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    File: 1335389693.jpg-(42 KB, 350x394, treachery-stab-in-back2.jpg)
    42 KB Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:34:53 No.2238542  
    >that feel when you're unintelligent, aren't knowledgeable in an subject, and have a low IQ
    >that feel when you can't keep a conversation going past a greeting

    Anyone else the same?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:37:53 No.2238576
    Kinda, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:38:09 No.2238579
    No I'm highly intelligent and can hold a conversation easily. I have a wide range of subjects I consider myself at least semi-knowledgable in. I follow news and recent events and open to share my opinion on them or anything else.

    I'm not American.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:39:25 No.2238593
    Jokes on you asshole, neither am I, and I'm in the same boat as OP.
    >> ­ 04/25/12(Wed)17:41:22 No.2238612
    Why don't you improve your learnings?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:41:24 No.2238614
    shhh no mad
    only dreams now
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:41:38 No.2238616
    reporting in

    I'm a typical aspie robot, only that to those comes my average IQ, and my general dumbfuckness. It only makes me more sad when in every greentext story thread I read unbelievably high IQ's, like 135+.

    You're not alone, OP.
    >> David 04/25/12(Wed)17:43:28 No.2238646
    Modesty is a virtue. Wouldn't want your pretension to show at first glance.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:44:40 No.2238661
    My pretentiousness is what divides me from the plebian who don't even know whon Cicero was nor speak Latin.

    Pleb makes me moist.
    >> ­ 04/25/12(Wed)17:53:37 No.2238755
    Lets discuss the causes of the fall of the republic while drinking some fine wine and smoking cigars one day.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:56:27 No.2238781
    star wars was a dumb movie anyways.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)19:09:11 No.2239564

    where do you think you'll end up 5 years down the line? You have any friends?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)19:58:52 No.2240076
    a lot of us here are that way i'm assuming.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)21:54:54 No.2241483

    it was alright, i liked it better than star trek.
    >> eeyore !!9lZaZkipt0u 04/25/12(Wed)21:57:58 No.2241525
    I don't have a high IQ but I struggle with the most basic of shit and I feel like a retard a lot of the times. I just wish I could properly apply myself.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)21:59:34 No.2241543
    Welp, I could go ahead and say I'm a retard because my mom always called me a retard, the state has me marked as a retard, and I occasionally get called retard by random people. I'll go out on a limb here and say I'm retarded.

    So, can I get money for being mentally retarded then?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)22:01:50 No.2241574
    My IQ is average I suppose but years of depression has fucked up my cognitive skills. Add some nice social anxiety to the mix and I honestly can't open my mouth without making a fool of myself.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)22:02:31 No.2241582
    knowing a skyrim character = intelligent...?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)22:02:46 No.2241587
    IQ doesn't mean shit, don't be such an ignorant dumbass.
    Also, don't ask /r9k/, the majority of robots are in denial about their mediocrity.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)22:03:58 No.2241609
    >the majority
    >majority of thread right now is people saying they're below-average
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)22:05:00 No.2241617
    >implying the majority of the thread = the majorit yor /r9k/
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)22:05:32 No.2241626
    majority of*
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)22:06:25 No.2241641
    Either way that's a pretty damn broad statement.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)22:07:58 No.2241660
    Have you ever seen those threads where people rate themselves in terms of sex, appearance, intelligence, etc? Roughly 4 out of every 5 person rates their intelligence at like a 7-8/10.
    I'd say that the majority of /r9k/ vastly overrates their intelligence to compensate for other areas they are lacking in.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)22:12:36 No.2241715
    Ehhh could be then, it's rather messy and at certain times of the day there's going to be self-pity circlejerks. I suppose we do have alot of narcissistic sociopaths and normalfags.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)22:13:48 No.2241732
    just talk sports then
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)22:19:00 No.2241783
    I'd rather talk about books and video games than sports. I think it's overall stupid to approach someone at all knowing there's not more to say than a greeting, unless you're just passing by. Just let it go. I remember going to someone's birthday party simply because I was invited on Facebook and I knew him a little bit. We said hello and then stood around looking around idly before I said, "Alright I have nothing else to say, bye."
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)23:16:35 No.2242297
    >not knowledgeable in any subject
    >low iq
    >talk about sports
    >it all makes sense now
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)23:18:48 No.2242319
    >low IQ
    like retarded low or just forest gump low?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)23:26:41 No.2242393
         File: 1335410801.jpg-(33 KB, 432x327, 0DLWl.jpg)
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    I have the worst time following instructions and generally "getting it" but I really love to learn.

