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    25 KB Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)21:28:33 No.2162975  

    Explain your first experience on 4chan.

    Mine was on /b/, around when the "shit was SO cash" meme hit, and I remember scared to post out of the fear /b/ would tear me a new asshole. But I did anyway, and then I've just been here ever since.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)21:30:41 No.2162988
    I came around right before the start of the developers meme. That was back when that stupid mootcat picture with the dell server was up for the longest time.

    I took one look at /b/, then forgot about it for like a month. Went back again and I'm addicted.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)21:31:47 No.2163000
    I think I hate you.

    To the point, my first experience was my older cousin showing me a hot girl and it turning out to be a trap. That was about two years or so ago.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)21:32:57 No.2163010
    all i remember was tubgirl, "that's not mud", lots of desu and gore and an epic combo every once in a while, then /b/ got old and i discovered that there are other boards here
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)21:34:23 No.2163020
    my first post was the 1111111get on /b
    not joking
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)21:34:25 No.2163022
    The original (and I mean the fucking first ones ever) habbo raids. I thought it was the coolest shit at the time and now I realize it was just retarded.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)21:34:33 No.2163026
    Shortly after the dawn of 4chan (about the time of the coming of Raptor Jesus) I came upon 4chan /f/ board. Funny flashes were archived for future reference, then I found /b/ about a week later. /b/ was good until around the time wordfilters were taken away (for reference furry = drama at the time they were removed). I've been a /v/irgin ever since.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)21:35:38 No.2163037
    itt we pretend we're not newfags
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)21:36:13 No.2163042
    I heard a guy in class bragging about the tentacle porn of /d/, so I checked it out.
    This was backbefore 4chan was really big. Afro-chan, Vin Diesal threads, Nevada-tan.'
    I'm fucking old school
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)21:37:38 No.2163049
    man, I remember the good word filters.
    Thomas Jefferson
    Spider expert
    good times
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)21:37:38 No.2163051
    It was about three years ago so I can't really remember. I got linked to 4chan by a friend, he recommended /b/, I thought it was pretty funny and then went directly to /a/ as i'd been interested in anime since i'd seen Bebop.

    Now I browse /a/, /g/ and r9k almost exclusively.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)21:38:04 No.2163054
    There was a furry board when I first came. Dunno why or for how long it was there or how long ago it was though.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)21:39:35 No.2163063
    Location: /b/
    Time: Late 2004
    I open the page to get hit with full frontal necrophilia. I was scared shitless about returning.

    Yep, those were the days.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)21:40:40 No.2163070

    Same period of time as this good gentlemen. All I can really remember is a fuckton of gore, my eyes bleeding from the incessant DESU DESU spam and the worship of themed days.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)21:41:05 No.2163075
    It was about... 2 years ago, a friend showed me ED, I lurked around there for a month not noticing that it was about the internet and 4chan and just a 'cool' wikipedia. After a while I noticed that it was mostly connected to 4chan. I went to 4chan, but only on /b/, but I thought it was gay. A couple of months ago a friend of mine said that 4chan was super awesome, when I said I thought /b/ was gay he said I should go to /r9k/
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)21:42:35 No.2163082
    I came at the time you would still assume evrebody posting was a weeaboo.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)21:43:53 No.2163088
    i think OP wanted everyone to flame him for having been here not all that long. but people here don't care as much about you being new as they do on /b/
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)21:45:18 No.2163100
    I came about the DESU shit, a friend had shown be /b/ on 4chan archives, so I decided to check out the real thing.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)21:46:07 No.2163106
    i came

    around the time caturday was dieing, there were still a few habbo raids, but /b/ was beginning it's descent into newfaggotry.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)21:46:17 No.2163108
    I'd been hearing about 4chan a lot, I think it was around the time of Tacgnol. I came here, reading about Tacgnol, lurking for long amounts of time, posted, and refreshed.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)21:48:04 No.2163120
    My first experience was when it was 4chan.net. it's gotten shittier and shittier since. The scientology raids and digg are what really tipped 4chan into the shithole
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)21:50:05 No.2163130
    I remember the scientology shit...

