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  • Blotter updated: 11/04/08

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    File :1227417023.jpg-(56 KB, 544x819, DSC_0299.jpg)
    56 KB Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)00:10:23 No.2216743  
    ITT: Why your life sucks.

    I stutter.
    No friends.
    No real sociable skills.
    No Money.
    Bored Bored Bored.
    No Motivotion to do anything.

    Ask me if I have a best friend? Nope.
    Sex? Yep, fun but just empty...

    Do I like life: No idea.

    No idea what to do...I just think live for myself but no motivation to go outside. No motivation to do schoolwork...and whenever I try to be sociable..make friends and fit in..blam I can't.

    My life sucks in a way but then again not really I suppose...

    Random pic is random.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)00:15:32 No.2216804
    Heh..not eve one reply. I rule.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)00:15:48 No.2216809
    No friends, and haven't had any since the 8th grade.
    No social skills
    No money.
    No girlfriend, never had one
    Never kissed anyone on the lips.
    Never held hands with anyone besides parents when I was younger.
    I've never had a best friend.
    I go to college, but could probably die in a freak accident and no one would notice.
    I go on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)00:18:11 No.2216834
    OP pic is pretty hot even though it looks like she's taking a shit in the thumbnail.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)00:18:51 No.2216844
    No girlfriend, never kissed a girl.
    Can't socialize well.
    Losing touch with some of my better friends.

    That's about it. Every other aspect of my life and myself is good.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)00:19:38 No.2216855
    >I stutter.

    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)00:19:48 No.2216857
    2 friends, I can't stand either of them for more than a little while


    basement (equivalent for basementless house)

    no motivation to do anything at all

    never had girlfriend or female friend

    social anxiety

    stepfamily that I hate but have to see for my dad's sake

    shit fucking sucks
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)00:21:15 No.2216869
    My life is awesome.
    I'm going to college.
    I'm going into teaching.
    I'm learning things that aren't taught in the classroom.
    I have more privileges than most people in this world, even if I'm not rich.
    I don't have a damn thing to complain about that I can't change by myself.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)00:21:31 No.2216871
         File :1227417691.jpg-(18 KB, 512x384, itled.jpg)
    18 KB
    OP, get a t-shirt with this on it. you'll feel good for a couple weeks.
    then kill yourself
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)00:24:35 No.2216895
         File :1227417875.gif-(53 KB, 400x300, 1220931982980.gif)
    53 KB
    Take your emo thread somewhere else.
    >> Futaba !WABCAFs6Hg 11/23/08(Sun)00:26:02 No.2216909
    It sucks because I don't know the girl in the OP pic
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)00:27:52 No.2216927
    Neva. :)

    But eh.....same situation last year..year before..year before that..and etc.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)00:28:26 No.2216936
    never touched a girl other than my mom
    live with parents
    never gotten drunk or stoned
    no car
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)00:31:23 No.2216967

    You're a bandgeek..lucky I wish I could play an instrument.

    You have no idea how much influence you can have on bandgeek girls...use that and have fun..etc.

    Get a Dodge Neon as a car..cheap, reliable and you could survive it.

    btw: age?
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)00:39:39 No.2217040
    Bad teeth
    Thyroid Nodule
    Haven't had sex in 4 or 5 years now
    No motivation
    Still living with parents
    No goals
    Hate my neighborhood
    Hate my family
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)00:42:32 No.2217064
    everything is perfect. i just procrastinate too much to never get anywhere fast.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)00:43:20 No.2217074
    i'm just too awesome
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)00:43:38 No.2217077