    I fucking hate people who can understand something incredibly easily, right away, or without any real thought because they usually don't bother to give a shit about it.

    Just remember that IQ tests are bullshit, it's not a measure of intelligence. You have to learn to study at your pace and to commit to what you study, not everyone is talented.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)03:42:00 No.2244171

    you be the judge of that i guess.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)08:53:37 No.2245480
    right here, i've always been this way though, so it comes to no surprise.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)11:58:56 No.2246614
    how many of you also have no interesting or funny stories to tell?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)12:24:53 No.2246761
    IQ has nothing to do with how well you converse

    Trust me I know..
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)12:28:47 No.2246781

    >That feel when you have no funny, outgoing, or original personality and show no emotion while speaking in a monotone voice.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)12:37:08 No.2246819
    i can make up elaborate and believable stories on the spot its my curse and gift.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)15:08:13 No.2247875

    do you also have cluster headaches etc?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)15:15:49 No.2247925
    >that feel when you're kinda knowledgeable about everything and your interests are too different from the common "duuuuuuude I was sooo wasted last night XD" to talk to most people
    Nobody wants to hear the stories I read about Feynman....
    >> potatoe !!QICGhr+GlMG 04/26/12(Thu)15:16:16 No.2247930
    Average IQ. Not book smart. Ok with conversations. I'm a good actor which other than being good with my hands is my only realy skill.

    Being subpar really sucks but then again who really cares? What difference does it make? Life is what you make of it and if forrest gump had a happy ending then i'm pretty sure that atleast some of us idiots will too... well maybe only a few.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)15:26:14 No.2248006
    >sitting at the food court of the mall with friends
    >talking about video games, books, movies, and music
    >phase out and overhear other conversations from people of our own age group
    >sex, drugs, partying
    >rejoice as I merge back into our circle that I don't have to put up with normalfag shit ,let alone be forced to talk to them

    Whatever being placed these friends in my path, this retard thanks you.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)18:46:50 No.2249866
    people on here aren't smart at all, none of us are.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)21:50:31 No.2251624
    my iq is probably 100 or maybe a little less.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)21:55:24 No.2251679
    I really don't know this feel.

    I'm clever as hell and can talk about anything, even if I have no prior knowledge about it. I can also mask my personality to fit whoever I'm talking to.

    I'm still fucking miserable at the end of the day so yeah.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)21:59:41 No.2251714
    Forrest Gump is fiction written by someone who is far more talented than you, and is probably worth 10x what you are.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)22:10:18 No.2251819
    Yeah I'm dumb. Not that dumb, but I can't compete academically with my peers. I have shit memory too
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)02:18:04 No.2254404
    how many of you can't even absorb all the information you read/see?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)09:42:05 No.2256684
    >implying not being American equals being intelligent

    2/10. Faggots will believe this. Some will get mad/butthurt.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)11:49:23 No.2257494
    yup that's a me, me me.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)15:18:09 No.2258999
    not in the slightest, but i guess that's the way it goes when you skip school.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)15:26:40 No.2259077
    OP, as I can relate to you, I have a tip/a warning. DON'T read up on IQ. The moment you get past the misconceptions and myths and begin to realise how big intelligence's impact is, on many more areas of life than most are willing to acknowledge, it'll really weigh down on you. Occasionally perhaps, because people like me are untroubled with unconvenient truths - we have this "nice" mechanism of forgetting them instantly and sliding back into the comfy ignorance - but still, it WILL hurt at times.

    Didn't read the thread, and don't really want to.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)15:32:32 No.2259121

    I did that and I'm still struggling with "depression"/shitty confidence
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)15:42:34 No.2259203
    he fell in love with a whore that got aids and left him with a kid. Thats not a happy ending to me
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)16:50:51 No.2259684
    can't change the way your intelligence is, might as well role with being an idiot.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)16:55:22 No.2259719
    I feel bad when people who are quick-witted look down on me,
    but I totally understand why they do.
    Still, I'm not as stupid as they think I am.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:58:21 No.2262044

    who knows, they may actually be right.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)21:06:11 No.2262126

    That's me. I can sit down and read a text book for hours but it feels like I'm barely retaining anything. It's not like I read it and forget immediately but the next day I won't remember much unless I drill it hard. Feels bad that I'll never be a scientist.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)21:08:15 No.2262145
    I have nothing to say to people anymore, I don't even want to get to know them. I stay silent now. Kinda freaks me out though. Haven't been out from my house for 2 months now. I feel anti social as hell and I'm afraid I forgot how to talk to people.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)21:09:24 No.2262162

    I think quick wit comes with social stimulation. It keeps your mind active providing for quicker absorption of new ideas and concepts.