    What's more sad, is that it wasn't that long ago.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)21:51:34 No.2163146

    Holy shit Thomas Jefferson was the best.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)21:51:52 No.2163150
    I had heard of 4chan, went to /b/ and thought everyone there was a retard. I did however, notice /s/. I fapped to that one board for weeks.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)21:52:11 No.2163152
    Yep. That was what happened with me too.

    The I came back and started lurking hard late '05/early '06?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)21:55:03 No.2163173
    Hahaha, the perfect trolling times.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)21:55:16 No.2163175
    the first time i ever went on 4chan, after hearing my friends talkiong about it, i got to the index and didnt know which topics i was interested and left it to go have a shower.

    while i was in the shower, a nigger broke into my house and stole all my shit. psp, laptop, hard drives (2TB raid external) and a bunch of photos and alcohol.
    i was too scared to browse it for weeks.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)21:55:47 No.2163183
    Some ramdom guy I know recommended me the place. The told me to go to /b/ "because it was so much fun".
    I entered /b/ and at the beginning I didn't understand very well what was all that shit.
    Then I started exploring the site at that same moment and found /r9k/. I have been here ever since.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)21:56:35 No.2163192

    I remember when they switched from .net to .org. I thought 4chan had gone down for a bit.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)21:58:16 No.2163204
    Remember the day that '4chan died'? Like when the front page was a bunch of weird shit?

    Yeah, good times.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)21:59:28 No.2163215
    I think I started channing around winter '05. Don't remember any of the memes back then. I do remember bel-airing becoming popular, and I remember when "so i herd u like mudkips" was this hilarious new meme. I think.

    anyone remember Creepy-chan?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)21:59:58 No.2163219
    First thing that i can remember about /b/ was the guy that came ants.
    i now only really go on /mu/, /fit/, and /r9k/
    >> Captain Douche !!Oo43raDvH61 11/17/08(Mon)22:00:44 No.2163222
    Hey guys, I'm new here. What is this place?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)22:02:01 No.2163231
    I forgot how long ago it was, but long enough that /b/ wasn't nearly the shithole it is now. I saw a combo thread, and did a perfect 3 or 5 hit combo with no saging or interruptions (forgot if it was 3 hit or 5 hit, it's been some time). Felt good man.
    >> Autonymoose !x4vv0ZYuAo 11/17/08(Mon)22:04:23 No.2163250
    Something with /b/, I don't remember exactly. I wasn't interested in the least, and later on something brought me back to /b/. I quickly found /v/, and the rest is history.

    A national burger franchise.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)22:05:31 No.2163262
    about two years ago. i generally just watched b rolling over and over upon itself.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)22:06:24 No.2163271
    When did 4chan die the second time? I came before that and I remember thinking well that sucks but oh well I'll just look at other shit. I'd probably be a better person if 4chan had stayed dead now that i think about it. I waste so much fucking time here, but I can't quit
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)22:06:43 No.2163275
    I came, saw a bunch of trap.gif's (oh this looks interesting *clicks porn.gif* *whips out dick* oh shit WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT HORSE DOING/WHAT THE FUCK IS HE USING THAT PUMP FOR), left. Came back, shit was going slow, realized that boards were being flooded by GNAA at a ridiculous rate, left.

    Came back for the final time a few months before certain boards disappeared only to reawaken on a certain website that is NOT 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)22:07:22 No.2163281
    I first went to 4chan very occasionally, originally only lurking /b/ (I vaguely remember reading a creepychan thread), then I started coming regularly about shit was so cash/orange troll. About a month after I started posting on /b/ I got sick of it. Since I don't have any specific interests, I came here (the only other non-interest specific board) and stayed.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)22:09:08 No.2163292
    a national burger franchise
    >> Pizza !rWNBkCs4.2 11/17/08(Mon)22:09:32 No.2163297
    I was about 17 and at my dad's house, and I decided I would visit this 4chan thing that I heard about. It was when there wasn't the fancy splash screen and the newspost was mootcat with the dell. I found out it was pretty decent. Stopped looking because my mom was a nazi and I was still in high school, so it was only for a period of like a week.