    well then lucky to b u
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)00:44:33 No.2217083
    18...off to college soon :3
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)00:48:00 No.2217110
    Too quiet for my own good.
    Shy at first.
    Move a lot.
    Overweight, but not that bad.
    Scared to dress how I want, because Japanese street fashion is 'poser' in the US.
    My friends all graduated and moved this summer. The last one left two months ago.
    Living in Texas. There is a texas pledge that we have to do in the morning after the pledge of allegiance. no joke. everyone's brainwashed and looks the same.
    Do I like life? Sure, why not. It could be better, but I deal with it. Once you hit bottom, there's no where else to go but up.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)00:49:23 No.2217121
    im ok
    I am shy
    I am in college though
    im average wieght
    I have huge boobs
    I just posted them on /b earlier
    I am high rez girl
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)00:50:20 No.2217131
    i'm serious. it's a BIG problem for me.
    i have a car and getting a new one soon
    i have a loving girlfriend
    i've had good grades from high school
    i have lots of friends who call me up daily to hang out
    i play 3 different sports well (soccer, tennis, basketball)
    i've been told i'm funny
    i've been selected as leader in various groups/organizations
    i've got a good family
    it's sunshine

    but i procrastinate. i don't find motivation to do things other than the fact that people ask me to. my girl is my saving grace in which she motivates me to do things, but lately i still have the same problem: i don't really find the need to do anything.

    i dunno lol
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)00:50:39 No.2217135
    Why my life sucks?

    I'm a gentleman.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)00:50:52 No.2217137
    not many freinds, but where all like family to each other
    im a pretty likable guy, people like my humor and im can keep a conversation for more that 5 min
    no money, all you need is love anyways
    not very lucky with the ladys right now
    im pretty good looking, could lose some weight would hert.
    no job, no complaning that much, little tight on cash though...
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)00:50:59 No.2217138
    were in tx, college station?
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)00:53:51 No.2217174
    First time in a BAWWWW thread!

    I, like OP, stutter.
    Am socially retarded.
    Still rely on my parents (planning to fix that soon)
    No girlfriend. Is a little lovin' too much to ask?!
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)00:54:46 No.2217186

    phone number, aim..etc

    it's customiary and if ure the same girl I'm thinking off from over /b/ posting her tits, then definatley post em again with number.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)00:57:48 No.2217215
         File :1227419868.png-(6 KB, 236x300, porkypig.png)
    6 KB
    OP is bacon which is pretty cool if you ask me
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)01:09:38 No.2217301
    What's with all the whiny stutterers?


    Just shut up and look cool. Or pretend you're mute.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)01:12:26 No.2217319
    on 4chan.
    incapable of intimacy.
    sad virgin.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)01:13:32 No.2217324
    I thought my life sucked a few weeks ago.

    My solution:
    Stop eating until you're not fat
    Hang out with people considered a "bad influence"
    Drink heavily until you black out every weekend
    Start smoking pot
    Move on to doing lines of coke or vicadin
    Start hooking up with any cute people, guy or girl.
    Dance to songs you enjoy anytime anywhere.
    >> Anonymous‮‫‪‭‬‬‬‬ 11/23/08(Sun)01:14:46 No.2217330

    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)01:15:17 No.2217333

    If you're going into teaching, bless your heart. Your life will suck.
    No money.
    No respect.
    If you care about your students and treat them well, they will respond psoitively to you.
    Build a social life outside of work.
    Don't drink too much.
    Don't fuck your students.
    Marry a wife with a good job.

    tl;dr: I'm on 4chan and teach the youths of Merica every day and I love my job!
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)01:16:42 No.2217345
    I speak too quickly and slur my words.
    I would rather do homework than hang with friends, thus I have no friends.
    Overprotective parents.
    Fat/ugly (horrible acne), which is bad for a girl.
    Most action I've ever gotten was getting kissed on the hand by one of the theatre geeks.
    Never been hugged/cuddled.
    The two guys I like both want nothing to do with me.
    No one else in the world shares my undying love of Notre-Dame de Paris.

    I'm supposed to be going into pre-med to become a neurosurgeon one day, but I have absolutely no motivation to do so. I'm only doing it because I know that I have to. Science, acting, and writing are the only things in the world that I understand. They're the only things that I'm good at. Sadly, acting and writing don't make money nor offer job security. I'm stuck with being a scientist/doctor. With two older brothers who are both scientists, I'm stuck with this path in my life lest I be disowned by my family. I hate it. I don't want to be a surgeon. I want to be a journalist/author/actor. THAT is my passion. Not surgery. Could I do it? Yes. But I don't want to.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)01:22:29 No.2217391
    My life is awesome.