    Shit like /r9k/ just degrades it.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)21:10:29 No.2262174
    >That feel when you always thought you were smart in school
    >That feel when your parents were so proud
    >that feel when you notice you're not smart anymore, your grades fall
    >that feel when your out of school and your parents pretend they're not sad, but they are
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)21:10:32 No.2262175
    I kind of have that problem. Throughout my school life I'd been forced to daydream in order to kill the vast amounts of time spent simply being idle and unable to do anything else.
    As of consequence, I now daydream almost uncontrollably and it harasses me while I read. Takes me like twice as long to read a book as it normally would.

    Elaborate some more. I'm not sure why this intrigues me.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)21:11:51 No.2262187
    I hate to sound stuck up, but I can't carry a conversation about the Pleb shit most people talk about. I could go on for hours about the election, political beliefs, world war 2, or anything else in the sphere of history or politics. But if you want to talk about reality shows or how someone didn't like your comment on facebook you can suck a fat one.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)21:15:54 No.2262224
    >Elaborate some more

    Okay. I'm 24 yo. Living at my folks house. Been umployed for 7 months now, I tried to get a sound engineer job but I was bored with my school and dropped it.
    Before the sound engineer school, I was unemployed for a whole year and a half. Never went out from my house either at the time, I stayed at home on my computer. I don't have many friend, I stayed in contact with my ex gf, I see her at least once a month. We're in pretty good terms but she gets on my nerve pretty easily.

    Now I'm back to square one. I go outside only because I have to (family meeting, buying a vidya game in a store or buying cigarettes) but I've never seen anyone but my ex-gf in the last couple months. I stay at home now and I'm bored, but I'm used to it now.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)21:21:31 No.2262281
    You should be entitled to your own interests, especially if you excel in them. It's much more infuriating to overhear people telling others with different interests to ditch what they enjoy and to enjoy what others do.

    So you simply just have no real reason to leave the house? I can dig that, I barely ever leave the house aside from school, family meetings and and hanging out with my friends(though they've begun joining PC gaming, further decreasing any incentive of going outside). But you mentioned just not having anything else to say to people? Is it because there's no people who share your interests or are marginally unappealing? I could easily see myself developing into that, I was merely lucky.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)21:37:37 No.2262433
    >So you simply just have no real reason to leave the house?
    Yep, pretty much. I don't have friends, I've no reason to go out. Except to see my ex-gf, but she's working and is really busy so we don't see each other that much now.

    >Is it because there's no people who share your interests or are marginally unappealing?
    I'd say both. I lost contact with all my previous friends and school buddies, I have nothing in common with them anymore, most of them moved from my town anyway. I choose solitude then. The weaboo term for my condition is hikkikomori or some shit, I stay secluded in my room, I don't go out etc. I'm apathethic and I'm fine with that for now I guess.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)21:41:11 No.2262465

    I feel like I should elaborate on that. You know that slight euphoria you get when you have a stimulating conversation? It produces an auto-catalytic cycle (or something like that) where it becomes more easy to interact with others. You feel less shy, more extroverted, and willing to make conversation to reproduce that same sensation. Quick wit has the same origins. A small joke here and there that makes people laugh builds the confidence needed to make more jokes and get those peoples or persons acceptance.

    A feed-back cycle.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)21:41:47 No.2262472

    I'm not angry at people or anything, I just don't care about them anymore. I'm really quiet whenever I go outside, kinda shy even, autistic maybe. I don't look at people, I just do my thing and go back to my house as soon as possible. Since I haven't talked to real people in a long time, apart from my folks, I usually forget how to start a proper conversation. If someone asks me something, I'm laconic because I don't want to talk to them that much.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)21:48:10 No.2262526
    You sound frighteningly similar to myself. As I've said somewhere, I feel merely lucky for the friends I have. I'm still overall incredibly apathetic and spend most of my time inside, whether it's by choice or not. There could simply be nothing to do, or I'll be indulging in the many more options I have here such as daydreaming in the comfort of my bed.

