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    249 KB Over Protective Mothers. Harmful or Helpful? Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)22:22:21 No.2152796  
    Pink Floyd's Mother says it well.
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpN-R8RWnfY (heres the song incase you haven't heard it, live version but whatever)

    Anyone else suffer from an overprotective mother?

    I do and Pink Floyd's mother connects with me. My mother never let me do anything growing up. I was not able to fucking walk down the street alone until I was 15. That's how bad it was. or even go out with friends with out her meeting the mother and becoming friends first.

    My mother always instilled fears into me about how I'd be harshly punished if i EVER got in any sort of trouble at school. Starting from Kindergarten, until 10th grade. She'd cut the cables on the internet when i didn't get a 4.0 in school. No, I'm not asian. She'd call my teachers and ask them to go over every grade i got on every assignment if I even got a B.

    I was too embarrassed of her to even try going out. She'd tell me shit about how I shouldn't even kiss girls let alone anything more. I was afraid to even think about getting a girlfriend until 16. Didn't even flirt with a girl in my life until 18 and you can bet your ass I was pathetic at it. Funnily, she told me about how it was wrong to date or anything all growing up, then at 17 or so she'd ask me why I never had any girls over. LAWL.

    I never knew how to do shit for myself, besides school work since i feared having my freedom (Vidya games) taken away.

    I think she permanently crippled my social abilities. I honestly cannot get past a certain point with all the effort in the world now. It feels like my brain just can't think. It's blank and empty. Got over the fear of talking to people and giving speeches etc...But my skills never improve. Like those children who cannot speak a language growing up. They never become completely fluent. I feel like that, but with the ability to connect or relate to others.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)22:24:59 No.2152824
    This is why listening to females fucks males up irreparably and why a male influence is needed to raise a kid properly.

    I feel your pain OP.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)22:25:21 No.2152826
    I do believe you are over 18, please enlighten me with your intellect and maturity.

    Elaborate but obvious troll, 6/10 for effort.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)22:25:29 No.2152828
    hit it right on the button there man.

    im improving myself though. i had a very similar childhood
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)22:28:33 No.2152852
    Nice OP pic, Freud.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)22:31:52 No.2152871
    OP, I am right there with you... it gets easier after you kill the bitch.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)22:32:28 No.2152877
    Yeah, overprotective mothers tend to fuck up social skills later in life. Mine was. It was horrible. Though blaming her will do nothing. It's only my fault if I don't improve at what I didn't develop in my childhood.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)22:32:46 No.2152883
    ITT: Ridiculous oedipus complexes wrapped in baww
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)22:35:29 No.2152898
    Your mother's a bitch. So what are you? A weak kid who has to look back on his childhood expirience and whine about it? By this time you should be getting independent and start improving yourself. Trust me, overprotective parents aren't that bad. I went to a fucking catholic school wehre 80% of the moms were insane christian bitches, i met with my friends a few years later after high school and we turned out all right.

    Helpful? Well I don't think anyone can argue for that.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)22:36:37 No.2152911
    I loved this post, laughed IRL
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)22:43:43 No.2152984
    sounds like our high school valedictorian, she was straight A+ student, parents were uber-strict (both of them not just the mom) never allowed to go to parties or other out-of-school functions. First year of college, living away from home, she turned into super slut party girl and dropped out, no one has heard of her since.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)22:45:18 No.2152998
    meh, my mom wasn't crazy like not letting me walk down the street by myself, but most of my friends were from school or church anyway, so that didn't matter too much.

    there needs to be ballance in children's lives. my dad has had a huge influence on me even though my mom was the homemaker and spent the most time with me. my dad ballanced things out, taught me how to do things with my hands, encouraged me through the boy scouts and taught me the value of hard work. school was always easy, but i sucked at painting houses and things.

    ballance is the key, and the hard chord to strike
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)22:47:40 No.2153017
    I'm normal enough to function in college now a days. But I certainly will never be a people person, my growth was too stunted. I don't like it either, so it's like like I have a drive to develop what is weak.

    I doubt I'll be in a relationship (again, don't have the drive too since I never particularly got lonely and I never developed the skills needed so why would i try to get something that'd be a hassle?) or get casual sex beyond a REALLY DRUNK DRUGGED UP girl, or prostitute.

