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    157 KB Pressure from society Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)18:35:31 No.2193898  
    Why are men so pressured by family, friends, co-workers, and society in general to either date a woman, or go out and sleep with many women? If we are unable to attract women with relative ease our value as a person in most people's eyes is lowered.

    (I certainly don't fit this but...) A man could be a war hero, SEAL/Ranger/Green Beret, Engineer, Architect, Doctor, etc... but if he lacks seduction skills he will be alienated from his peers, and perhaps ridiculed for it. He may be respected formally at work, but never socially. Take it the other way. Some guy who's silver tongued and gets alot of women, but has done nothing in his life besides work as a waiter or salesman. He will be respected by other men and women almost all the the time.

    I don't get it. Why is attracting the opposite sex such a defining characteristic of masculinity and success as a male?

    I honestly would be 100% happy with my life being single and a virgin if I was not ridiculed for it. I have no desire to chase a woman. But I am looked down on, and made to feel like shit because of this.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)18:39:01 No.2193942
    Because society expects you to make babies and further it's existence.

    Protip: society is all about making babies, and keeping those babies alive and healthy to make more babies. That's it. Everything else is peripheral.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)18:39:15 No.2193946
    Basic population increasing instinct.

    Not fucking complicated.
    >> Lambchop's Death Legion !d7bMXbKy6Q 11/20/08(Thu)18:39:36 No.2193949
    It's not pressure from society.

    It's an internally instinct to make as many babies as possible. To reproduce over and over again, to continue the human race. It's our, as humans, primary biological function.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)18:39:41 No.2193951
    Is that a rhetorical question?
    I could postulate all sorts of theories about the evolution of the human brain and gender roles, but I'd mostly be talking out of my ass.

    Personally, I'm not happy being ronery, and it doesn't have much to do with what people think. I just feel empty inside when I go to sleep alone every night.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)18:40:10 No.2193954
    Dude LOOK at her. It should be a crime not to aspire to fuck the living shit out of that ass. SEX, motherfucker, DO YOU WANT IT.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)18:40:21 No.2193956
    This is definitely true in America. I think it's because of the military-industrial complex encouraging all the retarded Christians to have as many babbies as possible in order to fill out the ranks in the Armed Services.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)18:40:32 No.2193957
    Yup, that's how it works. Get better friends.

    Also, you might like me bump into some awesome girl and fall in love with her and get her to chase you. I can't imagine anything without her, yet I never chased any girl, I like it better this way.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)18:47:23 No.2194047
    I like being alone. I prefer it. I don't want a woman to chase me. I like my alone time.

    But right now it seems I have few options.
    A. Accept ridicule and be the occasional scapegoat and butt of jokes.
    B. Be a complete rude, nasty, cruel asshole. Much like Dr. House. Repel people away from me first. Take up drugs.
    C. Reclusive life.

    It seems it's not possible to fit in socially in most places unless you're into dating or "the hunt". I wouldn't mind doing things with friends once and a while but EVERYONE focuses heavily on this.

    And to make matters worse, I'm not that bad looking of a guy, so with friends theres usually a pretty girl who likes me eventually. Then i don't reciprocate any interest and then get alienated by everyone.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)18:52:14 No.2194111
    >I like being alone. I prefer it. I don't want a woman to chase me. I like my alone time.
    That's what I thought first too, but then she came along :)
    I mean you shouldn't wait or hope for that, just go on as you are going now, if you like it like this. Ignore the bullshit people give you, you are living a happy life unlike the people who are tied to a partner they don't even like that much. Luck be with you brah.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)18:56:51 No.2194151
    Society encourages what perpetuates its existence as a matter of necessity.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)19:03:33 No.2194202
    i gain no less respect from being single from anyone i give a shit about and everyone assumes i am not a virgin because i'm fairly good looking

    i'm happy as i am, i couldn't give a shit about what some frat punk thinks of me
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)19:04:44 No.2194217
    Another lonerfag here too.

    I will never have friends since I don't date. Unless it's some other guy who is so hopeless with women we never bring it up.

    It's such a big part of 99% of people's lives that you are guaranteed to drift apart from your friends if you're not into it.

    Thank god for vidya. If it were not for that, I'd have nothing beyond a few acquaintances at work.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)19:05:08 No.2194223
    Gonna tell you a secret.

    The male gender has one purpose. And that is to impregnate a female; and protect her until she gives birth.

    The female gender has one purpose. And that is to get pregnant, and give birth.

