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    File :1227235170.jpg-(85 KB, 780x759, awake.jpg)
    85 KB Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)21:39:30 No.2195722  
    A question for the college fags.

    What do you usually listen to while you're doing your homework for an extended period of time?

    I've got to write a report and I'm looking for something that will keep me pumped and won't give me a headache.

    inb4 Stop procrastinating and do your report!

    Pic related. It's what I'm listening to.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)22:02:53 No.2195874
    thats pretty pretentious music there, collegefag.
    how bout some Explosions in The Sky, or Do Make Say Think. perhaps some Titus Andronicus.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)22:22:48 No.2196030
    Dream Theater fucking rocks. I don't know why anonymous tends not to like them.
    >> Musiz Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)22:26:11 No.2196064
    very very good call, i guess the reason i dont like DT is cause it has been around for so long, the guys are old, repetitious, and i enjoy humble music not" hey look what i can do" but thats just me. Also if you want something to keep you up, try "the mars volta" Deloused.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)22:27:02 No.2196072
    Dude, I am doing stat homework and listening to this album. I decide to get up on 4chan for a bit after I finish a problem, and suddenly there is a thread about doing homework and listening to the album that I am listening to right at this moment.

    Fucking nuts, man.

    Totally their best album, by the way.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)22:28:26 No.2196092
    I prefer Images and Words, to be honest. Love the solo in Under a Glass Moon.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)22:28:44 No.2196100

    Deloused fucking rocked. I love that album. I liked their second one, Frances the Mute, better, which seems to break the norm, since most people don't.

    Either way, after those two, the next two albums they made just weren't very good.
    >> musiz Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)22:30:28 No.2196119
    Now dot get me wrong i respect DT music ability, as a matter of fact of of my buddies is an excellent guitarist and pulls heavy influence from them.
    I guess showy is good if it can be pulled off i dunno.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)22:32:21 No.2196136
    oh yea man, deloused is soooo clean, simply amazing francis is epic, and yea after theodore left it kinda went to shit
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)22:34:56 No.2196163
    If you gentlemen want something vaguely related but almost totally different, check out Chroma Key. Its a band made by Dream Theater's keyboardist, Kevin Moore, after he left when Awake was done.

    The songs are much more "Space Dye Vest" than they are like any other Dream Theater song, but they are totally fantastic. They're really atmospheric, creepy, and kind of sad.

    Kevin also started another band, OSI, with Mike Portnoy. Its sort of halfway between Dream Theater and Chroma Key.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)22:35:56 No.2196175
    Dream Theatre sucks. /mu/ agreed, don't bother them about it.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)22:36:56 No.2196187
    Sting: Songs from the Labyrinth.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)22:45:05 No.2196266
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    dude is this john?
    >> feels good man ‮ nam doog sleef ‪‪‪‮‬‬ !FEELStM/Rs 11/20/08(Thu)22:46:56 No.2196279
    Hello there OP, Dream Theater is bad and you should feel bad for listening to them.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)22:46:57 No.2196281
    Joe Satriani - Made of Tears.

    Should hold you for like 10 minutes.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)22:47:59 No.2196292
    Kings of Leon
    The Mars Volta
    Modest Mouse
    The Killers (Hot Fuss)
    Jimmy Eat World
    TV on the Radio
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)23:00:11 No.2196417

    Shit man, I love dredg and TV on the Radio.

    Most of the bands mentioned in this thread, actually.
    >> !Nigger/OcE 11/20/08(Thu)23:02:55 No.2196455
    Holy shit OP I'm listening to Train of Thought atm.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)23:06:04 No.2196491

    minimal techno. shit will keep you alert and aware, but not distracted.
    >> Friptag !oUcKNCHmI6 11/20/08(Thu)23:38:30 No.2196826
    I love you. Can we make babies?
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)23:42:38 No.2196862
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    OP here. High five, guys!

    Thanks guys. Good post. At the very least it offers more avenues for procrastination.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)23:43:51 No.2196881
    Frank Zappa's Apostrophe
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)23:46:06 No.2196897

    Only if you're female :( I have the penis.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)23:46:53 No.2196904
    The same sort of stuff I listen to on drugs, oddly enough.