    I know it's partly my fault for staying in as a kid and not going against her...but it's not like I knew any better then. It was either

    A. Stay in and be good, don't talk to people, do good in school, and be able to be happy on video games in my free time.
    B. Struggle at socializing, get made fun there, get punished by my mother and have all my hobbies taken away if i failed or succeed at something I barely wanted. Be miserable all the time.

    I obviously picked being a shut in through out puberty when everyone else developed the skills needed to be smooth in social situations , and skill with the opposite sex. I honestly wasn't thinking of how it'd fuck my life up when I was in my 20's at 11-16.

    So I do put alot of the blame on her, yeah. Although I do know it was partly my fault. Mostly hers though. Not like it will chance anything though.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)22:50:12 No.2153036
    mine is pretty overprotective too. It gets really annoying at times.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)22:51:59 No.2153053
    Enjoy talking to 12 year olds on xbox live you fucking faggot
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)22:53:08 No.2153066
    I do hard drugs like Morphine and Oxycontin and acid. As well as buy prostitutes. But I didn't drop out. I get drunk and high in my room with a hooker.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)22:55:07 No.2153086
    Bottom line: overprotective parents are as bad as negligent abusive parents.

    I always fantasize an alternate universe where my father was a drunk and my mother was a whore, and I pulled through the crap and ridicule with one strong soul, openly talking about my past with no embarrassment.

    At least I don't owe anybody anything in my personal development. It'll be 100% my own work.

    Having an overprotective parents fucks a child up because the child will have shitty social skills, and breaking from destructive habits of the parents will be harder, due to the strong "malconnection" with overprotective parents.
    >> SleepyFox !!oNMFgDkawE1 11/16/08(Sun)22:55:11 No.2153087
    Women should raise girls and men should raise boys
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)22:58:37 No.2153121
    bit of a double edge sword. if the mother does not protect the child then the child does not know where they belong. but if the mother protects the child too much, the child will never leave the mother.
    However, an overprotected child can become strong if they manage to break away from the mother on their own.

    case by case basis.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)23:02:00 No.2153151
    my parents were awesome growing up. they both worked full time so i routinly only saw them on weekends when i would be hanging out with people anyway. since grade 3 i would wake up to an empty house, come home to an empty house. make myself meals, always clean up after myself (no one else was going to do it) my parents didnt even know i got a job till 3 months after the fact. im 19 now, and iv been working since 13, got my secong job at 15, worked three jobs in grade 12 and still do. since i was in grade 8 my parents have developed the habit of phoning me from their vacation destinations to tell me they are going out of town. they know im going to have parties but they dont mind, i always clean eveything up. throughout high school if my friends or girlfriend got kicked out cause they were in a fight with their rents or w/e, i would always let them crash at my house. i remember in grade 11 my girlfriend crashed with me for 3 months, we grew very close. iv had a fake id since i was 15 since i had no rents to get me beer. iv had my own car since i was 16 (got my liscense as soon as possible) cause i started to need transportation. now i have 3 cars and 2 motorcycles, each of which i bought for under $1000 and repaired in my spare time. all this while playing in a moderatly sucessful local band (i often get recognised in the mall or around town and asked how my bands doing by random people who saw us play). i have always valued my independance and so did my parents,
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)23:02:50 No.2153159
    IMO men should raise both.

    A girl raised by a man will be accepted. A boy raised by a man will be accepted.

    A girl raised by a woman will be accepted. A boy raised by a woman will be shunned.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)23:03:23 No.2153164
    of course they are hippies who spend all their spare time smoking weed, but i dont smoke or do drugs and never have. my life is nearly perfect i have always said so, even as a teenager. sometimes i have trouble connecting with people my own age since they are usually so immature (im pretty much been an adult since 14). i started leasing my own house at 17 in october of grade 12, and my life is even better, im starting collage in september and learning to become a chef. my life is awesome, and im in an incredible mood now, typing it all out makes it seem even better. :)
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)23:09:56 No.2153225
    My parents always encouraged me to go out and do shit. I found it pretty frivolous till I hit 18-19. Instead I stayed inside and read books and shit (found 4chan at 17).

    I'm 20 now, I never had a girlfriend I'm a virgin and not seeing the end of it. I'm pretty social though, no trouble making new friends, pretty large social circle. I just wish some girl somewhere was at least mildly interested in me. I can't flirt for shit, and it's not lack of trying. Since I was 18 (yeah that's two years ago), I've been hitting bars and parties with friends on a regular basis. I always try to approach at least like 2-3 girls. It fails, always. I try not to get discourgaed and to push myself to try again and again, but, to be honest, the last few months have gotten pretty depressing.

