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  • Blotter updated: 11/04/08

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    File :1227409720.jpg-(298 KB, 1024x723, Aereakowloon.jpg)
    298 KB Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:08:40 No.2215438  
    Can anybody tell me why the most awesome place that ever existed on earth has been razed?
    Just look at it. There were 35000 people living in one big building. Without any laws.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:10:00 No.2215449
    I love those places. Wish the world was like that.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:11:04 No.2215461
    Where is this place?

    It was probably razed because it was a hotbed of poverty and crime.
    >> Geigue !!KgpOPtX57BM 11/22/08(Sat)22:11:54 No.2215474
    WTF is this place? It looks like a colorful, blocky, garbage dump. It probably smells like one too.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:12:25 No.2215480
    It was in Hongkong until 1994.

    Pretty much an utopia.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:13:00 No.2215485
    Thought this was a screenshot from WALL-E
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:13:57 No.2215494
    utopia? was it not a scummy shithole filled with gangs, brothels and unlicensed medical practitioners?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:14:35 No.2215505
    Also, note on how people built houses on the roofs of the flats.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:15:26 No.2215513
         File :1227410126.jpg-(242 KB, 331x450, KowloonWalledCityAlley2.jpg)
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    This place sounds amazing. Like something out of Blade Runner.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:16:40 No.2215536
    Wow 35000 people in 1 builing and no laws. There must have been a lot of rape, ooo and orphaned children wandering the halls hiding from the pedophiles.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:16:41 No.2215537
    That's the definition of utopia in my eyes.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:18:30 No.2215560

    Yeah, but now that it's gone, we can pretend that it was some sort of fantasy land cyberpunk awesometown.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:18:31 No.2215561
    Low reported crimerate despite the squalor and drugs - and under only superficial Triad control. Fucking hell. This place appeals to my imagination like a tiny penis appeals to Michael Jackson.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:19:40 No.2215578
    If 4chan was a place, it would resemble this.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:20:43 No.2215590
    It was torn down in 1993. FUCK
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:21:09 No.2215597
    Reported being the key word.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:21:17 No.2215599
    I agree completely.
    Also, m8tbl88x
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:21:29 No.2215602
    you hit the naiI on the head.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:21:30 No.2215604
    4chan is going to have to get a lot scarier, densely populated and awesome before it can touch this place even in metaphorical terms. Kowloon Walled City is like what 4chan should be.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:23:20 No.2215623
    I know, it's the ultimate contradiction: Utopia for scum and Dystopia for normals.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:23:55 No.2215634
    Labyrinthine corridors ran through the City, some former streets (at the ground level, and often clogged up with refuse), and some running through upper floors, through and between buildings. The streets were illuminated by fluorescent lights, as sunlight rarely reached the lower levels.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:23:59 No.2215635
    I'm totally for starting a gunless utopia similar to this.

    I'm reading about how it got started. Seems like it was just a really old city which built upon its tiny area until it was a gigantic mega structure.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:24:28 No.2215638
    I have a major crush on this place.. all windy passages and catwalks. shit I need to find somewhere like this. If we all move in together, we can make it happen!
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:25:26 No.2215645
         File :1227410726.jpg-(213 KB, 363x450, Kowloonoutside1.jpg)
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    Also, the people there built everything themselves. They made their own city. That is the spirit of 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:25:40 No.2215649
    fuck. japanese explorers toured the city before it was torn down. i wonder if they filmed it? that would have been a pretty awesome film; a real life labyrinth devoid of people.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:26:39 No.2215657
    There were only two rules for construction: electricity had to be provided to avoid fire, and the buildings could be no more than fourteen stories high, because of the nearby airport. Eight municipal pipes provided water to the entire structure (although more could have come from wells).

    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:27:20 No.2215667
    By the early 1980s, Kowloon Walled City had an estimated population of 35,000. The City was notorious for its excess of brothels, casinos, opium dens, cocaine parlours, food courts serving dog meat, and secret factories. The Kowloon Walled City was also infamous for its high number of unsanitary dentist clinics, since this was where unlicensed dentists could operate without prosecution.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:27:58 No.2215673
    Here's their write up of the tour, with photos.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:29:07 No.2215682
    What my fellow gentlemen appear to be experiencing is something Keats from time to time acknowledged - though never thoroughly enough. Our appreciation stems from seeing beauty within decay - admiring squalor in a very condensed form. You know what? Fuck preserving the environment. Man made, rickety and sordid dwellings impress me more than rolling green pastures and stir up pleasanter feelings. Maybe Keats knew why this is, but I doubt it and I certainly don't.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:29:18 No.2215683
    Didn't even become 100 years old. Nor was it a city from the beginning. It was a chinese outpost when HK became English. After 1949, people from the mainland moved there en masse, and lived how they wanted because the HK police wasn't allowed to do anything and the chinese police wasn't allowed to go into HK territory.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:31:37 No.2215706
    It could only be better if it was right on the coast and populated with pirates.
    >> Commissioner Red !5gFoSxriW2 11/22/08(Sat)22:31:37 No.2215707

    You wouldn't last a day in there. Nice try, peacock.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:31:58 No.2215709
    The smell must have been horrendous.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:32:10 No.2215713
         File :1227411130.jpg-(196 KB, 313x450, Kowloongroundlevel.jpg)
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    This looks so romantic. And that was considered an official street.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:33:11 No.2215720
         File :1227411191.jpg-(23 KB, 225x340, KWC4.jpg)
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    Tin Hau temple, built in 1951 -in the centre of the city, gradually became surrounded by buildings until it received not a ray of sunlight. A wire mesh above protected it from rubbish falling from above.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:33:41 No.2215722
    I'd have loved to see that in person.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:34:07 No.2215724
    That is unfuckingbelievable. What a setting.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:34:43 No.2215729
    Nobody could last a day in there. It's by far too awesome for non-kowloonese minds to understand.
    >> Geigue !!KgpOPtX57BM 11/22/08(Sat)22:35:26 No.2215733

