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  • File: 1334775384.jpg-(60 KB, 1336x576, jakegyehllanalkillshipsterswhydontyou.jpg)
    60 KB Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)14:56:24 No.2158974  
    I assume most of you are anti social or sociopaths to a certain degree correct?

    If you are single alone with no living family members what's stopping you from becoming the ultimate monster? Honestly, what's stopping you from committing the worst crimes and trying not to get caught?

    If you have nothing to loose or nothing to gain why not try this?
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)14:58:22 No.2158994
    Think about it this way sociopaths of /r9k/ you would be doing the world a favor by getting rid of normal social hipsters.

    Forget therapy, just take out all your rage on the local hipster scene.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)14:58:40 No.2158997
    because i would feel bad.

    just because you can't stand people doesn't mean you'd want to hurt them.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)15:00:30 No.2159011

    You might feel bad at first. But if you knew the chances of you being caught were slim why not go for it?

    In time you would loose all feeling towards anyone.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)15:02:25 No.2159025
    This is all hypothetical by the way.

    I'm just saying, if you are someone who has no contact with the outside world and is invisible.

    Who would notice if you did something like kill a hipster or two?
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)15:03:48 No.2159045
    i am also extremely lazy and don't want to get caught.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)15:03:53 No.2159046
    because I have too many issues to be thrown into prison, I'd probably be more suitable to a mental ward, but I've never been to one or even been diagnosed with any mental illnesses, so if I wanted to be put in a loony bin they'd deny it since I have no previous records of being insane.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)15:04:29 No.2159048
         File: 1334775869.jpg-(1.72 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_0223.jpg)
    1.72 MB
    a key to something...

    guess the significance in each dates?
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)15:05:00 No.2159054
    >In time you would loose all feeling towards anyone.
    and this is something to strive towards?
    srsly, having feelings for people is one of the good things in life
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)15:05:58 No.2159063

    Let's say you have nothing to live for.

    Like no real goals in life. No friends family etc and if you died today nobody would notice you.

    So putting you in this situation what would stop you from taking your pain out onto others? Do you really have that many morals left?
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)15:07:55 No.2159075

    not if you've been hurt


    i (like some people here) have been through major shit, but i care too much for people who don't.

    it gets in the way of my lust for power and infamy
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)15:08:35 No.2159077
    I'll be honest the only reason why I haven't became this monster yet is because I'm lazy.

    I have no fear of being caught. But I am lazy as fuck and plus I still having living family members.

    But if I was left alone in the world with no one I would highly consider killing at least one or two people for the experience.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)15:09:23 No.2159083
    Nobody to live for and nothing to live for a different things.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)15:11:00 No.2159100
    I do not feel anger or hatred towards anyone, therefore I feel no need to do such things.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)15:11:21 No.2159104

    I'm anti social. I have no problems being social with groups of people in public.

    I just choose not too and really can't stand people. They bore and annoy me.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)15:12:11 No.2159111
    I like smoking weed and watching tv, and I feel like I would be inhibited doing these activities in jail.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)15:13:57 No.2159120

    You are already breaking the law by smoking weed.

    If caught you could serve just as many years in prison for one or two murders. Depending on how much drugs you are caught with and what state or country you live in.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)15:15:34 No.2159128
    Anders set the bar too high. I have no clue as to how I could get such a high score. I'd prefer to be a cheerleader of sorts, motivating and ecouraging monsters. Like sending thank-you cards to rapists.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)15:15:48 No.2159129
    Honestly none of you being as anti social or forever alone have never considered killing or harming another person?

    Even that guy who is alpha as fuck and makes fun of you for being a loser? You wouldn't consider slitting his throat if you knew you could get away with it?
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)15:16:59 No.2159140

    You could be someone's sidekick. A lot of solo murders wouldn't mind a tag along who they can confess their crimes too.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)15:17:42 No.2159148

    they're too beta to even consider trying. One of my goals as an aspiring musician is to sort of empower those betas to rape and kill and burn.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)15:19:17 No.2159159

    Nah, because then I'd be limiting myself to just one guy. Much better to be a figure like GG Allin or Seth Putnam and actively encourage the masses.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)15:19:23 No.2159161

    So am I more alpha than the regular beta for considering committing a crime?

