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    File: 1335633962.png-(16 KB, 510x505, 39.png)
    16 KB let me draw your waifus/husbandos OP !!tWYMjVtswzj 04/28/12(Sat)13:26:02 No.2268163  
    I don't know about you guys, but the only thing I love more than drawing is drawing fat bottomed girls in track uniforms. ANYWAY, I'd like to humbly request to draw your waifus/husbandos this saturday! What do you say?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)13:27:20 No.2268171
         File: 1335634040.jpg-(68 KB, 850x906, 1313712765251.jpg)
    68 KB
    PIease draw her.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)13:28:47 No.2268185
         File: 1335634127.jpg-(35 KB, 400x569, waifu.jpg)
    35 KB
    This is how I waifu.
    >dat mystery
    >dat joy at seeing the world
    >dat faithfulness

    not to mention she's powerful as fuck
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)13:29:15 No.2268187
         File: 1335634155.png-(250 KB, 797x476, jkgf.png)
    250 KB
    I already did today but flockdraw was nearly empty.. anyway this looks like it could be a good thread, I can also try to draw if anyone wants
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)13:30:40 No.2268196
         File: 1335634240.jpg-(217 KB, 600x800, 24838113.jpg)
    217 KB

    That wasn't a very good picture, use this as a reference instead.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)13:32:12 No.2268208
         File: 1335634332.jpg-(102 KB, 934x700, 1334136561575.jpg)
    102 KB
    I expect great things.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)13:38:29 No.2268249
    Will OP be posting progress pictures, or the whole image when he's finished?
    How fast do you work, OP? Just wondering, don't want to stress you or sacrifice quality for speed.
    >> OP !!tWYMjVtswzj 04/28/12(Sat)13:40:41 No.2268266
         File: 1335634841.png-(16 KB, 488x538, 40.png)
    16 KB
    here you are dear anon! And also, to the drawfriend, I'd love it if you drew too. Anybody who wants to should draw :D
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)13:41:17 No.2268273

    Thanks for the very nice picture, OP!
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)13:41:33 No.2268274
    >go in /r9k/
    >find an attention whore
    how about you learn how to draw first, faggot
    >> OP !!tWYMjVtswzj 04/28/12(Sat)13:41:46 No.2268275
    no, my drawings aren't very...fabulous, as you can see! So I churn them out within a few minutes, there's no huge need for progress reports c: some of them take longer than others though.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)13:42:33 No.2268283

    >offers to draw characters/people we like
    >attention whore
    >> OP !!tWYMjVtswzj 04/28/12(Sat)13:43:14 No.2268286
         File: 1335634994.png-(9 KB, 488x538, 41.png)
    9 KB
    here, I drew a picture of your waifu, anon
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)13:46:01 No.2268301
    As I a wizard I hope to have an apprentice that I think is a bookish girl tomboy type but turns out to be an actual boy. I am okay with this but everyday is a constant struggle against my animal urges. Please draw this across multiple frames. Include my vulture.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)13:50:11 No.2268328
         File: 1335635411.jpg-(96 KB, 800x600, elena.jpg)
    96 KB
    Oh man, put her out of her misery...
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)13:56:44 No.2268376
         File: 1335635804.png-(14 KB, 383x483, dgf.png)
    14 KB
    I tried
    >> OP !!tWYMjVtswzj 04/28/12(Sat)13:57:28 No.2268386
         File: 1335635848.png-(12 KB, 316x533, 41.png)
    12 KB
    sorry if I fucked it up, anon!
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)13:58:15 No.2268388
    Thanks!! :3 she looks good
    >> OP !!tWYMjVtswzj 04/28/12(Sat)13:58:34 No.2268391
    it's beautiful! bloooxxxx
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)13:59:16 No.2268397
    daww this is really cute as well.
    If my waifu could see this I'm sure she'd be really happy.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)14:00:02 No.2268402
    am I the only one that sees OP faces with double chin?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)14:00:10 No.2268404
         File: 1335636010.jpg-(178 KB, 400x500, d9d23f35b13eabca32efa2ec5f5b68(...).jpg)
    178 KB
    Please draw my waifu
    >> OP !!tWYMjVtswzj 04/28/12(Sat)14:02:04 No.2268422
    oh god, it cannot be unseen. I love you anon.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)14:02:15 No.2268424
         File: 1335636135.png-(907 KB, 900x1203, 2233214355465.png)
    907 KB
    Could you do the girl on the right? I can't give you any other references because it's the only one I've got of them, sorry.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)14:03:00 No.2268430
         File: 1335636180.jpg-(64 KB, 800x600, Untitled.jpg)
    64 KB
    My art is based in truth.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)14:03:42 No.2268433
         File: 1335636222.jpg-(215 KB, 1082x1500, 1334401688084.jpg)
    215 KB
    If you would be so kind, OP. She's Saber from Fate/Stay Night if you need more references.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)14:04:22 No.2268441
         File: 1335636262.jpg-(495 KB, 1500x1276, 1323207527576.jpg)
    495 KB
    Have fun, get to it.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)14:05:19 No.2268452
         File: 1335636319.jpg-(383 KB, 974x1229, 4900d421fc715e1797dd09e23d1103(...).jpg)
    383 KB
    The purple haired girl on the right, please!
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)14:07:09 No.2268462
         File: 1335636429.jpg-(469 KB, 1100x888, 1331343465630.jpg)
    469 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)14:08:00 No.2268470
         File: 1335636480.png-(195 KB, 576x671, eureka7.png)
    195 KB
    Here's mine.

