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    File :1227248811.jpg-(142 KB, 640x480, 6a00d83451db7969e200e54f2a55a08834-640wi.jpg)
    142 KB No Car = Loser Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)01:26:51 No.2197585  
    I'm 18, and I don't have a license.

    I feel really pathetic because I don't have the drive to get up and do something about it.

    It doesn't help that work and school are within short walking distance. Work? 10 minutes. School? 25 minutes. But I feel as if it's not necessary.

    It only hits me when I get a ride. I feel as if I feel like a boy.

    /r9k/, kick my ass about it. Make me head to my local DMV and get a fucking license. Give me incentives.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)01:28:43 No.2197603
    good god i sympathize

    I'm 20 and I just got mine. I felt so pathetic, but then again I was at college for a while so it wasn't that bad

    now that I have one, I don't know what to do with it.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)01:29:39 No.2197612
    It would be empathy not sympathy
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)01:29:45 No.2197613
    I'm 19 and I don't have a license,
    I live in NYC and you don't need one.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)01:30:00 No.2197615
    You won't be any less off with it. Get your fucking license.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)01:30:53 No.2197622
    One thing that bugs me is that I feel I could've had another girlfriend by now. I broke up with my last one early this year, and I think I missed out on like. Three other opportunities simply because I don't have a license. Ha, I feel as if I got a car, I could break out of my crush's friendzone without effort, but I just don't know why I'm not doing it.
    >> Dr. God !!k7ks6bCKlgf 11/21/08(Fri)01:31:53 No.2197631

    With the economy in a depression, you should get a bike. NOT FUCKING KIDDING.

    A license incurs insurance, maintenance, and plus, you have to find parking EVERYwhere. Enjoy fluctuating gas prices.

    I like walking; I walk a lot. I am 20 mins from school, which is also work. It's enjoyable, I like to construct elaborate Last Man On Earth or Rich Man fantasies while I walk, or think about... well... anything? Yeah.

    Plus, nerdy chicks love it.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)01:32:07 No.2197633
    OP here. So far I've been getting a vibe of "I don't need a license."

    Huh. I was hoping for lu/r9k/ers to be a bit more rough with me.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)01:33:34 No.2197648

    OP here. I feel as if my car would only be good for heading to another city, and getting home at night.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)01:34:00 No.2197652
    Only the really rare, awesome girls will not care that you don't have a car.

    It's almost an absolute NECESSITY to have your own vehicle if you want to date anyone in the adult world, no matter how unnecessary having one might be in your everyday life.

    Kinda stupid, but that's the way things seem to work.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)01:34:03 No.2197653

    You only need a license if you live out in the suburbs or in the country. If/when you go to university, the car will end up becoming a nuisance anyway.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)01:35:39 No.2197668
    I second this. Don't get a car until after you graduate from college. It's a waste, unless you're planning on living outside of the city where you're going to school.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)01:35:45 No.2197669
    You think 25 minutes is "Walking distance"?
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)01:35:54 No.2197670
    Those girls don't exist around here.

    Come to think of it, only one girl didn't mind I had a car. Got fired the day I was going to ask her for her number.

    But really, I don't expect every girl to be perfectly nerdy. It's more about me being the gentleman and taking the girl places.
    >> Dr. God !!k7ks6bCKlgf 11/21/08(Fri)01:36:39 No.2197673
    Are you in a crime area? Then at night might be good. For weekends, if you really must....

    ...shit. You just said why I need a car.

    Oh, well. Let's languish in boring-ness together, OP.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)01:37:30 No.2197681
    Nah bro, petrol (gas) is pretty much at an all time high, and isn't going down any time soon. If you're lucky/smart enough to live somewhere where anything is within walking distance, don't bother. Plus, we're in an economic crisis, so you can't go spending money on things that aren't absolutely necessary.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)01:39:22 No.2197699
    OP here.

    Yes, I live on the line to two cities. The plaza I work at is split between two cities. Drive-by's are common, but there was a drug bust across the street a few months ago, might have killed it just a bit. Mom would flip her shit if she had me walk.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)01:41:46 No.2197715
    You don't? Damn you're a spoiled, lazy fuck
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)01:41:47 No.2197717
    Yeah because nobody drives anymore nor spend any money. Dumbass...
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)01:42:25 No.2197723
    Tell me about it. Gas prices are a whole $2.05 here right now. Talk about ridiculous! I've never seen it so high!
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)01:45:25 No.2197742

    Am I the only fag who is 21 and doesn't have a license? I can walk to work just like OP. I can also ride the bus or hop on my bike if I need to. Driveing just isn't my thing I'm also afraid of cars.... :(
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)01:47:27 No.2197753

    Seriously am I pathetic or what!?
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)01:48:06 No.2197759
    OP here.

