/08(Fri)03:50:18 No.2270206

    He secretly hates me .So talking to him about her is a no go

    bitter bitches sure are bitter tonight.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)03:50:45 No.2270210
    This happend to me,

    today at work a co-worker girl told me that she did not know why but she trusted me plenty, and that my face reflected that, this kinda surprised me cause it came outta nothing, dun know why she made that comment, i suspect that she is into me, or is it just me? that was kinda of ebarrasing cause there were plenty of co-workers right there, whut do you think??
    >> Tao !!eFZ1anCCqZ2 11/28/08(Fri)03:51:32 No.2270214
    Shin(alt+233), I support you, even though you remind me greatly of a yaoi fangirl who hated me back in HS.
    >> ­ 11/28/08(Fri)03:53:17 No.2270225
    This thread is now about religion.

    Current topic: Mormonism.

    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)03:53:47 No.2270229
    evreyone hates you but shine faggot
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)03:55:16 No.2270237
    Whats the best way to initiate anal with a girl?
    >> Sanchez !IS3gM5D.kI 11/28/08(Fri)03:55:33 No.2270244
    Oh, hey now you listen to me bitch.
    >> Shiné 11/28/08(Fri)03:55:36 No.2270245
         File :1227862536.png-(12 KB, 563x463, 4.png)
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    Hmm... That certainly makes things more difficult.

    I would assume that that probably means that he's actively trying to get her to stop talking to you, hence the her cutting off contacts, right?

    I think you might just be out of luck, on this matter. Whatever you do, don't confront her on this, no matter how much this seems like a good idea, it isn't.

    Naw, she's probably just a naive little bitch, and meant nothing of it. You're in the friend zone, dude. Good luck with that.

    Naw, he's pretty annoying. He posted like 50 threads today, right?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)03:55:54 No.2270248
    I knew a mormon in high school. Tall, redhead, dorky. He played the accordion. After graduation he went to Lithuania or something as a missionary.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)03:56:00 No.2270251
    who the fuck was asking for your advice?

    seriously, attentionwhores like you are killing this board, get a fuckin life, the same goes for the ronery faggots asking for advice
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)03:57:15 No.2270258
    Are you guys seriously doing this. Asking for relationship advice from Shine.

    Have you no shame.
    >> Tao !!eFZ1anCCqZ2 11/28/08(Fri)03:58:08 No.2270259
    Yep. Just like the yaoi fangirl who hated me. She was a three hundred pound whale.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)03:59:07 No.2270267
    Desperate fag sure is desperate for asking for advice ON FUCKING 4CHAN.

    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)03:59:33 No.2270275
    Lithuania is like the idiot capital of the world, so I've seen.
    >> The Guru !!GUJgcWVW8Zk 11/28/08(Fri)04:00:09 No.2270280
    >> Shiné 11/28/08(Fri)04:00:26 No.2270282
         File :1227862826.png-(11 KB, 453x441, 5.png)
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    Ohhhh, I understand that you're afraid of being one kind of loser, so you're being a different kind of loser... You're not being positive, though. Just smile and let it be. You'll be happier that way.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)04:01:02 No.2270286
    No, but seriously, how do I initiate anal? Not even anal sex per se, just anal play even.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)04:01:33 No.2270291
    I cheated on this person I didn't think was my girlfriend because she was being fucking possessive, then I got together with the person I cheated on her with.

    We're all chicks.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)04:02:17 No.2270299
    how do I go from being a friendless loser to having a good social circle?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)04:02:51 No.2270302
    My girlfriend cheated on me and now she's dating that fucking whore. How do I kill her without getting caught?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)04:03:05 No.2270303

    i'm telling you to GTFO, plain and simple, i don't care about your opinions
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)04:03:48 No.2270307
    more giraffes plx.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)04:04:20 No.2270313

    pick up a hobby where you can interact with people. go out and find those people that are doing it. naturally you'll become friends with those people.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)04:04:45 No.2270318

    novella win.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)04:04:58 No.2270320
    Probably. Why don't you just go back to DA already or better yet, get banned?