    Pink Floyd, Tool, Dream Theater, Aphex Twin, basically anything that isn't overtly complex and has clean-sounding instrumental sections.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)23:49:58 No.2196933
    The Silent Hill soundtracks work very good for me. A lot of people I know prefer classical. The RA above me has started to listen to Dimmu Borgir ever since I gave them to him as he does essays.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)00:04:15 No.2197028
         File :1227243855.jpg-(73 KB, 1275x625, sting_songs_from_the_labyrinth.jpg)
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    This is the first thing that popped into my head when I saw your post.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)00:07:33 No.2197052
    Merzbow. Makes me stop procrastinating and get the fuck on with it so I can turn this earbleeding shit off.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)00:09:41 No.2197068
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    Whenever I see the cover for Awake I always see a man on the left like this
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)00:17:41 No.2197113
    Parker, Davis, Coltrane, or Monk.

    I typically have to listen to jazz. Anything else amps me too much for the shitdigging that is my school work.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)00:24:35 No.2197168
    I listen to trance or techno, mostly because it keeps me awake pretty well.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)00:29:45 No.2197198
    You are what you listen to
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)00:34:15 No.2197230
         File :1227245655.jpg-(49 KB, 445x445, arghoslent-hornets-cover.jpg)
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    I've been listening to large amounts of Arghoslent. Death that pretty much relies on riffs so it doesn't get too technical and you don't exactly have to concentrate on it to enjoy it.

    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)00:36:12 No.2197240
    Currently listening to this...
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)00:37:54 No.2197245
    It changes from year to year.

    My first year of doctorate studies this fall. I use the soundtrack for Pilotwings 64 now.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)00:40:14 No.2197259
    Post rock like Japandi or Explosions in the Sky.
    Lyrics get me off track.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)01:04:19 No.2197401
    Anything by Explosions in The Sky. I get too distracted by lyrics.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)01:08:50 No.2197444
    I enjoy listening to Metallica. Though I suppose it also has to do with my mood; sometimes I like techno, and other times I'll pop on some anime tunes.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)01:11:40 No.2197462
    Edguy is a pretty good choice for me when i'm getting sleepy. They create and play very energetic music.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)01:16:22 No.2197502
    Post-rock is great for sleep and/or homework.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)01:17:19 No.2197513
    Minus the bear is pretty good, so is foals and bloc party. oh and any of the samurai champloo OSTs
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)01:18:32 No.2197518
    Last night, I listened to Red House Painters while trying to learn all of Chinese history. The test is in two hours and I'm pretty sure I got most of it.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)01:18:46 No.2197521
    Explosions in the Sky or Godspeed You Black Emperor. I can't have lyrics or vocals and these bands are excellent.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)01:21:29 No.2197542
    I like to listen to Mozart or Beethoven. It's beautiful music and it isn't distracting like:


    Although that is a great song and I love Hansi Kursch's vocals on that it.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)01:22:01 No.2197548
    those bastards lied to me! they said i was the only edguy fan in the world, just because tobias remembered me at a concert from another concert 13 months earlier.batards liars with their at the gates and arcturus. i loves me some edguy! but when im working i listen to opeth or crotchduster
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)01:25:13 No.2197570
    Doesn't work. :( Can you give a link that's not all broken?
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)01:33:32 No.2197647
    For any of you Explosion in the Skyfags or other post-rockfags, please check out the HOLY SHIT SO METAL version: Russian Circles.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)01:39:57 No.2197706
    Bro, you forgot the password.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)01:43:22 No.2197727
    thats my post, but to clarify. i dont like dream theater for the reasons most ppl dont. theyre too show offy. especially portnoy. motherfuck that drummer. peart is the only guy that can show off and get away with it.

    i wouldnt be able to listen to Minus the Bear and do hw cuz then im gonna wanna light a joint. something like that and hw dont mix
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)01:44:51 No.2197738
    drum & bass
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)02:08:27 No.2197941
    NIN, Ghosts I-IV. Awesome background noise, not distracting, but enough to drown out random noises and better than silence.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)02:11:20 No.2197971

    I love them. Similarly, Pelican. Their song "March To the Sea" is 12 minutes of excellence.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)02:13:25 No.2197987
    March to the Sea is like 20 minutes.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)02:13:58 No.2197991
    I've never been able to focus on homework while listening to music.