    I tell myself it doesn't matter all that much, and that there's other things in life, I'm completing my engineering degree, parties are still pretty fucking fun. It's just that I've never been really close to someone, I wish a had a girl to share things with.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)23:10:14 No.2153229
    Overprotective mothers ruin a childs life.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)23:18:01 No.2153308
    But a girl raised by a woman will be average or worse. A girl raised by a man will be loved by all.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)23:35:23 No.2153513
    the only people who even remotely give a shit about my mother is my brother, and myself

    but because of how needy and demanding and childish she is, because of her drinking problem and because of her breakdown after our dad took off

    because of that we're both going to blow her off. slowly and over time until we don't answer her calls and never visit her, and then she's going to die totally alone.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)00:34:46 No.2154060
    My mother ruined my High School experience. And probably my development as a whole.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)03:20:10 No.2155401
    Mother do you think they'll drop the bomb
    Mother do you think they'll like this song
    Mother do you think they'll try to break my balls
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)04:56:25 No.2156106
    I had an overprotective mother who kept me dumb on purpose so i was easier to handle...
    She made me feeI like i coulnd't achieve anything at all and everything i would do wasn't good enough.
    result : ronery life as a wow raidfag
    I was pretty fucking retarded untill i finally managed to move away from home at the age of 20.

    I haven't seen her in 3 years now and my life is much better now.
    I make 22k euro a year, i've got a decent car, and i've become a lot more social and social interaction doesn't freak me out anymore.
    Still no girlfriend tho... maybe in a couple of years or so :3

    ah well, i'm slowly improving :)
    I'm soo happy i don't getto be brainwashed by that fucking bitch anymore!

    more stories please
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)04:58:30 No.2156116

    Same here, I just eventually started skipping classes, now I'm a professional NEET! :3
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)05:00:32 No.2156126
    My overprotective parents probably contributed to me falling behind in social development. Didnt really start goin to parties and stuff till I was 18 even then i was usually leaving the party fairly early. From about 20-24 I just stopped being social at all, took up playing mmo's and probably only had 2 real life friends. I fell well behind on fashion and had fuck clothes for goin out and was really shy talking to anyone.

    Ive got my shit on track now, have a decent group of friends and a fairly active social life. Still havent had a serious relationship, and have very little succes picking up women at clubs and stuff. My sexual and some of my emotional needs are fulfilled by hookers, while most guys I know see a hooker for a quick fuck, I tend to only see hookers that I feel some sort of connection with.

    I tend to think my life will improve more when I move out of my parents place, but the whole problem there is I have never done anything for myself in my whole life (only started buying my own clothes at 25) cant cook, clean, shop...I really have no life skills at all.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)10:36:09 No.2157909
    This thread deserves serious bumpage for great justice.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)10:38:34 No.2157926
    Over protective mother? Sign of a future world dictator.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)10:46:25 No.2157990
    Being over protective is always harmful. Over protection is the reason that there's nothing on a playground anymore except for a slide and a few pillows on a foam ground. And OP is a perfect example of what happens when you shield your kid from the world. I've met people like OP, who never got to do anything, his dad didn't even let him go to school so he didn't even have that. He's working a shit job at wal mart now.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)10:51:55 No.2158017
    over protection is harmfull because if you do not send your offspring out to fend for themselves then the weak ones will not die and they will continue to consume resources until they are adults and then when they go out into the world they will die from weakness and thus you've fucked up cause now you lost your son and the shit he ate until adulthood.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)11:36:34 No.2158322

    I keep all of my childrens shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)12:55:16 No.2158896
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)12:59:37 No.2158927