    I think. I think I might be afraid, really.

    I feel as if I'm not in control. I've driven before. I've taken 30 minute drives from here to there with my permit. But turning at specific signals scares the the fuck out of me.

    Freeways are worse, I'm scared of going fast and glancing over my shoulder, feeling that a slight tilt of my steering wheel might nudge me into another car.

    Ever since I had my hands on the wheel, and get a ride, my hairs raise when I "feel" the brakes are put too late.

    Maybe I need to get over a fear of turning, ha.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)01:50:14 No.2197774

    I honestly don't think a license is a "needed" thing. If you want a car just to pick up girls it's kind of sad. Those bitches should be driveing us around ya' know!?
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)01:51:19 No.2197783

    Also I'm more afraid of the lunatic drivers out there on the open road. Some people are just insane and have way to much road rage.
    >> P3epe.tk !!o3dGqMjG/66 11/21/08(Fri)01:51:50 No.2197786
    I have a moto license OP. I had no one competent to teach me how to drive.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)01:52:04 No.2197790
    OP here.

    Call me old fashioned, but. No. I think a man has to be the one that takes the girl out. I think the man should be the one to give the girl sweets and roses.

    When I meet a nice girl, it'd be comforting that I'd be able to actually take her OUT, to give her a ride, y'know?
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)01:54:13 No.2197809
    I'm the same as the OP. Actually, a couple of days ago I was considering making this thread. Uncanny.

    I know in my backwater Antipodean nation it's almost unheard of to not have a license at this point, and myself and maybe 3 other friends (who all live 5km or less from the city centre) are the only people I know who don't. It's good to hear that once I get to civilisation after university I won't be alone in my walkfest.

    That said, I'm really tempted to get a class 6 (motorbike/scooter) license, because those things are sweet as and cost jack all to fuel.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)01:54:17 No.2197810

    Naw fuck that OP than you become pussy wipped and the bitch gets in control. Before you know it your her driver not her boyfriend. Your dates will turn out to be shopping trips to the mall. Where you will be forced to carry her bags of shoes while she takes her sweet ass time....
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)01:54:37 No.2197812
    I didn't get my license until I was...19? 20? I don't remember exactly, but it was well after 16.

    It's really not that big of a deal, but it is good to have, just in case you do end up NEEDING to drive somewhere. Sometimes public transit/bumming a ride won't cut it.

    Also, afraid of driving? It's really not that bad. The freeway can be scary your first time, but I find driving exhilarating if anything. I don't think I ever feel more in control. Once you get over things being new, driving is more fun than scary.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)01:55:46 No.2197822
    I don't want to get too off-topic, but really, there should be a trade-off about this sort of thing. You drive her around, she drives you around. "Has to" and "shoulds" when it comes to relationships kinda fuck things up and creates unrealistic expectations. Unless you're both cool with that.

    But do as you will.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)01:56:17 No.2197827

    How much do motor scooter's coast? To be honest I would rather drive one of those. I would be like Peter Parker in Spiderman.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)01:56:18 No.2197829
    What the fuck are you on? That only applies if you're dating a 15 year old...
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)01:56:56 No.2197839

    Not really women in their 20's are about the same.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)01:59:06 No.2197861
    You must be dating 20 year olds who either 1) don't have a license, 2) don't have a car, or 3) don't have sanity.

    Seriously, if that's really your experience, reevaluate the people you associate with.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)02:00:16 No.2197873
    It really, really depends on the woman.

    Damn, I know I'm not the only woman who doesn't work that way. We're more likely than you think.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)02:00:19 No.2197874
    I have limits, of course.

    But I just feel like the guy should treat her well is all.

    What good is a guy if he can't take her out on a movie when he wants to?
    >> !IMGay66G72 11/21/08(Fri)02:01:41 No.2197888
         File :1227250901.jpg-(39 KB, 482x483, 1212655677511.jpg)
    39 KB
    >I don't have a license
    >don't have the drive
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)02:02:46 No.2197894
    OP here.