    Wow... a temple shrouded in eternal darkness. It's... mystical.
    >> Anonymous. 11/22/08(Sat)22:35:54 No.2215737
    use youtubez

    there are plenty of videos

    >> SfD !mwnRJOJBXk!!BxSF+37+5Xb 11/22/08(Sat)22:35:57 No.2215738
    the limitless fortress from GetBackers?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:36:18 No.2215748
         File :1227411378.jpg-(938 KB, 536x1115, kowloon-cut.jpg)
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    I got this from some (now offline, I believe) site about Kowloon. Apparently it was from a small-print book about the place.

    As a self-professed urbanologist, I really wish I got to visit it before they demolished it.
    >> SfD !mwnRJOJBXk!!BxSF+37+5Xb 11/22/08(Sat)22:37:49 No.2215760
    pretty much fucking hell that rebelliousxcore 4channers like to pretend they could survive in
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:37:50 No.2215761
    Reminds me of Midgar from FF7, sans the giant plate overhead.

    See, it even has Aeris' church (I bet there are flowers in there).
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:37:51 No.2215762
    Because it was disgusting. Filthy and rather disease-ridden. Now, "why didn't they clean it up instead of tear it down?" is a legitimate question, one I am not entirely prepared to answer other than that the gov't was lazy.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:37:59 No.2215764
    Only way this could be reproduced is a island being densely overpopulated, supported by fishing. That way, its basically lawless (well... "lawless" as in cannot be tampered with by outside forces) and self supportive to an extent. Waste can be barged, and barges can be brought in for building material. The island could be raised of vegetation to provide building grounds.

    It would work... just would take a group of like minded people to step it up.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:39:43 No.2215780
    its really beautiful
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:40:00 No.2215782
    I came. Twice. Filled two buckets. Made a mess. Will come again.
    >> Hammerknife !7ITukp3Pj2 11/22/08(Sat)22:40:20 No.2215785

    None of it was built to standards, and it would have been a nightmare to keep up. And the second there's a fire it all goes to shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:40:45 No.2215788
    I wonder what the internet reception would've been like, there.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:43:18 No.2215817
    I'm gonna bump this, just because this thread is epic, and I'd never heard of this place until now.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:45:47 No.2215846
    And a spare island.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:45:48 No.2215847
         File :1227411948.jpg-(173 KB, 896x672, JPHashima1.jpg)
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    Gentlemen, Hashima.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:47:44 No.2215862
    Razed, not raised.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:49:25 No.2215881
         File :1227412165.jpg-(293 KB, 1024x683, Gunkanjimablackandwhite.jpg)
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    Hashima, also known as Gunkanjima, is a small island near Nagasaki. It was completely abandoned in the 70's, and it is de facto forbidden to visit it.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:50:28 No.2215892
    Apparently the population density was 2,000,000 per/square kilometer.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:51:46 No.2215905
    hong kong is filled with massive complexes like that
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:52:33 No.2215915
    i came.

    would it be possible to buy this island?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:53:10 No.2215924
    Nothing is comparable to Kowloon's size. Nothing.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:53:37 No.2215929
    "Two works of different media attempt to portray the varied lives within Kowloon's walls: the indispensable book City of Darkness: Life in Kowloon Walled City by Greg Girard and Ian Lambot, and the 1997 documentary film "In Search of the Dragon's Tale" by Sae Wan Kei and Haymann Lau."

    do want.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:56:01 No.2215953

    Look at the gallery and decide.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:56:57 No.2215967
    Idk, i lived in the ghetto when i was younger, it was a bit like then when you got to the middle of it.
    doesnt seem so fuck awesome to me.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:57:23 No.2215974
    I badly want to see that documentary. Can't find it on Demonoid/Isohunt though.

    Anyone else got ideas?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:58:49 No.2215991
    kowloon is an area. this isn't comparable because it's more than one building. there are bigger stand-alone buildings in hong kong than anything here.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)22:59:03 No.2215994
    Look at more of the pictures. This place wasn't a ghetto, it was a veritable hive.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)23:00:30 No.2216010
    Still, how many of those buildings were continuosly growing? The walled city was pretty much a monolith.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)23:01:08 No.2216022
    That is beyond fucking cool. Fucking BEYOND.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)23:01:28 No.2216027
    man. those poor people sure don't realize how romantic they have it.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)23:02:46 No.2216045
    A world inside a world. Amazing.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)23:03:04 No.2216051
    Here's the thing, it looks really cool to these middle class---->rich kids who inhabit the site. They see something to alien to their life and yearn for it, even if they don't realize they'd fucking hate to live there.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)23:04:18 No.2216068
         File :1227413058.jpg-(45 KB, 516x352, JPHashima04-heizan.jpg)
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    Fuck man, I lived in something which one would consider a typical soviet complex when I was little. I'd still prefer living there instead of some shitty cottage out in the woods.

    Old pic of Hashima.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)23:04:44 No.2216071
    Here's another site that's pretty interesting - a couple of guy went round Poland and Russia, taking pictures of abandoned towns that got cleared in the fall of the USSR and suchlike. The site layout is a bit crap, but worth the time.