    ...How do you know my mom?
    >> catch 22 quote Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)13:18:46 No.2159050
    He was polite to his elders, who disliked him. Whatever his elders told him to do, he did. They told him to look before he leaped, and he always looked before he leaped. They told him never to put off until the next day what he could do the day before, and he never did. He was told to honor his father and his mother, and he honored his father and his mother. He was told that he should not kill, and he did not kill, until he got into the Army. Then he was told to kill, and he killed. He always turned the other cheek on every occasion and always did unto others exactly as he would have had others do unto him. When he gave to charity, his left hand never knew what his right hand was doing. He never took the name of the Lord his God in vain, committed adultery or coveted his neighbour's ass. In fact, he loved his neighbour and never even bore false witness against him. Major Major's elders disliked him because he was such a flagrant nonconformist.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)13:24:47 No.2159093
    mine's like that too. I learned how to lie really well, and pull off sneaking out at night--not to do parties--but to attend student organization meetings and such because I was determined to learn about leadership and teamwork and things my mom didn't feel were necessary. I go to Harvard now as an undergrad...if I hadn't been lying so much I wouldn't have gotten in.
    Downside is, I'm so used to her pushing me all the time, now in college I can't focus on schoolwork at all, and only dedicate myself to the extracurriculars so my GPA has been going downhill since freshman year even though Harvard is supposed to be "easy" (well, not if you're in sciences but still it's easier than MIT, which I also got into). On the other hand I'm trying to do things my mom would never let me do myself, like cook, explore Boston, etc.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)13:26:17 No.2159108
    this song manages to make me forget all the shit my overprotective mother and absent father put me through


    doesn't make me less socially awkward
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)14:20:08 No.2159505
    I have an overprotective mother.She's a large factor for my social retardation. Whenever I try to do things for myself, she always keeps trying to control me and doing those things for me, even to this day.
    As a result, I never developed the basic minimum social skills needed to interact and survive in the real world. So here I am, a 22yo virgin, never had a girlfriend, can't do shit for myself, would die if left alone on my own.
    I'm planning to get a job and then get the fuck away from her so I can reclaim my life back.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)14:25:50 No.2159543
    Nah, my parents are great and not overbearing, and I still turned out to be a social fuckup.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)14:32:59 No.2159576
    I have overprotective parents because. I've been through everything you just described. (I'm an asian girl so I was obviously going to get raped everywhere I went.) Most of my emotional problems come from my parents. When I got old enough I moved out of the house and I haven't been back since.

    I'm a little bit awkward, but isn't everyone? Socializing is a skill. You have to train yourself to be less awkward. I joined debate team in college to get over my fear of public speaking. And cried during my first competition/speech in front of everyone, but I kept at it. Life sucks, OP. I'm sorry. You're allowed to wallow in your sorrows for a little while, but then you have to keep making the best of what you've got.
    >> Over Protective Danzigs, Harmful or Helpful Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)14:33:58 No.2159580
    Danzig's Mother says it well.

    Anyone else suffer from an over protective Danzig?

    I do and Danzig's mother really connects with me. My Danzig never let me do anything growing up. I was not able to fucking walk down the street alone until I was 15. That's how bad it was. or even go out with my mother with out her meeting the Danzig and becoming friends first.

    You get the point, /r9k/.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)14:36:41 No.2159595
    Your maturity has created insecurity.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)14:39:13 No.2159606
    My mother never let me go out ever. I was homeschooled. Shit cut off my testicles at 10 causing me to become homosexual later in life. I visit her reguarly. I hate myself and her.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)14:49:32 No.2159662
    My mom tried really hard to be overprotective but I just ignored her. She would get fucking pissed when I used to come home from being out with friends when I was a teenager after she'd told me I couldn't go out, she used to stay up till early morning so she could be angry at me when I came in. If your mother tells you to do something you're not programmed to do it. I can think of other friends who go about this all wrong though, reacting to their petulant elders with anger. As long as you can be respectful and a good kid otherwise you should be fine.

    I'm going to be an awesome dad if I ever get kids.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)14:59:34 No.2159712
    holy fucking troll
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)14:59:41 No.2159713
    I tried ignoring my parents, but you can't ignore them when they are beating you.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)15:01:48 No.2159726
    My mom was like the OP's.

    I ran away to go live with my dad three months after I got my driver's license and told her to get fucked. Didn't talk to her for two years.

    We're pretty cool with each other now. She's got several diagnosed mental problems and depending on what mood she's in, will either admit to being a bad parent, or blame everything else in the world as why I didn't have a good childhood. When she starts pulling that shit, I call her a cunt and she laughs.

    tl;dr my mom was a bitch too, I told her to go fuck herself and was better for it.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)15:06:48 No.2159749
    well hello there Tinkey.
    >> age Anonymous of College Park,MD 11/17/08(Mon)15:08:05 No.2159761
    Age for interesting thread
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)15:37:31 No.2159952
    I was homeschooled until college and I never went to any social events besides Scouting, which was all boys. My parents didn't go to church so until college, I had never even spoken at length with a girl my age. Never. I sat in my room all day playing video games alone and on the weekends I'd visit my 1 or 2 friends and end up doing the same thing. I pretty much taught myself everything in school.

