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    File :1227218210.jpg-(265 KB, 452x678, wtf.jpg)
    265 KB A Thought to Consider Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)16:56 No.2202402  
    What's the difference between Anime Fans and Twilighters?
    Your mom likes Twilight. That's the difference.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)16:57 No.2202409
    i lol'd

    then i ;_;
    >> poopypeepee 11/20/08(Thu)16:57 No.2202412
    Twilighters get laid.
    >> Ghost !4u16FlNpwo 11/20/08(Thu)16:58 No.2202415
    My mom is dead
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)17:01 No.2202438
    That's sad because it's true ._.'
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)17:02 No.2202450
    No, no they don't.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)17:03 No.2202455
         File :1227218594.jpg-(210 KB, 635x812, amandacomic2.jpg)
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    The only reason it's popular is because your mom started to read it and it got her panties all wet for Edward/Jacob
    Last I heard, most Christian religions (Mormon) don't usually approve of "evil" things like vampires, let alone marrying one and sexing it.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)17:04 No.2202470
    >>2202412 twilighters get laid.
    Yeah because they're teenage girls that don't know any better and will sleep with anyone named Edward.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)17:06 No.2202481
    Twilight Stars hate Twilight

    http://filmdrunk.uproxx.com/?p=6077 Creepy Author

    http://filmdrunk.uproxx.com/?p=6134 Horrible fanbase
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)17:11 No.2202518
    What the fuck is twilight some shitty american fad? never fucking heard of it untill last month and everyones posting pictures of that ugly mother fucker.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)17:12 No.2202525
    NOW I get this pic.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)17:14 No.2202542
    same here, i first thought it was your regular hollywood teen bait movie, but apparently there is a whole loser culture behind it.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)17:17 No.2202560
    Fucking rages me because i have no idea what it is, looks like tween garbage anyway.

    Also that guys nose is fucking horrible looking.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)17:26 No.2202611
         File :1227219971.jpg-(13 KB, 405x303, pattinson-twilight.jpg)
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    >“When I read it, I was convinced Stephenie was convinced that she was Bella, and it was like a book that wasn’t supposed to be published. It was like reading her sexual fantasy, especially when she said it was based on a dream and it was like, ‘Oh I’ve had this dream about this really sexy guy,’ and she just writes this book about it. Like some things about Edward are so specific, I was just convinced, like, ‘This woman is mad. She’s completely mad and she’s in love with her own fictional creation.’ And sometimes you would feel uncomfortable reading this thing. It’s kind of a sick pleasure in a lot of ways.”
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)17:28 No.2202625

    I don't think I've seen an interview with Pattinson where he hasn't bashed the book, or his character.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)17:39 No.2202712
         File :1227220777.jpg-(26 KB, 300x400, kristen-stewart_l.jpg)
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    > “I was like, ‘You guys are celebrating something that has not come true yet. So, you are really retarded and have nothing to do with this creative process and I really don’t want to hear you celebrate in front of me. Get out of here! It’s my responsibility!’”

    “You can go online and it’s very intangible. I mean, who knows how many of these girls there are? It’s probably just the same five girls going on every message board and gabbing on about it,” Stewart says. “But to have literally, like, a room of over 5,000 people screaming at you makes you want to cry. It’s not like, ‘Oh, this is so great.’ I think it’s literally like an instinct. To have that sort of energy forced at you? You start to wither.”

    Not just him
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)17:42 No.2202731
    movie studios must be masturbating over this shit, they could make 10 movies and still sell tickets, not to mention they could shit on a bag and call it vampire shit and sell 10 million units
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)17:45 No.2202745
         File :1227221140.jpg-(456 KB, 1240x1685, wpicwin.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)17:49 No.2202762
    Did anyone watch their interview with one of the morning shows? (the one with Meridith Viera)

    I didn't understand what kind of vibe the girl was giving off, it's like she had to be somewhere else, but was indifferent. But then she gave some decent answers. WTF
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)17:50 No.2202764
    can you explain it? I don't get it
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)17:51 No.2202771
    She looked annoyed. They both look annoyed, but trying to hold back because they have to sell their movie.

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