    You're the first one to mention it, you get a cookie.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)02:03:23 No.2197902

    AFAIK a reasonably good-quality scooter first hand will be around US$2000, maybe less. Second-hand more like $300-400. And they'll go forever on a tank of gas.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)02:07:14 No.2197932
    I'm almost 19 and I don't have my license. I get really scared and panic. Also my perception is really bad.

    I wish i wasn't such a pussy.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)02:14:07 No.2197993
    I'm 19 and have a learner's permit that just sits in my wallet. To be honest I hate driving. But OP is right, every time someone gives me a ride I feel like such a chump.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)02:17:08 No.2198026
    Having the ability to drive (and it really helps if you have your own car) gives you an incredible sense of independence, even if you don't exercise it very often.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)02:18:42 No.2198039
    I'm 18 and drive every day with just my permit. My dad yells at me every fucking day to go get it, but I just get all anxious about taking the driving test part for some reason, even though I'm a top-notch driver. Not driving before my permit didn't really impede me at all though because I had a friend I was attached at the hip with who drove me around, and also I'm a girl so dudes took me out and I didn't have to worry about it. I'm TOTALLY going to go get it tomorrow after my classes though, I swear this time.
    >> ­ 11/21/08(Fri)02:20:34 No.2198053
    got my license at 15, was driving a lot on my own by 16 did a lot of crazy stuff, lost it for over a year at age 18, have yet to get it back. Should be soon though.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)02:22:50 No.2198073

    OP, I am twenty and don't have a license. It's because I've spent my entire life a) with severe anxiety and a predisposition toward panic attacks and b) I'm used to living in cities with great public transportation.

    Here is my advice:


    Here's why? Are you going to college? You are going to want a fucking car. You will forced to beg rides to go get groceries or go to parties or go shopping or do ANYTHING OFF CAMPUS JESUS CHRIST. Your friends will get sick of it and make you feel bad. Any time you want to go home, you will have to take a bus or beg a ride. And how will you get to the bus stop?

    Also, you know your friend's younger siblings? Those snotty little kids you make fun of now? THEY WILL LEARN TO DRIVE BEFORE YOU DO. It's fucking humiliating, trust me. If you accidentally get a girlfriend, you will feel less manly because YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO TAKE HER ON DATES WITHOUT BUMMING A RIDE.

    Just imagine that. You're going to take your girl out, and instead of pulling up to her apartment and letting her in your car a) she will have to pull up to your apartment, you will be in the passenger's seat of her car the whole ride or b) you and your date will sit in the back of someone's car, who will drop you off and pick you up just like your parents used to do.

    Besides. What if there's an emergency at home? What if you get stuck somewhere and can't afford a taxi? What if your ride falls through and you miss a flight? What if you are the only sober person at a party and you need to get home?

    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)02:23:47 No.2198079
    Ausfag here.
    im 21, got my L's last year.
    you guys have it easy, u can start driving alot earlier than us i think.
    but im still lazy, and didnt bother for 3 years.
    barely done any driving either, i couldnt care mcuh for it.
    but it would be alot easier if i had it, to get around.

    so i went and got my motorbike licence =)
    best thing ive done in life so far, i love riding. its just amazing.
    others on a motorbike will know the feeling im talking about.
    500+km in the twisties in a day = pure bliss.

    so OP, fuck your car licence. actually its really handy with chicks/gfs, makes it alot easier with them haha. but still, fuck the car licence. get a bike licence =)
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)02:25:15 No.2198091
    i got it when i was 17 BUT I STILL HAVE NO CAR.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)02:26:30 No.2198103
    OP here. This is what I needed. Thanks.

    More of this, guys. I need this.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)02:28:28 No.2198122

    I really need that. I'm like a little kid who doesn't want to grow up. My parents still treat me like a child but I don't blame them.


    >Also, you know your friend's younger siblings? Those snotty little kids you make fun of now? THEY WILL LEARN TO DRIVE BEFORE YOU DO

    SO FUCKING TRUE. When I found out that would of had to been one of the most embarrassing moments of my life. This fucking kid who I thought was like 14, had his license. With his high-pitched faggot voice, he was making fun of me.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)02:31:00 No.2198138
    Ausfag here,

    Turned 25 today.

    Never had a license or my learners or a car.

    Working in a steady job in IT earning a good 65k year, havent got education either.

    Life isn't always what it turns out to be, don't let others get you down or judge you mate.

