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  • File: 1334758655.jpg-(32 KB, 400x388, feelsbad.jpg)
    32 KB Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)10:17:35 No.2156871  
    Why the fuck do I keep skipping my courses? Not only am I terrible when it comes to my grades, but I have crippling social anxiety that most of the time prevents me from doing anything. It can be anything, most of the time it's because I don't want to show up late, and have everyone look at me when I'm the only one entering the room, or have a bunch of people make some witty remarks towards me, I just want to get in there, an get the fuck out once its over. So to prevent tons of these things from happening I somehow convince myself to stay in my room, and forget it altogether. This is social anxiety for ya robots, from your point of view it seems like a bunch of bitching, but trust me it is hell
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)10:20:10 No.2156879
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)10:21:30 No.2156887
    We all know this feel, sadfrog.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)10:25:39 No.2156911
    I know that feel, bro. I started skipping a course after I was required to do an oral presentation. I failed the course and didn't even drop out.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)10:26:41 No.2156919
    Same shit here, only way to break it is to actually go, just once, and see that it's not so bad and no one gives a fuck if you're late except the prof. who might make a sly remark. I've not yet succeeded in entirely breaking the curse myself, but like every other week when I man up and go, I find it's actually enjoyable, but then I succumb to the same vicious cycle after a few days.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)10:28:08 No.2156925
    Even tho this >>2156887, it is caused by different stuff. i actually always arrived late to avoid the 1st minutes of waiting where everyone is talking etc.

    but hey, trying to avoid the feel by doing stuff to minimize it is one thing, but actually avoiding it is another...

    if it is absolutely indispensable, i.e. if mandatory presence, necessary information etc, ya should go anon. if not then youre fine.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)10:50:52 No.2157074
    > 1 of top 5 students to recieve perfect presentation score in class.
    > tfw still social retard, can't speak to anyone (mainly cause I have no idea what to say).
    > always sit alone away from everyone else.

    > tfw "this will be a group assignment" (everyone else talking with each other getting groups, while i'm suffering panic attack wishing to just go home)
    > Start doing research for each class to check that it won't have group based assignments.

    > Get top marks of class on one assignment (you could do it solo or in groups, everyone else did groups)
    > teacher calls out my name for top score, everyone starts whispering about me, left lesson during break cause of severe anxiety (felt nausea/dizzy etc)

    > Still get away with 1st class honor degree
    > periods of anxiety has made me sick (gastroparesis+ IBS)
    > too anxious to apply for jobs, so sit at home neet style
    > has been like this for a year now.
    > seen doctor/therapist, diagnosed with Bipolar II disorder (two months ago)
    > so hard to break out of neet lifestyle, but also scared that illness will hold me back.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)10:59:44 No.2157127



    >miss first week of the class
    >mfw can never return

    >arrive too early, no friends in this subject
    >oh god the awkward solitary standing/sitting

    >that feel when you try to find a seat near enough to the class that it doesn't look weird but not next to anyone

    >tfw you imagine everyone judging you
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)11:03:34 No.2157146
    No worries man, I have anxiety too, my anxiety might not be as severe, but we can all relate here bro. For me I just think school is hell, I have to put up with a bunch of anxiety, and that only gets worse when teachers group me in with everyone else who is absolutely fine with socializing. As for jobs, I did a co-op placement, and that helped tremendously with settling me into the work environment, honestly I like it a hell of a lot better than school, I'm even a bit more laid back there too, even though I'm still socially crippled at school. Plus you get paid, spend it on whatever you want bro
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)11:09:14 No.2157176
    >isn't that guy the one in our class who never talks?
    >yeah I don't think he has any friends at all, kind of a creeper

    >oh my god its halfway through the semester and this guy still hasn't got one friend?
    >ahahaha Amy don't be mean he can't help it
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)11:09:15 No.2157177
    Yea, I know that feel.
    It also doesn't help that the school has absolute shit parking (also outrageously expensive), and all the buildings are a mile apart from each other.
    Besides all that, the professors don't even teach. You basically have to teach yourself, so why the fuck do I have to go to class?
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)11:11:01 No.2157186
    Stop masturbating for one month. Report back to me. Trust me
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)11:18:37 No.2157222
    >yfw you'll never have the satisfaction of them begging you to employ them
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)11:23:27 No.2157244
    The best way I found to deal with it was to go to an international school - consisting almost entirely of Asians who just got their shit done, had their own private social cliques, and didn't give a fuck about the locals.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)11:38:26 No.2157322

    Me... this week I attended two classes. Only because one was compulsory attendance and the other was on the same day and I had nothing better to do.