    You're a faggot if you do anything but sage this thread. OP sounds this weeaboo girl I know that thinks her advice is worth anything.
    >> The Guru !!GUJgcWVW8Zk 11/28/08(Fri)04:05:04 No.2270322
    I never do, I just let her know if she ever needs anyone to talk to that I'm there for her.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)04:05:51 No.2270325
    How do I get my girlfriend to let me put a diaper on her?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)04:06:32 No.2270333
    Yeah. I did realise that i need some hobbies. I just don't know how to find one that I actually enjoy.
    >> Sanchez !IS3gM5D.kI 11/28/08(Fri)04:06:43 No.2270335
    Its called a nigger!
    >> The Guru !!GUJgcWVW8Zk 11/28/08(Fri)04:06:48 No.2270336
    Why the fuck would i go to DA i've only been like there like 5 times in my life. You make little sense, and wild assumptions. Please, go to sleep.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)04:06:53 No.2270338
    xD im on the friend zone, the fuck with it i just spoke with this girl on my breaks, lol i didnt pay much attention to her was more focused on ending my cigarette b4 my break ended, but yeah she prob its just a naive little bitch.
    >> Shiné 11/28/08(Fri)04:07:36 No.2270342
         File :1227863256.png-(12 KB, 446x451, 6.png)
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    What has worked for quite a few male friends of mine, on this topic, is that when you're already sexually active with your female partner, you try to manipulate some sort of "free pass" out of her, by either winning some stupid bet, or some other unfair game of some sort. These are NOT HARD to make happen... Most girls are willing to experiment with such things anyway.

    Also, you can try just goooing for it, while having sex. In the heat of passion, girls are incredibly open to anything... obviously.

    Well, for one, stop posting. I don't mean all *together*, I mean stop posting things like what you just posted. The easiest way to GET confidence is to ACT like you HAVE it. Emulation becomes second nature, and second nature becomes first nature.

    Your best bet, really, is to read too much Wikipedia. Start with some random ass topic you like, and then keep fucking reading.

    Also, watch "The Daily Show" and "The Colbert Report".

    Trust me, if you know a lot about a variety of random ass subjects, and you know a tiny bit about world events, you'll have NO trouble talking to people. ACT CONFIDENT and you'll BE CONFIDENT!
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)04:09:23 No.2270359
    >Recommending reading wikipedia and becoming a neckbeard to help people make friends

    LOL gg failposter. Your advice SUCKS and you're probably a friendless loser who has no business giving it whatsoever.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)04:09:59 No.2270362
    My boyfriend wants to stick a gerbil up my ass, but I had a horrific experience when I was a child. Likewise I enacted a rape fantasy, and I strapped him up against his will and raped him viciously, but coincidentally, after he was finished crying, he told me that as a child he was also raped. I kind of feel guilty, should I stick this gerbil up my ass so I can get me some sweet chocolate lovings, someday in the future, or should I let the matter ruin our relationship?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)04:10:51 No.2270365
    I am, *totally*, like, *Shine* right NOW!

    *Yeah*, I *AM*, pretty AWEsome!
    >> Shiné 11/28/08(Fri)04:12:21 No.2270383
         File :1227863541.png-(14 KB, 542x540, 7.png)
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    The hardest thing to obscure when commiting a murder is motive. Waaaait it out. Kill her when it seems like you have no motive, and they won't even investigate you.

    This is good advice. Everybody listen to this man.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)04:14:14 No.2270398
    holy shit guise

    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)04:15:34 No.2270409
    so whut do you do for a living?
    >> Bored_Rice !3GqYIJ3Obs 11/28/08(Fri)04:16:02 No.2270411
    Yay feels like /r9k/
    >> Shiné 11/28/08(Fri)04:16:05 No.2270414
    You should really talk to her instead of ignoring her. That way, you won't be put in the friendzone. Make sure you're persistent and talk to her every opportunity you get.
    >> Shiné 11/28/08(Fri)04:16:21 No.2270416
         File :1227863781.png-(15 KB, 434x597, 8.png)
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    Oh, alright. This thread is now about Gordon the Pringles Giraffe.
    >> Shiné 11/28/08(Fri)04:17:14 No.2270420
         File :1227863834.png-(24 KB, 716x665, shine.png)
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    Haha! I wonder if that's on every computer in 4chan nowadays.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)04:17:20 No.2270422
    Yes! I fucking love that fucking giraffe!
    >> Dirndl !!9zQY+fpJBrm 11/28/08(Fri)04:17:56 No.2270429
    Since you won't stop...
    draw me a picture. Please.
    >> Shiné 11/28/08(Fri)04:20:04 No.2270445
         File :1227864004.png-(13 KB, 347x529, 9.png)
    13 KB
    Here! I drew you a Giraffe!