    I could believe this, there's those rare occurrences in public situations where I'd normally keep to myself, but people reached out to me and spoke so I fully engaged them and felt more confident from it. One of the perks of apathy is being able to "go with the flow".

    I know that feel.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)21:57:15 No.2262603

    Same here, I stay on my bed, I browse 4chan and play games, listen to podcasts, watch movies. I need to to get my driver license but I'm too jaded to do any effort for getting it. My folks don't complain about my condition, I don't know if they're afraid to ask me anything or something. My mother is just like me though, she has literally no friends, never goes out either. I feel my dad is preoccupied by both of us but he never says a thing. He's pretty beta, never grounded me.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)22:08:12 No.2262715
    Yeah I also just sit around playing vidya, watching movies, ...I spend ungodly amounts of time solely just listening to music, pacing around the rooms visualizing along with the songs. Sometimes I'll get into the mood for reading a book or writing some shit.
    I also don't have my driver's license despite wanting one. For about a year, maybe two years, I could never successfully gather all the required information together just to take the test(but I did take it a few times, it gave me those "this question is right but THIS one is even more right" shits). The problem for the last year has been that no one could ever drive me up, my dad's pressuring me to get up there and pass now, seeing as my sister has seemingly taken the car I was supposed to be passed down, now driving it around because she crashed the last one or something. I'll undoubtedly lose my inside time once I can drive.
    My mom's...rather unfunctionable now and my dad generally doesn't care what I do aside from getting a job in the future. It's funny, that he lets me do whatever I want, something that I hear many others would murder for, and I squander it by sitting here for...I don't even know how many hours a day.

    AAAANYWAY, ending my rambling. When you do a lot of something you get good at it. I'm excelled at daydreaming. Probably not as good as math, probably very destructive, but it's kind of like masturbation for my brain and heart.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)23:58:47 No.2263913


    no stop.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)02:12:28 No.2264986
    i'm going to be okay with this.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)02:19:53 No.2265026
    my iq is >150 and i have trouble keeping conversations going
    like, i find nothing they want to talk about interesting. and whenever i try talking about what's been on my mind they seem confused and weirded out.
    i'm trying
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)08:14:51 No.2266570
    fuck the iq system.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)12:52:36 No.2267938
    reportan in for all accounts.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)15:32:15 No.2269205
    >that feel when you get panic attacks by doing jack all
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)15:32:58 No.2269208
    What? From like, being worried about doing nothing?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)15:37:30 No.2269237
    I'm pretty dumb. I can be quick to catch on to things, but I fizzle out after awhile and fall behind.

    This is pretty bad because I end up looking smarter then I am, and then people assume I'm just lazy when I fall behind.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)17:31:44 No.2270202

    I bet you're a genius at heart.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)21:42:43 No.2272688
    all of the subjects i was ever taught slipped my mind.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)22:01:15 No.2272922
    Yeah, I'm not very smart. Anything technical like math or science or computer programming, nope, I'm shit. I even suck at videogames. My only skill is music but who gives a shit about that. And socially, holy shit, better not start on that.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)22:04:39 No.2272963
    It could either be that I really hate myself and have actual talent or that people just look at me and expect highly of me and I fail to deliver.

    Good at music? As in playing instruments?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)22:34:51 No.2273304
    >Good at music? As in playing instruments?

    I'm okay I guess at a few instruments, and I also write all the time
    It doesn't matter though, I'm still a hermit and nobody will ever care
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)22:38:11 No.2273330

    I'm American, and can easily hold a conversation with nearly anyone.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)00:41:36 No.2274479

    do you have friends or any good stories?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)00:47:38 No.2274536
    Nope, I'm 22 and just had conversations with a med student, a development worker in Africa, a pharmacologist, at an event my older girlfriend hosted and all of them went alright. If anything it's my looks holding me back from actually being a great conversationalist and speaker and wowing everyone I come in contact with.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)00:53:29 No.2274601
    >that feel when you're unintelligent but have extensive knowledge in a few subjects that interest you
    >that feel when you overhear people spreading misinformation about these subjects
    >that feel when this overrides your natural anxiety towards social situations and you have no choice but to sperg out all over the floor on how they are wrong
    >that feel when they are never able to admit it so they'll say shit like "I don't know man that's just what I saw maybe it was a little different" or just make up lies all together