    I forgot about it, moved away, and fast forward to the beginning of this year when I get "exiled" from Facepunch, visit /v/, and I've stayed around since.

    lol entire 4chan history
    >> Captain Douche !!Oo43raDvH61 11/17/08(Mon)22:12:14 No.2163313
    I think the second time was about a year ago. Earlier post was just a stupid ass post, disregard my cock sucking and tripfaggotry.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)22:14:00 No.2163334
    I was here when moot started publicly hating the idea of /i/.. and the first 4chan fag convention. In fact, I left this hell hole for about a year and a half ago.. I miss 12chan ;_;

    Also, If you don't know what /i/ is, you are a piece of shit. Lurk moar.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)22:16:35 No.2163361
    My friend from Gaia kept posting things about Mudkips. I would always put a face or a lol to pretend I got the joke, but I really didn't. I was to embarrased to ask her though. Eventually, she made fun of someone else who asked her, and said it was from 4chan. So, that's how I discovered it. Clever, right? Now I'm the one posting secret jokes on Gaia, and laughing at all the 'newfags' who don't get it.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)22:19:18 No.2163393
    /i/ is the most retarded thing ever, can one blame moot? of course not lol.

    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)22:20:28 No.2163406
    I came in around when Pool raids were cool.

    What sticks out to me the most are Creepythreads and the creation of /x/.

    Shit was SO cash.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)22:29:19 No.2163488
    Man, summer 2005. Best year ever.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)22:31:23 No.2163507
    I came for the porn.

    I stayed for the discussions... and more porn.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)22:33:12 No.2163515
    gb2/subeta/, fgt.

    I remember that shit. lol. I also enjoyed the fall of /a/ breifly.
    >> Mike !Jva/r9k/zo 11/17/08(Mon)22:33:12 No.2163516
    One of my "LOLOLOL SO RANDUM XD" friends showed me ED.
    Unfunniest shit I'd ever read. Found my way to /b/ through that and enjoyed the prospect of perfect anonymity.

    Six months of casual lurking later: re/b/oot. Best shit I'd ever experienced. B& EVERYWHERE.
    Became a heavy user and started posting more often.
    A little later /r9k/ appears and here we are.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)22:36:02 No.2163532
    i found this cool site with /l/ and wallpapers
    then a few weeks later moot had to eject from a burning jet to get to safety
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)22:37:04 No.2163541

    oh, anonymous, whenever i lose faith in you you say something like that and i just forgive you for everything
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)22:39:00 No.2163557
    Long time ago, /h/. Then I realized /h/ sucked and went to /d/.

    Never posted, I was underage b& back then. Was afraid I'd get banned and whatnot.

    So I guess I've been here over 4 years.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)22:47:27 No.2163632
    I'd known about 4chan for years and came once in a while but never too much. A friend started getting really into it and I wanted to fit in with them so I started going more and more.

    And here I am years later, now completely friendless. My attempt to fit in with my friends left me without any.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)22:47:54 No.2163636
    I have no idea when I arrived, but I saw the site for the first time, was just like 'wtf is this' and left. A few months (a year?) later I came back and chilled on /b/ for a while. Then I pretty much stopped coming since I realized /b/ had nothing of value to offer, but then one day I checked back and /r9k/ and appeared and now I waste all my time here.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)22:51:58 No.2163675
    My girlfriend linked me to a huge "Nod Flenders" thread, I never looked back.