    Do you like it? His name is Gordon.
    >> The Guru !!GUJgcWVW8Zk 11/28/08(Fri)04:21:18 No.2270455
    Gordon is making me lol, draw more please.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)04:22:37 No.2270464

    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)04:22:49 No.2270466
         File :1227864169.jpg-(48 KB, 300x421, Pringlesgiraffe34.jpg)
    48 KB

    i missed with the picture but i was thinking on the same lines
    >> Dirndl !!9zQY+fpJBrm 11/28/08(Fri)04:23:09 No.2270468
    I kinda like it, but it wasn't exactly for me. :c

    Draw me a Steak.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)04:23:53 No.2270474
    The thing is that im not intrested on that girl, its just that comment that she made, i dunno was kind of weird to say, i mean i dont even consider her as a friend, but dunno just wanted to know what were her intentions or what did she meant on that comment that she made, whenever i spoke to her was always like,

    girl: bla bla bla my parents... bla bla bla dont know whut to do..

    and i was all like:
    well you know whut do you have to do if not think bout it, and continued smoking, pretty much that was my answer to w/e she said, anyway just felt kind of akward at that moment.
    >> Shiné 11/28/08(Fri)04:24:03 No.2270475
         File :1227864243.png-(11 KB, 324x466, 10.png)
    11 KB
    I certainly hope that nobody out there actually thought that I came up with Gordon...

    I didn't.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)04:24:50 No.2270480
         File :1227864290.jpg-(44 KB, 700x525, cp000006.jpg)
    44 KB
    what's the matter with the giraffes?
    >> Shiné 11/28/08(Fri)04:25:14 No.2270484
         File :1227864314.png-(6 KB, 361x283, 11.png)
    6 KB
    Here, I drew you a T-Bone steak.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)04:26:20 No.2270492
    yes, it was invented by a retarded child and everyone thought it was so LOLWTFBBQ OMGZ SOOO RANDOM XD SOCK IT TO ME! after it has been posted on the front page of ED.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)04:26:32 No.2270493
         File :1227864392.jpg-(35 KB, 405x500, Gor_donfire.jpg)
    35 KB
    this motherfucker is the new eevee
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)04:27:15 No.2270500
         File :1227864435.jpg-(38 KB, 469x535, Gor_donwater.jpg)
    38 KB
    is that some motherfucking water stone
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)04:27:41 No.2270502
    what is this faggotry.
    i want an answer.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)04:27:41 No.2270503

    Good job, you will get this to 404.
    By getting reported. B&!
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)04:27:43 No.2270504
    theres no grass stone but whatever nigger
    >> Shiné 11/28/08(Fri)04:28:47 No.2270510
         File :1227864527.png-(10 KB, 299x469, 12.png)
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    Post moar gordons! Here's a version without Shine hair.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)04:29:51 No.2270518
         File :1227864591.jpg-(38 KB, 370x503, Gor_dongrass.jpg)
    38 KB

    lolfaggot you arent very good at this
    >> Dirndl !!9zQY+fpJBrm 11/28/08(Fri)04:29:57 No.2270519
    Mh, delicious. Thanks. :]
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)04:31:38 No.2270529
         File :1227864698.jpg-(23 KB, 488x600, 488px-Gor_donguitarhero.jpg)
    23 KB
    i would rub his whammy bar this motherfucking giraffe is awesome
    >> durf 11/28/08(Fri)04:32:00 No.2270531
         File :1227864720.jpg-(128 KB, 561x697, satan-fall-from-heaven.jpg)
    128 KB