    When will I learn
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)00:57:20 No.2274654

    What you have to do is explain why they're wrong and then give them a bone - something that's positive toward them. Like "Well you might be wrong on x, y, z, but it's a pretty cool subject there's a lot to learn about it, I've always wondered W what do you think?"
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)05:09:45 No.2276567

    doubt it from the way he described himself.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)05:12:29 No.2276582
    Good night craig

    shekels desitori
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)05:14:16 No.2276595

    >they always believe the more normal person
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)06:40:27 No.2277014
    no, but i wish i was that way.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)08:32:35 No.2277496

    One time
    >overheard two normalfag NIGGERS talking nearby about how "peoples' fingernails and hair still grows after death."
    >since I was the quiet guy at work because I never knew what to talk about with people, I saw this as the perfect opportunity to finally talk to people
    >walked up to them, butted into the conversation to tell them "actually, that's just a myth."
    >they stare at me at me for a few seconds, then gave a "knowing" stare at each other for a few seconds, shook their head simultaneously, and started laughing
    >thinking that they wanted to hear more, I elaborated further on the matter by telling them it is actually the dehydration process that makes the skin recede further which gives the illusion of them continuing to grow
    >they continue laughing it off and just go "oh, alright whitey, thanks fo dat"
    >not knowing what else to say, I fake a smile and walk off
    >next day, everybody at work makes fun of me, jokingly referring to me as a serial killer rapist, when in fact the only reason I knew that fact about dead bodies was because I saw an article about "common myths debunked" on the internet, but of course normalfag NIGGERS aren't going to listen
    then the monkey subhuman fucking niggers that I had talked to walked by me. He said something in his unintelligible nigger-babble. I lost it and right in front of my boss, I went up to the niggers I talked to, and called him what he was, a worthless nigger. told that fucker. I hate niggers so god damn much.
    got fired and spaghetti fell out of my pockets as I was escorted out the door of the workplace

    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)16:53:43 No.2280886
    >implying i'm not that way and everyone else here isn't
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)18:14:58 No.2281598

    i am, but i'm also a stupid faggot.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)18:32:05 No.2281757
         File: 1335738725.jpg-(532 KB, 2844x2848, tea-cup.jpg)
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    I'm extremely paranoid about how people perceive my intelligence. I have an IQ of around 115, but a few times i've had comments by this same girl who literally thinks I am Forest Gump retarded. I was standing in a group of friends, aloof to the conversation that they were having, stuck in my own thoughts when she said. "aww, it's okay I know you're trying to keep up with us". From then on, and for a while after I started to wonder if this was how everybody perceived me. Thankfully, my best friend noticed how strange she acted towards me.
    God, I'm so fucking self concious.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)18:35:08 No.2281779
    Yep. Not as much as I can't learn anything, I just don't want to. I'm so uninterested in the subjects that I can't even continue learning.
    The only subjects I'm knowledgeable in are my interests.

    >have a low IQ
    Probably. Haven't checked in a while.

    >can't keep a conversation going past a greeting
    I can keep on a conversation with people I like 1 person but other than that, I can barely even reply to anything other than a greeting, and certainly not without stuttering.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)18:36:31 No.2281791

    Fuck, I probably made a ton of grammar errors and used awkward wording in this post.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)18:42:56 No.2281853
    >tfw you constantly wonder what it would be like to look at life from a highly intelligent brain.
    I think I got a glimpse when I took some strong LSD once.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)18:47:40 No.2281906
    >IQ measured at 129 by a legit test in 5th grade
    >don't get good grades due to severe anxiety and depression
    >have 0 social skills and can barely hold a conversation
    >people know that I do drugs and consider me to be a druggie
    >almost everyone thinks I'm of below-average intelligence
    >people act patronizing towards me and talk to me like I'm a child

    I'm ok with this, I guess...
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:08:35 No.2284011
    >that feel when 130+ IQ, INTJ with a touch of SPD

    I really lucked out with this combo, just need a way to synthesize RNA, really, and my company (Clandestine Conglomerates Industries) can become a reality
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)00:18:32 No.2285507
    I don't have a high IQ but I struggle with the most basic of shit and I feel like a retard a lot of the times. I just wish I could properly apply myself and not act like a retard.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)00:23:10 No.2285552
    Don't worry, everyone on this board knows that feel.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)05:54:04 No.2287841

    doubt it because of all the high iq threads lately.
    >> Lennon Party !kLNWjQsPJw 04/30/12(Mon)06:24:26 No.2287946
    Basically same but far higher tested intelligence, with the tradeoff that I'm literate enough for people to suspect I'm bookish from time to time.

    legally off the charts IQ. 7 concussions fixed that though
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)06:28:36 No.2287955
    I'm smarter than my peers. I'm interested in politics instead of the local sports team. I memorize solar places like "The Pillars of Creation" instead of celebrity names. Everyone my age loves rap and I listen to 80s and acoustic music.