    Even though i'm a poor as hell art student, I love everything that I do.
    I have awesome friends.
    I have an awesome job.
    I enjoy being busy.
    >> Anonymous. 11/23/08(Sun)01:27:36 No.2217445
    try this: tell your self youll be dead tomorrow and just go out do or say anything you want to do with no remorse and no care for what people will think of you. something goods got to come from it. confidence. keeping telling yourself youre confident even if you arent and you will be by pounding it into your lazy brain. just do it faggots.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)01:28:53 No.2217454
    quit bitching.. at least you get sex, asshole
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)01:29:29 No.2217459
    Why my life sucks?

    Not enough cowbell.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)01:32:57 No.2217498
    I am pretty awesome, actually. Anything wrong now, I know I can fix easily.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)01:32:57 No.2217499
    Doing fine here op.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)01:37:59 No.2217544
    - Bored
    - Little money
    - Few friends
    - Crap job
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)01:39:38 No.2217556
    There's a lot of things I hate about myself that are physical (big nose, flat chest, too tall) but the thing that sucks the most is I've wasted like 4 years of my youth basically just sitting in my room doing nothing. I'm 22 now and I'm still doing it because I'm super shy and a coward with no experience with work or anything. I know I have to do it myself, but I wish I had someone who would just push me or help me get started.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)01:41:07 No.2217564
    you see, i'm pretty confident i can do anything i set my mind to, and i'm sure i'll achieve it. the thing is i don't find any reason to.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)01:41:15 No.2217566
    No sex.
    And no chance of sex.

    That's pretty much all. Good luck, OP.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)01:43:57 No.2217582
    I love my life. Go an hero, douchefags.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)01:45:45 No.2217601
    I try to ignore the bigger picture of my life, and just go along for the ride. I seem like a much better person if I do that.
    But each one of us probably wouldn't be hanging around on 4chan if we weren't socially inept in some way.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)01:45:55 No.2217602
    Well, life doesn't suck horribly actually. Doing really well on the basketball team so that's cool. Does still kinda suck though cause the girl I'm absolutely crazy about doesn't care about me one bit. Shit sucks
    >> Anonymous. 11/23/08(Sun)01:47:36 No.2217620
    pics, you sound cute
    yeah same, no reason to but all the ability in the world
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)01:50:24 No.2217648

    Huh... You sound eerily similar to me (even the 22 yr old bit) except my only dislike about my appearance is my skin.

    A push would be grand. And shutting down this self-conscious mindframe would be a great help too.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)01:51:39 No.2217658
    No money and no computer to play wow.
    Two month subscription to play wow.
    Close friend is moving to America in two months and I don't know what I'll do.
    No job in 2 months.
    No marketable skills.
    No strong family ties - I'm on my own.
    I hate most of my friends and what's left of my family.
    Average body and face.
    Crappy hair.

    But otherwise I'm healthy. Thank god I'm not fat.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)01:52:42 No.2217667
    Fuck you, try being 5'6". It really sucks. I have no physical presence whatsoever.

    You're like me. I'm a third-year medical student and I'm beginning to question what I'm even doing here. Trust me medicine is so much harder when you have no interest/motivation to go through all this shit they make you do.

    Thinking about quitting but then I have no idea what I'll do. I don't want to work in a convenience store all my life, I have poor people skills so I can't do business and if I have to study to become a professional then I may as well stick to medicine. Shit sucks.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)01:55:33 No.2217690
    I'm an outcast in every single social group I'm currently in.

    Great for a laugh.
    Great as a friend.
    No more. No less.