    I'm not gonna commit any crime as of now because I still have family members who need me in life. But lets say 10 years down the road who knows what will happen?
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)15:20:48 No.2159176

    Go for it brobot, I believe in you! But if you kill someone, be sure to make a snuff film out of it.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)15:22:26 No.2159192

    Not saying I will do it. In fact this is hypothetical. But I have often day dreamed of doing these type of things.

    Same goes for raping that hot chick I saw or whatever. Every time I see a good looking girl part of me wants to rape and torment her. The other part wants to cuddle and have passionate sex.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)15:25:59 No.2159224
    >You are already breaking the law by smoking weed.

    Mere consumption is actually legal in plenty of places.

    >If caught you could serve just as many years in prison for one or two murders. Depending on how much drugs you are caught with and what state or country you live in.

    In most cases, this would require enormous amounts and the intent to distribute, if it would fit at all (hint : it doesn't in any western country besides the US).

    I've smoked for more than 15 years, most of my friends have at least tried weed, many are regular users, some even had run-ins with the police, including possession of other drugs, trafficking, sale etc., sometimes as repeated offenses.
    I've yet to see anybody getting in serious legal trouble for any of this. I don't know anybody who has spent a single day in prison.
    Stop getting your ideas about drug use out of tv shows. Getting away with drug use isn't a problem at all in 1st world nations. In fact, you have to be particularly dumb to face any legal issues at all.
    Dealing may be a different issue depending on location, size of your business etc., but DEALING ISN'T THE SAME AS POSSESSION.

    You sound incredibly naive, kid.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)15:26:43 No.2159234
    >what's stopping you from committing the worst crimes and trying not to get caught?

    Physically weak body. Not particularly cunning/have methods of getting away with shit.

    Don't particularly care to cause trouble or loss in other peoples lives most importantly.

    I don't understand why OP thinks shut-ins are devoid of a moral compass but I guess many people can't help but be ignorant.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)15:28:37 No.2159252


    Columbine massacre, Hitler's birthday

    Norway attacks

    Guy fawkes night

    capture of Peter Sutcliffe, Ian Brady's birthday

    Anders Breivik's birthday

    i use these dates for motivation for my preparation, might actually shorten it and pick other dates
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)15:32:37 No.2159286
    Because /r9k/ likes to think they're edgy psychopaths, but in reality they're just assbugers and would probably start crying when faced with having to kill someone.
    >aspergers used to be called autistic psychopathy
    >suddenly it all makes sense
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)15:35:23 No.2159310

    It all makes sense now.

    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)15:38:38 No.2159328
    >mainstream music pretending to know what it's like to be some neckbeard shutin

    Never ceases to amaze me.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)15:39:59 No.2159335
    Implying all robots aren't weak, aspie fucks who wouldn't piss themselves when presented with any physical confrontation let alone murder. Just because you're a shut-in it doesn't make you smart and you're definitely not Dexter, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)15:42:59 No.2159362
    No human is worth the potential of wasting my life behind bars for killing them, as much as I would love to. See that, scumbag humans? You aren't even worth going to prison for.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)15:43:25 No.2159369
    As someone actually diagnosed with ASPD, just because I can't feel remorse or even want to kill people doesn't mean I will. Everybody has something to gain, and everybody has something to lose no matter the situation, even if it's just their life. Killing some random person, even though I could easily get away with it, has a much too tilted risk/reward ratio to be justified, and could put a permanent barrier on my plans if something went wrong. I went through the whole torturing animals thing as a kid anyway -- that's enough for me.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)16:10:54 No.2159531
    I can tell you my threshold for going nuts is very low. I hate everyone, a lot. Even here.
    And life imprisonment doesn't bother me (EU). Eventually, things will happen.
    For now I'm giving life a fair chance. Getting a degree, then hopefully a job.
    It better not sucks.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)16:17:02 No.2159564

    Well if it does, I hope you rack up a nice and juicy body count!

    Also, I think the robots here just need a nice push- someone encouraging them that yes, they can kill. Help them out and egg them on, you know?

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