    That's all we exist for. Anyone who argues otherwise is a fuckwit relgious imbecile.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)19:06:28 No.2194234
    my solution has been to be sociable and influential enough to guide conversation swiftly and humorously past such topics, in such a way that they are forgotten as quickly as they are brought up. its not that hard and you really don't need confidence, just practice.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)19:07:36 No.2194247
    Women are stupid emotional faggots. I don't want to waste my time with that crap. All I need is my hand.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)19:10:05 No.2194263
    why do hang around such superficial fucks anyway OP? holy shit, this world has many people to choose from, find supportive friends ditch the losers.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)19:11:30 No.2194280

    That's the purpose of insects.

    Humans are there to build motherfucking robots.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)19:12:52 No.2194292
    95% of non neck bearded fucks will not get along with you beyond the passing "Hey hows it going man?" at work . I take that back, even neck beards obsess on this.

    The only real chance you have is basically doing something like getting into Med or Law school where no one has a social or sex life and only talks about work
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)19:16:56 No.2194326
    cos is you don't chase women it make you a homo. And we know how we MUST ridicule homosexuals.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)19:18:47 No.2194343
    I don't want any cawk. At all. Don't want to do the whole "hunt" thing in general. I am straight.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)19:20:15 No.2194359
    Stop caring so much about other people's opinion and you might have a chance at happiness, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)19:26:21 No.2194406

    I'm just waiting for that to happen. I hope I get as lucky as you someday...
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)19:28:27 No.2194425
    It's difficult to enjoy life at class or work when you are completely alienated by everyone else when it comes for everyone's favorite topic.

    But yes I could take up an opiate addiction and ignore everyone else and be happy.
    >> Depressed Cheesecake !wFh1Fw9wBU 11/20/08(Thu)19:32:08 No.2194456
    Because replication of your genetics is the fundamental purpose of life and if you fail at it, you fail at life.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)19:32:30 No.2194460
    >I honestly would be 100% happy with my life being single and a virgin if I was not ridiculed for it

    I really, really doubt that
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)19:32:30 No.2194461
    intersexual skills are directly related to social skills. if you're sociable and extroverted and still not good with women, it's probably because your social skills are kind of gimmicky and imbalanced. like me.

    if a hardass war hero type wasn't good with women, he just wouldn't talk to them much, and then they would still swoon over him more than likely. being a man is a comprehensive thing. you can't be masculine but get all shy and embarassed around girls. you could, but you would still manage to get along with them pretty well.

    my statement would have to be that being a successful human being is more or less comprehensive, and you're either good at social things, bad at social things, or an anomaly.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)19:36:40 No.2194509
    When I'm with friends or class mates doing something for my major, or enjoying a hobby/drugs together I'm 100% happy, the thought of wanting pussy, or wanting to chase pussy, or wanting a companion doesn't cross my mind.

    I become unhappy when other people bring it up, and insist on reminding me on how I fail, and why I'm a loser for it.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)20:40:26 No.2195204
    Late bloomer? How old are you if you don't mind me asking? You sound a lot like me. I first got interested in girls with 23-24.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)20:46:28 No.2195261
    >A man could be a war hero, SEAL/Ranger/Green Beret, Engineer, Architect, Doctor, etc...

    If you're one of these and you still can't get a girlfriend, something is terribly wrong with you. It has nothing to do with being bad at "seduction" or not conforming to society or whatever other bullshit you guys tell yourselves to feel better.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)20:55:06 No.2195343
    Yeah my fucking parents are always getting on my ass about it, always fucking telling me to go out and meet girls, occasionally my dad makes it blatantly clear that he thinks I'm a failure, I mean what the fuck? I've been doing good in school, I do steady honest work, I don't go out there and get drunk or high, but since I neither have a significant other nor have any desire to really have one, I'm a failure?
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)21:04:17 No.2195429
    I heard from tons of sources that if you're tough and masculine and "ignore women" they will become attracted by the mystery and fawn all over you, trying to get with you and figure it out.

    So I'm pretty tough, quite intelligent, and reasonably manly. Also fairly good-looking, there's nothing wrong with my face, I work out and I'm hygienic and smell good. I've been ignoring most women for three years. It's gotten me nowhere. Not one has talked to me or expressed interest or tried to "unravel the mystery". I'm just "that quiet guy" to women, even though I'm sociable and fun around guys.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)21:06:18 No.2195445

    You have to show some interest first. Some eye contact, a smile, then ignore them, and repeat, then if you catch them trying to catch your eye or acting strange, make your move.