    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)23:06:55 No.2216104
    It sounds nice, but i think living there would actually suck.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)23:07:43 No.2216114
    YES! So that was the awesome underground place that i wished i knew of in the movie "BloodSport"

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEo6ogAnoZ8 < Awesome footage. Check it out! Brings back nostalgia if you're old enough
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)23:08:52 No.2216138

    most people here are decidedly lower-class. the operative thing is 'stupidity'.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)23:10:24 No.2216152
    Where was the ghetto you lived in?

    Got any cool pictures?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)23:12:10 No.2216174
         File :1227413530.jpg-(81 KB, 609x503, JPHashima04-gunsu81-f.jpg)
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    Pretty much like Kowloon, but with the difference that it's still existing and it's having much wider streets.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)23:17:42 No.2216232
    Is it bad to fap to that content? Because I did.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)23:17:42 No.2216233
    Any updates on people finding that documentary?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)23:19:00 No.2216246
    Maybe someone with Karagarga access can check for it?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)23:20:52 No.2216261
    Hashima wouldn't work. The Japanese government would have you deported / jailed in a heartbeat. Isn't that one of the islands they get into pissing contests with Korean / China over from time to time? Regardless, you can't bet it's monitored, considered sovreign Japanese soil and the last thing the legal system generated by a monocultural / monoethnic society like Japan would be able to tolerate would be a herd of outsiders moving into their shit.

    What you'd need to find isn't an uninhabited bit of land. You have to find a bit of land in a political limbo. China & Britain being adversaries is what made Kowloon possible. Both had a claim to the territory which meant neither actually had control.

    Closest thing that comes to mind is Svalbard since Norway lets anyone stupid enough to move there live there. All citizenship requirements typical for Norway are discarded WRT Svalbard. You'd still be subject to Norwegian law though so it's not very close.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)23:22:41 No.2216278
    Okay, Kowloon is gone. Sad.

    Gunkanjima on the other hand....when are we going, robots?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)23:42:17 No.2216471
    the link at the bottom of the wikipedia page:



    fuck yes.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)23:47:13 No.2216532

    >Isn't that one of the islands they get into pissing contests with Korean / China over from time to time?

    Given that its right off Nagasaki, I would guess no. You're probably thinking of one of the Ryukyus.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)23:50:57 No.2216561
         File :1227415857.jpg-(26 KB, 516x352, 11-coalman.jpg)
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    Ah yes, the glorious Mitsubishi plant located in a high school gymnasium! What memories! Back then men were men, women were in the kitchen, and Japan had a functional economy.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)01:33:46 No.2217509
    this thread is pretty cool
    >> CaptainIndigo !aR10YHrTDg 11/23/08(Sun)07:48:03 No.2219888
    Absolutely incredible.

    I'd've loved to have gone there.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)07:52:32 No.2219896
    Isn't Svalbard... like... IN THE ARCTIC CIRCLE?! Unless we're building an underground utopia, I don't think you're going to get many converts. Though, I once scouted islands between Alaska and Washington to inhabit. Shit was too cold to start a civilization.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)08:03:06 No.2219935

    De facto forbidden? Meaning, if I decide to start squatting there, there's not really a whole lot they can do about it...
    >> CaptainIndigo !aR10YHrTDg 11/23/08(Sun)08:05:31 No.2219948

    They can drag you out, kicking and screaming.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)08:06:59 No.2219958
    Reminds me of a Hive World from WH40k.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)08:08:01 No.2219961
    Can't we all just get "stuck" in "limbo" in the international area at some largish airport. Like that Mehran Karimi Nasseri guy... if enough of us wind up in the same airport, we can eventually carve out an enclave.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)08:08:20 No.2219963
    Svalbard is cold as fuck, and it's an actual organized society. You'd need some place where the law doesn't apply.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)08:09:34 No.2219969
    >Without any laws.

    Not really. Not by the time it was knocked down. It wasn't like a triad stronghold or anything.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)08:11:37 No.2219977

    I just can't imagine living with talking polar bears, though.
    >> CaptainIndigo !aR10YHrTDg 11/23/08(Sun)08:16:15 No.2219989

    Except, they'd sort it out pretty soon and send us on our way. It'd take an awful lot of work to engineer a method of squatting in such a high-security area as an airport for months at a time.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)08:18:01 No.2219992

    All wee need is a geothermal power plant.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)08:19:04 No.2219998
    Walled City does seem like a Cyberpunk Awesometown, but honestly, the indian reservations in the USA would end up like this in a way. Except from federal laws and packed onto small plots of land? Maybe?
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)08:19:30 No.2220001
    Yeah, it was worth a shot. I man, you've got food, shelter, bathrooms, internet. What else would you need? If that one guy and slip through the cracks and wind up in a airport for 20 years... why not several people? He did it by accident.

    I guess you're right. A little bit of wishful thinking.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)08:19:32 No.2220002
    khare cityport of traps anyone?
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)08:25:56 No.2220026
    The fuck? Dude, the Argentine Army roams that place.

    What the fuck, you want me to get arrested by greasy Argie soliders for beating the shit out of seals and shit?

    Why don't we build our utopia colony on some un-claimed bit of Antarctica?
    >> CaptainIndigo !aR10YHrTDg 11/23/08(Sun)08:27:36 No.2220032

    The problem is, now he's done it, they're going to have blocked every loophole and such they can find that would allow it, especailly with the prominence of terror threats nowadays.