    This is really too much.
    I cast you down into the realm of /b/ where your massive faggotry shall await until the end of days kthxbai.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)04:32:04 No.2270532
    lol so random

    at least trip when postin your crap
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)04:34:16 No.2270544
    Is this thread getting hot, or is it just me?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)04:34:34 No.2270548
         File :1227864874.png-(13 KB, 659x394, Gor_donoriginal.png)
    13 KB
    this is the best fucking original pictyre ever
    >> Shiné 11/28/08(Fri)04:36:33 No.2270558
         File :1227864993.png-(9 KB, 605x325, 13.png)
    9 KB

    That is an AWESOME GIRAFFE!
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)04:38:33 No.2270569
         File :1227865113.jpg-(36 KB, 468x599, 468px-Giraffe34.jpg)
    36 KB
    holy shit thats a penis on agirafe
    >> Dirndl !!9zQY+fpJBrm 11/28/08(Fri)04:41:33 No.2270583
    Don't tell me you're "FUCKING METAL!!" now.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)04:43:57 No.2270598

    Get that fail out of here.
    Also, mods are slow getting the CPz.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)04:45:12 No.2270604
    japanese names are the worst.
    i suppose it is to be expected from inferior people.
    >> Shiné 11/28/08(Fri)04:45:53 No.2270607
         File :1227865553.png-(9 KB, 399x383, 14.png)
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    I am everything you don't want me to be, Tripfaggot.

    Describe your most feared thing.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)04:47:33 No.2270618
    ah, i see.
    you don't use tripcode when you give yourself a name, so you are less of a faggot and therefore one of the cool kids, amirite?
    get fucked.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)04:48:22 No.2270623
    black people, no, black gay people
    >> Shiné !XGafoSHINE 11/28/08(Fri)04:48:49 No.2270627
         File :1227865729.png-(11 KB, 443x439, 15.png)
    11 KB
    You're right. I'm sorry.

    Happy now?
    >> Shiné !XGafoSHINE 11/28/08(Fri)04:50:29 No.2270637
         File :1227865829.png-(10 KB, 443x438, 17.png)
    10 KB
    So... Is this better, then?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)04:50:35 No.2270639
    no, your name is to ethnic.
    >> Dirndl !!9zQY+fpJBrm 11/28/08(Fri)04:52:50 No.2270646
    Be the raging god of vikings.
    >> Shinéqua !XGafoSHINE 11/28/08(Fri)04:53:20 No.2270648
         File :1227866000.png-(10 KB, 443x433, 18.png)
    10 KB
    Ok.... how about this? Is this better?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)04:53:44 No.2270651
         File :1227866024.jpg-(76 KB, 600x450, 1227842770144.jpg)
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    i canna think of anything i fear more than you tittyfucking luigi
    >> Shiné 11/28/08(Fri)04:54:23 No.2270658
    thread over. Goodnight. Won't be posting again.
    >> The Guru !!GUJgcWVW8Zk 11/28/08(Fri)04:55:50 No.2270667
    Goodnight, I started falling asleep anyway.
    >> Tao !!eFZ1anCCqZ2 11/28/08(Fri)04:56:48 No.2270673
    Look what you faggots have done. You had a girl and you chased her out. why? Because you couldn't handle her!!!!

    *hee hee* I can't do this with a straight face.

    See you tomorrow shin(alt+233).
    >> Shiné 11/28/08(Fri)13:40:32 No.2273096
         File :1227897632.png-(15 KB, 446x473, 3.png)
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    Back. Good morning.

    Looks as though all the CP got deleted by the mods.