    Women dont like pussys.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)21:09:38 No.2195468
    (note it's the same with women getting a man)

    They assume that because they have a morbid obsession with it then clearly everyone else should have it forced apon them.
    >> INT3RN3T !0gFwycZJUs 11/20/08(Thu)21:09:44 No.2195470
    don't ignore them completely, i just figured this out like today when i started talking to a girl i could never have the nerve to talk to

    now she knows i'm interested, she has been chatting to my mates asking about me and stuff

    if i'd known it was this easy i would have done it ages ago fuck, although breaking the ice is the hardest (and shittest part)
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)21:21:42 No.2195586

    There's this girl in my college. We kinda get along because we have similar interests and take the same route going home after class, but I don't really like her much. We sometimes chat on the bus, but most of the time I just kind of ignore her. And she seems to think I like her and sometimes does the whole ignoring thing to me to. I'M NOT FUCKING FLIRTING WITH YOU BITCH, JUST GIVE ME THE GODDAMN PRINT-OUTS.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)21:27:44 No.2195633
    Anybody who thinks not reproducing means you are a lesser being than someone who does reproduce is clearly putting welfare niggers who make women pregnant above the many important people who've never reproduced. In all honesty, is some 80 point IQ motherfucker actually more valuable than Nietzsche, one of the best philosophers ever? Worthless people reproduce all the time.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)21:28:09 No.2195637
    >> I don't get it. Why is attracting the opposite sex such a defining characteristic of masculinity and success as a male?

    Because that's how your genes get passed on, dumbass.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)21:37:51 No.2195704
    Hey give or take a few decades, cloning will become a viable way of passing down your genetic material,
    at least thats what I'm hoping for.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)21:42:04 No.2195746

    I'm going to pass my genes down into your hair, breeder.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)21:43:39 No.2195758
    Not OP but funnily, I was an Officer in the Marines O-3 and am now an Architect. Went into the USMC with a BA in Architecture from Cal Poly. I suck with women. Terribly. I can't pull.

    I haven't had a girlfriend in 14 years. lolwut. I have had casual sex four times non-paid for. Over 50 different prostitutes. I'm older than all you guys too.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)21:47:15 No.2195793
    oddly enough this is how I envisioned my life would be when I was 13.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)22:05:04 No.2195885
    You came to realize the truth that young? Took me until 11th grade.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)22:07:49 No.2195903
    How is the Cal Poly Arch program? I am considering going there.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)22:09:43 No.2195914
    One of the best in the country. Employers love it since it's more practical and less theoretical bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)22:14:50 No.2195946
    I like it how not one person in this thread has mentioned that it's the same if not worse for women.
    No I am not a cumdumpster nor a white knight.

    It's a simple fact that women who cannot pull a man are seen as inferior to other females. In fact, if a woman isn't married by the time she's 30 she's seen as being a frigid bitch who is too picky. It doesn't help that the general opinion is that woman past their 20's tend to get fat and ugly (which, unfortunately for you cumdumpsters, does happen with most women).

    I know you guys hate women and all by try to see things from all sides. :)
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)22:16:09 No.2195957
    Meh. My friends talked about it some, my parents gave me a hard time occasionally, but it wasn't any big deal. I honestly didn't care about having sex or a girlfriend until about age 21 - so, for the most part, I didn't try. And I didn't care what other people thought - the worst that would happen is I'd have to make some bullshit joke in the "how many girls have you fucked?" conversation.

    About that age for some reason I realized I really wanted it for myself though. I only wish I had been interested earlier so I knew what the fuck I was doing with the whole dating thing.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)22:16:24 No.2195959
    To add to that a man is only seen as more attractive as he gets older and stays single as long as he has a good income.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)22:20:49 No.2196010
    in afer half baked explanaions consisting of DUUUUURRRRRR HUMAN RACE WANTS TO CONTINUE ITSELF LOL.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)22:24:51 No.2196049
    this is the answer, end of story. You have it wrong. These men get women because they are personable likable people, and -thats- why people like them.

    If you have a strange personality, or are asexual, or are shy, etc., most people aren't going to get a long with you, and 99% of people respect and admire people based on whether they get along with them, not on their deeds or actions. The only case where this doesn't apply is where a mans work precedes him and he has achieved celebrity status. Then he can do whatever he wants pretty much.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)22:54:33 No.2196354
    A woman who can't get a boyfriend can just sleep around and at least be liked by men.