    I'm not saying it can't be done, but it'll require a huge amount of planning and research.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)08:28:18 No.2220039
    Are there any other geothermally active areas of Antarctica? There probably are, but I can't name any. I just like the C shaped crater and the possibility of a hot bath just by digging a hole.
    So cash, bro.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)08:29:10 No.2220043
    There's nothing "cyberpunk" about it. Seriously - Hong Kong in 1993? Have any of you ever BEEN to Hong Kong? The squalor of it? The poverty stricken parts of it? You'd all curl up into little virginal, friendless balls if you went around there when it existed. It was crime and poverty, period. Nothing cool, nothing Gibson, nothing cyberpunk awesomefaggotry. Go back to fapping, manchildren.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)08:32:45 No.2220057
    >You'd all curl up into little virginal, friendless balls

    I think that already happened. The curling up into virginal, friendless balls. That's why r9k exists. No?
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)08:38:10 No.2220075
    Go play Shenmue 2 you fags. You can roam the streets of Kowloon
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)08:50:08 No.2220132

    I'm guessing this would be unsuitable as it is probably ruled by the government of Dubai, right?
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)08:57:44 No.2220165

    slight off topic
    anyone else wonder how such an awesome theme was named "cyberpunk"? The name sounds like something off an avril lavign album.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)09:01:38 No.2220187
    It was the 80's. What would you have called it?
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)09:01:47 No.2220188
    Cyberpunk is a science fiction genre noted for its focus on "high tech and low life." The name is derived from cybernetics and punk and was originally coined by Bruce Bethke as the title of his short story "Cyberpunk," published in 1983,[1] although the style was popularized well before its publication by editor Gardner Dozois[citation needed]. It features advanced science, such as information technology and cybernetics, coupled with a degree of breakdown or radical change in the social order.

    Would you rather Cybersocial anarchy?
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)09:10:52 No.2220234
    Some people have been playing shenmue 2 way to much.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)09:11:14 No.2220238
         File :1227449474.jpg-(35 KB, 400x567, mrphh.jpg)
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    >Anonymous shouldn't be afraid of governments. Governments should be afraid of AnoHURR DURR HURHDUDHU DERP.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)09:13:13 No.2220246
    cyberkickass sounds nice
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)09:16:23 No.2220260
    i bet they built a mcdonald's in america
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)09:17:57 No.2220273
    I wish steampunk could produce things like Kowloon. Too bad the Victorians would just raze it.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)09:19:06 No.2220282
    Steampunk isn't real. It can be whatever you want it to be. Why not write a setting in which places like that exist?
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)09:21:25 No.2220294
    isn't bioshock sort of steampunk?
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)09:22:01 No.2220299
    Because I'm a shitty writer.
    Write it for me.

    Actually, just hit me with a rough outline.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)09:26:40 No.2220321
    Eh, kind of. It's a bit too late really, but the cheery 50sness and art-deco setting make it closer to atompunk, like fallout.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)09:31:29 No.2220337
    Bioshock = retrofuturistic

    Steampunk is Victorianfuturism, in a sense. The name is a bit misleading, because it doesn't really have any relation to cyberpunk.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)09:37:35 No.2220356

    It is highly cyberpunk. Cyberpunk was derived off social decay and the compartmentalizing of human beings into smaller and smaller areas.

    The father of Cyberpunk, William Gibson, was influenced mostly by Alien. That story had a group stuffed together people living in confined areas being menaced by an alien on a dark, crumbling spaceship as it was influenced remotely by a massive and unfriendly corporation. It was everything future imperfect.

    The same can be said for this place, where you have a microcosm built around people being stuffed in like sardines and living on the bare minimum of space. It's a lot like a space ship interior.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)09:37:49 No.2220357

    Both wrong, Steampunk is like. Machines and Mechanical stuff in a fantasy like setting (Full metal alchemist)
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)09:40:32 No.2220363
         File :1227451232.png-(376 KB, 381x485, Atomic rage.png)
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    Filthy, disgusting place.

    Nothing cool, mystical, intriguing or special about it. There's a reason it got torn down. If you want to live in a place like this, get in a time machine and go back a couple of hundred years.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)09:42:14 No.2220368
    i prefer stonepunk. it's about dinosaurs
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)09:44:34 No.2220374
    It's a fucking city... not a building.

    That's what I am awed by.
    It's a Archology, only it's not from the future.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)09:46:31 No.2220382

    Atomic bomb? More like Hydrogen bomb.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)09:57:27 No.2220425
         File :1227452247.jpg-(32 KB, 800x107, 800px-Panorama_KDF-Block.jpg)
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    Prora would suit us well. A huge vacation resort build by order of Hitler himself, and build by one his worst luitenants. Sounds like a 4chan viable enviorment.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)09:59:24 No.2220430
    They did it in a League of Extraordinary Gentlemen graphic novel, once.
    I think it might've also flown.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)09:59:59 No.2220432
    I'm jewish, I wonder if I would have fit in
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)10:00:43 No.2220436
    This sounds like one of the worst ideas ever.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)10:02:27 No.2220443
    Why not just build a giant city-ship instead of worrying about who owns which island?

    International waters!
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)10:08:59 No.2220473
    I like how any of you is unable to function in a society that protects and feeds you, and yet you are convinced you could survive in a dog-eat-dog world.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)10:17:44 No.2220503
    I was born in HK, and I went into the Walled City several times (yes I'm an oldfag, fuck you).

    It was pretty horrible - it was torn down because the standard of living, hygeine and disease prevention was massively behind the rest of Hong Kong. It was agreed by both Britain and China that something needed to be done.

    It didn't have a low crime-rate, it had a low REPORTED crime-rate. In a place with hardly any laws, and no incentive to report crime, this is surely hardly surprising.