    I have a hard time holding up conversation though. I wish I could get better ones going, but finding common ground can be hard for me.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)06:34:23 No.2287963
    What are you, 17? For fucks sake stop trying to come off as a superior. Just go meet people like you.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)06:36:07 No.2287971
    >that feel when actually intelligent, but come across as fucking stupid due to not applying myself + social anxiety
    feels man, feels
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)06:38:05 No.2287982
    Don't be, if a bitch said that to me, I'd really have to restrain myself from going apeshit on her. That's a fucked up thing to say.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)06:43:02 No.2287997
    OHLAWD that's funny. I probably would've done the same. Niggers aside, I can't fucking stand subhuman people in general that resort to mockery because they can't comprehend anything on a semi-intellectual level ...FUCK, I feel ya bro
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)06:54:07 No.2288047
    IQ is bullshit, and most people aren't nearly as smart as they make themselves out to be.

    this narcissistic egotist here >>2238579 is a prime example
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)06:57:27 No.2288062
    IQ is severely lacking as far as being a wholesome system for interpreting levels of intelligence.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)07:24:19 No.2288173
    One Week Social Skills Course.

    Each day do the day you're at, plus all previous days. If you can't do some for whatever reason, you have permission to skip one day, but never two.

    Mo. Make eye contact and say "hi" to people. Start conversations with anyone you're buying something from.

    Tu. Meet up with a friend, and if they see people they know introduce yourself.

    We. Smile at people, touch them on the arm when you're talking to them, and turn your body to face them.

    Th. Talk to some strangers on the bus, in line at the supermarket, walking around the park or down the street, in the music shop or book shop, wherever. Shops are easiest, "Hey, what's that book/album/author/artist like?" but by now you'll be way more confident than you were before even in other situations.

    Fr. Invite a bunch of friends out for the evening to watch a movie or show and have some drinks. Be seen as an organizer, talk to everyone, generally be cool.


    Su. Do whatever you want. Something fun, something more relaxing, whatever you want.

    Always listen to "party" music in the morning. I like Passion Pit and Justice, you like what you like, but never let it be slow. Most albums I know only have a few fast, high-energy songs, so make a playlist. Fake it 'til you make it, but when you're smiling and making eye contact you get into a positive spiral real quick and each step feels fairly natural. This is what worked for me, YMMV.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)07:37:26 No.2288241
    Thank you for this, seriously. You're right, after taking baby steps with socializing, the rest comes easily and naturally.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)07:40:35 No.2288259
    There are always idiots like this in IQ threads on 4chan. What you mean is that IQ does not determine success or happiness, but it's not "bullshit."

    IQ measures one's ability to think abstractly, which roughly translates into how apt a person is to perform certain tasks. You don't want a doctor, engineer or lawyer with an IQ of 90 because he wouldn't be able to do his fucking job.

    But since measuring the ability to think abstractly is bullshit, maybe you would prefer a doctor with the IQ of a chimp.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)07:55:05 No.2288317
    Your I Q as opposed to the rest of the world.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)08:01:30 No.2288340
    I'm borderline genius, but because I live in a foreign country where I've only studied the native language for the three years I've been in college, my culturally-adjusted verbal IQ is something like 75ish for my age, but since my brain still thinks at a normal pace I feel incredibly alienated. Having a verbal IQ below your logical IQ is the worst thing ever.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)11:39:50 No.2289487

    posting this al ot aren't you?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)11:43:57 No.2289498
    >Start conversations with anyone you're buying something from.

    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)19:04:20 No.2293108
    >implying i even have the iq to work in boot mode
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)01:40:10 No.2296889
    my iq is a little off the charts when it comes to absorbing information.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)01:42:02 No.2296899
    >that feel when girls think you are "creepy," "elitist" or a "know at all" for choosing to avoid saying inane shit

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