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11/28/08(Fri)14:00:35 No.2273196  let me see.
I was a kid my granma would feed me sweets and cakes to no end - I
onviously ate anything, thus becoming a fattie. Looking back, as a kid
i spent most of my time outside playing with other kids, ridin bycicle
and such. I never got in a fight, unless it fas fictionous ("let's
pretend i was a giant monster destroying the city and you was a
knight!"). I was a brilliant kid, not a genious, but most of the stuff
that other kids were strugglin to get come easily to me. My teachers
and parents kept telling that I was a genious, my grades were top
class. Looking back, about at that time I stopped studying, since I was
"a genious", capable of learning just listening to shit once. The
future proved me wrong.
Around 12-14 years old, my classmates
began playing with the concept of sex, while I began playing with RPGs
and Computers and Vidya and reading difficult books. Most of my
friends, some of which are my best friends, were females.
high school i struggled a bit, being a bit nerdish (fat, silent, sat in
the darkness). I got picked upon for my pacifist views (I hadn't fought
anyone..yet), and big kids and bullies, well, bullied me.
2 years into high schools everything changed. I grew almost 30 cm in a
summer, I was still fat but i was tall. Bullies came to bully me, and I
retaliate with little violence. Then one day I snapped and reatliate
with extreme violence. I spent 3 years being a model student in class
and picking fight with the other kids after school. Not to look like an
hero or something, but at least at school i used my all-new renew of
prizefighter to protect nerds, little kids and girls.
Then i
got hammered ont he nvil of life for a good 4 year (dropped out of
college, father died, suddenly less moneys, started working with
abusive people, etc).
I don't remember the point of all this. |