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    File :1227572209.jpg-(12 KB, 186x300, Twilight-9781904233657.jpg)
    12 KB Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)19:16:49 No.2235135  
    Well Gentlemen, I have been pondering Stephanie Meyer's "Twilight" today, and I have come to a conclusion that I don't necessarily enjoy, even if I do agree with it.

    First, a little background info. A girl in one of my classes was talking about how she had seen the Twilight movie twice already, and loved it. I turned to her and said
    "You are the decline of Western Civilization."
    Obviously, she, and the rest of the Twilight fans began to defend their like of the book and the movie. The point they rallied around was that reading Twilight made them feel like a 13 year old girl again. Sadly, class started and we couldn't continue the discussion.

    Now, I was considering the statement, that Twilight made these 19 and 20 year old women feel like 13 year old girls. This could be simplified into a feeling of childhood nostalgia.

    Like most people, I enjoy a bit of nostalgia. I am a /toy/fag, and have a bunch of G.I. Joes, along with The Transformers: The Movie and G.I. Joe: The Movie. This is my nostalgia; things I experienced as a kid. When I rewatch the movies, or just check out my G.I. Joe collection, it is a nostalgic feeling for my childhood.

    >> Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)19:18:52 No.2235148
    the author of twilight is fat. if that doesn't tell you about the quality of the book, i'm not sure what will
    >> Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)19:20:27 No.2235170
    Now, I need to consume things from my past to experience nostalgia, while Twilight, a product from the present, can evoke nostalgia. While this arguably cheapens the experience of nostalgia, it also shows a frightening mastery of the human psyche by Stephanie Meyer. Whether or not she realizes it, she understands how to make nostalgia out of nothing with her writing. She creates a feeling for the past without actually being related to the past. While the novel may suck, I think it should be respected because it displays a deep if unwitting, understanding of how a portion of the population nostalgically remembers their childhood.
    >> ~(((^ᴥ^)))~ !!bnLHrHXf83y 11/24/08(Mon)19:22:07 No.2235183
    Phewwww.... Thank fuck I can hide this thread.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)19:22:51 No.2235187
    I dislike the book, I dislike the fans, the author, the critics, and you. Now if you would step back from the shitty book and let the idiots be idiotic, the world would be a better place.

    NONE OF THIS "no you are wrong therefore I must inform you of it and insult you for humiliation."
    >> Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)19:23:07 No.2235193
    Who the fuck goes up to someone and says "You are the decline of Western Civilization." with a straight face?

    You are going to die alone.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)19:25:14 No.2235210
    I would totally say that. That would be funny as hell.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)19:27:17 No.2235230
    Wasn't necessary to post that, but whatever. You are the hate that is the machine.

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