    She's so kawaii.
    >> OP !!tWYMjVtswzj 04/28/12(Sat)14:12:02 No.2268504
    holy shit, I just got called into work! If you guys can keep this thread alive for eight hours, then hopefully I can pick it up again.I'm so sorrrryyy
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)14:13:34 No.2268510
    Is that some SEIBA?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)14:14:38 No.2268523
         File: 1335636878.jpg-(20 KB, 617x512, op.jpg)
    20 KB
    I drew a picture of OP's fatness
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)14:15:13 No.2268528
    Draw a girl in a baggy sweatshirt and no pants scratching her ass with a toothbrush
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)14:16:04 No.2268536
    >attention whore
    >get overwhelmed with requests
    >make up excuse to leave
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)14:16:20 No.2268539
         File: 1335636980.png-(17 KB, 626x191, ghghhgfh.png)
    17 KB
    not sure how to continue
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)14:20:35 No.2268583
    Done right this will be awesome beyond what we thought possible.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)14:20:56 No.2268586
    big, nicely shaped tits, thin waist but nice ass...uhh...lets go with blonde hair. brown eyes because blue eyes is too cliched.

    draw her for me OP that I may have something to fap about.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)14:23:51 No.2268608
    draw sanic hagehog

    sanic is my husbando
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)14:50:20 No.2268804
         File: 1335639020.png-(19 KB, 626x191, gtytrtr.png)
    19 KB
    feel free to give me ideas, I have no idea what I'm doing
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)14:52:26 No.2268824
    YES, YES.

    Now we need him/her to come in for tea, then a short strip about how he/she ended up in the rain.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)15:03:49 No.2268928
    That has a lot of character. Well done anon.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)15:08:47 No.2268980
         File: 1335640127.png-(9 KB, 626x191, dgfdgf.png)
    9 KB
    I'm glad someone is enjoying this
    I'll try to get him/here inside next
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)15:46:42 No.2269309
         File: 1335642402.png-(16 KB, 626x191, rtyty.png)
    16 KB
    that's enough for today
    >> OP EPIC POST!! 04/28/12(Sat)15:51:10 No.2269341
         File: 1335642670.jpg-(47 KB, 500x658, Grimes+s2.jpg)
    47 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)15:59:58 No.2269427
    Yes, this is better than my imagination could have imagined! Wonderful.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:01:21 No.2269440
    Normally you do this on /a/. Is everything okay? Why here?