    And fuck yes, there were a lot of whores. And drugs. Great place to visit, not sure it was a great place to live.

    While it was disgusting, the people who are commenting are right - 4chan reminds me of that place a lot. And yeah, whoever said it was like Bladerunner - well, there was a lot more squalor than that, but yeah catwalks and garbage everywhere... it had real atmosphere.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)10:19:55 No.2220517
    I'm from HK. It's actually a tiny place within Kowloon, sort of like your inner city or ghetto. Stop romanticizing it.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)10:22:40 No.2220531
    is the flinstones stonepunk? but that was the suburbs man. like if the flinstones moved to the ghetto, that'd be stonepunk
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)10:24:15 No.2220539

    I remember many sordid nights of fucking drugged-out whores on filthy stinking beds in tiny cramped and squalid rooms, the windows open so I could hear all the noise from the heaving mass of filthy humanity outside. Scratching the needle marks on my arms and spending most of my teenagehood generally immersing myself in filth and decay.

    If I want to romanticise that, why shouldn't I?

    My life is boring and mundane now.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)10:30:13 No.2220566
         File :1227454213.jpg-(567 KB, 2335x1000, Hong_Kong_Night_Skyline.jpg)
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    And now for something completely modern.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)10:32:22 No.2220578
    Write a book you faggot

    Im srs
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)10:36:32 No.2220593
    bumping a fucking awesome thread
    btw where is that?
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)10:37:21 No.2220597
    Well, the version depicted in Virtual Light and Idoru aside, I can see why you'd want it torn down. As has been said before, probably a nice place to visit, but not so much to live in.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)10:39:55 No.2220606
         File :1227454795.jpg-(23 KB, 473x361, 1227185368932.jpg)
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    Oh lord...


    >>subject of entire thread
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)10:43:18 No.2220623
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)10:50:10 No.2220665
    I like the idea of using deception island since its probably possible to build a geothermal energy plant there. If you got some basic infrastructure in place you could probably find a way to sell power to Argentina. Of course, if you actually managed to do all that Britain, Argentina or Spain would probably say "Wow, Thanks! Now GTFO my land" and kick you out.

    Using ships in international waters would be pretty cool but I can't think of a consistently placid body of water that is international. I don't care how many supertankers you weld together, a hurricane/typhoon will rape the shit out of that structure and and all of the water desalination & agriculture efforts you attach to it. Point being you need energy for the purposes of this discussion.

    Anyone who denies that isn't considering that they could buy a TuffShed or something, drag it to Wyoming and live in that. You wouldnt be a nation unto yourself but you'd never know the difference.

    I think internet access (which implies industry since it'll have to be paid for somehow unless you plan on petitioning for a spot in geosynchronous orbit for your own relay satellite), electricity, capacity to produce food, potable water and handle sewage/waste are crucial.

    I think once you start looking in greater detail into what really must occur for this to be a viable idea, you'll start to see that its not going to end up being much different from the situation you're in now. Frankly, if you do manage to make it better, you'll probably just be called a hotbed of terrorism and have a US led airstrike crush your shit. Like Somalia.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)10:51:40 No.2220670
    Kowloon Walled City is a small, it's like, 6 baseball field combined. Look at the OP picture, lower right corner, you see those basketball courts? Now you should get the scale of it.

    Also, lower than the basketball courts there are these curvy roads with a circular thing. That's a bicycle park, I love it when I was a kid :D
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)10:57:15 No.2220695
    humans are interesting.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)10:58:53 No.2220701
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)11:01:06 No.2220713
    lets start with something like this

    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)11:13:54 No.2220792

    Looks to me like Somalia is the only realistic option. The others are shitty little landlocked strips of dirt you wouldn't wipe your ass with.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)11:16:21 No.2220806
    So, basically; to create 4chan city: we have to get some kind of hueg watercraft (Like an aircraft carrier), ram it into an island, salvage it for parts find some form of power source?

    And what of food? Assuming we crashed the watercraft into a salt water island, and got a working water purifier, how would we get food? Large fishing?
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)11:16:50 No.2220813
    I think it would be easiest to buy a small Carribean island, and with enough inhabitants, a "revolution" would be pretty easy.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)11:18:35 No.2220822
    >power source

    how bout that $25 million nuclear reactor that can power 10000 homes?
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)11:19:43 No.2220828
    Maybe I'm just a pussy but I don't want this bad enough to fight 15,000 niggers with AK-47's over it.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)11:21:25 No.2220838
    it was razed? I wanted to learn martial arts then visit. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)11:21:50 No.2220841
    We can also bring along materials for building our city, but for food, yes fishing. But for our power, we would have to rely on solar or wind. Without an industry we have nothing to export and no services.

    Can anyone think of our industry?
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)11:24:03 No.2220852

    And this is where /k/ enters.

    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)11:26:25 No.2220863

    /r9k/ island

    Primary imports: Porn, cheetos
    Primary exports: Ronery virgins, fail
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)11:31:22 No.2220888
    I'm not even sure energy is a viable export commodity. It's not likely but it is possible that under the Obama administration there could be a watershed moment in technology. Ammonia burning engines, fuel cell development, etc.

    With Somalia you've got a lot of problems. The west won't permit an islamic government there because of its strategic value to international shipping but they're not going to get into another Iraq/Vietnam. Saudi Arabia has the money and interest in seeing a peaceful nation arise but they won't oppose the west directly.

