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    File :1227511688.jpg-(765 KB, 1024x768, trippin.jpg)
    765 KB Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)02:28:08 No.2228397  
    what is some good trance music?

    techno sort of works too.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)02:29:11 No.2228410
    i'll start:

    tiesto. :p
    >> Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)02:29:44 No.2228411

    also www.di.fm
    shitty streams but it doesn't matter because it's all blips and bloops anyway. This site is what turned me on to Trance and helped me find some good artists.
    >> si fortuna !C4tuNaYqqU 11/24/08(Mon)02:29:45 No.2228412
    sandstorm is good
    >> Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)02:30:43 No.2228422
    younger brother

    just wiki twisted records to find the greats
    >> Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)02:31:32 No.2228430
    Danijay - Arcobaleno (Dj Carfil Remix)

    >> Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)02:32:56 No.2228441
    Richie Hawtin all the way!!
    >> Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)02:38:39 No.2228479
    None of it.

    Listen to breakcore.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)02:39:18 No.2228489
    I've found that, as a rule, any 'core' music sucks.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)02:40:50 No.2228503
    I say Vibrasphere.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)02:43:15 No.2228526

    You've obviously never heard any breakcore before.

    Enjoy your repetitive faggot music.
    >> SleepyFox !!oNMFgDkawE1 11/24/08(Mon)02:43:40 No.2228529
    Above and Beyond
    Armin Van Buuren
    Anguilla Project
    Dj-Immune of Newgrounds
    Kenneth Thomas
    George Acosta
    Mike Skye
    Mark Otten
    Mike Shiver

    That's just doing a quick scan of my Winamp playlist, there's a lot more out there that are just as talented..
    >> stop 11/24/08(Mon)02:43:43 No.2228532

    french electronic, quite 'trancey'
    >> Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)02:45:15 No.2228544
    Toby Emerson
    >> Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)02:46:06 No.2228549
    As others have said: Tiesto

    He's the master, grab some of his live/radio sets, great to have on in the background while working.

    Also, for some more chilled out stuff - Pitch Black.
    >> SleepyFox !!oNMFgDkawE1 11/24/08(Mon)02:52:39 No.2228597
    No, no, no..

    Tiesto is a good musician, but a bad artist.

    His style is too easily recognizable and all the synths and progression sounds exactly the same.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)03:07:40 No.2228709
         File :1227514060.jpg-(38 KB, 604x453, n602261511_852203_3590.jpg)
    38 KB
    ahhh rinx

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