    Yours in fear, anon
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:10:43 No.2269519
         File: 1335643843.jpg-(42 KB, 696x646, 876543.jpg)
    42 KB
    Yes, please, OP. Do draw him.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:11:30 No.2269524
         File: 1335643890.png-(15 KB, 355x515, rht.png)
    15 KB
    I'm glad you like it anon!
    maybe I'll continue it tomorrow or something, also if other drawfags want they can take it from here
    I think I'll do some more waifus now
    I tried
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:20:22 No.2269581
         File: 1335644422.png-(1.38 MB, 1300x1258, e114f4f2508b086af017fb73f2e416(...).png)
    1.38 MB
    >No olev for Neptunia
    Bad bad anon
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:21:54 No.2269589
         File: 1335644514.jpg-(47 KB, 640x480, 1334637238996.jpg)
    47 KB
    >Saying Neptunia, not Neptune
    awww shit
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:28:23 No.2269638
         File: 1335644903.png-(12 KB, 355x391, gfhgfh.png)
    12 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:38:07 No.2269723
         File: 1335645487.png-(17 KB, 355x468, dgfgfffddd.png)
    17 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:38:57 No.2269728
         File: 1335645537.jpg-(246 KB, 567x778, c083.01.jpg)
    246 KB
    I am interested in this drawing of waifus.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:42:42 No.2269767
    plz draw the blue slime from the dragon quest video game series, its my wafui
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:57:31 No.2269875
         File: 1335646651.png-(13 KB, 387x383, tyrr.png)
    13 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)17:03:37 No.2269928
    >tan skinned maiden in black
    And great it was.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)17:08:13 No.2269961
    >you will never have a son or daughter whose delightful drawings you can proudly hang up around the house
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)17:15:18 No.2270030
    but they all look the same
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)17:17:19 No.2270054
         File: 1335647839.png-(37 KB, 453x488, dfgdfgd.png)
    37 KB
    >> TheManthat'sgoingtosave/r9k/ !6UEJSkGVOk 04/28/12(Sat)17:19:52 No.2270084
    Draw Heather Mason having complacent but non-consensual sex with Alex Shepherd

    Not like RAPE RAPE but like semi-rape, let he knows she doesn't want it but he does it anyway , and she doesn't want it but she doesn't have the emotional strength to care anymore
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)17:22:50 No.2270116
    Mai waifu is the companion cube. Think about it.
    >doesn't threaten to kill you
    >can't speak
    >cant leave even if it wants to

    Obviously best waifu.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)17:27:12 No.2270157
         File: 1335648432.png-(13 KB, 378x530, 1328331091755.png)
    13 KB
    Did you draw this OP?
    >> TheManthat'sgoingtosave/r9k/ !6UEJSkGVOk 04/28/12(Sat)17:29:36 No.2270185

    OP are you drawing ma waifu?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)17:35:52 No.2270245
         File: 1335648952.jpg-(199 KB, 600x841, 1333911842012.jpg)
    199 KB
    I'd enjoy seeing my waifu in a track uniform showing off her baby bearing hips.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)17:38:15 No.2270270
         File: 1335649095.png-(34 KB, 453x488, tyrrtyryr.png)
    34 KB
    so kawaii
    >> Anonymous !zeGHlZZMYo 04/28/12(Sat)17:39:01 No.2270275
         File: 1335649141.png-(388 KB, 400x607, midna_by_vermin_star-drivts.png)
    388 KB

    polite bl0x
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)17:43:41 No.2270332
         File: 1335649421.jpg-(310 KB, 1600x1200, HMSH3.jpg)
    310 KB

    I want to see this

    but you have to draw her with this expression on her face
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)17:44:42 No.2270345
    Dark hair, big breasts, wearing an oversized camo jacket and holding a gun.
    I spend too much time on /k/
    >> TripFag !9N4nUN7jEY 04/28/12(Sat)17:46:06 No.2270357
         File: 1335649566.jpg-(9 KB, 300x236, alex_large.jpg)
    9 KB

    yeah and draw Alex like this, with the "what the fuck is wrong with me" look on his face, like he's ashamed of himself but needs it at the same time
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)17:48:25 No.2270378
    how's life in ghana?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)17:48:44 No.2270381

    OP 1000 times this

    Heather is my waifu FOREVERRRR

    I don't know about the rape part though, seems like the perverted and sick fantasies of some loser who plays silent hill too much and digs out deep metaphorical themes from the game that rape portrays
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)17:51:50 No.2270405
         File: 1335649910.png-(21 KB, 431x633, Unfdgdgd.png)
    21 KB
    I'm going to sleep, if this is still alive tomorrow I'll do some more
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)17:58:47 No.2270463
         File: 1335650327.png-(90 KB, 550x700, Ready to drawfag.png)
    90 KB
    I guess as one artist heads out, I'll jump in, to keep the thread alive. I can take on a few requests, I suppose. Including a reference is really helpful as well!
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)18:00:31 No.2270475
    Emi from Katawa Shoujo.

    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)18:03:57 No.2270502
         File: 1335650637.gif-(386 KB, 500x281, cpiLf[1].gif)
    386 KB
    Can you draw Annie Clark?