    So you've got the middle east supporting the islamists through Hamas,and friends, the islamists opposing the pirates trying to curry favor with the west, the west saying fuck that noise and supporting the Ethiopian military and the warlords in order to keep the islamists down.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)11:31:37 No.2220890
    I think a giant floating city (anchored to the ocean sea) in international water would be much more viable for people like us, but then again we don't have any protection against anything then.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)11:32:10 No.2220892

    How the fuck are we supposed to export them if they never leave their basements
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)11:32:22 No.2220893
    This reminds me of that run down area that's made up of a bunch of buildings in JSRF.

    Rokkaku Dai Heights.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)11:32:25 No.2220894
    Expanding: Not one giant platform like you think, but a mass of connected boats, connected by bridges and shit. Each boat is a house or a shop or something.
    >> CaptainIndigo !aR10YHrTDg 11/23/08(Sun)11:34:50 No.2220908
    Those of you who are serious about this: http://www.99chan.org/pro/res/33.html

    We've had something along these lines being planned for nearly a year now.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)11:35:27 No.2220912
    Assuming that we left space between pontoon boats for roads (used by smaller boats), I think it could work.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)11:37:42 No.2220924
    Dilapidated building full of chinks with QUESTIONABLE access to toilet paper... Yeah that's paradise on earth.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)11:37:55 No.2220927
    >If you want to live in a place like this, get in a time machine and go back a couple of hundred years.

    Or get a time machine and go back less than 20 years...
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)11:38:03 No.2220929
    That's a very long thread. Could you give us the Cliffsnotes version so we can jump in?
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)11:40:36 No.2220945
    Well assume all boats are random, so there is no functionality to "roads" except walking between each boat. There would have to be a main boat which commerce was done, and port boats which can be sent out to do fishing and trading with the outside world.

    Only problem I see with this is that smaller boats have a problem with the oceans turbulence, so we would have to find a pretty calm and sheltered place to build such a society.
    >> CaptainIndigo !aR10YHrTDg 11/23/08(Sun)11:43:27 No.2220953

    Essentially, it's a discussion at this stage of potential places to colonise and how it'd work, with loads of case studies like Sealand, along with discussion over international law.

    Basically, what we've got here, but in much more detail.

    The problem is with frequent crashes and stuff, the project's got a bit waylaid recently - we had a great deal more plans, but they were lost.

    And for organizational purposes, if you're going to join in, get a tripcode, so we get an idea of how many people are interested.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)11:47:45 No.2220977

    this is from wikipedia isn't it, I fucking love this picture so much
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)11:48:44 No.2220983
    They use koreans as toilet paper.
    >> Gentleman 11/23/08(Sun)11:55:07 No.2221016
    Would a commune not be the way to go? The problem is the large amount of capital it would be to set up.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)11:58:00 No.2221042
    Yes, love it too.
    It's so bright and clear. Also, not a lot of such photos would show both sides of Kowloon and the Hong Kong Island.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)12:00:55 No.2221061
    Amazing how the whole thing didn't catch on fire, seems like a minor incident would spread to the whole building.

    If you're stupid enough to want to live in one of these places, go to the favelas in Rio.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)12:02:58 No.2221078
    Communes did not work in the 60's, and they aren't going to work now.

    Finding 1000 people with $20,000 apiece might be hard now, but seeing as a good portion of 4chan's userbase consists of college students, that might be feasible in a few years...
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)12:04:52 No.2221095
    Imagine rescuing a VIP from there with a SWAT squad of 5 people
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)12:05:58 No.2221102
    Thanks for taking a shit on an already awful thread.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)12:07:00 No.2221106
    The whole thing?
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)12:07:00 No.2221107
    Anon thinks Kowloon's Walled City is cool, but you'd get mugged and raped within the hour
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)12:07:11 No.2221110
    Imagine going in there alone to save a VIP.. and also wear an eye-patch.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)12:07:16 No.2221112
    I'd say there are more college grads 20k in the red than 20k in the black.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)12:08:06 No.2221119
    My way would only require access to scrapyards and barges. Boat City would win this war.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)12:10:15 No.2221137
    Looks like Sealand has a lot of this down. Unfortunately its set up with despotic rule, hereditary, complete with royal titles. I'm not sure I see the point of this. It's probably difficult to imagine from this level of remove but seriously all it's going to take is one minor dispute and someone is going to feel butthurt and demand a constitution + legal framework.

    And then, wtf is the difference?
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)12:34:16 No.2221293
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    You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)12:40:41 No.2221338
    Don't take butthurt types onboard to begin with. One can often smell power-hungry faggotry a mile away.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)12:42:23 No.2221353

    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)12:47:12 No.2221385
    Just thinking of the city has placed fucking music in my head. There are choir singers and everything. It's sort of like a Star Wars battle song combined with Silent Hill.

    That is the soundtrack of Kowloon Walled City.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)12:50:20 No.2221404
    this city seems awesome and fun until you consider there's probably a frothy thick stream of human sewage flowing through the streets
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)12:50:20 No.2221406
    Intellectual property. It could be a mecca for the arts/sciences where people just collectively create new technologies and art forms.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)12:53:36 No.2221426
    Kind of like how the machines in the anamatrix created a new nation in Africa and ended up being way more efficient and productive the the humans did in a matter of a few years.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)13:16:27 No.2221571
    hey guys, what about the vatican?
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)13:16:48 No.2221574
    has everyone lost interest in this thread?