    Rest of the time, it's mostly Power/Symphonic/Neoclassical/Prog metal.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)02:17:37 No.2198032
    me too

    kewl story browsky.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)02:21:33 No.2198066
    Listen to Borknagar and Ulver, both are related to Arcturus.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)03:09:22 No.2198389
         File :1227254962.jpg-(96 KB, 600x539, inghostcolours.jpg)
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    Cut Cupy - in ghost colours.
    I listened to this album about six times the other night while pulling a photoshop all-nighter.
    Very upbeat and busy while remaining unpredictable and not getting boring.
    Get it.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)03:16:50 No.2198423
    i gotta say, i can't think of a least effective way to start concentrating on your homework is to go start a thread on 4chan, asking about what sort of music you should listen to so you can concentrate on your homework. i mean, even assuming you got one concise, well-written reply, you would still have to download or at least research what the suggestion was. but it's impossible for a collection of geeks with the internet at their disposal to come up with a succinct music answer.

    seriously, man. if you want to get your homework done, get a typewriter and put it in a closet or something. don't put it in a room with your computer, or your tv. it was the best college and writing decision i've ever made.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)03:17:53 No.2198430

    ignore the grammar, i was listening to music.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)03:20:28 No.2198440
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    Lately, Battles. Apparently progressive rock music is the best for working on long reports.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)03:20:45 No.2198443
    Jakob - Solace. Post-metal, it's the best study music in the world. www.myspace.com/jakobmusic
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)03:25:51 No.2198474
    whats with all the dream theater hate? anyone who has a song named "puppies on acid" can't be that bad. Octavarium is my favorite album, by virtue of its the only one i really know well, that, and the 1 time i listened to falling into infinity i hated it

    also, i listen to instrumental music while doing homework; like Joe Satriani, Vinnie Moore (hell yeah), Liquid Tension Experiment (Dream Theater minus the singer), and various instrumental songs i've found like Apache by California Guitar Trio, Call of Ktulu and Orion by Metallica, and Into the Lungs of Hell by Megadeth (which i like for pumping me up)
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)03:27:53 No.2198491
    Squaresoft game soundtracks

    Ramones Greatest Hits

    Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)03:29:33 No.2198509
    Slower german industrial metal- and samuel barbers adagio for stings.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)03:33:10 No.2198554
    Do Make Say Think
    Fela Kuti
    Oren Ambarchi
    John Adams
    Please Inform the Captain This is A Hijack
    This Will Destroy You
    Venetian Snares

    This gets me through every paper, not necessarily in that order.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)03:41:33 No.2198639
    Mainly BBS
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)03:49:54 No.2198705

    when studying I occasionally put some background music

    Lately I've been falling asleep to Robin Spielberg.

    Aside from all this, Dream Theater, Joe Satriani, and John Petrucci.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)09:35:32 No.2200167
    Bumping so it hopefully will not page 10 before I get back from work.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)09:38:58 No.2200188
    Khachaturian. Especially the Piano Concerto in d flat - part II.

    Shit goes on for 11 minutes, best piece of music on the planet, that's 11 minutes of solid homeworking and I'll immediately want to listen to it again and continue working.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)09:43:49 No.2200212
    I agree with the above mentioned robots. Though I am quite partial to Metropolis II (holy shit that album is almost 10 years old. That makes me feel OLD and weird.) as well. Wasn't thrilled with Systematic Chaos, might be my least favorite album actually.

    I don't listen to music while I do reports, it never works out. Maybe I'll listen to something ambient (like Jean-Michelle Jare) or calm noise. (C.C.C.C. anyone?)
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)10:01:27 No.2200266
    I recommend for staying "pumped":

    Frontline Assembly (Any of there new albums, old albums suck ass)

    Diablo Swing Orchestra (Epic Riot Metal)

    Greenskeepers (Techno/Electronic Variations)

    And finally

    Amon Tobin (If your feeling slightly deranged)
    >> Anonymous 11/21/08(Fri)10:02:40 No.2200269
    2nd pandora. Usually build a blockhead or wax tailor station. Can't listen to lots of lyrics when studying. Also Jon Kennedy.

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