    SO~! Back to giving advice. Any more questions?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)13:44:15 No.2273115
    My girlfriend's a depressed mess who I want to develop feelings for, but memories of my ex overshadow her. (We haven't been together for long, mind you.) Should I dump her, and if so, how do I do it without destroying her?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)13:47:14 No.2273131
    I love you Shine
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)13:49:57 No.2273139
    Alright, sure. Fix me.
    I am incredibly, incredibly when it comes to women. There is literally a checklist that they have to at least 75% fulfill for me to even consider being attached to them, and they more or less have to be someone I can show off like a new shirt or hat.
    Also, I form almost no emotional attachments to them and view them as replaceable items not much different than a chair or table, and so when things get annoying or difficult and we split, I usually feel nothing other than amusement and pleasant sense of freedom. They are usually either devastated or infuriated that I dont care about the whole event.
    I am told that this is sort of a bad way to be when it comes to this whole section of life, but then, Im just as happy on my own, so I dont really care either. But still, the few exes I talk to tell me Im a monster.
    Advise me of Shine.
    >> Shiné 11/28/08(Fri)13:50:00 No.2273141
         File :1227898200.png-(13 KB, 500x480, 19.png)
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    Honestly, your best bet is to passively make her realize what you just told me. If she's a strong woman (which she probably isn't) then she'll confront YOU on the matter and dump YOU. If she isn't, then come out and tell her, because at that point, there's no easy way to dump the girl without leaving her devastated.

    The key to breakups is to leave the other person thinking like they broke up with you... Unless of course you care about your pride, in which case you're an asshole and really shouldn't be bothering yourself with *not* devastating her.

    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)13:50:46 No.2273148
    Bah, incredibly, incredibly picky when it comes to women, damn typo. I just accidentally a whole opening.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)13:50:57 No.2273149
    Okay, so I know this guy. He's stunning, charming and smart, and popular because of this. I have talked to him on a semi-regular basis, but the topics are usually stuff like our courses at uni, libraries, etc. Aside from during lectures, I don't see him around much.

    How do I get to the point where I can ruthlessly fuck him over a desk?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)13:52:21 No.2273154
    hey shine do you look like your drawfagged character?

    if so, i'm finding where you live and raping you.

    but don't let that influence your answer! tell me honestly.
    >> Shiné 11/28/08(Fri)13:56:22 No.2273170
         File :1227898582.png-(11 KB, 400x431, 20.png)
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    You are a monster. You're also happy. Fuck what they think.

    It sounds to me like he isn't single. Systematically make him hate his soon-to-be-Ex, and then have the, "You know, you're a great guy, and I can't believe she'd give you up," talk.

    Nope, I'm actually ugly. And 40. And a Guy. And Married. And do this to rebel against my wife. And middle eastern.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)13:57:50 No.2273180

    I'm coming to your house to verify.

    please post your address and cell phone here, please and thank you.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)14:00:14 No.2273193
    Yeah, I get the monster thing a lot. Im going to actually ask for once, because I just spent a ridiculous amount of money on clothes and Im in a good mood, how am I a monster? How is this so terrible? Im not exactly twisting babies arms off or anything.
    >> dino Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)14:00:43 No.2273198
         File :1227898843.jpg-(113 KB, 601x800, Recently Updated.jpg)
    113 KB
    dearest shine' lets assume your a guy...

    am i overdoing it? i mean "suck my dick" and stuff
    >> stand on toilet girl !!EkiuUadC9sR 11/28/08(Fri)14:03:10 No.2273222
    I'm so tired of all these Shine threads, they are getting really old.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)14:05:07 No.2273238
    Okay okay shine here's my situation:

    i'm 18 and somewhat attractive - i get looks from plenty of girls, and a few of my gay guy friends joke about my looks, my ass (et cetera) all the time. i make music to get by - i sell my demos and my EP for $5 and $8 each, respectively. I read a lot, and I honestly cannot imagine dating a girl that cannot appreciate a good book. I have an okay personality, but nothing too bold.

    My question to you is this: where and how do i go about meeting women that would be both interesting to me and interested in me?
    >> Shiné 11/28/08(Fri)14:05:44 No.2273243
    134 Western Barnsfield, Crete. Don't have a phone or cellphone. Good luck.

    You treat women like they're things, and not people. While I don't think there's anything truly wrong with that, it should be obvious that the girls you interact with, do.

    I.... really don't understand the question. Nice glasses.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/08(Fri)14:06:11 No.2273246

    You just accidentally a whole direct object! is this bad?

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