    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)13:18:31 No.2221582
    go talk to /k/, they'll do it for you.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)13:23:20 No.2221617
    What about just setting up in the middle of a dessert somewhere?
    Kinda like Waco.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)13:26:20 No.2221640
    Unless you plan to teramorph a desert, how will you produce enough food/water to feed a city. That's the only problem I see.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)13:31:30 No.2221678
    It won't be a huge metropolis, jusr a small town.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)13:41:47 No.2221737
    The average person eats almost 1500 pounds of food a Year. If you're talking about Kowloon sized then that's 35,000 people * 1,500 lbs of food = 52,000,000 lbs of food a year. I didn't even factor in water. which would be a pain in the ass to transport to a desert city.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)13:50:41 No.2221796
    Fuck islands and desserts, do it MARS
    Planet arcanine, fuck yeah.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)13:56:02 No.2221824
    >1997 documentary film "In Search of the Dragon's Tale"

    Sorry dudes, it's not on Karagarga. This thing is rare as fuck. There was a VHS release distributed in Canada and the Calgary Public Library has two copies of it, but the distributor no longer lists it in their catalogue, and the production company apparently went out of business long ago. So... yeah.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)13:59:02 No.2221838
    Maybe we'll just have to stop eating fat American diets then.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)14:04:18 No.2221869
    In order to live in our city, you can't be a fatty. That can be one of our few laws.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)14:04:50 No.2221874
    4 lbs of food a day isn't that much. Its like half a gallon of milk. Even if you cut that number down to 2 lbs of food a day it would still be a huge number in the end.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)14:10:31 No.2221904

    Flying Dragon Productions presents....

    "In Search of the Dragon's Tale"

    To Contact Us........

    for enquiries or request for screening copy
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)14:11:11 No.2221908
    I thought this was a 4chan society.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)14:17:56 No.2221940
    There were probably a lot of feral cats roaming around in Kowloon.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)14:35:03 No.2222074
    You mean a city where the artist would not fear the censor, where the scientist would not be limited by petty morality, where the great would not be constrained by the small!
    Sounds pretty cash. I say we build it at the bottom of the ocean.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)14:41:51 No.2222129
    sounds like christiania in denmark
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)14:41:59 No.2222132
    "Deception Island" just sounds cool.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)14:49:33 No.2222201
    Why would anyone want to live in places like these? I just want to explore them for a couple days.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)14:51:31 No.2222216
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)14:52:04 No.2222223
    This is now a meme.
    muting this blockage.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)14:53:30 No.2222242
    ITT: A lot of white kids from the suburbs who grew up in 2+ story houses
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)14:56:23 No.2222268
    Appreciating the aesthetics of Kowloon Walled City is not the same as wanting to live there or considering the lifestyle there somehow 'good.'
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)14:59:25 No.2222302
    I lived in a trailer park. It was Kowloon, only not as densely populated. Seriously. Eating dogs? Yet. Doing drugs (all kinds)? Yes. Murder? Yes. Rape? Yes? Prostitution? Yes. This would've been no different, to me, only it would have looked cooler from a distance.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)15:13:54 No.2222417
    ITT: A lot of white kids who think poverty is cool get defensive.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)15:23:30 No.2222508
         File :1227471810.jpg-(187 KB, 500x669, PLATE cocklover_D.jpg)
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    poverty is cool, faggot!
    >> CaptainIndigo !aR10YHrTDg 11/23/08(Sun)16:01:17 No.2222964
    Bump for fuckawesomeness.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)16:15:00 No.2223117

    Except with 50,000 people instead of 800.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)16:21:55 No.2223211

    Something more cyberpunk.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)16:36:44 No.2223400
    I just want to say I've never once heard about this city and now that I've read about it, it's an amazing story. I'm glad I found this information and I regret not being able to visit -- cause if I ever visited HK this would be number1 on my attractions list.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)16:44:08 No.2223457
    50,000 people used to live here.

    Now it's a ghost town.

    Never seen anything like it.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)16:45:58 No.2223478
    camp of the saints is an unforgettable novel
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)17:07:39 No.2223646
    one thing though, is I think that a 4channer would feel at home in the romanticized idea of this.

    4channer feeling welcome = population - the amount of light * amount of wires / 100
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)17:09:33 No.2223662
    I read this post, and then realised that I'm in the dark, the room I'm sitting in is full of wires, and that I'm in a fairly populated flat-sharing environment.

    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)17:25:09 No.2223800
    I think you should multiply the amount of wires by the population and not the amount of light.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)17:39:47 No.2223939
    And then a bunch of anons move to Antarctica only to realize they won't have internet access and end up moving back.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)17:46:29 No.2223988
    holy shit epic thread is epic, when do we start?
    >> CaptainIndigo !aR10YHrTDg 11/23/08(Sun)17:55:13 No.2224057

    We already have.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)18:00:10 No.2224097

    lolmuted, right tharrr.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)18:07:47 No.2224171
         File :1227481667.jpg-(23 KB, 400x300, bioshock-welcome-to-rapture.jpg)
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    You know what this entire 'walled city free from the constraints of morals, laws and government' reminds me of?
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)18:08:31 No.2224185
    And you know what they both have in common?

    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)18:17:05 No.2224250

    A few of Gibson's books are actually about an virtual construct of this place.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)18:17:12 No.2224252

    They were both fictional. Sci Fi seems to prefer grand failures. They make for easier writing.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)19:13:26 No.2224708

    First hand exploration of the city in Web 1.0, has some small photographs.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)19:32:50 No.2224864

    This is why it's your fault you're a virgin.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)19:36:13 No.2224889
    holy fuck!!! oh yeah I would like to live there
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)19:36:38 No.2224893

    That site hasn't been updated in over a decade.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)19:36:48 No.2224895
    Theres something about squalor and decrepit conditions that just seems romantic. Ah the dim rays of sunshine just percolating through the clotheslines and pipes above. It mimics the dark and close atmosphere of the jungle floor.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)19:39:08 No.2224916
    No one over the age of 15 (either physically, or at least the mentality) would like that.