    Skipping shit started happening more and more as I struggled with on-the-spot practical stuff in classes where everyone else is braniac and I'm a slow learner who struggles to absorb shit (referred to psychiatrist for adult ADHD; inattentive type). I went to the classes to learn, whereas everyone else already knew their shit. One of the tutors said I shouldn't be there when I responded to a question with "I wouldn't have a clue" because yeah... we're supposed to be geniuses before we go into the class.

    Imagine that when what I'm studying is paramedics, so every class is "Who's going to be first officer for this next scenario? You're called to blah blah blah blah... go" infront of everyone else and I can't go in and nail it like the rest of them. That feel of shitty shit judgement from early on because people (students and tutors) are narrow-minded and think they know people learn differently, but they really don't have a clue. One of the tutors I had for one paramedic subject was really wonderful and I went to all of his classes because I didn't feel like shit fucking up a scenario (I always did) on some shit we hadn't learnt. I was even volunteering to do the scenarios and would be disappointed if I didn't get to in that class! Learnt more from him/that subject than the rest of the course. I'm currently in my third year.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)11:40:43 No.2157334
    >miss first week of the class
    >mfw can never return
    I had a situation kind of like this, except in a class where attendance wasn't mandatory and I just felt like sleeping in one day, and then it was raining the next and didn't feel like going, so I never went again except on test days. Thankfully the subject was something I could teach myself, but if it wasn't, I'd definitely be there.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)11:45:39 No.2157360
    >Oral Presentation
    >Anxious as fuck
    >Finally get the balls to get it over with
    >Start presenting
    >Mouth is dry as fuck
    >Start feeling itchy from the sweat
    >Start talking progressively faster
    >Finally over and I silently hope no one asks questions
    >mfw no spaghetti, just a normal presentation for me
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)16:58:17 No.2159817
    Dubs, dubs, trips, dubs, dubs.

    You can't all be failures. You're winning pretty hard here.
    >> noko Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)17:24:37 No.2159991
    I missed the first week of class this semester and it totally fucked me. I've been doing absolutely nothing these past few months and my parents don't know I dropped everything. Consequentially I have become increasingly apprehensive and anxious as the end of the semester nears while having spent the last few months hating myself. Not to mention I drink myself to oblivion literally all the time now.

    My parents don't believe in doctors or psychiatry really, if I told them I want to see one they would think Im incapable and would make me live at home. They and my sister would proceed to try and counsel me themselves and tell me what to do (they try and do it a lot as it is).

    I've neglected most if not all of my former friends and there's probably only a couple that still care for me. In college I've made none. I gave up a $15k scholarship by dropping my classes. I've clearly developed a serious mental block and I'm the one who keeps building the wall up higher and higher. This coming from someone who was friends with everyone in highschool, always had straight A's, worked my ass off at 2 jobs and always had lots of money to blow, long term prototypical class couple girlfriend through most of highschool, and voted best all around at the end of the year by my peers. not trying to showboat, but I used to be capable of doing very well for myself. Now I wake up at 4pm everyday with nobody in my life and nothing to look forward to and broke as fuck. I don't really know where to begin in getting my act back together, but I've really let myself go.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)17:26:56 No.2160005
    >most of the time it's because I don't want to show up late, and have everyone look at me when I'm the only one entering the room

    I know that feel, OP. The worst part was when you we're in HS, and absolutely had to do it. I still remember walking in front of everybody, while every single person stared at me.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)17:30:02 No.2160028
    >alarm wakes me up
    >don't want to go to university today
    >i'll go tomorrow

    repeat forever
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)17:44:03 No.2160166
    I didn't go to my local CC today and I feel miserable
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)17:56:08 No.2160243
    Social anxiety isn't real. It's just made up so that you don't have to admit that you are a pussy. What would happen if you showed up and people looked at you?

    > fucking nothing
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)18:00:25 No.2160265
    We all know that, it's been told to us thousands of times, and you may ask why we worry. The answer is social anxiety. It's something you would have to experience, there is a reason why we seem like pussy's to you, it's because you would have to experience it first hand to fully experience it
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)18:05:00 No.2160295
    I can relate to that feel of everyone looking at you, but trust me, it is not bad. Once you do it like once or twice it's a cakewalk. Try looking at a clock thats on the wall or something while walking to your seat, I did that a couple times and now I just go in.

    Trust me your blowing it out of proportion. Hope you get past it bro.
    >> 5aiah !TEh2XluLzI 04/18/12(Wed)18:06:26 No.2160311
    I skipped my last two semesters and i really don't give a fuck. Find better stuff to do, like better your self. But i would advise you to cut down on the pity party as well. You better have a plan for something else
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)18:11:25 No.2160355
    skipping class for a year and bettering yourself are not complementary

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