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    6 KB Anonymau5 !!Xwa0U0YIvRT 11/17/08(Mon)09:11:48 No.2157492  
    Robot 9000, I am 18 years old, recently finished highschool...

    ... and currently unemployed.

    I have never had a job in my entire life and I have no idea how to start.

    I figure I need a resume, so any tips on that?

    Are there any employers out there that can give me some "Do's" and "Dont's" on what to do?

    Cheers in advance.
    >> Anonymau5 !!Xwa0U0YIvRT 11/17/08(Mon)09:24:39 No.2157539
    Nobody has any advice to give me?

    Aw man.

    dats sum block
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)09:26:41 No.2157544
    some what?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)09:28:52 No.2157552
    most people get jobs through a friend. if you're like most of 4chan, you don't have friends, so you're going to have to apply to a shitload of places. expect to be rejected alot. no one wants an 18 year old with no job experience. good luck
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)09:29:41 No.2157556
    Become an English teacher in Mexico or some shit
    >> Anonymau5 !!Xwa0U0YIvRT 11/17/08(Mon)09:31:42 No.2157568
    I do have friends.

    It seems Australian 4channers are very different to American 4channers.

    Anyway, thanks for the blunt reply. I have been rejected a few times but I haven't really applied anywhere other than online for places.

    Am I doing it wrong?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)09:33:52 No.2157578

    Hand in resumes in person. Like at KFC or somewhere, they're always looking out for dumbshits...no offence.
    >> Anonymau5 !!Xwa0U0YIvRT 11/17/08(Mon)09:38:32 No.2157600
    Oh, you.

    Don't ever change.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)09:40:58 No.2157611


    Seriously though, hand in resumes around in person, and if people are specifically hiring, ring up and enquire about the progress of your application. They dig ambition.

    Also, don't work at KFC or Pizza Hunt or Hungry Jacks, shitty pay. AIm for Target/Woolies etc.
    >> Anonymau5 !!Xwa0U0YIvRT 11/17/08(Mon)09:44:54 No.2157626
    Yeah, definatley.

    I always thought ringing up after handing in my resume was considered creepy? My mistake then haha.

    Isn't Woolies/Target strictly online though?
    >> Saucefag !0K1gKfMIEc 11/17/08(Mon)09:47:08 No.2157636
    I've been rejected from a variety of retail/burger flippan establishments (biggest mistake is not calling back). I've checked things like craigslist and monster.com only to find things beyond me or scams...
    >> Saucefag !0K1gKfMIEc 11/17/08(Mon)09:48:31 No.2157641

    In a sense yes,however you apply at the store on their computer
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)09:49:32 No.2157649

    Yeah, apply to as many retail joints as you can and try and do well in their intelligence assessments. Hand in resumes at the retail joints such as Crazy Clarks or Silly SOllies or whatever cheapo stores you have down in what I'm guessing is VIC.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)09:49:40 No.2157650
    >no offense or anything but you're fucking retarded and I hope you die in a fire. I said no offense at the start so it didn't look like an obvious generic insult and I'm too much of a pussy to go out and say it like regular fucking people
    >> Anonymau5 !!Xwa0U0YIvRT 11/17/08(Mon)09:52:12 No.2157661
    Is that so? On the store computer?

    I've never heard of this concept before :/

    In order to do this, I'd just have to walk up and go "Hi, I'm just wondering if you guys are hiring at the moment?".

    No resume involved?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)09:53:44 No.2157672
    It helps to get a basic grasp of the English language first. It's 'definitly' a plus.
    >> Saucefag !0K1gKfMIEc 11/17/08(Mon)09:55:08 No.2157682

    Yes,they have some off place(near the registers as a guess) there'll be two or so computers there. You then apply and spend a good half hour filling it out
    >> Saucefag !0K1gKfMIEc 11/17/08(Mon)09:56:05 No.2157689

    oh my
    >> Anonymau5 !!Xwa0U0YIvRT 11/17/08(Mon)09:56:24 No.2157692
    It's called a typo, nobody is perfect.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)10:00:29 No.2157710

    This is 4chan you jackass.

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