    Here's a pic...and a video of her saying "I love you" where my heart just fucking melts
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)18:06:55 No.2270525
    woops forgot the link
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)18:08:35 No.2270539
         File: 1335650915.png-(155 KB, 600x700, Emi Katawa Shoujo.png)
    155 KB
    Here you go, I hope this is alright!

    I'll take my best shot at it.~
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)18:08:55 No.2270543
         File: 1335650935.png-(99 KB, 900x900, 1332628045044.png)
    99 KB
    Oh god that video again
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)18:10:18 No.2270550
    now draw Lilly please
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)18:12:14 No.2270576
         File: 1335651134.png-(282 KB, 500x438, garrus.png)
    282 KB
    My hubbo. PLEASE?!
    >> TheManthat'sgoingtosave/r9k/ !6UEJSkGVOk 04/28/12(Sat)18:14:57 No.2270594

    which one of you sick fucks are going to draw this?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)18:15:56 No.2270603
         File: 1335651356.jpg-(42 KB, 802x476, 802px-Modelsheet_marceline_inn(...).jpg)
    42 KB

    Could you draw my spoon waifu por favor? except a little chubbier, more curvier, and less... spoon like?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)18:16:48 No.2270609
         File: 1335651408.jpg-(58 KB, 225x350, 79133.jpg)
    58 KB
    I'm just gonna leave this here
    I love to see how others draw my husbandos
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)18:18:48 No.2270628
         File: 1335651528.png-(116 KB, 600x700, Annie Clark.png)
    116 KB
    I had a shot, but I'm not good at drawing realism yet so, I hope this'll suffice for now!

    This one coming up next.~
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)18:22:51 No.2270667
    Pretty well, man. How's life in...wherever you live?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)18:25:07 No.2270693
    It's really good! I like your style -- a little simplistic, a little nuanced detail. Thanks so much.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)18:26:24 No.2270702
    I don't know how to pick a waifu.

    does it have to be a cartoon? That's not the problem, I'm just curious.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)18:29:11 No.2270732
         File: 1335652151.png-(145 KB, 600x700, Lilly Katawa Shoujo.png)
    145 KB
    Here's Lilly. Hope she's okay.

    Oh jeez, thanks a bunch! I normally take longer and do all these fancy things but, I want to get these out and done as quick as possible for you guys!

    Coming right up~
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)18:29:53 No.2270743
    like you pick a girlfriend, except she is not real (or if she is 3d the chances of you getting her are about the same as getting the 2d one)
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)18:32:03 No.2270775
    Draw adulation from evangelion
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)18:32:22 No.2270780
    This will take some thinking. I watch cartoons, but I really can't think of one...
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)18:33:36 No.2270791
    thank you robot
    can this be an original comment now??
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)18:33:52 No.2270795
    Holy fuck auto correct I meant asuka
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)18:33:55 No.2270796
    Play Katawa Shoujo and you'll get one.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)18:34:44 No.2270805
    take all the time you need
    I think it's just like real love, when you have it you know it, and it's a good feel
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)18:34:49 No.2270808
    what's that?

    God, I'm never going to get this damn book review done...
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)18:35:42 No.2270817
    I would like a drawing please, OP.

    So perfect. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)18:36:01 No.2270822
    bahahaha o snap
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)18:37:05 No.2270834
         File: 1335652625.jpg-(462 KB, 566x800, 1334007249622.jpg)
    462 KB
    Forgot the pic, durr.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)18:37:44 No.2270840
         File: 1335652664.jpg-(61 KB, 266x395, AlexisKrauss.jpg)
    61 KB
    There's an irl person, and I almost met her....

    >pic related
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)18:38:19 No.2270845
    do the review first, then play katawa shoujo
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)18:38:33 No.2270847
         File: 1335652713.png-(142 KB, 600x700, Heather Mason.png)
    142 KB
    Hahanosex. I'll just draw her for now. In the pictures, I couldn't tell if she had freckles or not, so, I gave her some because freckles are cute. Hope this is alright.~