    I swear, my social life is nothing but a stage performance and I honestly fucking hate my audience.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)01:55:39 No.2217691
    my life sux because my neighbor knows i don't go out much and she holds it over my head. :(
    >> ­ 11/23/08(Sun)01:56:13 No.2217692
         File :1227423373.jpg-(36 KB, 410x276, smiley_guys.jpg)
    36 KB
    Gray skies are gonna clear up
    Put on a happy face
    Wipe of the clouds and cheer up
    Put on a happy face
    >> ­ 11/23/08(Sun)01:57:16 No.2217704
         File :1227423436.jpg-(131 KB, 988x1413, fritz.jpg)
    131 KB
    Take of the gloomy mask of tragedy
    It's not your style
    You'll look so good that you'll be glad
    That you decided to smile
    >> ­ 11/23/08(Sun)01:57:49 No.2217708
         File :1227423469.jpg-(19 KB, 400x400, rbv0140146.jpg)
    19 KB
    Pick out a pleasant outlook
    Stick out that nobel chin
    Wipe off that full of doubt look
    Snap on a happy grin
    >> ­ 11/23/08(Sun)01:58:18 No.2217711
         File :1227423498.jpg-(22 KB, 400x300, peanut+butter+happy+face.jpg)
    22 KB
    Spread sunshine all over the place
    And just put on a happy
    Put on a happy face
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)01:58:32 No.2217713
    please....please.....please tell me your joking....
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)02:00:42 No.2217733
    I actually honestly think I'm not socially inept...I'm probably wrong but my honest opinion is that I'm actually socially very average, if not above average in terms of people liking me. I think alot of people on 4chan are pretty normal, just too smart for their own good, and bored by the people around them.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)02:03:08 No.2217753
    all you no life losers send me an aim@ annoying mouse

    let's talk about your life and be friends
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)02:03:59 No.2217761

    Seriously, you wonder why people don't like you? You lack confidence. Get a makeover, put yourself out there and stop being such a fucking downer.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)02:05:17 No.2217772
    do you have a yahoo account? I don't have AIM but I would love to talk about how much of an epic fail I am. You could be like my sponsor or something.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)02:05:37 No.2217776

    did I summarize most of the posts?
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)02:06:50 No.2217787
    It's much easier to BAWWWWW about it on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous. 11/23/08(Sun)02:07:49 No.2217798
    dead on, anon. i get out alot but most the time it bores me and id rather be doing something else, and not happy with the people around me. i converse with people very easily but still have some anxiety. would it be right to say most of us are decent humans with talent and ambition but in bad spots were not happy with in life?
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)02:07:56 No.2217799
    no i do not :|

    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)02:10:14 No.2217819
    -Think too much about things that don't need to be thought over

    -I realize things too late

    -No Motivation to do anything

    -No useful skill I do well in

    Other than that I'm peachy
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)02:15:55 No.2217878
    sounds right.

    I only come on 4chan when stuff's going bad in my life.

    ex: Got rejected about a month ago, the following three weeks were basically just me sitting on 4chan. Last week things kinda repaired themselves, didn't go on 4chan for a week. Girl who I got rejected by likes total douche, and voila, I'M BACK!!!
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)02:17:49 No.2217898
         File :1227424669.jpg-(51 KB, 400x267, baby.jpg)
    51 KB
    No friends.

    Dog just died.

    mom is a bi-polar drunk who embarrasses me at every opportunity.

    Haunted by memories of fucked up childhood that have ruined my sex life

    There are holes in my shoes and I can't afford new ones right now

    health problems make it impossible for me to drive, forcing me to rely on other people for everything, which leads me to me just sitting in the house alone most of the time because I don't want to be a bother unless it's something I really need.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)02:28:59 No.2217996
    18 year old male who lives in brooklyn nyc, Hipster central.

    Ok so i am 5'8 Short
    Still in HighSchool - Which is basically filled with kids and there are VERY FEW seniors left...I think there is like 200 seniors total in this school...But I BARELY spot them. The rest of the 3000 students are all 9,10,11 grade shit heads.

    I am poor
    I have 1 wigger friend who is white, But hopefully he will snap out of this fucking brainwashing he's gotten himself into because he lives in the hood...He's poor too.

    I am not ugly, in one of my classes this freshmen girl always tells me "Hi" and shes waves to me. I wave back. I think she likes me - But she is too young. I mean she is my height...So i guess she doesn't know i'm a senior. And since my beard is shaved and i have a young pretty boy face.