    I quite frankly enjoy laws and civil society thank you. Enjoy your third-world "dream world"; i'll be quite fine with my clean running water.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)19:44:05 No.2224959
    The smell at ground level must've been fucking terrible.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)19:55:56 No.2225046
    a google search for "In search of the dragon's tale" yields scarcely a page of results. searching for the producers' names yields even fewer. Unless they check an 11 year old email address from time to time, acquiring the doc is out of the question it seems.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)20:09:20 No.2225189
    me too... well, with 99% less crime of course... it would be cimply awesome to visit people and stuff... i mean, buildings gettng vertical instead of horizonal it's simply awesome
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)20:13:10 No.2225226
    Yeah, it's not like the "real world" has anything like that... oh wait, they're called "apartment buildings" you fucking retard.
    >> FAGGOTRON64 11/23/08(Sun)20:31:28 No.2225400
    bump because it deserves it. Makes me wish I was born earlier so I could see it with my own eyes.

    : /
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)20:48:09 No.2225557
    there's a copy of the city of darkness book at Wurster hall library, UC berkeley. anon has read
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)21:05:50 No.2225701
    Acquire it and share it with us all
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)22:36:36 No.2226414
    This fucking city is awesome!

    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)22:49:50 No.2226520
    If you mean the "Sprawl" books, hells yeah. But Gibson's vision was of a place like that extending over the whole Boston to Atlanta swath of the US East Coast. Pretty fucking amazing.
    >> CG !ZiOlXCRNAs 11/23/08(Sun)22:49:55 No.2226522
    No one is saying, or has said as far as I can tell, that they want to live in it you stupid faggots. "I want to visit" "I'd have liked to seen it for myself" isn't IT'S A DREAM WORLD LOOK AT THOSE TRASH BAGS HOLY SHIT IT'LL BE JUST LIKE ONE OF MY CYBERPUNKS
    >> Mr. Bubbles !!DLJ3bQ7yunJ 11/23/08(Sun)23:07:45 No.2226672
    If I ever get a time machine, I am going straight to 4chan, stick all of us onboard, and then we would have a fieldtrip to Kowloon.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)23:12:04 No.2226707
    so many tripfags these days!

    anyhow. thanks for the project topic, /r9k/. i'll be using architectural philosophy stuff by a guy called smithson for the critical analysis. cheers!
    >> PopularTripfag !mG5O0Tff5s 11/23/08(Sun)23:13:42 No.2226714

    That's the first fucking thing I thought of

    Damn I want to live in infinity fortress ;_;
    >> Fine Too 11/23/08(Sun)23:17:04 No.2226739
    Kowloon Walled City would make for an awesome setting for a game.
    Hell, even an MMORPG.

    Second Life: Kowloon Walled City.
    >> Fine Too 11/23/08(Sun)23:33:26 No.2226882
    Shut man, one guy hired 6 armed guys to recapture Sealand.

    How many guys would it take to capture 4chan Atoll?
    >> Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)23:56:48 No.2227122
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    favella rocinha, not really as vertical but certainly as lawless (and the climate is nice)
    >> Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)00:21:41 No.2227326
    clearly someone from calgary needs to check it out and rip it to their computer, then start a torrent.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)00:30:59 No.2227395
    When I read 4channers planning a colony all their own, at first it intrigues me. The thrill of starting fresh with a new society. but then I wonder why? It all seems pretty impractical. Every useful inch of land on this planet is claimed, and most places that are uninhabited are so for a reason. The sea is hardly an easy conquest, and none of the people dreaming of these structures at sea even claim to have any nautical experience. Call me again when space travel is economical and Mars is the new frontier.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)00:33:56 No.2227419

    Which reminds me, why don't some of you brave pioneers click on some of the ads and help pay for this online stinkhole of waste.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)00:35:55 No.2227438

    No, I think peacock would be nice in the anal rape brothel.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)00:37:57 No.2227450

    Well, since your such an enterprising scientist, why don't you just hurry your ass down to Martin Luthor King Blvd. in your city and give us a nice little run down of the charming urban squalor.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)00:39:30 No.2227460

    Umm, maybe to avoid having the whole thing collapse during an earthquake and kill all 35,000 people. Jesus, robots are dumber than anon, it seems.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)00:57:07 No.2227608
         File :1227506227.jpg-(1.2 MB, 2600x513, Es2006_faveladarocinha.jpg)
    1.2 MB
    There is a book called shadow cities:

    >> Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)00:57:25 No.2227613

    I love those phone wires you see in developing nations. Imagine troubleshooting in THAT.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)01:02:37 No.2227656
    Can someone fucking translate this for me?

    >> Huge Weird Thumb !fH8S25FlyY 11/24/08(Mon)01:29:04 No.2227902

    Not only that, but they were all CHINESE. Fuck that place must have reeked.
    >> CaptainIndigo !aR10YHrTDg 11/24/08(Mon)02:03:05 No.2228189
    A bump for fuckawesomeness.
    >> CaptainIndigo !aR10YHrTDg 11/24/08(Mon)02:26:38 No.2228383

    And another. Come on you guys.
    >> Dispatch 11/24/08(Mon)03:03:06 No.2228675
    Amazing... really.

    Think of the awesome fun you could have in that joint (in its abandoned state)

    500 man paintball game anyone?
    >> Huge Weird Thumb !fH8S25FlyY 11/24/08(Mon)03:31:29 No.2228890

    Damn China. They could have made some money renting that whole city out for the most epic paintball wars in history.

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