    I don't tend to draw males but... I'll try it!
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)18:41:34 No.2270876
    hey, could I get a pic of her done while I'n trying to think of a cartoon one?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)18:42:12 No.2270883
         File: 1335652932.jpg-(861 KB, 3093x1284, Untitled.jpg)
    861 KB
    Draw her pl0x.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)18:43:31 No.2270899
         File: 1335653011.jpg-(72 KB, 500x680, please.jpg)
    72 KB
    Rin, Hanako, and Shizune please.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)18:45:40 No.2270923
         File: 1335653140.jpg-(166 KB, 732x709, 1335584864334.jpg)
    166 KB
    >still thinking she's JLH
    >> TheManthat'sgoingtosave/r9k/ !6UEJSkGVOk 04/28/12(Sat)18:45:57 No.2270928
    Stop ignoring me

    I want a heather Mason Alex Shepard Rape scene

    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)18:46:53 No.2270941
         File: 1335653213.png-(122 KB, 600x700, WhoisthisguyIdon'tevenknow.png)
    122 KB
    On it.

    >filename for the requester
    I don't know the character so, I just had to use the image you provided. Sorry for lack of creativity.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)18:49:12 No.2270966
    oh sorry, I forgot about that. that was ichikawa from akagi anyway
    it's still beautiful.. now I can sleep peacefully ;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)18:49:34 No.2270969
    You skipped me bro I want asuka but don't have a pic since I'm on my phone
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)18:53:43 No.2271011

    >Mfw my waifu gets skipped
    >Mfw this is all I had to look forward to today....
    >Mfw I have no face
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)18:55:38 No.2271032
         File: 1335653738.png-(114 KB, 600x700, Character thing.png)
    114 KB
    To the requester, here you are.

    I'm getting to them! Sorry for skipping, I'm bad at keeping track of things. On them both right now.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)18:57:37 No.2271047
    Marcelene would better fit me. I play the Bass as well.

    But I won't steal your waifu
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)18:57:42 No.2271048
    Cross between Quistis Trepe and Ultimecia?

    bonus points if she's killing / hurting / domming Rinoa
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)18:57:48 No.2271051
    Thanks man appreciate it blocxcxcxxc
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)18:58:15 No.2271053

    and what is the waiting time?

    thank you anon
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)18:59:51 No.2271073
    Haha, thanks, it's really good.
    Try reverse image searching if some does what I did.

    Cheers OP.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)19:00:28 No.2271075

    Me too, and guitar and uke. She's my waifu 'cause she reminds me of my ex though.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)19:02:02 No.2271097
    I play guitar and uke too

    are you me?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)19:02:20 No.2271101
    These waifus that you've all picked, are they from animes/games or do you also pick random girls that you see in random drawings somewhere? I see some people saying
    >draw this girl, sorry if this pic isn't good, it's the only pic of her

    how can you have a waifu that you're "in love with" (as far as that goes with anime characters) when you've only seen one picture of her, and not even a clear one.

    I've watched a lot of anime in my life, maybe I should pick a waifu just for the heck of it.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)19:02:34 No.2271106
         File: 1335654154.png-(129 KB, 600x700, Asukaaa.png)
    129 KB
    Here's Asuka, I hope she's okay!

    One Marcelene coming up.~

    The waiting time at the moment, I think is something like 5-10 minutes? It depends on the character, I think. I'm trying to do these as fast and as well as possible.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)19:03:29 No.2271114
    could you draw
    for me? She's really all I can think of.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)19:06:11 No.2271140
         File: 1335654371.jpg-(89 KB, 516x323, asuka.jpg)
    89 KB
    a pic of asuka , she's hot
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)19:06:26 No.2271145

    I hope so, we could be broskies!


    Much abliged drawfriend
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)19:07:21 No.2271153
    he said he's not good at drawing realism.. i can understand why, it's hard to make those drawings look like real humans in the style that he's working with
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)19:09:20 No.2271173
    I welcome a cartoon looking waifu version of Alexis Krauss
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)19:11:16 No.2271186
         File: 1335654676.png-(105 KB, 600x700, MARCELENEEEE.png)
    105 KB
    Here you go! I really love AT's style. It's a pity I can't draw like it to save my life.

    I've just done your request, hope you see it.

    I'll do my best with it.

    I'll take a whack at this too.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)19:12:15 No.2271196
         File: 1335654735.png-(133 KB, 403x397, Patricia_Thompson.png)
    133 KB
    I'm liking the drawings, anon. Could you please draw Patty from Soul Eater?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)19:13:23 No.2271208
    Thank you OP. I will love you for doing this for me.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)19:14:13 No.2271214
    She's perfect. Blocxcxvx

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