    My first 2 years of college were the same. I just went to class and came home. Then, I started hanging out with one of my friends form home when he came to the same college. Since then I've become part of a social circle and quite sociable with making friends and talking to strangers, something I used to be deathly afraid of. However, I still can't talk to women. I'm 21 and I've never even kissed a girl. When it comes to talking to women, I just draw blank. I'm so nervous that I want to puke. There's nothing to say. That's it.

    I don't know what to do. Everything I've accomplished is because of myself, at least socially. I want to overcome this but I don't know how. I don't know where women are. I don't know what to say. I want to blame my mother, but I react and blame myself. My parents tried, they really did, so I don't want to fault them, so in the end I really just end up hating me.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)15:54:02 No.2160094
    "Do one thing that scares you each day."

    Forgot where I heard this (probably a stupid quote from a trailer), but started thinking about this and decided to take action.

    For those blaming your overprotective mothers, I recommend for you all to take action:


    I grabbed two of the books on this list (unfortunately they didn't have the one I really wanted at Books-A-Million).

    I just started reading, "The Mystery Method." Pretty damn straightforward and insightful. Not an enjoyable read with stories, but a very direct approach to dating.

    Challenge yourself to change and take action.

    ITT - Boosting one's self-confidence.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)16:09:05 No.2160229
    You sound like you're monogamous to your mother. Read No more mr nice guy: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=4idxghim
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)16:19:05 No.2160314
    God, I really, really hate /r9k/. Seriously, why does it seem as if everyone on this site is an antisocial bastard with an overprotective bitch mother? Why? Where are the social people? What is this shitty, shitty place that looks like a place full of 13 year old whiners about how shitty there parents were and how they are going to be virgins forever? Why /r9k?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)16:20:37 No.2160327
    I believe this thread may be onto something. /r9k/ is fucking antisocial and horrible. Why? Overprotective mothers, basic psychology.

    Fucking overprotective or negligent mothers created this terrible spawn of basement dwelling losers and 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)16:21:06 No.2160334

    Go somewhere else then.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)16:24:25 No.2160367
    Welcome to 4chan. This is how it works. It's either whiny virgins or perverted pedophiles, or a combination of both.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)16:30:33 No.2160421
    This thread is why Pink Floyd fans are a bunch of whiny faggots.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)16:47:10 No.2160598
    My parents are great examples. My Mom inspires me to achieve and my dad inspires me to not be like him in any way at all.

    Practically every single negative part of my childhood can be blamed on him. He's always spouting bullshit about us kids being brainwashed into JUST THINKING THAT. Never mind the fact that even as a young kid I was very away of what was happening around me.

    Nothing says fun like a dad who gets drunk every night and goes around screaming at your mom for cheating on him(Note: No actual evidence or even rationale for this. In fact evidence suggests he lives in a fantasy world). The occasional broken chair or vacuum or whatever.

    Oh lets not forget the best part, the drives where he would drive fast and aggressive and constantly state, "It's a good day to die!". How he would always take out the ol mossberg when he got pissed and constantly chamber and then remove shells as loud as possible. Oh and my favorite part where he put a shotgun to her and threatened to kill her, why you say? Because she wanted to take us out of the house for a few hours because he was going apeshit.

    It's easy to stay on the right path when you're seen all that's on the wrong path.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)18:47:29 No.2161677
    Same, here. My mom was very overprotective and I was sheltered until I went to college. Even when I went to college, they always wanted me to come home and call all the time. Worse is when they always tried to lay the guilt trip on me. Well, I finally grew some balls and told them that this shit can't continue and I don't talk to them as much as before. I'm slowly improving, but I was I wasn't so sheltered in the first place. It has really stunted my social life.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)18:52:39 No.2161723

    8.7/10, good trolling I must say.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)18:55:02 No.2161749
    Aaron, I miss your jewfro!
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)18:57:10 No.2161766
    ITT blame your parents and content yourself with being mediocre.

    Obviously your parents affect your development. Ultimately, though, it's in your hands now. Something you don't like? Fucking change it.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/08(Mon)18:58:48 No.2161776
    My parents were pretty cool. Laid back, but not in the neglectful way.

    I wish they'd encouraged/forced me to do some extra-curricular sports or something though.

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