    Be yourself and try your best.

    Also, I hate all the hoons on the road, fuckin wankers that really don't deserve a license or a car.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)02:31:36 No.2198145
    do you own a vehicle?

    do you have ready access to one?

    Do you have insurance on said vehicle?

    Once you do that stuff, get a license
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)02:31:57 No.2198149
    Gas prices not sit back down and STFU and use your hand.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)02:35:43 No.2198171
    Another ausfag here

    Get a car you fucking loser. I make twice that and it's only because I have a car to drive the two hours to work. I can't believe people don't go out on the day they can be tested and get a car. Slime.
    >> Mirrored !EhE8ram93U 11/21/08(Fri)02:35:55 No.2198175
    America here, what the fuck is a "hoon"?
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)02:36:37 No.2198183
    Just get a moped and drive carefully without a license, and tell people you can't afford a car. You don't need to fucking drive. Shit's expensive anyways. Don't do it.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)02:37:24 No.2198184
    I don't know how it works but britfag here, it's perfectly acceptable to not be driving at 18. In fact, I'm 21 and more of my friends don't drive than do. I'm taking my first lesson next Friday.
    >> Topper !0W2b.GSA4I 11/21/08(Fri)02:38:43 No.2198195
    I'm a pussy about the driving test, what exactly is on it?

    The thought of someone actively sitting and watching me and judging my actions on something I'm not confident about is probably like one of my biggest phobias, I'm surprised I'm not more hesitant to do it.

    Then again getting a license likely involves getting a job too to pay for gas/insurance/a car etc.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)02:40:13 No.2198204
    anyone else have a driving phobia :(
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)02:42:39 No.2198219

    I had a terrible problem when I first started driving. After short trips (around the block short trips) I would sit and shake for ten to fifteen minutes. It gets better. I drive every day now, and I actually like it because I hated bumming rides.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)02:43:46 No.2198227
    I'm not scared of getting killed but I'm scared of killing someone. =(
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)03:04:52 No.2198365
    Used to. I started trying to drive when I was 16, tried driver's ed 3 different times because I was so freaked out that I might end up in a serious accident, and finally ended up with my license at 23 after a lot of pushing. It can be difficult to get over, but I'm glad I did it because now I have no problem with driving. Just take things very slow and be aware of your surroundings.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)03:09:28 No.2198390
    I want to move somewhere that makes provisions for biking everywhere, not road -> ditch shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)03:12:41 No.2198403
    What I want is a wide open area away from the populace where I can learn to drive and do stunts all on my own.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)03:14:07 No.2198411
    This really depends on where you go. Some places having a car really isn't an option. In a lot of the more urban campuses parking is a huge pain, the large amount of pedestrian traffic makes things take longer and more dangerous, and such places usually have public transportation good enough to take you anywhere you want to go. Where I go to school, way less than 20% of the student body has a car.

    Why the fuck would you spend 4 hours driving every day? That doesn't even sound worth it. 8 hrs working + 4 driving. I hope you enjoy that money while you're...sleeping. Jesus christ, move closer so you're not wasting so much time.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)03:15:26 No.2198415
    >25 minutes
    >walking distance

    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)03:16:58 No.2198425
    i didn't get a license till i was 19 and didn't get a car till 21 (22 right now) nothing to feel bad about i mean i kinda miss riding with people and the conversations we'd have

    sucks about dates but i mean if they like you they dont really care about that
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)03:18:42 No.2198433
    I have a liscence and own my car. I also walk 90% of the time. Why because it saves me money. I really only use my car when I have to drive somewhere farther than a half hour. I also own rollerblades and bike too.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)03:23:24 No.2198458
    OP, the best (or would it be worst) thing I can say to you is to think of job applications. They assume every intelligent, healthy, normal person has a driver's license. Having a license is basically a social and cultural prerequisite for being taken as a serious, mature individual. It's essentially the American coming-of-age ceremony. If you don't have one, people wonder what is wrong with you, since you haven't passed the most basic competency test in America.

    Additionally, having a license for a longer period of time makes your insurance rates go down, even if you don't drive, becasue you're basically getting years of "experience," with absolutely no chance of accidents.

    If there's an emergency, or someone needs a sober driver, you'll be able to take the wheel.

    ..this from a person older than you who also lacks a license.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)03:23:43 No.2198460
    Driving is overrated.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)03:25:44 No.2198473
    Walking is overrated.

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