    Once I started exploring the boards, I started hanging out on /v/ more. Then when the new interface/boards came, which was about the same time as the scientology raids, I replaced /b/ with /r9k/.
    >> Mr. Bubbles !!DLJ3bQ7yunJ 11/17/08(Mon)22:53:14 No.2163688
    It was the WE WOOOOON sticky on /a/. Sometime around March 2007. At the time I was still a tripfag, and I thought you were supposed to put only email in the email field.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)22:54:14 No.2163699
    I don't even know when I started coming here. I lurked pretty casually for the first year or so, probably three or four years ago, then suddenly got obsessed with it and lurked all the time, quickly devolving into posting. After I may or may not have been banned for posting something for lulz (back when saying you were doing something for "lulz" didn't instantly label you a fag), I drifted away for a little while. Of course I came back, but in the time I was gone, /b/ had lost its charm, and I moved on to /ck/, /cgl/, and /x/, mostly lurking but occasionally contributing. Then came the introduction of the robot, and I've been a gentleman ever since.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)22:58:07 No.2163743
    2004: Came around 4chan looking for the porn. Browsed /d/ and /l/, loved it. Peeked in on /b/ once or twice, and didn't really get it. Saw some gore and didn't come back. I think it was that summer that 4chan died. I left for greener pastures.

    Fall 2006: I suddenly remember 4chan, and google it, just to see if I couldn't find out what happened to it. Well, I found it, came back, and settled in /b/ for a little while. Started to frequent /v/ around the whole 8.8 shitstorm, and haven't really looked back.
    >> MISSINGNO. !AboRDsJIEk 11/17/08(Mon)22:59:27 No.2163757
    I was able to browse /z/ when I first joined, if that means anything to anyone.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)22:59:33 No.2163758
    2005ish /b/ DESU etc.
    Left /b/ for /v/ but still returned every once in a while. now that i have /r9k/ i never go to /b/.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)23:00:18 No.2163765
    'fgt'? What the hell is that, some dumbfuck variation of 'faggot?' Where are the mods, this is almost as bad as "lol u tak him 2 da bar?"...

    Also, I fucking hate you, for no real reason, either. Probably because you defended /i/ and made yourself look like a complete imbecile. So that's the reason. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)23:00:44 No.2163769
    lurked on /b/ for a long while, not quite sure when I started but I stopped visiting when there was a sudden influx of lotus photoshopped images. That was quite a while ago.
    Relocated to /ic/ and lurked /cgl/ and then /fit/ after that. Now it's all /fa/ and /r9k/.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)23:03:06 No.2163793
    I came right around the time that if you posted marmandy jonez you got banned as fuck because that's really all /b/ was back then. It actually hasn't changed much, come to think of it.

    Transcendentalism-chan :3
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)23:08:47 No.2163833
    I came here from YTMND back when it was brand new and relevant. A YTMND caught my eye, it was just a weird track over some fractal .jpg, the title, HIVEMIND. More popped up, I followed this HIVEMIND back here. It was like 2003-2004 I guess. I spent all my time on /k/ and /b/, not even knowing what I was looking at and too scared to post. I fell off once school started back up, and have been on and off ever since. Been on for about 2 years now /an/, rk9/, /b/, with a little /ck/,/x/, /a/, /toy/, /o/, /g/ and /s/ sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)23:09:45 No.2163839
    Hey douche bag. Im sorry I hurt your feelings. Do you even know what Subeta was? Probably not. Also, "fgt" is a very old insult from before you lurked moar.

    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)23:12:15 No.2163861
    Question for all the slightly older hands ITT: Who here remembers those alternate threads? Those, along with the creepy threads were the best thing ever to happen to /b/.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)23:15:06 No.2163885
    Ive been here since millhouse first sprang up as a forced meme and fotune-ing led to awesome threads, because it was something new to try.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)23:19:22 No.2163932
    I came here before /r9k/, so you're not that old, dipshit.
    Subeta, are you fucking kidding me? DUUUUR LEMME USE SOME VIRTUALPET SITE AS AN INSULT.

    You're a pathetic weeaboo, aren't you?

    Wait, don't answer that.
    >> Captain Douche !!Oo43raDvH61 11/17/08(Mon)23:23:11 No.2163969

    Internet fight! Who will the winrar be?!
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 11/17/08(Mon)23:24:44 No.2163983
    Same. I came here shortly after Picard Song took off there, and left shortly after.