    A man who can't get laid is ridiculed by both sexes.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)22:58:34 No.2196396

    How so? We may not have included all the modern justifications and ideals, but that's what it stems from at root.
    >> cichlid !!WhOQyKVA829 11/20/08(Thu)23:02:05 No.2196442
    Think of the human as the animal that it is.

    If a male cannot mate with a female, he cannot continue on his genetics, and therefor "fails at life".
    Females, in the majority of species, are actively sought out by the males. They do not have to impress the males in order to mate, but are actively sought out by them instead.
    It is the males role to attract and impress the female, showing her he would provide good stock and protection for her young.

    This is why a man is looked upon as a failure for not having "hooked-up yet", while a woman will not suffer this ridicule.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)23:05:43 No.2196482
    This is why a man is looked upon as a failure for not having "hooked-up yet", while a woman will not suffer this ridicule.
    > a woman will not suffer this ridicule.

    You need to get out more.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)23:07:48 No.2196511
    A man can lie and say he has one night stands.
    Or get hookers and claim those as his one night stand lies.
    People lie all the time; maybe you should start lying about your sex life, OP.
    >> Holland Boy !GaZtwAtvk. 11/20/08(Thu)23:12:34 No.2196565
    Here's your answer: lie through your teeth. That will shut people up while allowing you to remain in the closet.

    Best of luck.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)23:18:51 No.2196638

    There are plenty of women who are older than 30 and singled, and respected. I live in the South, too, where gender roles aren't the most progressive. It may have been true in the old days that reaching 30 meant you passed your sell-by date, but with college, graduate school, the age of first childbirth being pushed into late 20's and beyond, etc., that's not true anymore.

    OP, if you can just put up with the social opprobium, you might end up la virgin like Isaac Newton... and look what he did. There's a lot of famous virgins in the arts and sciences, since - surprise, surprise - you happily married men will quickly find your energy diverted towards stupid, vapid shit, and before you know it you will be haw-hawing to American Idol with your daughters.

    Point being: if you can manage to resist the peer pressure, there's an excellent chance you'll do something really unique with all that extra time & energy you'll have by staying single. That, or go crazy... but hey, other famous virgins have stuck to it, so you've got a shot at it.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)23:20:23 No.2196655
    would gladly be a virgin forever to be Tesla mach II
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)23:23:13 No.2196689
    To be honest I'd probably just do drugs and masturbate.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)23:25:36 No.2196707

    >> cichlid !!WhOQyKVA829 11/20/08(Thu)23:26:56 No.2196718

    Some women are looked down on for not hooking up with a man, but this typically happens later in their lives. Men tend to have this social pressure earlier and longer.

    Not an ironclad rule, with plenty of acceptations, but a standard most people tend to agree with and an explanation for an unfair phenomenon.

    It's sad. OP, i'd try not to let it get to you. If you find someone worth chasing, cool. If not, oh well.
    Don't let everyone elses priorities effect your own. It's your damn life.
    >> fashion diva !3wJfpCMhKc 11/20/08(Thu)23:27:30 No.2196728
    Does this really happen?
    I mean, I guess it's hard for me to tell, since I've slept with so many women
    but I always imagined that, even if I hadn't, people would still think that I'm the coolest, smartest, handsomest man they've ever met and I probably have a big dick
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 11/20/08(Thu)23:29:43 No.2196745
    The reason why males are pressured to date and eventually get laid by their peers is to perpectuate male supremacy. A male who is a feminist, abstain from sex, or has no interest in a sex life but wants to have a social life will be perceived as gay.

    Sadly what those who support males losing their virginity do not realize that we have 6 billion people on earth. Don't you think that's too much people? These guys may actually help reduce the population growth rate.

    Even if men get laid, there are certain risks involed that they do not want, especially in high school: STDs, AIDS, pregnancy. Because if a teen gets any of that when he loses his virginity his friends will no longer be his friends.

    There are people,loner or not, who are virgins and are quite happy about it. They will lose their virginity eventually or never and they probably don't care.

    P.S. /r9k/- Relationships and Sociology/Life, the Universe, and Everything.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)23:30:18 No.2196754
    It's natural to want to get laid. If you don't, then no offense but something is wrong with you. Some hormonal imbalance or something. Or maybe you're on some medication that kills your sex drive. Whatever it is, maybe you ARE perfectly happy not getting laid but it's unnatural to be so and subconsciously people realize that, even if they force themselves to be politically correct about it... that is why you are somewhat ostracized for it, the same way you would be if anything else was wrong with you.

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