    But to the point...EVERYTHING IS FUCKING BORING.

    I smoke on school campus a lot, We are allowed to go on campus during the school day at anytime. But the campus HUGE - but it's all enclosed with gates and to leave there is a security booth and the gate is locked...So i'm stuck in the school for the whole fucking day or until im done and i show securtity my program card.

    I smoke on campus a lot. I just watch people. I wish i knew more seniors...I feel like i am in kindergarten..

    Possibly i can get lucky with her...But dating a 15 year old freshmen doesn't sound right to me
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)02:33:07 No.2218035
    I'm a pompous ass who can never admit when he is wrong.

    I feel hostility towards those who are happy and fulfilled and feel stupid or inferior when I experience the same feelings.

    I don't find it difficult to spend 8 to 10 hours per day on the internet.

    I've deluded myself into thinking I don't want friends and that I'm too good for a relationship.

    My social skills are stunted to the point where I need to act out my requests physically.

    Control freak, but not in the way that will lead to any success as a manager.

    No real passion for anything. At all. A lack of specialized knowledge in any subject.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)02:33:47 No.2218044
    if there's one thing I've learned from being an introvert. It's that it's always easier to blame others for our problems, instead of actively trying to fix them ourselves. I went through a lot of the same stupid bullshit everyone else has. The only difference was that I actually took that step forward and made changes. I'm scared. So what? It's an emotion. Everyone feels it.
    Blaming bullies, Shitty parents, or anything else is stupid. Man up, and take charge of your life.
    It's easier said than done I know. It's taken me 4 years to progress as much as I have, but I've done it cuzz I took a chance.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)02:36:08 No.2218061
    huh lol date her already. just no hanky panky and you're safe.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)02:37:22 No.2218072
    looks like a lot of BAWWW and not a lot of change. end yourself if you like, op.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)02:40:27 No.2218095
    Greedy and irritable friends
    NO social skills whatsoever (I don't know why people can't be direct with eachother)
    About $1 in the bank and $1 in change among my wallet/car (which I'm borrowing from my Dad for an extended time)
    Live with parents because I have no job
    Have been denied an interview for half the jobs and haven't gotten hired after the interviews I did get
    No girlfriend
    Only taking 1 class at school and am going to get academic dismissal next semester
    128K low-capped internet
    Have to drive for around 7 miles or so and waste gas just to get into town
    Most of my friends don't drive so I have to go out of my way for their sake, and they rarely reimburse me
    No motivation in life/possibly not very intelligent/neckbeard I refuse to shave because it's a pain in the ass
    General depression and apathy
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)02:47:43 No.2218157
    i'm a pretty likable guy
    i can be rather quite
    i have a good sense of humor
    i have a girlfriend right now, she's cute
    girls apparently are into me, but i doubt it.
    no job
    scared for college next year
    no car
    next to no money
    rather social with both sexes which is pretty good i guess
    i have little motivation also.
    life at the moment is okay, it could be better though.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)02:49:10 No.2218171
    Oh, and...

    I fucking. Dropped. Out.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)03:40:17 No.2218575
    ok all set for yahoo same as above cept @ymail.com for yahoo chat...

    im bored
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)03:44:57 No.2218601
    Seeing this thread makes me feel good about myself.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)12:25:12 No.2221235

    You sound like a girl I knew in high school. Her name was Jill. I thought she was pretty.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)12:28:19 No.2221257
    2 words

    bladder exstrophy

    look it up. i'm a sexual leper
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)12:29:23 No.2221262

    Poor student
    No luck with women
    Hate people
    Completely indifferent to life and mostly everything
    Rarely feel anything

    Your average robot...
    >> Nuance !!Oo43raDvH61 11/23/08(Sun)12:31:57 No.2221273
    No money
    No job
    Few secure friends
    No girlfriend and no prospects
    Kinda fat
    Live at home
    No sex for 8 months
    Socially inept

    My life is just meh. I trudge through the same crap everyday and sleep ok at night.

    I'm just waiting to 1 day shit a golden egg... although I know I never will

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