    Came back a few months before college, started lurking /k/ and /b/. Now I'm on /r9k/ and /cgl/, though I like "grown-up /k/" better than 4chan /k/ these days.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)23:28:29 No.2164007
    showed up for the porn back when 5chan was around, and then when itoko otoko happened I started frequenting /b/
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)23:33:12 No.2164048
    Don't remember my very first experience on 4chan. I found out about it through anime and hentai forums. I didn't know what /b/ was about for awhile, and didn't really lurk/post there for awhile because everyone said it was shitty on other boards, and whenever I actually went there it was just a bunch of random stuff that didn't make sense to me. Eventually I went there and became addicted. I remember things like when tons of people tripped, 4chan.net, /v/ as trial board, /l/, Happy Negro flooding, /b/tard was actually a derogatory phrase, Itty Bitty Baby Itty Bitty Boat, Soviet Russia, threatening to nuke Japan on 2chan, seeing that fucking cat one more time, Cracky, and many other things. But my memory from that era is shit because I was a huge pothead at the time so I don't even know what order these things happened in, or at what specific times. A lot of amazing creativity at that time though.

    I also remember when I was one of the only 4channers who wasn't from North America or UK, or at least it seemed that way at the time, aside from the occasional Japanese person (yes 2chers and 2channers actually used to post here sometimes).

    It really is filled with new people now. I don't go to /b/ much anymore, but when was the last time you even saw a Grieving Jew ASCII? And that's not even that old school, maybe 2 years old, 3 at most.
    >> Coffee !MOChaSr5e. 11/17/08(Mon)23:37:54 No.2164080
    I think I showed up around when 5M GET had been get.

    Fuck i've been here too long.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)23:44:18 No.2164153
    I heard about this place on the totse forums, when someone posted that gif of Shatner going "I SUCKED HIS COCK" and other funny shit. I think it was 2005. The first thread I saw was what would now be derided as a bawwww thread, it was like "What's it like to hold a woman in your arms?" or something. It was actually pretty moving and surprisingly sincere in lieu of the current /b/, but I stayed away for awhile because I had a roommate at the time and there was a lot of sick shit on /b/.

    That was the first time I ever saw guro, and I specifically remember the pic of a girl chopped up and her body parts neatly arranged in a suitcase. The neatness of the arrangement was what really sickened me, for some reason.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)23:49:18 No.2164194
    Remember Ass n Titties?
    I do,
    And when moot got his degree in Mexican studies.
    That shit was crazy long ago
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)23:53:55 No.2164238
    I was a developer of my Universities RoboCup-Team and just surfing the Web for new coding Ideas when all of a sudden I discovered Robot9000 and was shocked by all the wannabe-elitist faggotry that is happening here.
    Then I took a look at the other boards of 4chan and noticed that there are at least a few funny and intelligent persons hanging around, especially in /b/

    Now I only look at r9k for the lulz.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/08(Tue)00:01:55 No.2164306
    The first few days I was on /b/ were a blur, but I do know that in an effort to be lol randum XD like everyone else I posted a picture of a teenage Latino boy having his dick played with by a tiny monkey on /ck/.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/08(Tue)00:03:12 No.2164324
    I posted a thread about Lolcats. Some time not too long after was Chocolate Rain.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/08(Tue)00:03:53 No.2164328
    I immediately went to the porn boards and browsed for days

    when I looked at /b/ and there was all this "HI I'M DAISY" stuff so I left until mid 06 when I found out that /b/ was the source of all internets
    >> Anonymous 11/18/08(Tue)00:08:36 No.2164374
         File :1226984916.jpg-(145 KB, 1280x934, LOL1.jpg)
    145 KB
    Late '05. Came in time for Xenon Day. Lurked for a while. Didn't post until early December.

    Random screencap to prove my oldfaggotry.
    >> oldfag !oHRyESVOUU 11/18/08(Tue)00:15:41 No.2164450
    Remeber when they were first shooping cockmongler onto everything.. Before the Gaia raids. Or even the original Habbo raids. Back when happy negro and cockmongler were kings.
    Back when /b/ was... fail. Just less fail than it is now.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/08(Tue)00:21:05 No.2164514
    Happy Negro was the shit. And so was CockMongler when he first achieved notoriety. But no CM is kinda old... But I still lol at Happy Negro

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